Beiyang 1917

Chapter 557


"Your Excellency, Major General, you said earlier that you would advance troops on three fronts. So, in terms of the Eastern Route Army, do you want to advance westward from Tsaritsyn along the railway? Could the target be Lugansk?" Yegorov asked immediately. (.)

"Lieutenant General Yegorov, that's true. The Eastern Route Army started from Tsaritsyn and assembled at Kamensk-Yehtinsk. The goal is to break through Krasnodon in the western part of Ukraine, and then take Luhansk- On the line of Alchevsk and Debalchev, the troops were divided into two groups, one way went north to Kharkov, and the other way went south to Donetsk." Hata Toshiroku stated the offensive route of the Eastern Route Army in one go.

Yegorov, as the new commander of the Tsaritsyn Army, fought so many battles with the White Guards of the Don River near Tsaritsyn when he was in the Soviet Union's Southern Front Army. He obviously believed that the Eastern Route Army's heavy responsibility for fighting was his own. However, the task undertaken by the Eastern Route Army is obviously quite arduous. First, the offensive route is long, but the situation on the banks of the Donetsk River is complicated. This guy couldn't help but raised his hand and asked,

"Your Excellency, Major General, will my Tsaritsin Army be responsible for the combat missions of the Eastern Route Army? Will the White Guards in Rostov-on-Don in the south be so obedient and stay put? What about Nijin's relationship? If the other side sneaks into our rear, it will be a difficult battle!" Yegorov's worry is also a common question in the hearts of several other Russian generals.

Although Kolchak's regime and the Volga Federation are in a state of friendly neutrality, the two sides were also inextricably linked before, and the White Guards entrenched in the three states south of Tsaritsyn nominally accepted Kolchak's All-Russian provisional Zheng Fu’s jurisdiction and command, but in fact, whether it is Krasnov or Denikin, it is just that Kolchak, the highest consul in Russia, is the main one. In fact, they are basically fighting for each other. host.

Therefore, the establishment of the Volga Federation and the incorporation of Tsaritsyn into the territory of the Federation will really dispel the ambition of Krasnov and Denikin to go north to take Tsaritsyn. For these former Soviet Russian Red Army generals, they were really uneasy.

"Your Excellency, the three directions of the Ukrainian campaign, which troops and generals to call, need to be discussed with the commander-in-chief, the chief of staff and several deputy commanders. However, your troops mainly come from the vicinity of Tsaritsyn. You are familiar with the environment and climate there, and you can be regarded as the soldiers of the central and southern part of the Volga Federation Army, I believe that you and your army group will have a chance to make a good use of it!" Hata Junliu said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I haven't had time to report the matter. Representatives of Krasnov and Denikin also rushed to Samara at noon today. They hope to get arms and food assistance from us, and they want us to promise not to They will go south from Tsaritsyn to invade their territory! How should we answer each other?" Volga Federation Prime Minister Pepelyaev interjected.

"Vassily Nikolaevich, I remember that I told you last time that the Volga Federation welcomes anyone with lofty ideals to join our team. The Don Cossack Autonomous Republic is the benefit we can promise them. .(.)

Of course, it’s not enough for them to just speculate and cheat on arms and food. Due to the establishment of the Volga Federation, the fact that Krasnov and Denikin wanted to open up the front with Kolchak in the north is a passing moment, and they should also think about it. There is a problem with my own way out! "Wang Geng frowned slightly.

"Commander-in-Chief, Krasnov and Denikin still dare to talk about it right now? If they are mischievous, I will take the third division to sweep over and take care of the North Caucasus for the coalition forces and the Volga Federation in one month!"

The person who spoke was Lieutenant General Zhang Weixi, the division commander of the Chinese Reorganized Third Division of the Allied Forces. The third division here is considered to be the main division of Wu Peifu's Third Army, but in the end it has been guarding the rear of Chelyabinsk. The reserve team didn't even get it. Seeing Jiang Hongyu and Xiong Shihui's troops showing off in the Battle of Ufa, this guy was already feeling overwhelmed.

At this moment, Zhang Weixi's sword-like eyebrows were erected coldly, and his usually handsome face was a little red. He stood up and directly expressed his willingness to lead the third division to sweep the North Caucasus!

When Zhang Weixi yelled, Xiong Shihui, Li Mingzhong, and Sun Liangcheng stood up one after another and demanded to fight. Sun Liangcheng even patted his chest and shouted, "Commander-in-chief, I don't want a division, I will take the first mixed armored brigade , see me invite Krasnov and Denikin to Samara for coffee!"

"Okay! Everyone, please be calm and don't be impatient. Sit down and let Hata Toshiroku finish his battle plan first!" Wang Geng didn't express his position immediately, but reached out his hand to stop the generals from actively asking for battle, and signaled Hata Toshiroku to continue talking. .

"After Krasnov's and Denikin's White Guards suffered a disastrous defeat in the third Tsaritsyn battle, they are still far from recovering. Of course, their remaining strength is only tens of thousands of Cossack cavalry. It is judged that they cannot pose a threat to Tsaritsyn for the time being.

But if we attack Ukraine to the west, their White Guards are likely to invade Ukraine from the south at the same time to take advantage of fire and looting, and it will become an uncertain factor in our Ukraine campaign. For example, they took advantage of the situation to seize Ukraine If the city is destroyed, shall we stand by or take it back?This requires the coalition forces and the Volga Federation to think of a countermeasure in advance, otherwise the frontline troops and generals will not be able to deal with it. "Hata Junliu continued.

The generals in the meeting room whispered to each other. Obviously, how to deal with the relationship with the White Guard forces in the three southern states is indeed a tricky matter. In theory, the Volga Federation and Kolchak's all-Russian interim government belong to each other. If the recognized friendly neighbor directly launches an offensive to the south and wipes out the other party in one go, it will be a bit of a mistake.

But let this sub-force stay there. Firstly, the Cossack White Guard’s military discipline is very bad, and they continue to mutilate and harass the local people at the junction. Secondly, it also blocks the space for the Volga Federation to develop southward. Thirdly, Who knows if there will be an elbow and armpit one day, the Tsaritsyn Army will attack Ukraine westward, and Krasnov and Denikin will make a comeback to attack Tsaritsyn in the south?

"The issue of Krasnov and the Denikin White Guards can be dealt with in this way first. In the name of the Volga Federation Zheng Fu, officially notify the other party and give them two ways out. First, if the White Guards of the three southern states voluntarily join the Volga Federation. , we can form the Don Autonomous Republic.

Second, if they do not join the Volga Federation and continue to serve Kolchak as the main force, then we can also use this as an excuse to escort them north into the Kolchak territory on the Kazan side, but the three states in the south are important to the Volga Federation. It is imperative to win and must become the territory of the Volga Federation! "Wang Geng turned around and said firmly to Pepelyaev.

"Uh..." Volga Federal Prime Minister obviously did not expect the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces to have such a tough attitude, he hesitated for a while, and then said in a whisper,

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, the internal consolidation and stability of the Volga Federation is still out of the question, and it will take some time for industrial and agricultural production to resume. Is it too hasty for us to send an ultimatum to Denikin and the others? It is said that the Ukrainian campaign is urgent, and if Krasnov and the others are irritated and fight in the south, we will face great pressure! Moreover, will Kolchak in the north turn his face?"

Pepelyaev obviously felt that making enemies on all sides was too risky for his new regime, so he didn't care to show his timidity at this time, and his words revealed a guilty conscience.

"Flip? Well, then let's destroy Kolchak first, don't look at his all-Russian temporary government fu boasting that Kazan has 20 elite main forces. In the eyes of our coalition forces, it is just a chicken tile Dog, I will lead the Ninth Division along the Trans-Siberian Railway to kill Kazan within a week, Your Excellency Pepe, just don't come to claim credit!" Li Mingzhong said carelessly.

"Suoga, Li Sang, the attack on Kazan counts as part of my Third Division. My court is willing to join hands with you. We will take Kazan and go west, all the way to Moscow!" The Japanese Third Division Division head Niba Erlang shouted adding fuel to the fire.

The arrogance of the Chinese and Japanese generals can be seen at a glance. The former Soviet Russian generals here, such as Slavin, Rzhevsky, Egorov, and Steping, have sympathy for each other, and their expressions are a little bit Embarrassed, and Pepeliayev's face was even more blue and white, and he couldn't laugh or cry. Balayanov remained silent at first. Anyway, he didn't have much to Pepe and Kolchak. Good impression, then rolled his eyeballs, and muttered:

"Lieutenant General Li and Lieutenant General Daba, if they go west to Moscow, they will count as part of my Balajanov's Ufa Army. I think if we really let our hands and feet go, we will be able to win in less than a month." Down to Moscow!"

There was a lot of noise in the conference room, which made Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief of the coalition army, frown. It is a good thing to have morale, but it is not what he wants to train his subordinates to be good fighters who only know how to fight all day long. The servant cleared his throat and said coldly,

"Give me a break, Li Mingzhong. If you only know about fighting, then I've misread you. Our power is limited, our time is limited, and we have unlimited things to do. At this time, can fighting alone solve all problems?

Everyone!The reason why the coalition forces marched did not encounter any major resistance from the local people, and the reason why the Volga Federation was established relatively smoothly, we paid a huge price. Do you know how much fuel is consumed to transport food alone?

The food on the front line is enough for a few days now, and how many bases are there left for the ammunition of each department?How many shortages are there in other military supplies?Pepe's concerns are not unreasonable. If we blindly rely on making enemies from all sides, our road will be very difficult. We must take advantage of the trend and use our strength to fight, you know! "Wang Geng looked a little angry, and his tone was quite cold.

The meeting room fell silent, and the Chinese and Japanese generals lowered their heads and stopped talking. The Russian generals thought that speaking in front of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces was not enough, so of course no one said anything at this moment.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Wang Geng signaled Hata Junroku to hurry up and talk about the plan for the Ukrainian campaign.

"Everyone, in the Ukrainian campaign, the Central Route Army will transport and mobilize troops along the railway line from Saratov-Voroneri-Belgorod. It is about 660 kilometers from Saratov to Belgorod The distance, fortunately, the railway is ready-made, this distance can reach the destination in a day, the main reason is that it will take time to replenish the ammunition and food at the front line!"

Hata Toshiroku's baton almost drew a straight line from Saratov to the west on the combat map, turned to the southwest after passing Voronezri, and finally landed at the assembly position before the attack of the Central Route Army - Belgorod .

"Your Excellency, Major General, my Voronezhri Army is willing to take the lead for the Central Army! I just don't know if there is enough time for reorganization, but I'm still a bare-bones army commander!" The new Voronjeri Army Commander Stepin stepped forward debut.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, please promise me to lead the Saratov Army to fight in Ukraine. You can serve as the Central Army or the Western Army. If you have enough ammunition, even the West Route Army will take almost a week to prepare!"

Rzhevsky stood up and declared his position to fight. This guy was more thoughtful than Stepin. He knew that it was useless to challenge Hata Junroku. In the end, it was Wang Geng who made up his mind, so he directly challenged Wang Geng, looking confident.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, your troops are still scattered in the prison camps on the right bank of the Volga River, and as far as I know, most of the main force of the Fourth Army is lightly or seriously wounded. In seven days, your new army can reach Sara Tove may not even have time, let alone assemble to the Ukrainian border! The Russian troops in the Ukrainian campaign can be used as the second-line reserve team, and the third division of Jiro Oba will be the striker!" The division chief of the Japanese Army's third division Lieutenant General Erlang couldn't help but jumped out again.

Looking at the meeting room in order to seize the opportunity to fight for the vanguard, the Chinese and Russian generals had to argue again.

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