Beiyang 1917

Chapter 540


"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, everyone, our principle of repatriating prisoners of war has been recognized by the vast majority of prisoners of the Soviet Red Army. After our three-day investigation, among the 20 Soviet prisoners of war, those who are willing to return to the Bolsheviks and the Soviets There are less than 3 people, and the rest are willing to stay and serve the Volga Federation!"

The Prime Minister of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government, Vasily Nikolaevich Pepelyaev, was delighted to show his contribution to the leaders of the coalition forces present. Speaking of which, Pepelyaev The prime minister of the autonomous government is really the busiest person these days. Fortunately, it hasn't rained much these days. The road from Ufa to Samara has also been repaired and opened to traffic by the Allied Engineer Corps. Mara's field airport has been repaired, and it is convenient to come and go.

The new airports in Saratov, Voronjeri, Kursk and Tsaritsyn have already started construction. In this era, the requirements for aircraft takeoff and landing are not high on the site. A flat grass can basically land. The key is the hangar It will take time to level the roads, oil depots, terminal lights, and roads, but within a week at the earliest, the capitals of these four states will all have their own new airports.

"Vassily Nikolaevich, are you sure that the 17 Soviet prisoners of war who are willing to stay and work with us are not because here they eat, live and sleep well, and the wounded soldiers are served by hospitals and nurses, so Just left? The weeds at both ends of the head rat are not worth it to eat dry food for nothing. Our food supply is even tighter than before. In the four states newly accepted by the left bank of the Volga River, there are at least hundreds of thousands of poor people waiting for the coalition forces Food relief supplies!"

It was Utsunomiya Taro, the deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces who spoke, and the Japanese army general then complained,

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, everyone, please follow me. We will repatriate all the lightly and seriously wounded prisoners of war to Soviet Russia. The remaining 12 healthy prisoners of war will be selected to join the new recruit division of the coalition army with good family background. Those Bolshevik activists first went to concentration camps and labor camps to serve hard labor for a year and a half, this is the best use of everything, and it is also for these people to atone for their sins and reform."

"Hey, Your Excellency Taro, the eight states and autonomous republics of the Volga Federation have a combined population of 740 million, and the population of young adults is at least 200 million. We will not be short of labor in the future, but well-trained soldiers. How long would it take to recruit soldiers from peasants and train bumpkins into fighters from scratch?

The 10,000+ prisoners of war in the prisoner-of-war camp are all veterans of the Soviet Red Army. Many of them have been soldiers since the Tsarist Russia era. Now that they turn around and think clearly, they are ready-made elite troops!Let's not do it for nothing! "Pepelyaev shook his head and disagreed with Utsunomiya Taro's statement.

Now that Pepelyaev is the prime minister of the Volga Federation, he has more confidence than when he was Kolchak's deputy. The Volga Federation has obviously replaced Kolchak's temporary all-Russian government. , and became the primary target of support from the Allied Forces.

Secondly, Pepelyaev felt that if he absorbed 10,000+ Red Army captives into citizens of the Volga Federation and joined his own army, he would have 20 soldiers in his hands. This fellow felt that Utsunomiya Taro should be more polite when he saw him.

Of course, Pepelyaev still maintains absolute trust and support for the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. In fact, Utsunomiya Taro's personal temper is more appetizing to Pepelyaev, but he is not only the deputy staff officer of the coalition forces now After all, he is also the Prime Minister of the Volga Federation, isn't he?

"There is nothing to dispute about this issue. Your Excellency Taro, you must believe that the Soviet Russian prisoners of war will make the right decision under our inspiration. Once you get back to them, it's hard to gain trust and reuse.

What's more, the conditions on our side are much superior. In Soviet Russia, every flower, plant, and tree belongs to the Soviets. On our side, at least [-] acres of land can be owned permanently by individuals! "The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces smiled and smoothed things over for the two subordinates. Of course, there was more support for Pepelyaev inside and outside the words.

Utsunomiya Taro shut his mouth and did not speak, while shaking the fan in his hand, while thinking, our king is good at everything, even if he trusts the Russian old man too much and his heart is too soft, this Pepelia It's clear that the husband wants to do everything possible to strengthen his army. Let's take care of this acre of land for you. What should General Pepelyaev do if he can't lose his tail?

"What Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief said is true. I suggest that all the 17 prisoners of war who are willing to serve the Volga Federation should be left behind. The lightly and severely wounded should wait until they recover before deciding how to arrange them. Let's first reorganize the healthy prisoners of war into recruit divisions. You Didn't it mean that we plan to continue marching westward, and by then we will be a new force of the Volga Federation!"

Pepelyayev couldn't bear to express his plan, "Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, everyone, among the 12 Soviet Red Army prisoners of war who are physically fit, the most conservative estimate is that at least 10 people will choose to stay. Next, I want to form ten Volga Federation infantry divisions, divided into three army groups, each group army governs three infantry divisions, and the remaining division will be the Samara garrison division! What do you think?"

"Vassily Nikolaevich, I think your idea is too hasty, it's not good!" Others are still thinking about the plan proposed by Pepelyaev. Here, the Ufa First Army Commander Sergey Ivanovich Barayanov was the first to stand up against it.

"Sergei Ivanovich, do you have a better suggestion? Of course, prisoners of war can give priority to replenishing part of the losses of the Ufa First Army in the Ufa Battle. What do you think?" Pepeliaye The husband didn't expect that it was Balajanov, who was also a Russian general, who opposed him. He was a little angry, but he gave him a candied date first.

"I think you are crazy, Vasily Nikolaevich. These prisoners of war were still in the Soviet Red Army a few days ago. You actually plan to use them directly as our army. You are not afraid of them. Turning against each other on the battlefield? I think this method is absolutely unsafe!" Balajanov grinned disapprovingly.

"I agree with Sergei Ivanovich. The prisoners of war are of course veterans, but many of them have been captured many times. Many of them may even become soldiers. In this case, the way to reform the team is to Be careful, at least the entire establishment of the collective is turned over to use as your own, the risk is not small!"

The person who spoke was Jiang Hongyu, the Chinese chief of staff of the Allied Army. Although his Russian pronunciation is terrible, he can learn it quickly. Jiang Hongyu's temper is relatively gentle and restrained. If it was Wu Peifu or Wang Geng, he would be less so. Speak Russian more patiently, directly in Chinese, regardless of whether you are a Japanese general or a Russian general.

This is also to remind everyone that the Allied forces do not decide which language to speak based on the number of people, although Chinese, Japanese, and Russian are all working languages ​​​​of this coalition.But China is the boss, and the China-ri alliance has China at its core. These are all realities that must be acknowledged.

True equality has never existed, and everything has to be fought for by one's own strength. Of course, opportunities are also important, but strength determines everything, so Pepelyaev is anxious to send his team Expand as quickly as possible to a sufficiently large extent.

Pepelyayev's proposition was continuously opposed by Barayanov and Jiang Hongyu. The guy sat back in his chair awkwardly, and muttered in his mouth, "That's exactly what I do. Said, in the end, we still have to discuss it with everyone, I wonder if Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief has any specific plans?"

Wang Geng smiled slightly when he heard the words, turned to Wu Peifu and said, "Deputy Chief of Staff, do you have any good suggestions?"

Throughout the Battle of Ufa, Wu Peifu hardly got any real battles. He only led the Siberian infantry division in pursuit and armed parades. Therefore, this guy was always a little depressed. Seeing Wang Geng asking questions now, After bearding for a long time, the answer that popped out was:

"Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. In the Battle of Ufa, the Russian troops in the coalition fought quite well. I think Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief must have a higher idea!"

Wang Geng was taken aback when he heard the words, obviously a little surprised by Wu Peifu's mood. Could it be that this guy is still depressed because he has no room to use his skills in the Battle of Ufa?However, compared with the single-handedness when he marched thousands of miles to win Outer Mongolia and the Lake Baikal region, in the Battle of Ufa, because Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief, almost monopolized the power, Wu Peifu really only played the role of chief of staff. Performance has no chance.

After finally entering the stage of chasing and beating dogs in the water, Wang Geng also temporarily formed the Ufa Zhongyang Group for himself, but after the fight, the Russian cavalry took all the limelight. He led the infantry in chasing after him in the rain, but he couldn't fight happily, although in the end the main force of Yegorov's army was encircled and forced to land.

But in Wu Peifu's view, the third Ural cavalry division and the division commander Nerikov who defended Buzuluk are the biggest contributors, and he just came up to clean the battlefield at the end.

"Then, does Your Excellency Utsunomiya have a good opinion with Chief of Staff Jiang?" Wang Geng frowned slightly, put Wu Peifu aside first, and turned to ask the commander in chief of the Japanese army and his official chief of staff. If this roundabout task is entrusted to Wu Peifu, it is estimated that Wu Ziyu will have enough room to use his skills, and he will not still be depressed at the moment.

However, Jiang Hongyu was Wang Geng's first chief of staff, and this time the detour in the North Road was very exciting, and the results were very good. After this battle, the reputation of Jiang Hongyu, the chief of staff, in the coalition army was really established. Get up, otherwise, it would be difficult to convince the public if the credit is not obvious. Even with Wang Geng's care and support, the people below would not be easily convinced.

"Since your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief asked, I thought about it and wondered if we could use prisoners of war to form new divisions based on ethnic or geographical distinctions. Of course, the new commanders at all levels must go through examination, assessment and training, and they must be recruited from other troops. Transfer some capable cadres to serve as chief officers, if all goes well, then this army will soon regain its combat effectiveness!"

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