Beiyang 1917

Chapter 556 The Grand Blue of Battle


"Within ten days? 20 troops? A blitz to encircle Kharkov?" In the large conference room of the coalition headquarters, the three commanders of the Japanese army, whose combined age is more than 150 years old, waved excitedly The fist screamed, as if the Japanese Imperial Army was the vanguard of the Ukrainian War.

Among the Russian generals, Petrovich and Nerikov were also excited, and they only heard the word blitz in their ears. Nima, since it is a blitz, shouldn't cavalry take the lead?Doesn't it take it for granted that you have to be a pioneer yourself?The power of the cavalry in the Battle of Ufa was brought into full play in the battles commanded by myself, so who should I use?

The two people were sitting next to each other, but now they bumped into each other's shoulders and winked, looking overjoyed, as if the Ukrainian campaign depended entirely on the team he led, and Balajanov on the side couldn't stand it , hummed in his nose, and said sourly,

"Blitzkrieg blitzkrieg, that is the cavalry and armored troops play the leading role, I said why are you two so excited, Sergey and Negev should be the vanguard, don't forget that you two are now commanding the infantry, and you two army garrisons One is in Orenburg and the other is in the Urals, both in the rear, far away from the Ukrainian front line, even if the infantry army is sent up, it will not be your turn!"

Barayanov's words poured cold water on the enthusiastic Petrovich and Nerikov like a basin of cold water. Petrovich blushed and shouted, "Sergey Ivanovich, you want to So your group army is in Ufa, farther than our Orenburg and Urals, even if you want to show off in this Ukrainian campaign, you have to rank behind us!"

On the other hand, Nerikov snorted in the same way, "Who said that we are called the Orenburg Army and the Ural Army, and we will stay in Orenburg and the Ural? We will complete the training directly in Samara. You can go all the way to the Ukrainian border by crossing the river and taking a train, and the main force of your Ufa Army is really far away eating porridge under the city of Ufa!"

Balajanov turned his head away and ignored the pair of live treasures. He wondered in his heart at what stage would be the best time for his troops to go into battle?Judging from the distance from the front line, Petrovich was right. Most of his Ufa Army would not be able to participate in the first half of the Ukrainian campaign!But the Germans are so easy to deal with?Tell you to touch a nail and you will know how powerful it is!

The three Russian generals here are having a small meeting, and the three Japanese division heads over there are fighting again, all vying to let their divisions take the lead and earn face and honor for the Imperial Army. Utsunomiya Taro yelled at the head of the three division leaders who were old and young, but still had an irritable temper.

Pepelyayev is not only the commander of the Samara Army, but also the Prime Minister of the Volga Federation. What this guy is thinking about is how much food and ammunition will be transported in the Ukrainian campaign, and how to sort out and repair the road on the left bank of Volga as soon as possible. In order to transport military supplies and avoid delaying the retreat of the battle, although the logistics headquarters of the coalition command controls the logistics support of the entire coalition army and most of the Volga Federation, but in the end it will send carts and civilians to the local area. body?

"Major General, with all due respect, it's hard to say whether 20 troops are enough, but ten days of preparation is far from enough. Now the main forces of the coalition forces and the Volga Federation are still on the right bank of the Volga River. In ten days, it will take only [-] days to arrive. The Ukrainian border may not be enough, not to mention the need to replenish weapons and ammunition, store food, and the left bank of Volga is an area that has just been taken over from the Soviet Union, and it will take some time for the local situation to stabilize!"

It was Egorov who said this. For former Soviet Russian Red Army generals like Slavin, Lezhevsky, and Stepin, after switching to the Volga Federation, they were actually willing to lead the troops to fight well. Victory. **

One is to reward the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces for trusting and reusing himself, and the other is to prove to the Russian generals on Pepelyaev’s side that although we lost the Battle of Ufa, it was because the coalition forces were too powerful. It's not that we are incompetent, we will take over as strikers when we regain Ukraine!Tell you to see our true skills!

"The time is indeed a bit rushed, but according to the information collected and fed back by the Allies, Ludendorff is planning to launch a large-scale offensive campaign on the Western Front in early August. If our side does not disperse and contain the Germans in time, If Austrian forces are used, the Allied forces on the western front will be under tremendous pressure, and it is hard to say whether the French army will be able to keep the Germans 8 kilometers away from Paris again!"

Of course Hata Shunroku knew that the Battle of Ufa had just ended, and the Volga Federation had only been established for a week. There were millions of people in the food shortage waiting for relief in the entire territory, and the reorganization of the 8 army groups and 4 cavalry corps of the Volga Federation Reorganization also takes time. It only takes ten days of preparation to complete such a huge workload and launch an attack on Ukraine. To be honest, it is indeed suspected of being too hasty.

"Hasn't the main force of the U.S. military already arrived at the French battlefield? The Americans can reach the French battlefield from the United States in a week on an ocean-going troop carrier. Could it be that with the support of the main U.S. military, the Allied Powers can't hold the front on the Western Front?" asked the question. Lieutenant General Stepin.

"The U.S. military is all new recruits, with insufficient training, aircraft, machine guns, and artillery. In the short term, the combat effectiveness of the U.S. military cannot compare with the British and French armies of the Allied Powers, let alone the opponents of the German army. Go all out to the west. Under such circumstances, it is indeed quite difficult for the Allied Powers to defend the Western Front. The United States has strong industrial strength, but it is still not fully prepared to participate in the war. American soldiers who rush into battle may not be able to fight tough battles! "Hata Junliu explained helplessly.

"Major General Hata, what a lot of nonsense, hurry up and talk about how the Ukrainian campaign will be fought, how is the deployment of the enemy's troops in Khartov, and which troops will we choose to dispatch!" The anxious first Tribunal Erlang, head of the Third Division, couldn't help but beat the table and urged.

Hata Junliu pointed out the opponent's troop deployment with his baton on the map. Huang Jingbo, the commander of the coalition air force who has not spoken here, said,

"There are German airfields in Kiev, Kharkov, and Dnepropetrovsk in Ukraine. In order to avoid alarming the enemy, our reconnaissance planes did not go deep into the low altitude and deep for reconnaissance, but the number of German troops still staying in Ukraine should not be large. There are too many, adding up to the strength of five divisions."

"Your Excellency, Major General, since this is the case, we don't need to mobilize 20 main forces. How can ten divisions take Kharkov down! My third division is willing to take the lead, this time it's just us The Third Army of the Imperial Army has enough troops, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, Utsunomiya-kun, please agree to my request!" Oba Jiro of the Third Division of the Japanese Army once stood up, stood at attention, and directly Please order to go into battle!

"Well, Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, as the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Army, I ask you to agree to Daba and the others to let the Japanese Third Army be the main force to attack Ukraine. Otherwise, if they continue to hold back in the rear, the imperial warriors will be suffocated, and they will be killed by the coalition military police." The number of soldiers who violated discipline and executed by shooting almost surpassed the number of soldiers killed in battle on the front line! Isn't this a pity!"

Although there are entertainment venues in Chelyabinsk and Ufa that have been approved and supervised by the logistics headquarters of the Allied Forces Command, the Japanese soldiers have never been able to strictly observe military discipline like the Chinese Communists. He sang the same military song, but at night, if he drank too much, he often couldn't control his lower body. Although there were not many incidents that harmed the local people, they were never banned. Even the number of Japanese soldiers who died under the guns of the coalition military police exceeded three digits.

Of course, the Japanese soldiers have an advantage, that is, when they are in trouble, they really dare not rebel under the guns of the coalition military police. Of course, the coalition military police at this moment are no longer all military police from the Chinese participating army Instead, they absorbed the Japanese military police and the Russian military police to join them. Of course, the Japanese military police were more ruthless than the Chinese military police when they cleaned up their own discipline-breaking sergeants. It is normal to say that these scum Did you embarrass the Emperor of Japan!

"Lieutenant General Oba, please sit down first, Your Excellency Utsunomiya, I completely understand the feelings of the Japanese generals. The coalition forces are a big family. I believe that in the Ukrainian campaign, the Japanese army will definitely shine. Let Major General Hata continue to talk about the Ukrainian campaign plan first!" Wang Geng smiled and comforted the generals of the Japanese army, while signaling Hata Shunroku to continue talking.

"According to our reconnaissance information, of course it is not sufficient. The enemy's strength in the Kharkov direction is about six divisions and 7 people, half of which are German troops, mainly the 27th Reserve Corps. The enemy's strength in the Kiev direction is about four. A division of 5 people. In addition, the combined strength of the German air force in the three cities is about three fighter squadrons and one bomber squadron. Their bomber squadrons are located at the airport near Kiev, but the aircraft are relatively old. The main force has been transferred to the Western Front!"

"Your Excellency, Major General, you just said that you want to attack in three ways. I don't know which three ways? Is Belgorod north of Kharkov one of them?" Yegorov raised his hand and asked.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, Belgorod is indeed the main direction of assault, because there is a railway from Belgorod to Kharkov, so it is the best choice to break through along the railway line. Of course, it is also unexpected, it is best Launch the attack at dawn, anyway, it is right for the Central Route Army to attack and break south from Belgorod!"

"For the West Route Army, we envisage going west from Kursk, attacking Glukhov, about 250 kilometers northwest of Kharkov, and succeeding in going straight to Kiev in the southwest!" Shunro Hata pointed out Glukhov with his headquarters The location of Kharkov is in the northwest of Kharkov, about 125 kilometers from Kursk.

"Your Excellency, Major General, didn't you say that the target of the Ukrainian campaign is Kharkov? If we fight so far, do we still want to take Kiev?" Slavin raised his hand and asked, wondering how feasible this bold plan is. .

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, if we can take Kiev, it would be the best, but our primary goal is still Kharkov. The time when the West Route Army launches an attack will be delayed by one day compared to the Central Route Army. On the one hand, it is because of the distance the troops move. Relatively far!

On the other hand, we hope that after the attack on the Kharkov perimeter, the enemy in Kiev can be mobilized to the east for reinforcements. At this time, the Western Route Army will attack Kiev's flank again, causing the opponent to lose ground and alarming the German and Austrian allies to the greatest extent! "

"We want to launch a full-scale offensive, prepare to win Ukraine in one go, and transfer as much of the main force of Germany and Austria to the Eastern Front as possible!" Hata Shunroku actually said that Wang Geng said to Wang Geng when he was formulating the Ukrainian campaign plan. His request was that the Ukrainian campaign was not aimed at simply destroying the enemy, nor was it aimed at occupying territory, but to build up momentum, make Germany and Austria tense, and try to bring the main force of Germany and Austria back from the Western Front.

At such a time when the food supply is so tight, Wang Geng does not want to bear the burden of the 1500 million people in Ukraine who are waiting to be fed. The Soviet Union, Russia, Germany and Austria have robbed a lot of food from Ukraine. Before the summer grain comes, the great famine in Ukraine is also inevitable. What's more, the logistics transportation line is as short as possible for Wang Geng. If he stretches his hand too long, he will really be at a loss for what to do!

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