Beiyang 1917

Chapter 523 A Single-minded Man


"Comrade commander, I can understand the feelings of the comrades from Tsaritsyn, but if the commander of any infantry division can point fingers at the work of the garrison headquarters in Moscow, the capital, you Think this is appropriate? You and your troops are safe in the garrison, and don't mind the machine guns on the surrounding rooftops. Welcome to the reading.

The troops in the Moscow garrison are performing their duties. All people or troops who violate the martial law and curfew will be punished. As long as you and your division stay in the garrison with peace of mind and do not violate the curfew and martial law, those machine guns around And the troops in the garrison area, it is as if they do not exist to you.

I emphasize once, only once, that the curfew and martial law in Moscow tonight will not be lifted. You and your troops must strictly enforce the curfew orders in the garrison area. Dangerous or misleading move, you must vouch for the party spirit of the Bolsheviks to complete this task! "

The voice of Chairman Licheka on the receiver obviously began to turn a little cold. The commander of a mere Tsaritsyn infantry division was so difficult to deal with. Obviously, Dzerzhinsky, who was eager to return to the meeting room to continue attending the meeting, was a little anxious in the future.

In the guard duty room of the Kremlin, the captain of the guard, Matveyev, was obviously pouted, but he was an infantry division commander from out of town. Dzerzhinsky couldn't make the opponent submit. Of course Matveyev knew that this division was the guard division brought by Joseph.

However, just like when Comrade Joseph was finally dismissed from all positions inside and outside the party on the Central Committee, he silently endured it and did not make any extravagant actions. Come on, Joseph brings such a guard division here, that is, the strong voice, after all, is the old Bolshevik leader, Joseph is not that Muraviyov, no matter how domineering and arrogant, but he does not really want to engage in a coup or rebellion of.

The plenary meeting of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia is still going on in full swing, but Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, who has lost all his positions inside and outside the party but still enjoys the treatment of a Central Committee member, is already in Kremlin. Accompanied by Vasily, the deputy captain of the Kremlin, he was arranged to be placed in a luxurious residence deep in the Kremlin.

Of course, there is no telephone, and foreign communication is not available for the time being. Before the resolution of the Central Yang Committee of Soviet Russia is conveyed to Tsaritsyn, and it is supported by the North Caucasus Military District and the Southern Front, no one dares to lift the agreement on Joseph. house arrest.

In fact, the game between Joseph and the Central Committee of Soviet Russia did not end when he was removed from all positions inside and outside the party. Deliberately kept silent, wanting to see the jokes of Ulyanov, Trotsky and Sverdlov.

Without me, whether it is the Central Committee of the Soviet Union or the Supreme Military Council, can you command the Iron and Steel Infantry Division from Tsaritsyn?

As far as the big shots in Soviet Russia’s central yang are concerned, they are obviously unwilling to show weakness. Since you can be relieved of all posts inside and outside the party by the resolution of the plenary meeting of the central yang committee, then you have enough confidence and confidence. You can control the overall situation. If Joseph, the dismissed target, is needed at this time to help appease the troops from Tsaritsin.

This is like slapping the face of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia quietly but painfully, so whether it is Ulyanov or Trotsky, including the upcoming Volga Military Region and Sverdlov of the front army would never put down his face easily and let Joseph appease the guard division from Tsaritsin.

What is impulsiveness? It is considered that both sides are impulsive. Joseph is [-]% sure that Pavlov, a young division commander, will not easily lead the team to disarm. This is the third time he defended Tsaritsin The main force tempered in the battle.

A Pavlov's 1st Iron Infantry Division and a Budyonny's Special Cavalry Division, these two teams can be regarded as the main force among the main forces built and trained by Joseph and Voroshilov. It is almost impossible to put down the weapon under the order of the boss.

The reason why Budyonny's cavalry division was temporarily assigned to the formation of Yegorov's Ninth Army in the north was that when the war in the south was initially decided, Krasnov and Denikin on the Don River were beaten and injured. The Budyonny Cavalry Division is strong and eager to make contributions. Besides, the Southern Front Army has no other cavalry units, so Voroshilov agreed to lend the Budyonny Cavalry Division to Yegorov.

And the discipline of the 1st Division of the Steel Infantry led by Pavlov, especially the discipline of the [-]st Brigade, is not the best in the Soviet Red Army, but the blood and bravery of the soldiers, who are mostly steel and railway workers, can be regarded as The first part of the infantry division, because this division is infantry, it is not like Budyonny's cavalry division, which is transferred around all day for mobile use.

The first division of the Tsaritsyn Steel Infantry is the Royal Forest Army and Guards Division built by Joseph for the Southern Front Command. Without speaking out, Pavlov, who was kept in the dark, led his troops to lay down their weapons in Moscow , there is no such possibility!

Of course, if Voroshilov gives the order, the division commander Pavlov will also listen, but at the moment, Voroshilov is still watching the big mess of Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front Army for himself, right? How can we know what happened in Moscow so quickly, it will be tomorrow at the earliest, after the resolution of the plenary meeting of the Central Committee is communicated by telegram!

As for how Voroshilov would react, Joseph judged that in addition to trying to save himself with reason, Voroshilov, like himself, as a staunch Bolshevik, would not really go to war against the central yang split. The Soviet Red Army split the Bolshevik Party, and they didn't even have that idea, let alone Voroshilov. In the end, the majority of Tsaritsin would still choose to obey Moscow's decision?

The story that happened in Moscow that night did not end because Joseph was dismissed and placed under house arrest. In fact, it was the beginning instead, and the protagonists were not Ulyanov, Trotsky, and Sverdlov. The boss of the Yang Committee, but the 21-year-old commander of the 1st Division of the Tsaritsyn Steel Infantry, Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov!

What does it mean to be unrestrained, the 21-year-old commander in front of you is Comrade Pavlov, you can also say that this guy is a model and role model for executing orders. At the time of the civil war in 1918, the Soviet Red Army troops everywhere are incomparable Avoiding regional and national colors, the troops in Petersburg may not look down on the Muscovites, and the troops in Moscow will not look down on the Tsaritsyn troops far to the south.

In Wang Geng's previous life, this 17-year-old soldier who participated in the Tsarist Russian Army and Germany and Austria on the Western Front, this Soviet Russian Red Army may be the youngest Bolshevik general to set foot on the post of division commander, in Wang Geng's previous life more than 20 years later In the war for the country, he became the scapegoat for the early defeat of Soviet Russia.

Because of the huge loss of the Western Front, he was ordered to be shot by the Supreme Leader Joseph. At that time, he was already the commander of the Front Army and the rank of general, and he was the commander of the earliest tank unit of the Soviet Russian Red Army together with Zhukov.

In Wang Geng’s previous life, Comrade Joseph personally signed the order to execute Pavlov as follows:

Order No. 1941 of 0250 of the People's Commissar of National Defense of the USSR

The People's Commissariat of National Defense of the Soviet Union ordered that the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union rule on General Devlov, Major General V. Klimovsky, and Major General Ann.Sentences for the crimes of Teresa Grigoriev and Major General A. An. Korobkov:

July 1941, 7, Order No. 28

According to the decision of the National Defense Committee, in view of the fact that the former commander of the Western Front Der G. Pavlov, the former chief of staff of the Western Front V. E. Klimovskikh, and the director of communications of the Front Ante Grigorie According to the decision of the National Defense Commission, the above four people were sent to the military for their panicked behavior and their departure from strategic posts without the permission of their superiors. Arrested and brought before a court-martial.

The Supreme Court of the Soviet Union ruled on July 1941, 7, against Der G. Pavlov, V. Yeh Klimovskikh, An. Jie Grigoriev and Ya. An. Korob Cove's following charges stand:

a) Der G. Pavlov, the former commander of the Western Front, and V. E. Klimovsky, the former chief of staff of the Western Front, have been panicked and helpless since the fascist German army launched a surprise attack on the Soviet Union The disintegration of the command of the front and sit-and-see troops resulted in a large number of weapons and warehouses falling into the enemy's hands, leaving the combat posts of the Western Front without authorization, allowing the enemy to take advantage of the opportunity to break through the front line of defense;

b) Ante Grigoriev, the former director of communications of the Western Front, who was supposed to establish a continuous and unimpeded communication between the headquarters of the Front and the combat units, behaved in a panic, criminally inactive, and failed to use radio contact, resulting in In the first few days of the war, the military operations of various combat units were in a state of no command.

c) The panic and criminal inaction of Ya An Korobkov, Commander of the [-]th Army of the Western Front, disgracefully deserted troops that trusted him, causing the Army to disintegrate and suffer huge losses.

Thus D. G. Pavlov, V. E. Klimovskikh, An. Te. Grigoriev, and Ya. An. Korobkov broke their military oath and defiled the Red Army The noble title of soldiers, forgetting their duty to their country, their panic and cowardice, their criminal inaction, their disintegration of the command of the troops, their surrender of weapons and storehouses to the enemy, and their abandonment of their combat posts, to the troops of the Western Front caused serious losses.Der G. Pavlov, V. E. Klimovskikh, An. T. Grigoriev and A. An. Korobkov were stripped of their military ranks according to the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union , Sentenced to execution.The judgment has been carried out.

I warn that anyone who breaks his military oath, forgets his duty to the Fatherland, tarnishes the noble title of a soldier of the Red Army of Soviet Russia, shows cowardice and panic, leaves his combat post without authorization, and surrenders to the enemy without a fight will be punished The most severe and merciless punishment in military law.

This order is communicated to all commanders at regimental level and above.

People's Commissar of the Defense Committee of the USSR

J.V. Stalin

Of course, at this moment in July 1918, the 7-year-old young teacher Pavlov is far from being reduced to the level of the general who was shot in the future. Perhaps because the butterfly flapped its wings, Comrade Pavlov will never He will not be a scapegoat and die because of the Minsk injury.

At this moment, Pavlov, the commander of the 1st Division of the Tsaritsyn Iron and Steel Infantry, was confronting Dzerzhinsky, the chairman of the All-Russian Cheka Committee and a member of the Central Committee, with a pale face!

"Comrade Chairman! If you don't order the withdrawal of the troops and machine guns that surrounded us, I will not be responsible for any unforeseen consequences that will occur at that time!

Besides, you are not my leader, and I am not a member of the Cheka. You and your Cheka have no right to give any orders to me and my troops! "Master Pavlov said firmly into the microphone.

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