Beiyang 1917

Chapter 533 Repatriation 4 Principles


"Vassily Nikolaevich, we are willing to exchange the bourgeois elements, landlords, rich peasants and their families imprisoned in Soviet concentration camps and labor camps in exchange for our prisoners. These concentration camps and labor camps are scattered in remote areas, and it will take a lot of time to gather these Soviet enemies and saboteurs!"

Chicherin, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union and the political negotiator of the Soviet Union, finally threw out his bargaining chips. If you get it back, at least nearly 20 Soviet Red Army soldiers who have experienced the test of war can be reassembled, which is the strength of the two armies.

In exchange for the bourgeoisie, aristocrats, landlords, rich peasants and their families who live in concentration camps and labor camps and wait to die, wasting food, this deal is worth it!

Chicherin looked expectantly at Pepelyaev, but he didn't expect that the Prime Minister of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government just raised his eyebrows slightly, and said indifferently, "Use what you were tortured in the concentration camp The half-dead bourgeoisie, nobles, landowners and rich peasants and their families? What do we want them for?

Now it's a time of war, what else can the people locked up in the concentration camp do besides wasting food?Their factories, land, manors and properties have been confiscated and confiscated by your Soviets long ago. Now you think they are burdens?Throw it to us to feed you, and exchange the young and strong prisoners of war who are alive and kicking here?What kind of business is this?There are no doors, no talking! "

Pepelyaev is obviously not moved at all. Nima, although among the 20 Soviet Red Army prisoners in his hands, there are nearly 1 to [-] wounded, and there are more than [-] seriously wounded, but it is estimated that there will be less than one light wounded. The moon injury will be healed in sevens and eighties, and the seriously injured can be used to exchange something with Moscow.

But the other 12 prisoners of the Soviet Red Army who had eaten half full in the prisoner-of-war camp for the past few days slept soundly and had a healthy complexion. The best source of soldiers is good materials for coolies to build bridges, build roads, dig coal, how can you just exchange them with crooked melons and dates from concentration camps?

Chicherin was stunned when he heard the words, obviously he didn't expect that the other party didn't discuss at all. If you say that the followers of the Kolchak regime are the bourgeoisie, nobles, former Tsarist Russian military officers, landlords and rich peasants and their cubs? ?

Although this Pepelyaev is now holding the thick legs of the king in the Ufa coalition army, he is considered to be self-reliant, but according to the Bolshevik's division and understanding of doctrine and class, this newly established autonomous government of the Volga Federation is clearly an empire How could the bourgeois temporary government of the pro-Allied forces under the support of the Allied Forces of the Communist Party of China not be tempted to exchange their supporters and followers from the concentration camps in Soviet Russia?This is really tricky!

"Vassily Nikolaevich, these people in our concentration camp were inextricably linked to the Tsarist Russian government and Kerensky's temporary government in the past. Many of them may be your Excellency Prime Minister. Do you just sit back and watch them suffer in concentration camps and labor camps? This is not in line with the humanitarianism you have been preaching!

Your Volga Federal Autonomous Government has just been established, which is a good opportunity to buy people's hearts. To be honest, it is not easy for Moscow to agree to exchange these people with you for prisoners of war. If you miss this opportunity, it will be too late to regret it in the future up! " Chechev held his pale yellow-red goatee, and resolutely enlightened Pepelyaev on the opposite side.

"Moscow really intends to exchange those people from the concentration camps for the Red Army prisoners of war in the Battle of Ufa?" Pepelyaev asked, standing up and staring at Chicherin.

"Of course it is true, but if we can pay on credit, we can owe you first, and then return to you when we capture Kolchak's White Guard prisoners of war. You first send back the 20 Soviet Red Army captured in the Battle of Ufa How about prisoners of war?

If you personally have any relatives and friends in our concentration camp, if there are not many, I can think of a way. I have a good relationship with Dzerzhinsky. At that time, it will not be possible to bring back some of your relatives and friends. question! "

As soon as Chicherin thought there was a door, he hurriedly got up from the sofa, nodded affirmatively, and at the same time offered an olive branch to Pepelyaev to bribe the other party's handling staff. Those who have engaged in diplomatic and intelligence work are familiar with it.

"Credit? You can figure it out, Georgy Vasilyevich, what time is this? Your Soviet regime doesn't even know where tomorrow's lunch is today, and it's simply whimsical to ask us on credit. What's more, Your Excellency Kolchak's regime is the temporary government of the whole Russia, and it has long since lost a ruble relationship with our Volga Federal Autonomous Government, at best we are neighbors, of course, our relationship with them is obviously better than yours!"

"But it's not so good that we use the prisoners of war in our hands to redeem the prisoners of war for His Excellency Kolchak. Besides, we are willing to be taken advantage of by him. Would His Excellency Kolchak be willing? Once the Volga Federal Autonomous Government was established, it turned out that Almost 90% of the White Guards in Ufa chose to be loyal to my government instead of the all-Russian temporary government of the Tatars in the north. If we redeemed the prisoners for him, maybe he would still worry about meat buns beating dogs. Only those who came did not go back!"

Pepelyaev sat back on the sofa with a relaxed expression, spit out a series of eye circles, but what he said almost made Chicherin half dead.

"Vassily Nikolaevich, as the Prime Minister of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government, don't you have the heart to see your relatives and friends suffer in the concentration camps and labor camps north of Moscow? At this moment, the Soviets and Bolsheviks themselves They don’t have enough to eat, and those saboteurs and dissidents locked up in the concentration camp starve to death every day. I don’t know how many people, don’t you have any compassion for your relatives?”

Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, desperately wanted to impress Pepelyaev in front of him. In his opinion, Vasily Nikolayevich Pepelyaev still retained the kind of son of a Russian nobleman. Humanistic feelings and a soft heart of compassion, just like Kolchak who followed Pepelyaev before, they are neither butchers nor extremists in essence, so this Pepelyaev was praised Erchak was chosen as his partner to become the prime minister of the cabinet.

Of course, at this moment, I am afraid that Kolchak’s sense of loss is also obvious. His former cabinet prime minister switched to the embrace of the Allied Forces, and established himself as the head of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government. In time, the Volga Federal Autonomous Government Fu's future might be brighter than that of Kolchak's nameless All-Russian Autonomous Government, as long as he doesn't turn against the coalition forces behind him.

"Okay, Georgy Vasilyevich, since you care so much about my relatives and friends, I can't turn a blind eye to your kindness. Take this list, and the hundreds of people on it will think about it. Find a way to find me whereabouts, and try to send me to Samara as soon as possible, my temporary government still needs a lot of talents. I can use these people!" Pepelyaev pulled out a few A piece of paper was passed to Chicherin on the opposite side.

Chicherin's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he took the list in a hurry, flipped through it a few times, and found that the three pages of parchment were filled with names in beautiful Russian, and the names in the first few rows were all surnamed Pepeliaye. The husband is obviously a relative in the family of the Prime Minister of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government in front of him. Behind each name, there is also a previous position or location.

"These are all relatives related to you? There are so many people..." Chicherin looked at the various lists and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

"Yes! These are just some of them. My people and I can think of them now. I will write to you when I think of the rest. Georgy Vasilyevich, you are a dignified Soviet Russian diplomat. The people's commissar also said that he has a good relationship with that Dzerzhinsky who is in charge of the Cheka. Is it difficult for you to get hundreds of people from your concentration camp?

This matter can be done quickly, as long as I know that the people on the list were alive before today, and then died or disappeared later, then our friendship will be completely over! "Pepelyaev took a heavy puff of his cigar, staring at the Russian People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs opposite him and threatened.

Chicherin cursed a curse in his stomach, carefully put away the list in his hand, wiped off his sweat, and said, "Vassily Nikolaevich, this army is in chaos, but I can't guarantee that we can find it all." Live, but don’t worry, since I promised you, I will always do my best, I will send this list back to Moscow tonight, even if I dig three feet, I will try to find as many people as possible for you!”

Speaking of which, Chicherin took a breath, looked up at Pepelyaev expectantly, and said, "However, the issue of the repatriation of Soviet Russian Red Army prisoners of war... What do you think?"

"The issue of prisoners of war is not non-negotiable, but to tell you the truth, although I can be half of the family of the Volga Federation Autonomous Government, but your prisoners of war are all in the prisoner-of-war camps of the Allied Forces. You may be doing your best, but your treatment of Eich and Rzhevski's family last time was not authentic.

It must be known that Ekh and Rzhevsky were captured. Moscow not only immediately declared them two traitors to the Soviet Union, but also arrested their family members for interrogation and execution. The impact of this incident was too bad!If the prisoners of war are unwilling to go back to the other side of the Volga, we have nothing to do! Pepelyaev rolled his eyes, his words almost choked Chicherin to death.

"Hey, I said, Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, that was before, it was all a misunderstanding, and Moscow has adjusted its policy before I came this time. As long as it is not a prisoner of war who laid down his arms on the enemy without fighting, he will not be treated as a traitor, let alone Their family members are implicated, and we have even protected the families of the captured persons.

Vasily Nikolayevich, we sincerely want to invite our soldiers back from your prisoner-of-war camps. As long as they are willing to go back, after the inspection, there is no betrayal and no betrayal of the interests of the Soviets and Bolsheviks. Not only will they not be punished , Maybe you can get promoted and reused! Chicherin argued anxiously.

"Moscow has such good intentions that it has already protected the families of the prisoners of war? Don't Pacheka take all the families of the prisoners of war as hostages?" Pepelyaev rolled his eyes and smelled Checheka. Information revealed inadvertently in Lin's words.

"Hey, Vasily Nikolaevich, you can rest assured that we are still pointing at you to repatriate all our prisoners of war. How can we be disadvantageous to their families under such circumstances? Unless the prisoners of war really betrayed Otherwise, they will still be a member of the glorious Soviet Red Army when they go back.

You also know that prisoners of war are unavoidable when the two armies clash. Didn’t Tukhachevsky also serve as a prisoner of the Germans before?Wasn't that Kolchak also captured by the Japanese in Lushun back then?Please believe that Moscow has adjusted its prisoner-of-war policy, and there will never be any more tragedies such as the family members of Eich and Rzhevsky being interrogated and shot as traitors! "

Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, swears and swears at this moment, and he almost cried and confessed his love to Pepelyaev, looking like an ant on a hot pot.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Pepelyaev lowered his voice and threw out the hole card on the issue of the repatriation of prisoners of war. The guy leaned over and whispered in front of Chicherin,

"Georgy Vasilyevich, for the sake of you and me being the sons of Russian nobles, I hope you haven't been completely dazzled by your dangerous doctrine. I will give you the issue of prisoners of war." Tell me, the following is our principle on the issue of the repatriation of prisoners of war, you listen carefully, don't rush to shout, think it over before it's too late."

Chicherin was taken aback, then nodded hastily, urging Pepelyayev to speak quickly, cursing his mother in his heart, fuck, did this Pepe just fool me, but at this moment This guy is finally willing to show his cards and tell the truth. No matter what, I can figure out the bottom line of your treatment of prisoners of war. At least I have an explanation to Moscow.

Pepelyayev was unhurried, and stated the principles of the coalition forces on the issue of the repatriation of prisoners of war:

1. After the two sides signed the peace treaty of mutual recognition of armistice and demarcation, the prisoners of war in the camps of both sides will be selectively repatriated in batches.

2. The repatriation of Soviet Red Army prisoners of war follows the principle of in situ repatriation. If a prisoner of war chooses to stay and pledge allegiance to the autonomous government of the Volga Federation, the Soviet Russian government shall not conduct any investigation on the family members and relatives of prisoners of war who are still living in the territory of the Soviet Russian government. Anything that makes things difficult, of course, cannot be used as a reason to declare family members as family members of traitors. Arrest, interrogation, detention, exile or even shooting are not allowed!

3. If a prisoner of the Soviet Red Army chooses to remain loyal to the autonomous government of the Volga Federation, no matter what nationality or place he is, he will be granted citizenship rights in the Volga Federation after passing the review. Life safety, property and family members are subject to the Volga Federation At the same time, the Soviet Russian government must not deprive and obstruct the relatives of the prisoner of war the right and freedom to relocate and join the Volga Federation and reunite with the prisoner of war, and must provide convenience for their travel and transit.

4. For the family members and relatives of prisoners of war who choose to join the Volga Federation, if they choose to join the Volga Federation with the prisoners of war, then even if these people still stay in the territory of Soviet Russia, they have automatically obtained the status of citizens of the Volga Federation. The identities of the expatriates, they are all protected by the government and army of the Volga Federation, any illegal infringement on them will be regarded as a trampling and provocation of the peace treaty between the two parties, the consequences will be extremely serious, and the responsibility for tearing up the peace treaty between the two parties will be the responsibility of the Russian government Fu fully bears it!

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