Beiyang 1917

Chapter 532

Evening of July 1918, 7 Samara City Hall

The Battle of Ufa was launched in early July 1918 when the Soviet Red Army's southern group crossed the Volga River and marched. The battle officially broke out on July 7. After the offensive and defensive battle under the city of Ufa, the Soviet Russian Red Army increased from the initial three armies to five armies. , successively invested 7 main forces, while the Allied Forces under the leadership of Wang Geng successively invested 30 troops and a large number of aviation and artillery.

The main battle of the Battle of Ufa was fought from July 7th to July 7th. It took only eight days and seven nights for the dust to settle. The Allied Forces led by Wang Geng won an overwhelming victory. The main force of the group army plus Yegorov's 7th Army of the Southern Front was almost wiped out. 14 people were captured, and more than 4 people were killed. Only Budyonny's cavalry division was left with less than one brigade. Break through the siege and withdraw to the south.

Of course, the unbeatable Xiaoqiang - Tukhachevsky, commander of the 1st Army of the Eastern Front of the Soviet Russian Red Army, also withdrew from the battlefield under the desperate cover of the rest of the Xia Boyang Cavalry Division.

The casualties of the coalition forces in the Battle of Ufa were less than 1, mainly concentrated in the Russian troops in the coalition forces. About 3000 of them were killed and more than 6000 were injured. Compared with the huge victory of the Ufa coalition forces, such casualties are not worth it carry.

The Battle of Ufa ended at midnight on July 1918, 7. The Moscow Soviet Russian Central Committee and the Allied Forces confirmed in a telegram that the two sides had ceased fighting and demarcated the border. The plenary meeting formally adopted a resolution to remove Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, the military commissar of the North Caucasus Military District and the Southern Front, from all positions inside and outside the party.

This removes the biggest obstacle to the truce between the Soviet Union and the Ufa coalition forces and the cession of the south of Saratov-Kursk, including the Tsaritsyn area. Naturally, the Tsaritsyn Steel Infantry Division that Joseph brought to Moscow was under the command of the division commander Bav Under the leadership of Love, the Soviet Russian central committee members of the Kremlin were somewhat alarmed.

Fortunately, there is a gathering of elites from the Central Committee of the Soviet Union. Before the official resolution of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, a personnel appointment for the new Volga Military Region and the Front Army that Tsaritsin and the main generals of the Southern Front Army could not refuse was added. Under the leadership of Voroshilov, Rizin and the Southern Front accepted the resolution of the central yang of Soviet Russia, avoiding the split between Tsaritsyn and Moscow, and avoiding the internal strife of the Soviet Russian Red Army.

At 1918:7 on July 16, 19, in Samara, an important port hub on the right bank of the Volga River, BH Pepelyaev, Prime Minister of the newly established Volga Federal Autonomous Government, and representatives of the Soviet Russian Government took a special train from The Central Committee Member of Soviet Russia and Chicherin, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, rushed to Samara to represent the Volga Federal Autonomous Government and Soviet Russia, and formally signed an agreement on mutual recognition of the armistice and demarcation of borders.

This marks that the autonomous government of the Volga Federation has officially entered the stage of history. Of course, Soviet Russia did not even pay attention to the Kolchak All-Russian temporary government supported by the White Guards all over Russia. The coalition forces and even the autonomous government of the Volga Federation supported by the king alone are not in the eyes of the Bolshevik leaders.

Vasily Nikolaevich Pepelyaev (bh Pepelyaev) chose to stay and serve as the prime minister of the puppet Volga Federal Autonomous Government. It can bring the Volga Federal Autonomous Government to fight against the powerful Moscow Soviet Russia. To be honest, without the backbone of the big tree of the Ufa coalition forces and the King of China behind them, more than half of the troops under him may follow Kolchak to the north.Manual anti-theft chapter

Now the so-called Volga Federal Autonomous Government is actually a puppet sign of the Ufa Allied Forces Command. Of course, Pepelyaev also has relatives, friends and family members who follow and rely on him for help.

On the evening of July 7th, although the Volga Federal Autonomous Government and the Soviet Russian Government formally signed an agreement on mutual recognition of the armistice and demarcation of borders, in the attachment, the repatriation of prisoners of war and the handover of the Saratov-Kursk-Tsaritsyn area However, the issue has become the focus of controversy in the negotiations between the two sides.

The Soviet Russian side sent the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin. This guy can be regarded as a diplomatic negotiator among the leaders of the Bolsheviks, and now he is serving as the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, the serious foreign minister of the Soviet Union.

Pepelyaev, the prime minister of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government, although he was born as a nobleman, well-educated, and has strong administrative and communication skills, he is definitely an eloquent master. In front of Vasilyevich Chicherin, he obviously did not have the upper hand. <чЧnчepnh, like Pepelyaev, is a son of a Russian nobleman. This fellow was born on November 1872, 11 in an estate of his parents in Tambov.

Tambov, which is located in the center of the Oka River-Don River Plain, is the hometown of the post-Soviet Russian heroine Zoya. Another legendary figure, the wife of the great Russian poet Pushkin, also grew up here. This is Tambov.

Chicherin's ancestors were immigrants from Italy—their surname was Chicheroni.In the 15th and 16th centuries and later, Italians were often invited to Russia to build churches and palaces, and to paint portraits at the court.

As for Chicherin's aristocratic blood, it comes from his mother. Chicherin's mother was born in the Naryshkin family. Don't underestimate the Naryshkin family. Reshkina was the mother of Peter the Great of Russia.

Chicherin had a sparse reddish-yellow beard, and his drooping mustache and his small squinting eyes recalled that his mother's ancestors were from the Tartars.Chicherin in Mongolian clothes—he likes to wear outlandish clothes—was like a khan.

The 46-year-old Chicherin is not only a Russian aristocrat, but also understands six languages. He has always remained celibate and usually likes Mozart's piano.Chicherin's father was a minor official in the Tsar's foreign ministry. Chicherin also joined the Foreign Office in 1897, initially working in the archives.The position suits him well because he is extremely careful and conscientious.

And when the diplomat who devoted himself to the Bolshevik movement was already a people's commissar after the October Revolution, this guy would often break into his driver's office to check the address written on the sent envelope to see if there was a mistake, and then In a high-pitched voice, point out that some addresses are wrongly written.

As the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs who succeeded Trotsky, Chicherin focused his diplomacy on Germany and Asia. In Wang Geng's previous life, after the end of the Russian Civil War, he signed the Treaty of Rapallo, which broke the Soviet blockade. During the year, more than 40 countries recognized the Soviet Union.

Of course, also in Wang Geng’s previous life, he was the one who helped China’s Sun Dapao establish the Whampoa Military Academy, and it was also him who insisted on maintaining the Soviet Russian garrison in Outer Mongolia.

But at this moment, in this time and space in 1918, the Russian People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs with a reddish yellow goat mustache is obviously far from being able to make such a contribution to Soviet Russia. On the plain, the allied forces of the Allied Powers were in charge, or, to put it mildly, it was the Prime Minister of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government, Vasily Nikolaevich Pepelyaev, who negotiated and signed a contract with him.

Perhaps due to the butterfly effect, not only was the situation in Europe complicated and confusing, but a series of revolutions and civil wars in Russia made the Samara-Sezran Railway Bridge, which was originally planned to be opened to traffic in early 1918, stopped halfway through construction, while the Saaran The Mala-Ufa railway has never even started construction.

It took a whole day to sit on the special train from Moscow to Syzran on the opposite bank of Samara, and then change to a ferry to cross the river to Chicherin, the main city of Samara on the right bank of the Volga River. It took only two hours for the Handley Petty O400 transport plane of the coalition air force to land at Pepelyaev at the Samara Field Combat Airport, but it took much more work.

The text of the agreement on the mutual recognition of the armistice and demarcation between the two parties has no major differences. The Soviet Russian government and the Volga Federal Autonomous Government recognize each other, and confirm that the northern section of the territorial boundary is bounded by the center line of the Volga River channel, and the southern section is bounded by the central line of the Volga River channel. Fifty kilometers north of Latov, Bereznyaki on the Volga turns due west to the Ukrainian border west of Kursk.

The dividing line between the two sides is basically along the [-] kilometers north of the Saratov-Borisogrebsk-Voroneri-Kursk railway line, and the above-mentioned important cities and railway hubs are included in the The determination of the self-governing government of the Volga Federation and the determination of the Moscow warriors to cut their arms and strive for peace is clearly evident.

Of course, compared with the price paid by the Soviet Union and the German-Austrian Allies during the peace talks, the land ceded to the Volga Federal Autonomous Government is not worth mentioning at all.

There were no major differences between the two sides on the text of the peace treaty, but Annex 1 on the repatriation of prisoners of war and Annex 2 on the transfer time of the above-mentioned areas became the focus of disputes between the two sides.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, we have made huge concessions on the territorial issue. Not only Saratov, but also Voronezh and Kursk have all been given to you. The issue of prisoners of war is a minor issue. According to the usual practice, since The autonomous government of the Volga Federation has signed a peace treaty with the Russian government, so all the prisoners of war on both sides should be repatriated unconditionally! What is there to discuss?"

Chicherin lit the cigar handed over by the other party, sat on the sofa and took a sip, and said calmly.

"Please call me Vasily, Georgy Vasilyevich, you are right, we have ceased fighting and delimited borders to recognize each other, that is friendly countries, the issue of repatriation of all prisoners of war is not impossible to discuss, nor should Become an obstacle to the peace treaty!" Pepelyaev smiled and lit the cigar specially provided by the coalition forces in his hand. Although it is not a top-quality Havana cigar, it is used to entertain Soviet Russian diplomats who are discolored due to insufficient food rations. There are more than enough people's commissars.

"Vassily Nikolaevich..." Chicherin's father was named Vasily, and now Pepelyaev's name was the same as his father's, which made Chicherin feel admired. Pelyayev took advantage of his depression.Fortunately, as a diplomat, this little psychological obstacle and discomfort was quickly overcome by this guy gritted his teeth.

Looking at Pepelyaev, who was ten years younger than him and full of vigor, Chicherin sighed inwardly, frowned and said, "Vassily Nikolaevich, you know that we have There are no prisoners of war of yours at the moment, so the method of exchanging prisoners of war at equal value you mentioned is obviously not feasible, we can't go to Kazan to capture 20 Kolchak's White Guard prisoners and exchange them with you?"

The face of the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union is obviously quite distressed, and he wants to bluff people with a bad hand in his hand. This job is not easy in Samara, just like it was in Berlin back then. The relationship between the members has been running well. Where can I get back the Russian rifles of the 20 divisions and the 10 Tsarist Russian prisoners?Not to mention the Russian artillery of 50 artillery companies and the anti-aircraft guns of 20 anti-aircraft artillery companies.

"Georgy Vasilyevich, since you don't have our captives in your hands, I can't help you. You must know that the captured Soviet Russian Red Army is a complete invader for us. The Great Plains of France is our hometown. If you insist on rushing across the Volga River aggressively to cause trouble, you are to blame for kicking the iron plate now. If you can’t exchange at equal value, the issue of prisoners of war will be like this! Anyway, it will not affect the peace treaty. Sign!"

Although Pepelyayev did not have the upper hand over Chicherin in terms of background, knowledge, qualifications, and even eloquence, he couldn't stop himself from holding a good card, so he refrained from negotiating the issue of the repatriation of prisoners of war. , Either the Soviet Russian government will exchange our prisoners of war with equivalent value, or this matter will be omitted, let’s move on to the next attachment.

Of course, Chicherin did not come empty-handed, because of Trotsky's insistence, especially the Soviet Red Army lost too much in the Battle of Ufa. One-third of the 30 main force was killed and two-thirds were captured. It is the main Red Army of the Bolsheviks, not the Tsarist Russian army.

These people chose to join the Soviet Red Army because they supported the Bolsheviks and the Soviets. If these prisoners of war were pushed to the enemy’s side because of the rigid and ultra-left prisoner-of-war policy in Soviet Russia, the Soviet Red Army would fight less and less in the future. But the enemy is getting stronger and stronger.

Therefore, before Chicherin came to Samara to formally negotiate and sign the contract, the Soviet Russian Central Committee and the Supreme Military Council made fine adjustments to the Soviet Russian Red Army's prisoner-of-war policy. If the enemy surrenders, he will be treated and dealt with as a traitor, and his family members who stay behind will be implicated. In fact, this is also the extreme policy that Joseph implemented in Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front.

In the battle to defend Tsaritsyn, there was a new untrained and unorganized Soviet Red Army infantry division, which was randomly commanded by Joseph and put into the battlefield. As a result, it was surrounded and captured, waiting for the main force of Voroshilov After rushing to rescue the soldiers of the infantry division, Comrade Joseph, the military commissar, ordered them to be shot as traitors.

Before Chicherin came, under the insistence of Trotsky and Kamenev, the Soviet Russian Central Committee, of course, it is difficult to say whether it was emphasized in the ultimatum issued by the Ufa coalition forces to Moscow that the families of Soviet Russian prisoners of war should be under Ufa The reason for the protection of the coalition forces, anyway, before Chicherin came, the Soviet Russian central yang’s prisoner-of-war policy was adjusted to all behaviors that lay down weapons on the enemy without fighting, and were declared traitors of the Soviet Russian Red Army!

This is a major progress in the Soviet Red Army's treatment of prisoners of war!

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