Beiyang 1917

Chapter 521


Of course, Gorberman, the commander of the 1st Brigade of the 1907st Division of the Steel Infantry, still has an unknown identity in the Russian Southern Front Army and Voroshilov's Tenth Army, Yelgna Yevniev Qi Gorberman is the cousin of Ekaterina Davydovna Gorberman, and the female Bolshevik, Tsarist Russian female political exile Ekaterina Davydovna Gorberman Berman fell in love with and married Comrade Voroshilov in [-]. .

Therefore, Golberman and his troops, making a little trouble easily will not affect the future of this army and the brigade commander. Sometimes the division commander Pavlov can only close his eyes and pinch his nose to pull him down However, the combat effectiveness of the first brigade is unquestionable, much stronger than their military discipline.

The division commander Pavlov is still waiting for the operator to answer the call from the Kremlin. Outside, the division headquarters and the soldiers of the first brigade have quickly got up and dressed, and are fully armed to guard the west and south sides of the entire camp. , The machine gun fire points on the first and second floors of several rows of buildings have been arranged.

The division commander Pavlov finally rang the phone of the Kremlin, and a strange and mechanical voice came from the receiver, "Which part are you from? Who are you looking for so late? Tsaritsyn Iron Infantry 1st Division? This is Moscow, not Tsaritsyn! Looking for Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, a member of the central government? Then wait! Don’t hang up the phone!"

There was a burst of noisy human voices from the receiver, as if the person answering the phone was holding his throat and covering the receiver, and was reporting something to someone in a low voice.

Here, Golberman and the division political commissar arranged for the troops to be on alert outside, and they turned back to the division headquarters together. As far as the three divisions, I have already sent liaison officers to go out with a white flag to contact the other party, and we can figure out the situation before we talk about it.”

The person who spoke was the division political commissar Djugashvili, who was not very old. He was the division political commissar personally selected by Joseph. There were rumors that this fellow was also from the North Caucasus, and he had a relationship with Comrade Joseph that could not be cleaned up. Everyone didn't dare to inquire casually. These days, Bolsheviks used aliases quite often. Since Joseph, the military commissar, didn't tell the truth, the people below wisely kept their mouths shut and didn't ask more questions.

Division commander Pavlov held the phone receiver tightly, turned to look at Djugashvili, and said in a low voice, "Be prepared for the worst, the person who answered the phone just now didn't know our 1st Iron and Steel Division?! "

The division political commissar Djugashvili and the first brigade commander Gorberman were shocked when they heard the words. At this time, the division headquarters barged in again, but it was the second brigade commander Glaglev. There was also a head of sweat, and he said angrily after entering the door, "It's a bad thing, it's a bad thing, the commander, the political commissar, and the Moscow garrison have surrounded us. Not only is martial law a block to the east, but even Maxim has been erected! How can we manage?"

"Shh, be quiet!" Teacher Pavlov suddenly put his finger on his lips and made a gesture of shutting up, frowning as he listened to the voice from the microphone:

"Is this the commander of the infantry division that Comrade Joseph brought from Tsaritsyn? Please speak to your division commander, Comrade Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov! This is the Moscow Kremlin Palace Guard Captain Matveyev!" A slightly serious voice came through the phone, apparently the officer on duty handed the phone to his superior.

"Are you Comrade Matveyev? I am the commander of the 1st Division of the Tsaritsyn Steel Infantry. Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov is me. Comrade Captain of the Guard, you know me Is there a martial law situation around the headquarters of our division? I will report this matter to Comrade Joseph, the central committee member from Tsaritsin. In order to avoid misunderstandings, please find Comrade Joseph for me as soon as possible!"

Although Pavlov's tone of voice remained restrained, his heart beat faster than expected, and his anxiety was palpable, and he said to the other end of the phone.

"You are Pavlov? Comrade Commander, you and your division are in Moscow at the moment. This is neither the front line nor Tsaritsyn. Moscow often has a curfew and martial law after 9 o'clock in the evening. Please stay calm , The committee members of Zhong Yang are still holding an emergency meeting overnight, do you understand? The meeting of the committee of Zhong Yang is very important, and no one should disturb you at this time!" The voice on the phone became a little harsh.

"I'm sorry, Comrade Captain, my division and I are responsible for defending the safety of the central committee members Joseph and Bubnov. I have an order, which was jointly issued by the Southern Front Army Command and the Tenth Army Command. I must Get in touch with the central yang commissar Joseph or Comrade Bubnov, I'm not kidding, now there are at least two or three divisions of the Moscow garrison mobilizing around my station, and we are surrounded!"

"If I can't get in touch with Joseph or Comrade Bubnov at this time, things will become very serious. The working class of Tsaritsyn are brave Bolsheviks, not rebels or White Guards. Any encirclement by armed forces will be regarded as Provocation and declaration of war!

The 1st Iron Infantry Division is a member of the Soviet Red Army. We do not accept any provocations. Either you ask the Moscow Garrison Command to withdraw the troops surrounding us, or you find Comrade Joseph for me! "Pavlov's face was ashen when he spoke. At this time, he had a vague premonition in his heart. Could it be that there is a new rebellion in Moscow, and Comrade Joseph has lost his freedom?

The two brigade commanders and a division political commissar of the 1st Division of the Steel Infantry on the side also surrounded their division commander nervously. The corridor outside the house was crowded with guards and orderlies they brought with them. At this moment, the soldiers of the 1st Iron and Steel Division discovered that the young and easy-going division commander Pavlov was also talking on the phone with the Kremlin. To be able to be so persistent.

This is going to change me, maybe I can't speak clearly when I stutter, let alone dare to use a threatening tone to confront the other party with my shoulders. This is Moscow, and the Kremlin is on the other end of the phone, guards How big is it?Anyway, I always feel that the leader who defends the Bolshevik central yang is much higher than the commander of an infantry division in Tsaritsyn.

"Comrade Pavlov, I solemnly remind you that you and your division are now in Moscow, not at the front. The troops around you are the Moscow garrison. Of course you are not a rebel, but the garrison is not a rebel. , you are responsible for all consequences caused by any rash actions of your team." Matveyev's tone in the microphone became more severe.

"Comrade Captain of the Guard, I can't tell you. My division and I received the order to escort Comrades Joseph and Bubnov to Moscow to attend the meeting of the Central Committee. No one told me in advance that at nine o'clock in the evening my troops If you want to be surrounded and lose your freedom of movement, I will give you 15 minutes. You must either withdraw the garrison that surrounds us, or find Comrade Joseph for me, or you will be responsible for all consequences! That's it!"

As he said that, Pavlov put down the phone with a snap, startling the division political commissar and the two brigade commanders who surrounded him. At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that Pavlov was only able to be the division commander. , and I am his deputy and subordinate, this is not unreasonable, if it is said that Comrades Voroshilov and Comrades Joseph can judge people.

Comrade Pavlov, who usually looks at the casual and slightly polite teacher, turned out to be a fierce and unscrupulous boss when he became angry at a critical moment. Now the big guy's uneasy mind found some backbone.

"Pass my order, the whole division pays attention to vigilance and prepares for battle. Any armed personnel who approach our garrison without permission and enter within 300 meters will be shot and killed! Bring the map! Political commissar, go and send a telegram to the headquarters of the group army and the southern front army. Our department was besieged in the Moscow city area, and the whereabouts of Joseph and Bubnov are unknown after attending the Kremlin meeting, please instruct the next step!" Pavlov issued a series of orders, his face ashen.

As Voroshilov's close assistant, Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov, the 21-year-old commander of the main division of the Tenth Army, was born with a keen sense of smell. Martial law and curfew after 9 o'clock, Thaksin believes that during the martial law and curfew, it is necessary to dispatch three divisions to be on duty near his station?It's definitely not that simple.

Speaking of Pavlov’s direct leader, Voroshilov, this guy was appointed as the People’s Commissar of Petrograd’s Internal Affairs and the Chairman of the Committee for the Defense of Petrograd in December 1917, and worked with Dzerzhinsky to eliminate counter-revolutionaries He is the master of the organization of the committee, so under the influence and training of Voroshilov, Pavlov developed Nayu's style of being sensitive in speech, resolute in action, and laying down his arms is definitely not an option for him. The enemy is still defended by his own people.

Due to the existence of the Cheka, after the expansion of anti-revolutionaries and the beginning of the civil war, military rebellions and military struggles to suppress and counter-rebellion continued to occur in various places. Pavlov, who has experienced the bloody test, will never allow anyone to compare himself with The troops were smashed into rebels and wiped out. Except for Voroshilov and Joseph, no one could ask the [-]st Iron Infantry Division to lay down their weapons just like that.

Moscow and the Zhongyang Committee are far away from the First Tsaritsyn Iron and Steel Division, but Voroshilov and Joseph have been with everyone for so long. If Moscow can't even trust these two leaders of the Southern Army, Something must have happened to the Bolshevik central yang!

"Teacher, isn't this a little risky? If the martial law and curfew at 9 p.m. are the norm in Moscow, will we create any trouble?" Djugashvili, the division's political commissar, was more cautious, although the division commander beat Klin The behavior of the captain of the guard in the Mulin Palace on the phone is very morale-boosting on his side, but what if we really overreacted and made a joke and made a mistake?

The two brigade commanders didn't take it seriously when they heard what the political commissar said. Golberman grinned and said, "Comrade political commissar, can you use your brains? In such a small area near Moscow University, martial law requires the use of three divisions." How many troops is enough for a place as big as Moscow, and the opponent is obviously coming for us!"

"Yelgna Yevnievich is right. As soon as my second brigade patrol crossed the street, the other party shouted to stop, crackled, pulled the bolt, and fell down. Even the Maxim heavy machine gun was pushed out. , This is martial law, it is clear that if we want to attack our troops from Tsaritsin, at least they want to disarm us!" Glaglev, the commander of the second brigade, obviously supported Gorberman's views.

"Don't argue, so we are here, which is close enough to the Kremlin. The spiers in the distance to the east are the roofs of the Kremlin. No wonder there are three garrison divisions surrounding us. Otherwise, if we make a charge, the Kremlin and Red Square will be two kilometers to the east!" Pavlov said, thumping the Moscow map laid on the conference table.


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