Beiyang 1917

Chapter 522 The Ant Shakes the Elephant


It turned out that the barracks on the side of the Moscow University playground where the First Division of the Tsaritsyn Steel Infantry was located was actually less than 2000 meters away from the Kremlin, but it was already dark when the team entered the city. The infantry division composed of the working class got off the train like a bumpkin entering the city, and was confused by the gorgeous and beautiful Moscow street scene.

Of course, Moscow in 1918 was not as vast as it was later. For example, the site of Moscow University is still at No. 11 Mokhova Street to the west of the Kremlin, and the train station where the 1st Division of Tsaritsin Iron and Steel got off was in the south. Kursk railway station.

There are nine tall and beautiful railway stations in Moscow, and the Kursk Railway Station was the only railway station outside the territory of Moscow at that time. It was the farthest railway station from the city center and the terminal station of all trains from the south. Right at the Kursk railway station.

The 1st Division of the Tsaritsyn Iron and Steel Infantry, who had been traveling all day by train before the evening, walked five kilometers on foot after getting off the train, and crossed the Moskva River in the center of Moscow from the west of the city before arriving at the designated The camping place is Moscow University. Comrade Joseph personally asked for this camping place from Sverdlov, the vice chairman of the Supreme Military Council. In order to appease Joseph, the Soviet Russian central yang took the risk to agree to this request.

The barracks of Moscow University are only less than 1500 meters away from the Kremlin. If Joseph brought this infantry division to remonstrate or stage a coup, then it can be said that the location of this barracks is quite good. Once the Kremlin If there is something, you can reach the location of the central yang of Soviet Russia within two streets from Moscow University.

Although the Kremlin's guards are well-trained and well-equipped, they only have the total strength of one division, and they are scattered around the Kremlin. Usually, there are only 3000 people in the core area of ​​the triangular palace. ********** That's all.


At the beginning, the university was established in the central pharmacy on the edge of the Red Square, and Catherine the Great later moved it to a neoclassical building on the other side of Mokhovaya Street.

In 1905, a socialist democratic organization was established at Moscow University, which called for the overthrow of the tsar and the establishment of a republic. Since then, the tsarist government has closed Moscow University many times. In 1911, 130 scientists and professors protested against the army entering the campus and some professors were beaten, thousands of students were expelled.

Whether it was the February Revolution in 1917 or the subsequent October Revolution, Moscow University became one of the birthplaces of the revolution and an important barracks where the Bolshevik armed forces were stationed. Of course, since the Constituent Assembly was dispersed by the Bolshevik armed forces in early 1918, no more Professors or scientists come to protest the presence of troops on campus.

Classical buildings, supporting facilities, and a spacious playground are the best places for troops to station and practice. What's more, stationed here can also defend the west side of the Kremlin. After the Soviet-Russian Civil War broke out in 1918, Most of the scientists and professors in Tsarist Russia, as members of the bourgeoisie, either went into exile with their families, or became the targets of the Cheka’s anti-revolutionary campaign.

Many people were exiled to do hard labor. Of course, in the battles to defend Moscow and Petersburg, those family members of the bourgeoisie and nobles who were not liquidated and executed often had to dig trenches as coolies. Many pampered The bourgeois elements were directly filled into the trenches and became one of the cornerstones of the new regime.

"Here in the southeast direction, the opponent has at least one regiment's strength, and here in the northeast direction, there are no less than two regiments!" Glaglev, the commander of the second brigade, marked it on the map according to Pavlov's request.

Then the commander of the first brigade, Golberman, also marked the opponent's strength under his control, "At least one division in the middle of the west, one regiment in the northwest, and one regiment in the southwest, just a lot more! At least five troops at each street corner Maxim!"

"Comrade Commander, Dmitry Grigorievich, do we really want to fight each other? This is in Moscow, and the combined strength of the opponent must be at least ten times that of ours. There are many working-class pickets, not to mention, there is no reason in the world for the Soviet Red Army to fight the Soviet Red Army?" Djugashvili, the division political commissar, shouted anxiously. Also!

"Whoever dares to shoot at us, we will retaliate with an eye. Anyway, we will never fire the first shot! But we are not afraid to fire the second and third shots. They won't let Comrade Joseph back, and they won't give us the first steel division an explanation! It's not over!" Pavlov gritted his teeth.

Then Pavlov left the anxious political commissar on the phone, led the two brigade commanders and a group of guards, and went up to the roof. This is a tall three-story building, which was originally the school's There is a towering bell tower on the top of the library. They climbed up to the top of the building in one breath. The group couldn't breathe clearly. Although it is a three-story building, the Russian buildings are tall and magnificent. The number of steps is not light. After waiting upstairs, I found that there is an elevator to go up and down.

There was a gentle breeze under the night, and the dome-shaped identification of the Kremlin in the east was vividly identified. Speaking of which, heavy machine guns can be used to sweep directly to the roof of the Kremlin. Of course, the inside of the tall wall cannot be hit. .

"Master, our artillery was left at the train station in the south without even allowing us to unload the vehicles. Otherwise, if we set up cannons here, the Kremlin would be meat on the chopping block!" Brigade Commander Golberman boldly Said in Pavlov's ear.

"Pull it down, look, are there machine gun bunkers on the roofs of the surrounding buildings? And what are those reflections, the light on the stabbing of the Mosin Nagant rifle?" Pavlov looked at the surrounding environment with a telescope, and lowered his voice. soundtrack.

Sure enough, after Gorberman and Glaglev scanned the surroundings with binoculars, they found that most of the tops of the high and low buildings not far away had been arranged for machine gun fire points by the other party at some point. There were more than five or six Maxim machine guns, at least thirty or forty, which made the two brigade commanders gasp.

"Hey, our division has only one heavy machine gun battalion, and the number of machine guns is more than half that of the other side. Damn, did Moscow trick us into Tsaritsin to catch them all?" Golberman anxiously endured I couldn't help scolding.

"Shut up, you are brigade commanders, you can't hold your breath, what about the soldiers below? Don't forget that we are the [-]st Division of the Tsaritsyn Steel Infantry! Put two heavy machine guns on the bell tower first , At least one heavy machine gun should be placed in each direction on the roof of other buildings, hurry up, hurry up!" Pavlov left the two brigade commanders behind to set up machine gun positions.

He led a few guards down the elevator to the ground floor, and the political commissar Djugashvili ran out in a hurry and bumped into his arms, "Hey, teacher, hurry up, come and answer the phone! The Kremlin is looking for you!"

The division commander Pavlov looked at the watch on his wrist. The 15-minute deadline had not yet arrived. Obviously, the intimidation that he risked his life just now played a certain role. Before entering the house, he asked After checking the political commissar, the contact group that went out to negotiate with the white flag has not returned.

With a disturbed mood, Pavlov took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, went up and picked up the phone, "I am Pavlov, the commander of the First Tsaritsyn Steel Division, Demeter R. Grigorievich Pavlov, who are you?"

"I am Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the All-Russian Cheka Committee, Comrade Commander, the request you just made to the Kremlin Guard Commander is called People are very difficult to deal with. The martial law and curfew in Moscow after [-] o'clock in the evening cannot be revoked without the consent of the Chairman of the Moscow Soviet and Commander of the Garrison Kamenev, myself and Comrade Sverdlov of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs!

Dmitry Grigorievich, I appreciate your loyalty to your cause and tenacity to your responsibilities, but at the moment the central committee is still meeting overnight, and Moscow cannot lift the martial law and curfew. What I have brought to you Inconvenience and confusion, helpless things happened, comrades from Tsaritsin must forgive me for this! "There was a trace of apology in Dzerzhinsky's tone on the phone.

"Comrade Chairman, we are not opposed to Moscow's implementation of the necessary martial law and curfew at night, especially when the central yang committee is in session. This is very necessary to prevent class enemies from sabotaging and hidden enemies from making trouble!

The problem is that our First Iron and Steel Division has only been in Moscow for less than half a day, and we have just settled down in the station. There are at least three divisions of the Moscow garrison around us. There are densely packed heavy machine guns on the roofs of the surrounding buildings. Here at Moscow University!

In this case, what do you make me and my troops think? We can still sleep under the guns of the enemy, but we can sleep when we are pointed at by the Soviet Red Army, especially the troops in Moscow.If I put all the heavy machine guns on the roof of Moscow University, with the guns pointing at the Kremlin, would you and the central committee members be able to sleep? "Pavlov bit his lip and said into the microphone.


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