Beiyang 1917

Chapter 558 1 hammer


"Everyone, everyone, don't argue anymore, let the Sixth Major General Hata Toshi finish the Ukrainian campaign plan first!" Utsunomiya Taro, deputy commander of the coalition forces and commander of the Japanese army, saw Wang Geng frowned and wanted to get angry, so he hurriedly shouted Rounding the field, he signaled Hata Junliu to hurry up and say that he should stop moaning. (.)

I thought to myself that Zhang Weixi and Oba Erlang’s troops didn’t even drink the soup for the Ufa battle. Now that the Ukrainian battle is just around the corner, how can they let the Russian troops take the lead? Arrange to finish speaking in one breath, and then let Wang Geng make a decision.

"According to the requirements of the coalition command and the current situation of various troops, our war room has drawn up the following formation of the Ukrainian campaign troops for your reference. It is very large, and each unit needs a certain amount of time to rest and replenish, and the Russian troops in the Volga Federation are ushering in a large-scale reorganization, we suggest that the participating troops in the Ufa Battle serve as the second echelon for the time being!"

"The eight armies of the Volga Federation should be reorganized and supplemented within a week, but they are only serving as the second echelon. The three-way army will serve as the first echelon. They will start from Chelyabinsk at noon today and advance to the west of the Ural Mountains. The coalition forces, including the third division of Japan, the main force of the No.8 division, the main force of the third and ninth divisions of China, in addition, the three infantry divisions of the newly formed Siberia Second Army in West Siberia have also successively Set off."

"In the later period of the Ufa campaign, 3 Dodge one-and-a-half-ton military trucks were transported from Manzhouli, China, through the Trans-Siberian Railway, and the number of automobile transportation regiments in the logistics headquarters of the Allied Command increased from the original three to six.

Now the 470-kilometer original road from Ufa to Samara has basically been repaired and leveled, and military depots have been set up every 6 kilometers along the way. A total of 2400 Dodge military trucks from the six car regiments of the coalition logistics will maintain Ufa and Saarra Road transport between horses and horses is uninterrupted 24 hours a day.

Since the road from Ufa to Samara is mainly made of rammed earth compacted and covered with gravel, the average speed of Dodge military trucks is only 60 kilometers per hour, plus the time spent on resting and refueling, fully loaded Dodge trucks can run the distance in 8 hours.Nearly 10 military depots provide refueling and water for the trucks passing along the way, as well as places for drivers to rest and eat. At the same time, they have gradually begun to stock up on auto parts for repair and maintenance. "

"From Samara to Saratov, you can go down the Volga River by water. Of course, we still don't have enough transport ships at the moment. Soviet Russia has basically evacuated all the ships of the Volga River Fleet. We are now All that can be found are flat-bottomed sailboats of small tonnage, so until there are not enough ships, the efficiency of the Volga River transportation will be greatly reduced, so our main force will be transported westward by rail and road.”

"Railway? Is it the Samara-Uralsk-Saratov railway route? But there is no railway bridge in Saratov! Don't we have to use a boat to cross the river?" Yegorov below reluctantly Can't stop.

"Because the Volga River Railway Bridge in Samara is reopened and opened to traffic, it will take at least mid-September, and Syzran on the opposite bank is the territory of Soviet Russia and Moscow's territory, so we can only rely on the left bank of the Volga River for transportation. River and road transport in Samara-Saratov.

As for the railway, I told Lieutenant General Yegorov that it is necessary to take a zigzag detour, but the advantage is that the train carriages can be directly ferryed across the Volga River in Saratov. Of course, this takes time.

But we traveled 340 kilometers from Samara along the right bank of the Volga River to Saratov. The military depot had not yet been established, and the road had to be restructured. The average speed of the Dodge truck was only 30 kilometers per hour, and the truck tires were worn out. superb. "

"So, in two days and two nights, you can run the entire distance from Ufa to Samara and then to Saratov?" Rzhevsky asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Theoretically, this is the case when the road is smooth and there are no traffic jams or breakdowns. Another key is the lack of gasoline reserves. Although the coalition forces have stored a large amount of fuel at the first base camp ten kilometers northwest of Ufa, they are now starting from Ufa. The road to Samara has just been repaired and leveled, so many military trucks in the early stage transported not supplies but gasoline they needed.

Of course, if all goes well, in two days, our existing road transport capacity can transport the strength of two reorganized divisions or divisions, or six Russian divisions, from Ufa to Saratov. "Hata Junliu said with a little pride. Although he is not responsible for the work of the logistics headquarters of the coalition army, the formulation of combat plans has a great relationship with logistics, so he has a very clear and thorough understanding of logistics transportation support capabilities.

"Major General Hata, does this mean that my third division will become the main force in the Ukrainian campaign? Should we be placed in the middle army or the northern army?! Now it's my turn to show my talents, Oba Jiro and the Nagoya division."

Before this guy in the court left Chelyabinsk by plane in the morning, he only knew that the third division was ordered to depart from Chelyabinsk to Ufa by train according to the order of the coalition headquarters. Unexpectedly, the division was already in The road from Ufa to Samara is on, which makes Oba Jiro very excited!

"Uh, our plan is for our central army in the Ukrainian campaign. The third division of the Japanese third army, that is, Lieutenant General Oba's Nagoya division, will be the main force, and a part of the Russian cavalry will be assigned. In addition, Lieutenant General Fujii's The No.12 Division, that is, the Kurume Division, serves as the main force of the West Route Army, and is also equipped with a part of the Russian cavalry to fight. For the East Route Army, the [-]th Division is the main force, and it should also be equipped with a part of the Russian cavalry.”

Hata Toshiroku was talking about the formation plan of the Ukrainian campaign troops drawn up by the war room, while quietly looking at the expressions of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces and Utsunomiya Taro. This plan used all the three main divisions of the Japanese Third Army, and There is no shadow of the reorganization division of the Chinese participating army, and what is behind it is the huge pressure from the Japanese Imperial Army Staff Headquarters and the hints of Utsunomiya Taro.

Of course, will the Chinese general jump up and run away? Can the commander-in-chief of the coalition agree? Taro Utsunomiya, the new deputy commander of the coalition, patted his chest and said that everything will be taken care of and handled by him!

As soon as Hata Junliu's plan came out, the three commanders of the Japanese army who were over 150 years old together in the conference room were so excited that they almost stood up and sang the net ditty, winking at each other and touching their shoulders. When Hong met Wu Peifu, the deputy commander of the coalition forces, he was sullen.

But Sun Liangcheng, Zhang Weixi, Li Mingzhong and Xiong Shihui's faces were livid. Several Chinese generals looked at each other in the lead and couldn't believe their ears. Excluded from the main lineup of the Ukraine campaign?This is simply unbelievable!

Then Sun Liangcheng couldn't help but slapped the table, and yelled at Hata Junliu, "You surnamed Tian, ​​how dare you look down on Lao Tzu's team? If you don't believe me, take it out for a walk, I will beat you with a brigade and a division, and I don't want aviation to help out! Don't you dare?" Dare?! Why didn’t the Ukrainian campaign arrange for Chinese troops to participate in the war?! If you don’t explain clearly to me, don’t blame me for turning my face and denying people!”

Sun Liangcheng shouted so provocatively, Xiong Shihui, Li Mingzhong and Zhang Weixi around him rolled up their sleeves and shouted at the three Japanese division heads. Li Mingzhong stared at a pair of bull's eyes and roared,

"The purpose of the Ukrainian campaign was to bring back the main force of Germany and Austria from the Western Front. Although the Japanese army was brave, at most it was a little bit more accurate than the Russian army. I am used to three or eight guns, I can defeat your infantry brigade with an armored regiment, if you don’t believe me, let’s draw a show, whoever wins will go to Ukraine!"

Here Tian Junliu also got angry when he heard the words, but this guy has been in the Chinese Army Command for a long time in the name of Tian Jun, and he is quite familiar with Li Mingzhong, and now he is getting angry Face, but didn't know how to refute for a while, the combat staff officer beside him - Gaki Seishi Shiro couldn't hold back his youthful vigor, stepped forward and shouted,

"Li Sang, the armored regiment you mentioned is not equipped in our Imperial Army yet, but thanks to the kindness of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, he gave me a chariot of the armored battalion before going south. My armored battalion can compare with yours. , whoever loses is a puppy! Whoever is afraid of whom! What kind of hero is he who bullies people with weapons!"

"Okay! Just compare, I don't take advantage of you. We will fight one armored battalion against another armored battalion. Whoever wins will go to Ukraine! It is the puppy who dare not compare!" Li Mingzhong slapped the table and roared without showing any weakness.

The long line of Russian generals on the opposite side originally thought that the Chinese generals were introverted. They were silent for the first part of the meeting, and they were a little sluggish, but when they expected to rush to fight, they were full of passion. His aura is no worse than his own, and his posture is definitely the posture of a hero who dares to go up the mountain and fight a tiger!

The four Chinese generals here, Li Mingzhong is 31 years old, Zhang Weixi is 29 years old, Sun Liangcheng and Xiong Shihui are the same age, both are 25 years old. Junliu is a bit younger, but he is also 39 years old. Ita-Gaki Seishiro is 33 years old, and Ishihara Waner is the youngest, but he is also 29 years old. Compared with young people with strong firepower and fresh blood, the Chinese generals have an absolute advantage.

Utsunomiya Taro saw that this group of guys would be hurt if they continued to fight, so he had to stand up quickly and reprimanded Ita-Gaki, "Ita-Gaki-kun, pay attention to proportion, it's almost enough, if you can win the battle with a louder voice, then Why do you want to study further in the Imperial Continent? Give me a break!"

This guy is training Ban-Yuan, but he inadvertently highlights that the Japanese generals have higher academic qualifications than the young and energetic Chinese generals. Not to mention the three veteran Japanese army lieutenant generals, this Junliu Hata and Wan Ishihara Er and Ban-Gaki Zhengshiro are both highly educated students of the Japanese Imperial Army University. In contrast, Li Mingzhong and Xiong Shihui are non-commissioned officer graduates of Baoding Military Academy. They have never studied in mainland China. Just a school self-taught guy.

Speaking of which, Li Mingzhong belongs to a typical pheasant military academy-Feng Yuxiang was born as a model company commander, with thick eyebrows, big eyes and smooth skin. In the Battle of Ufa, the Russian cavalry division under Li Mingzhong shined brilliantly in Buzuluk under the leadership of Nerikov. This guy was nested in Orenburg but didn't fight a big battle, so his record is indeed a bit unsatisfactory .

Of course, Ita-Gaki Seishiro was the first in the Japanese army to be equipped with an armored battalion, but this guy followed Sun Liangcheng, which was basically the end of an armed parade. The hard work and dirty work are called Cossack cavalry of the Russian Cavalry Division They snatched it away, and the second brigade of the first cavalry division even made a surprise attack from a hundred miles away and finally annihilated a division of the Soviet Russian Red Army in Bolgar.

"Sit down for me, all of you, after being a division commander and fighting a few battles, you dare to look down on your allies? What's more, the coalition forces are all under the command of the coalition forces, regardless of whether they are Chinese, Japanese or Volga federal troops. As for the difference, what Ban-Yuan said is right. Weapons alone can’t prove the ability of you and the troops. Exchange your weapons to Ban-Yuan and the others. Try using a [-]-big cover? I think you still have the confidence Not that much!"

Wang Geng scolded others with a cold face. Although the four Chinese generals here were all older than his commander-in-chief, none of them dared to fire cannons indiscriminately. They sat back in their seats obediently with blushing faces. Whispering, the combat characteristics of our troops are to focus on firepower and mobility. The Japanese themselves are not equipped with advanced armored vehicles and machine guns. It is their fault that their own country is small and poor. !In this world, the battle is more domineering than the guy in whose hands!

In fact, before this battle meeting was held, Wang Geng had already read the campaign draft drawn up by Hata Shunroku and his team in the morning. The cooperation has been good.

In the Battle of Ufa, the Japanese army lacked opportunities to perform. Not only the commander of the Japanese army, Utsunomiya Taro, but also the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters were under pressure from the domestic government and public opinion. , the Imperial Army was oppressed and excluded everywhere in the coalition forces, and was not given a chance to show off at all. If things go on like this, Japan will lose its power, and the Imperial Army's combat effectiveness and fighting spirit will also decline.

Even, the government of Japan sent a diplomatic note to Zheng Fu of Duan Qirui of Beijing through the Minister of Foreign Affairs, hoping that the spirit of equality and unity of the Sino-Japanese alliance can be truly implemented in the combat arrangements of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front, so as to live up to Duan Qirui reluctantly mentioned this point in the telegram to Wang Geng about the Japanese people's high hopes for the coalition forces. The implication is that he hopes that Wang Geng can make some appropriate concessions and give the Japanese army some opportunities to perform.

Thinking of this, Wang Geng turned his head and discussed in a low voice with the generals Jiang Hongyu and Wu Peifu beside him, and exchanged opinions with Utsunomiya Taro here, then stood up, supported the conference table with both hands, and glanced around. Take a look at the senior generals of China, Japan and Russia under his command, saying word by word,

"The coalition command decided that in the first phase of the Ukrainian campaign, the Japanese Third Division, Seventh Division and No.12 Division would be responsible for the attack in three directions at the same time. The divisions of the three divisions of the group army belong to the armored regiment, and they are also assigned to the three divisions of Japan to fight!"

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