Beiyang 1917

Chapter 541


The amazing performance of Jiang Hongyu, Chief of Staff of the Allied Forces in leading the Second Armored Brigade in the Battle of Ufa, made the Chief of Staff Jiang, who was not taken seriously at first, become one of the high-ranking generals of the Allied Forces. In fact, speaking of Wu Peifu and Utsunomiya These two guys could be regarded as the deputy chiefs of staff for Jiang Hongyu. .welcome to read

At this moment, Jiang Hongyu's idea is obviously good. The new infantry divisions are divided according to regions and ethnic groups. The team has a strong cohesion and is not easy to fall apart. The key to leading troops depends on whether the cadres at all levels are capable, like the First Siberian Army The three infantry divisions in the army are all fresh recruits, but because the commanders at all levels are drawn from the Chinese troops in the coalition forces, at least the team did not lose shape in the Battle of Ufa and was not dragged apart.

"I agree with Chief of Staff Chiang's opinion that it can be divided by ethnicity and region, but enough backbones of other troops must be added, and they must be added to the command posts, so that the team can be gradually transformed and the Bolshevik class and ideas can be driven out. The imprint on them, but the key issue is not here, I think the key issue is the ownership and command system of the coalition army and the Volga Federation army!"

Army General Taro Utsunomiya finally pointed to the crux of the problem. In the view of the commander of the Japanese Army, no matter whether it is West Siberia east of the Ural Mountains or the Volga Federation here, it can only be the Allied Command that is in charge, or in other words, All soldiers and civilians, you are really led by the Allied Forces Command.

Of course, it is the Sino-Japanese Alliance and the King of Asia, the uncrowned king of Asia, who lead the Allied Forces Command. The rest are bullshit. Pepelyaev wants to support his own troops, and this idea must be given to him from the very beginning. Killed in the cradle, no one wants to challenge the authority of the coalition command, not even the envoys of the United States, Britain and France stationed in the Volga Federation, including the governments of the countries represented behind them!

Of course, Utsunomiya Taro himself claims to be the close assistant, right-hand man, and successor of the great coalition commander, the King of China. Compete for the position of acting commander-in-chief of the coalition forces.

As for Jiang Hongyu, the official chief of staff of the Allied Forces, although he led the Second Armored Brigade to fight quite well in the Battle of Ufa, according to the information collected by the Japanese General Staff Headquarters, the main Chinese force that went to Russia belonged to Wu Peifu's Third Army However, Jiang Hongyu's direct troops are still stationed in Zhili and have not gone abroad!

Utsunomiya Taro, of course subconsciously wanted to bring the Russian troops under his own command system, but the pride of the Imperial Japanese Army made him feel uncomfortable. What is even more disappointing is that the Japanese troops in the coalition forces, except for the artillery troops who tried their hand, several cavalry regiments are already weak.

The Japanese cavalry regiment in the coalition army is specially strengthened to be the same as the infantry regiment, but after the strengthening, it is only the size of a Russian cavalry brigade. Apart from Slavin's retreat, and Hata Toshiroku leading the 31th Cavalry Wing to annihilate Tukhachevsky's [-]st Infantry Division, the overall record is nothing short of good.

Moreover, Wang Geng also confessed to Utsunomiya in private that on the land of Russia, the coalition forces will focus on building and training Russian troops, and will fight with the German and Austrian allies in the future. The casualties in a battle may be hundreds of thousands. This cannon fodder will not let Russia People go to fill it. Is it impossible for the young elites of China and Japan to sacrifice thousands of miles?

So although Utsunomiya Taro didn't have the nerve to directly say that the newly formed Russian infantry divisions should be strengthened into the Japanese divisions, he finally couldn't help but be the first to raise the question of who will command these Russian troops, how they will be organized and subordinated. This is indeed the key point of this army discussion.

According to Wang Geng's calculation, the most ideal situation is to completely integrate the forces of China, Japan and Russia into one force, such as a mixed light mechanized infantry division, governing a Chinese armored regiment, two Russian infantry regiments, and a Japanese infantry regiment. The cavalry wing and a Chinese artillery regiment, the whole division is still a combat force of 10000 people, plus 2000 baggage and engineering troops, the total strength is about 12000.

However, the problems of language and living habits, as well as the barriers between ethnic groups and regions, will make this attempt less feasible at present. Whether it is the earlier Chinese participating army or the current Allied forces, Wang Geng regards a mixed brigade as It is a basic unit that can undertake combat missions independently. Facts have also proved that a mixed brigade-sized multi-arms unit will well undertake combat missions in one direction.

However, in the future, if there is a war with the German-Austrian Allies, let alone a mere mixed brigade, at least a few reorganized divisions, or even a group army can barely undertake the combat mission in one direction. Wang Geng knew it clearly and always warned the coalition forces Generals, compared to Tsarist Russia and Germany and Austria, and the scale and casualties of the battles between Germany and Austria, Britain and France on the east and west fronts, the Battle of Ufa is simply a miniature level and level.

Although the two sides also successively invested 30 and 25 troops, the battle itself did not involve large-scale and intensive artillery fire and in-depth contention. In the early stage, Wang Geng pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger. He always showed weakness and lured the enemy to go deep, but once the Soviet Red Army retreated, it actually fell apart and ran away.

One thing Wang Geng agrees with Pepelyayev is that it is far better to select from Soviet Russian prisoners of war than to form a new army from peasants in the Volga Federation territory. There is no need for training. The Red Army itself is the main force of the Eastern Front and the Southern Front. Many of them participated in the Eastern Front and the German-Austrian War in the Tsarist Russian Army. Many of them were the ones who were taken back by Moscow from the German prisoner-of-war camp two months ago.

"Everyone's opinions are reasonable. Regarding the issue of the command system mentioned by Your Excellency Utsunomiya, let me talk about my thoughts. In view of the strategic goal of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front, it is to go to the German-Austrian border and hold them back. Bringing Ludendorff back to the dilemma of fighting on two fronts also reduces the burden on the Allied forces on the Western Front, so at this moment, the forces of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front can only be more concentrated, not scattered."

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, do you mean that all the troops in the Volga Federation, whether they are present or reorganized in the future, should be included in the command and logistics support system of the coalition's military-political integration?" Utsunomiya Taro reacted very quickly Come on, one of them answered.

"But, with all due respect, Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, since the establishment of the Volga Federation, it cannot be without its own national defense force? Isn't that like a shirtless firebird that will become the enemy's meal at any time?" Pepeli Yayev was in a hurry and couldn't help arguing.

"Pepelyaev, you want to rebel before your wings are hardened?!" Wu Peifu glanced at the guy with a seyin expression and said.

"What rebellion? Since I am the Prime Minister of the Volga Federal Autonomous Government, my Federation and the government must have some troops to support the facade? Otherwise, the whole world will point at me Pepelyaev's nose and say that we are a puppet regime !” The Prime Minister of the Volga Federation stuck his neck back, his face turning blue and white.

As soon as the Volga Federal Prime Minister said this, Taro Utsunomiya wanted to laugh, and Wu Peifu simply closed his eyes and ignored Pepelyaev. Jiang Hongyu shook his head slightly, while Balajanov was With a wry smile on his face, he thought to himself, Vasily Nikolaevich, how dare you speak the truth.

But who says it's not, don't say that your Volga Federation is a puppet of the Allied Forces, or our West Siberian autonomous government east of the Ural Mountains, so why not a puppet.

Wang Geng's face was a little embarrassed when he heard that, Pepelyaev is a capable person, so he also took it seriously, waved his hands and said,

"Vassily Nikolaevich, there will be bread, and there will be defense forces in the Volga Federation, but the conditions are still very difficult now, and it is not easy to feed the coalition forces. It is really impossible to build another du li army That condition, but don’t worry, when Germany and Austria are cleaned up, your Wehrmacht will definitely have it!”

In fact, Pepelyayev thought it was inappropriate as soon as he said it. It was originally a puppet regime supported and controlled by the coalition forces. If it weren't for the presence of the coalition forces in the Volga Federation at this moment, Kolchak and the Soviet Russian Red Army could rush over in a blink of an eye. Pepelyaev is no different from a traitor in Kolchak's eyes at this moment. With the support of the coalition forces, the Volga Federal Government may not have enough food for tomorrow.

This is the reality. Fortunately, the policy of the Allied Forces of the Allied Powers is still quite humane and gentle to the common people in the land of the Volga Federation, just to preserve the chance and hope of survival for the Russian people in this land. This moment is definitely not the time to raise the flag to rebel and go it alone.

And no matter what, Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, the king of China, as the uncrowned king and head of the army and people on this land at this moment, is at least a convincing leader. Pepelyaev saw Wang Geng come out After smoothing things over and comforting himself, he nodded and sat down silently.

"Everyone, I understand your thoughts, but now we are facing a very urgent situation. Germany and Austria are likely to launch a new wave of offensive on the Western Front in August, and our strength is not growing, but weakening. Why do you say that, because when we were in Ufa, we only had to face Soviet Russia in the west. At this moment, our Volga Federation, in addition to Soviet Russia, also has Kolchak in Kazan and Krasnov in the south of Tsaritsyn. On the border with Denikin"

"In addition, we have to complete the rest and reorganization in the shortest possible time, and attack Ukraine in the west, so to make a long story short, I will talk about the next step of the coalition command's military plan:

1. 10 healthy prisoners of the Soviet Red Army who are willing to stay, plus 8 of the Ufa First and Second Army, plus 3 Tsarist Russians who are going to exchange 6 Soviet prisoners of war who choose to return to the Soviet side Prisoners of war, a total of 24 people, based on regions and ethnic groups as references, mixed and established 21 new infantry divisions and 3 cavalry divisions, as follows:

2. Ufa Group Army, under the jurisdiction of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ufa Infantry Divisions

3. Samara Group Army, under the jurisdiction of the 4th, 5th and 6th Divisions of the Samara Infantry

4. Kursk Army Group, which governs the 7th, 8th and 9th Divisions of Kursk

5. The Saratov Army, which governs the 10th, 11th and 12th Divisions of Saratov

6. Voronjeri Group Army, under the jurisdiction of the 13th, 14th and 15th Divisions of Voronieri

7. The Tsaritsyn Group Army, which governs the 16th, 17th and 18th Divisions of Tsaritsin

8. Orenburg Group Army, under the jurisdiction of the 19th, 20th and 21st Divisions of Orenburg

The above three cavalry divisions, the three cavalry divisions of the First Gaulal Cavalry Army, and the two cavalry divisions of the Gaural Second Cavalry Army were reorganized into four cavalry corps as follows:

1. The First Army of the Ural Cavalry, under the jurisdiction of the 1st and 2nd Divisions of the Ural Cavalry

2. The Second Volga Cavalry Army, which governs the 3rd and 4th Volga Cavalry Divisions

3. The Third Army of the Don Cavalry, under the jurisdiction of the 4th and 5th Divisions of the Don Cavalry

4. Fourth Army of Samara Cavalry, 6th and 7th Division of Lower Samara Cavalry


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