Beiyang 1917

Chapter 534 How Can Three Days Be Enough?


"Vassily Nikolaevich, the four principles you proposed are barely passable, but how do we know that the prisoners of war of the Soviet Russian Red Army voluntarily stayed to join the Volga Federation, rather than being imprisoned in a prisoner-of-war camp? Forced to join by your bayonets and machine guns?"

Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, pondered for a long time on the four principles for the repatriation of prisoners of war proposed by Pepelyaev, and finally raised his head and asked such a question. .Access to download txt novels

"Georgy Vasilyevich, although the Volga Federation has just been established, there is no trust in the people. When we say that we will cease fighting with you, we will cease fighting. If we say that we will recognize each other, we will even recognize each other. Your Excellency Erchak’s All-Russian Provisional Government’s support, don’t you think we are not a model of what we say and do?”

"Since we promised to repatriate the prisoners of war, the Soviet Russian Red Army prisoners in the prisoner-of-war camp can freely choose to stay when they are repatriated, then we must let them freely choose. The so-called twisted melons are not sweet, don't think that we It's rare for those prisoners of war who were born as Bolsheviks. It would be a disaster to keep them if they might defect in the future!

We did this in the spirit of humanitarianism, treating them as soldiers rather than butchers. Otherwise, these prisoners of war would have been shot to fill the moat with the blood of the Russians on their hands during the suppression and suppression of the Soviet Red Army. , Do we need to build so many prisoner-of-war camps to feed and drink them?

Nearly one-third of these prisoners of war are still slightly or severely wounded. Do you know how much logistical pressure we have on our medical and food supplies?This place is more than 7000 kilometers away from China. Have you calculated how much coal and water on the train would be burned for each grain shipped here? "

Pepelyaev's diplomatic talents were fully displayed at this time. Of course, this was also based on the fact that the coalition forces and the king of China gave him a good card.

In fact, this guy himself also felt that when he followed Kolchak as the prime minister of the all-Russian interim government cabinet, he begged his grandpa to tell him to find a way to get sponsorship for food and arms everywhere like a turtle grandson. Don't look at the faces of the various factions. The envoys of the Allied Powers, Britain, France, the United States, and Japan in Russia don't take themselves seriously at all.

But since Vasily Nikolaevich Pepelyaev joined the Ufa coalition army and the king of China, everything seems to have come to an end. Whatever he does, he does whatever he wants. , I created a gorgeous and huge stage for myself to show my skills. The conditions may not be difficult, and the workload may not be small, but the work is smooth and refreshing.

For example, at this moment, a veteran diplomat and negotiator like Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, was stern in front of him, and in the end he struggled several times and had no choice but to bow his head obediently. Right words occupy the moral high ground.

"Vassily Nikolaevich, on behalf of Moscow, I can agree to your four principles for the repatriation of prisoners of war. However, we need to send representatives to supervise the repatriation of prisoners of war. In the normal way, at least our people have to confirm that the prisoners of war did choose to stay voluntarily rather than being threatened, intimidated and forced, right?"

Chicherin rolled his eyes and asked for the next best thing, asking representatives from both sides to be present at the same time to jointly supervise the selection of prisoners of war when they were repatriated.

"Georgy Vasilyevich, it is said that your request is not too much, but I cannot promise you, maybe you have heard a story, that is, during the first stage of the Battle of Ufa, when you attacked and defended under the city of Ufa, you The three attacking infantry divisions were trapped in the first trench made by our side. Later, nearly [-] Soviet Red Army soldiers surrendered their weapons, but that killed almost all the soldiers who forced them to make unnecessary sacrifices. After the political commissars at all levels!"

Pepelyaev looked into Chicherin's eyes squarely, with a hint of mockery and ridicule in his calm tone.

"Uh, Vasily Nikolaevich, the political commissar system is the guarantee for our Soviet Red Army to ensure the ideological purity of the Bolshevik team and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team. The political commissars at all levels in the Soviet Russian Red Army are the strongest Bolsheviks. And I think the example you gave is cruel and has nothing to do with the issue of the repatriation of prisoners of war!" The People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union was a little bit annoyed when his scars were exposed.

"Georgy Vasilyevich, I didn't use this example to embarrass you on purpose. If you want to say that there is nothing more embarrassing than the annihilation of your five armies, including Slavin, Yegorov, and Maxin It makes you even more embarrassed that the commanders of the four armies, Rzhevsky and their political commissars, were captured together? Not to mention there are dozens of division commanders and division political commissars!"

"I just want to tell you that the presence of Soviet Russian representatives at the scene of the repatriation of prisoners of war will actually affect the freedom and justice of the repatriation. Those Soviet Russian prisoners of war will worry that your representatives are members of the Cheka, and once they make Leave the choice of allegiance to the Volga Federation, then your representatives are likely to record and go back to persecute their families and relatives! You know that the gloomy eyes of the Cheka and political commissars have a great impact on the devastation and pressure on the hearts of Soviet Red Army soldiers How big is it?"

Pepelyayev stared into Chicherin's eyes and refused to budge, resolutely disagreeing with Soviet Russian representatives appearing at the scene of the selection of prisoners of war repatriation.

"Vassily Nikolaevich, if you say so, I can't go back and explain to Moscow, because I can't prove that the prisoners of war voluntarily stayed in the Volga Federation instead of making choices against their will under your bayonets and guns. It doesn't make sense to put it anywhere, how can you ensure that the selection of prisoners of war is fair and free without supervision!" Chicherin couldn't help crying, obviously feeling that Pepelyaev was too deceptive.

"Georgy Vasilyevich, to be honest, you don't understand the temper of the commander-in-chief of the Allied Powers. What he said is one is one, and the other is two. We say that prisoners of war are free to choose on the issue of repatriation. Right, that is, we are willing to give them this right.

Don't you understand?We don’t need to prove this to you at all, we don’t need to be responsible to you, we need to be responsible to every prisoner of war who is willing to stay, as for those who are determined to go back to the left bank of the Volga River, and share the land of their own families when they are hungry The people in your own family come to pursue your dead-brained ideas and careers, we wish we could send them away one day sooner! "

"Of course, I forgot to tell you just now that prisoners of war can freely choose to stay or stay, but every prisoner of war who chooses to return to the Soviet Union cannot go back so easily. The Soviet Russian government has to pay the price Redeem them back, you can use our prisoners of war, of course you don’t have any at this moment, you can’t take Kolchak’s prisoners of war or Denikin’s prisoners of war, at least my Volga Federal Autonomous Government is between you and me Kolchak remained neutral.

In any case, to bring back the prisoners of war who are willing to go back, the Soviet Russian government has to pay a price. Although we won the Ufa Battle, we paid a huge price. The food and ammunition consumed are not counted, and the casualties are quite large, and The reason for the entire Ufa Daping is your attack, and the common people have run away. This summer is simply no harvest. I don’t know what we will eat when winter comes. For the Soviet Russian Red Army prisoners of war in the prisoner-of-war camp, they must Pay the price, but you can't just put it back in vain! "

Pepelyayev's extremely domineering words insisted on making the Russian People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs annoyed that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas were ascended to heaven. Chicherin jumped up from the sofa when he heard the words, and pointed at Pepely with trembling fingers. Yaev Road,

"You... you... Vasily Nikolaevich, you can't be so nonsense. I just said that the repatriation of prisoners of war after the signing of the peace treaty is an inevitable process. We talked for a long time, and I agreed to you The four principles you put forward, why did you say in a blink of an eye that the prisoners of war who voluntarily go back have to be redeemed by us to take people or things away, aren’t you being unreasonable and purely to make us happy?” Chi Qierin said angrily His face was blue and white, and he was panting heavily.

"Georgy Vasilyevich, if it weren't for the fact that you were born as a nobleman when we met for the first time, and you were so sloppy with your knowledge and character, if you yelled at me like that, I would have kicked you out immediately I'm the city hall, do you believe that tomorrow my team will be able to cross the Volga River and take Syzran?

Don't say anything about Saratov Tsaritsin, I can call Moscow in three days!Didn’t you arrive in Samara in one day by train from Moscow this morning? Don’t think that I am so willing to tie myself up on the right bank of the Volga River to accompany you to laugh and cough.

To be honest, my people and I are the same as His Excellency Kolchak. We all want to fight back to Moscow and Petersburg to recover the lost ground, and go back to our hometown. If you want peace, we will give you peace, but you have it like this If you dare to swindle your face with a broken card, don't say I didn't give you and Moscow a chance if the peace agreement fails at that time! "

The Prime Minister of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government, Pepeliayev, could be regarded as elated and furious at the moment. If it weren't for the principle set by Wang Geng that the prisoners of war voluntarily choose to stay or leave, it would have been Pepeliayev if he had been replaced. None of them will be repatriated, and those who are willing to join the Volga Federation will directly supplement the Russian troops in the coalition.

As for those who don’t want it, it’s the best materials for building bridges, building roads, digging coal, farming and doing coolies in the Volga Federation. Who is patient and generous to give you back for free?Put it back and take the gun to join the Soviet Red Army and fight us to the end?Everyone knows that the peace at this moment is only a temporary compromise between the two sides, and the idea that the so-called truce and signing a peace treaty can maintain peace once and for all is an insult to the IQ of everyone on this land.

Facing the Prime Minister of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government who showed his fangs, Chicherin was unable to hold back, and finally had to hold his nose. In addition to accepting the four principles of repatriation of prisoners of war, he agreed against his will when the prisoners of war voluntarily chose to stay or stay. The overlord clause that the representatives of Soviet Russia are not allowed to be present.

As for those prisoners of war who voluntarily returned to the Soviet Union, Pepelyaev first insisted that the same number of people must be exchanged, and second, he did not accept the half-dead bourgeoisie, nobles, landlords and rich peasants who were tortured in concentration camps. Including their children in exchange.

For Pepelyayev, it is more appropriate to change a strong man back to work than to replace these gentlemen who have been deprived of their property and have no power to restrain them. People with real talents and backgrounds who are helpful to the government of the Volga Federation, Pepelyaev has long been included in the list he submitted to Chicherin on the few pages.

The release of these people has become a favor given by Chicherin to Pepelyaev, not a condition for negotiation and exchange. Of course, everyone knows that this is a bribe to the Volga Federal Autonomous Government or something. There is no need to entangle.

In the end, it was Chicherin's brain, this guy suddenly thought of a way, and asked tentatively,

"Vassily Nikolaevich, I have an idea. Before returning to Moscow this time, I just came back from the Germans. They promised to repatriate some of the prisoners of the former Tsarist Russian army back to Russia. I used these How about exchanging the repatriated Tsarist Russian prisoners with you for those Bolshevik prisoners who voluntarily returned to the left bank of the Volga River?"

To say that Chicherin's idea is really not bad, in the battle of Ufa, the main forces of the two front armies of the Soviet Russian Red Army were annihilated, and most of them were Bolsheviks with firm beliefs. There are proven proletarian fighters. These people are much more reliable than the Tsarist Russian prisoners of war who have spent so long in German prisoner-of-war camps, and their combat effectiveness and morale are much stronger.

Although this deal was a bit of a loss for Soviet Russia, it was better than retraining and organizing the Tsarist Russian prisoners of war who had returned from Germany empty-handed.

As soon as Pepelyayev got excited, he asked in a hurry, "I said Georgi Vasilievich, you are really capable, and you have come back from Germany to make Russian prisoners of war so quickly. How many people? I don’t want those with sallow skin and skinny faces! All the prisoners in our prisoner-of-war camp are one in a hundred prisoners of the main force of the Soviet Russian Red Army. ?”

"Absolutely nothing. There are hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war. I said Vasily Nikolaevich. Think about it. These prisoners of war can survive in such a difficult prisoner-of-war camp for the Germans. It must be great, nothing to say, and they also work as coolies with the Germans, and when they come back to you, whether it is pulling carts, shafts or digging coal, they are all good labor!" Old King Chicherin Selling melons, selling melons and boasting, kept blowing up.

"It's really as good as you say?" Pepelyaev was a little bit moved by doubts. For the Volga Federal Autonomous Government, it is theoretically easier to transform the Tsarist Russian prisoners of war into their own new army than to transform the Soviet Russian Red Army prisoners of war. It's much easier, because I'm afraid that these prisoners of war are all crooked melons, cracked dates, missing arms and legs. They have been eating bran and swallowing vegetables as coolies in the German prisoner-of-war camp for two years. I don't know if they have worn them again. The courage of the commander to go to the battlefield!

"All of them are good Russian boys, but they are a little bit hungry. It is unavoidable to have a disheveled face, but if they come back and eat for three days, they will be well-fed and raised. They will definitely become qualified young men. To tell you the truth , I went to see the prisoner-of-war camps myself, and all of them are great Russian boys!" Qiqie's brilliant tongue and lotus blossomed the maturity of these Tsarist Russian prisoners of war.

"Well, Georgi Vasilyevich, who told us to become neighbors? It's not easy for you to come all the way. In this way, two for one, and each of them voluntarily returned to the left bank of the Volga River For the prisoners of the Soviet Red Army who went there, you can exchange them with two healthy Russian prisoners of war who came back from Germany. I give priority to those whose hometowns are on the right bank of the Volga River or east of the Ural Mountains. There are no restrictions on ethnicity. If you want, this matter Alright, if you don’t want to, then let’s break it up, and don’t bring up the issue of prisoners of war again!”

Pepelyaev felt that the negotiation was almost done, so he settled the issue of the repatriation of the prisoners of war without a counter-offer. Chicherin couldn't think about it, and finally agreed after thinking about it.

Then there is the issue of the handover of the area south of Saratov-Voroneri-Kursk, including Tsaritsyn. Pepelyaev requested the handover within three days. Once the handover is completed, the repatriation of prisoners of war will begin. But here Chicherin jumped on his feet and said that it was absolutely too late, how many troops, workers and factories and facilities had to be withdrawn to the north, how could three days be enough?


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