Beiyang 1917

Chapter 561 A Brand New Beginning


"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, is the ultimate goal of the Southern Campaign to take down Azerbaijan?" Yegorov stood up and asked with his eyes brightened. Russia, to bring back all the countries that have split out, so the southern campaign and the oil issue mentioned by the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces made this guy very excited. -xiaoshuoyd-

"Lieutenant General Yegorov, 75% of Russia's oil comes from the oil fields in Baku. Azerbaijan's fat meat cannot fall into the hands of Turkey and the German-Austrian Allies. Speaking of which, the Baku oil fields in Azerbaijan are important to the Volga Federation. The importance is far greater than that of Ukraine, so Ukraine can become a battlefield for us to contain Germany and Austria, but we are determined to win the oil fields in Azerbaijan and Baku!"

Wang Geng smiled and nodded, all the generals below were more excited when they heard the words, except Pepelyaev raised his hand again with a bitter face,

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I forgot to report to you. At noon today, apart from Ukraine's diplomatic representatives and representatives of Krasnov and Denikin's White Guards, Azerbaijan and Georgia, two autonomous republics that have declared duli, They also sent diplomatic representatives to Samara, and they also hope to sign a peace treaty with us, and everyone will recognize each other for peace and peace, and keep the borders without aggression!" Obviously, Pepelyaev had to ask Wang Geng again, what should the federal government do? Reply to the other party.

Wang Geng frowned. At the beginning of the European War, the German-Austrian Allies were only Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria. But on the Eastern Front of the European War, after the behemoth Tsarist Russian Empire was overthrown by the February and October Revolutions, Finland , Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan have all declared du li, and the regime has changed from white to red, and finally to the German-Austrian alliance. After the peace treaty of Leicester, the du li of these countries was acquiesced.

The forces of the Bolsheviks and the Soviets completely gave up and withdrew from the above-mentioned areas, causing these countries to establish successively the so-called neutral autonomous governments under the protection of the German-Austrian Allies, but in fact they became satellite countries of the German-Austrian Allies. With Germany, Austria and Turkey separated in the middle, it is impossible to intervene, and the strength of the German-Austrian Allies has grown unprecedentedly with the establishment of these satellite countries.

"Your Excellency Pepe, the position of the Allied Forces has not changed. These countries are now duli in name. In fact, after the withdrawal of the Soviet and Bolshevik forces, these countries are all leaning towards the German-Austrian Allies. Of course, this is also because the Allies are beyond their reach. I can't care about protecting them, and at the same time they hold great hostility towards the previous rule of Tsarist Russia." Wang Geng thought for a while, then continued,

"Same as the reply to Ukraine, we welcome them to voluntarily join the Volga Federation and enjoy the treatment of an autonomous republic. All ethnic groups in the Volga Federation are equal, but the Volga Federation does not recognize their du li, let alone allow them to pretend to be neutral. Collude with Germany and Austria to endanger world peace, tell them to make a choice as soon as possible, otherwise we can only fight each other!"

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces is obviously a bit arrogant at the moment. The Chinese and Japanese generals below are jealous, thinking that following the commander-in-chief, this soldier is really not worried about being a hero, and the Russian generals applaud one after another , Great Russianism has apparently been replaced by Great Volgaism.

Although these old-fashioned generals under the Volga Federation come from all nationalities, most of them have already regarded themselves as a natural part of Russia. They naturally hold a kind of hostility towards these divided and duli regions and countries and want to renew Conquer their ambitions.

"Understood, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, but we are making enemies everywhere like this. Our Volga Federation has not been established for a long time, and the foundation is not stable. What if we are besieged by all sides by then?" Pepelyaev wiped the sweat from his forehead. , could not help muttering.

"Vassily Nikolaevich, my Excellency Prime Minister, don't forget that you are not only the Prime Minister of the Federation, you are also a Federation soldier. You must show some heroic spirit of a soldier. In this time of troubled times, It is the moment when our generation of heroes show their glory and open up the territory for the Federation, what kind of a mother-in-law and mother-in-law are you? You were not like this when you commanded the defense of the Northwest Group under the city of Ufa!" Petrovich said to Pei cried Pelyayev.

"Your Excellency Pepe's concerns, of course, I can understand. The coalition forces are now stretching their front lines, and their logistical support is quite difficult. If they don't win the oil fields in Azerbaijan, they will definitely not be able to cope with the next stage of the war. The Tsaritsyn arsenal is also good. The ports and docks are also good. Apart from coal, the most scarce thing now is fuel. The coalition forces will gradually increase the number of mechanized and armored troops, and the coalition air force is also a big fuel consumer, so winning the oil-producing areas on both sides of the Caspian Sea is the top priority. Heavy."

As he spoke, Wang Geng turned around and drew a big circle on the map with the baton in the three states south of Tsaritsin, including Georgia and Azerbaijan, and clicked on the back road.

"The complexity and difficulty of the southern campaign may even surpass that of the Ukrainian campaign. For this reason, the coalition command decided to form the Southwest Front Army and the Southern Front Army. The three new federal armies of Ersk, Voronjeri, and Tsaritsyn, as well as the three divisional armored regiments of the Chinese Third Army!"

"The combat force of the Southwest Front Army of the Allied Forces will reach 18, plus 2 local civilians who have been requisitioned, the total number will exceed 20. The commander of the Southwest Front Army of the Allied Forces will be General Utsunomiya Taro, and the commander of the Japanese Third Army The Ministry was transformed into the Southwest Front Army Command as a whole."

"The main defense areas of the Southwestern Front of the coalition forces are the three states of Kursk, Voronezh, and Tsaritsyn. The main combat mission is to carry out the Ukrainian campaign. The attack direction is Ukraine. The goal of the first stage is to occupy Kharkov, Kiev and Tsaritsyn. Dnepropetrovsk! Clear the enemy from the north bank of the Dnieper!"

"The Southern Front of the Allied Forces will govern the three armies of Saratov, Ural, and Orenburg, as well as the [-]st Mixed Armored Brigade of the [-]st Armored Division of the Allied Forces, the [-]rd Army of the Don Cavalry, and the [-]th Army of the Voronezri Cavalry. , specifically responsible for the execution of the southern campaign and the operations in the south.”

"The commander of the Southern Front Army of the Allied Forces will be concurrently served by General Wu Peifu, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces and the commander of the Third Army of China. people, plus the 14 civil servants recruited, the total number will reach 2.”

"The defensive areas of the Southern Front of the Allied Forces are Saratov, Ural, and Orenburg, and the theater of operations is the three states occupied by the White Guards such as Rostov south of Tsaritsyn, as well as Azerbaijan and Georgia. The goal of the first phase of the Southern Campaign is to clear the The local separatist armed forces in the North Caucasus region, the second stage is to recover Azerbaijan and Georgia, and firmly control the Baku oil field in the Caspian Sea in the hands of the Federation!"

The Ukrainian Campaign and the Southern Campaign were launched at the same time, and for this reason, the Southwest Front Army and the Southern Front Army were established. Wang Geng had only discussed these plans with Jiang Hongyu, Wu Peifu, and Utsunomiya Taro. Of course, Utsunomiya Taro and Wu Peifu agreed with both hands, and they were alone Taking advantage of the victory to pursue is the long-cherished wish of the two deputy commanders-in-chief of the coalition forces since the coalition forces marched westward. At this time, if they seize this opportunity, no matter how risky it is, they will never miss it easily.

Speaking of this afternoon's military meeting, it wasn't until now that the real riot broke out.

Utsunomiya Taro and Wu Peifu, the two new commanders of the front army, got up with a click, and with the sound of their boots hitting the mountain, they accepted Wang Geng's appointment and task with a loud voice.Seeing Sun Liangcheng, Li Mingzhong, Xiong Shihui, and Zhang Weixi red-eyed and fidgeting, he wished he could stand up and volunteer to join the war.

And a group of Russian generals who were newly released by the Federation were completely confused by the massive battle plans of the coalition headquarters that had not calmed down yet again. What Sky is thinking about is how to reorganize the troops as soon as possible to deal with the upcoming tense situation. Stepin and Yegorov, who are more aggressive and aggressive, are already thinking about how they can show their talents and stand out among so many troops and generals in the Federation. !

As for Barayanov and Pepelyayev, their two armies were not incorporated into the Southwest and South Fronts. Obviously Wang Geng did not get carried away, and these two people inevitably put themselves and the coalition Chinese Third Army To put it on the same page, thinking about it like this is a bit complacent as the main force.

Obviously, if there is no accident, the Ufa Army and the Samara Army, together with the three Chinese reorganized divisions in the coalition, will become the strategic main force of the entire Volga Federation and the coalition, and will continue to be led by the commander-in-chief of the coalition, Wang Geng.At the same time, under the direct leadership of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, there are also six Russian infantry divisions of the Siberian First Army and the Second Army.

Thinking about it this way, Pepelyaev and Balayanov calmed down. Looking at the enthusiastic colleagues who were incorporated into the Southwest Front Army and the Southern Front Army, the two became leisurely and calm.

Sure enough, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces looked eagerly at Sun Liangcheng, Li Mingzhong, Xiong Shihui, and Zhang Weixi, and continued, "The three reorganized divisions of the Third, Ninth, and No.20 Divisions of the Chinese Third Army, plus the Siberian [-]. The Second Army, as well as the Ufa Army and the Samara Army of the Federation, will form the Central Yang Front Army, which will be directly led by me.”

"At the same time, from Japan and China, we will continue to mobilize troops westward to join the Allied Forces' combat sequence! As the logistics support work of the Allied Forces is becoming more and more arduous and urgent, the Allied Forces Headquarters has considered it and decided to send it to the Allied Forces Logistics Headquarters On the basis of this, the coalition logistics command was established to be responsible for commanding and dispatching all coalition logistics transportation units, including military depots, warehouses, automobile transportation regiments, and the overall dispatch and management of railway lines and railway stations.”

"Before the new coalition logistics commander is selected, Lieutenant General Jiang Hongyu, the coalition chief of staff, will also serve as the coalition logistics commander and chief of staff. You are familiar with the situation in the west of the Ural Mountains. You have already seen the battle of Ufa. I've had enough of being on the front line leading troops to fight, it's time to come back and take on some more burdens for the commander!" Wang Geng turned around and said to his chief of staff with a smile.

In fact, when Wang Geng met with Jiang Hongyu alone before the meeting, he had already told him about his plan. Jiang Hongyu led the Second Mixed Armored Brigade to fight in the Battle of Ufa, which was called Feng Sheng Shui Qi. When Wang Geng actually asked him to take charge of the logistics, this guy shook his head a hundred times and refused to accept the order. In the end, Wang Geng agreed to him, and when there was a suitable candidate for the logistics commander, he would be replaced immediately, and this guy pinched his nose. accepted.

In fact, whether the coalition forces can fight well on the front line, the first crucial guarantee is logistics. From food, military supplies, firewood, rice, oil, salt, military uniforms, bedding, medicines, and bandages, any lack of it may have a huge impact on the combatants of the frontline troops. Of course Jiang Hongyu knew it well, but compared to those subordinates in the Allied Army Logistics Headquarters, it was really not easy to find someone in the Allied Army Command who could calm down the situation and deal with all parties. come.

During the early stage of the Ufa campaign, the staff headquarters of the Allied Forces Headquarters formulated the combat plan, mainly led by Hata Toshiroku, Ishihara and Itagaki, and a group of Chinese staff officers to make suggestions. Jiang Hongyu, the chief of staff, consciously or unconsciously shared the burden of logistics support. At work, Wang Geng’s habit is to be a hands-off shopkeeper. Secondly, Utsunomiya and Wu Peifu are all guys who focus on the battlefield. It’s easy to take care of the logistics of the coalition army without someone as careful as Jiang Hongyu. Something went wrong.

"I obey my orders. I hope the commander-in-chief will not forget what I promised. If I have a chance, I will go back to the front line to lead the battle. For logistics, my second division is stationed in Baoding. Liu Yufen, the commander of the fifth brigade, is He's a good hand, he's already a teacher right now, you should hurry up and transfer him from China!" Jiang Hongyu stood up amidst the smirks on Wu Peifu's and Utsunomiya Taro's faces and saluted Wang Geng, which was regarded as a formal acceptance. appointed.

"Okay! Everyone is here today. I promise you in front of everyone. As long as there is a suitable candidate for the logistics commander, the chief of staff, I will transfer you back to lead the army as soon as possible! Everyone, you have to fight with Commander Jiang. Build a good relationship, otherwise the front line will be cut off from food and ammunition, and then don’t come to me crying and shouting, it’s useless to find me, the logistics commander will take care of this!" Wang Geng agreed with Jiang Hong with a smile. Yu, while advertising for Jiang Hongyu, the freshly baked logistics commander, in front of all the Chinese, Japanese and Russian generals!

The generals below laughed when they heard the words, and Xiong Shihui yelled from below, "Commander Jiang, when will we get another base shell for the brothers' troops, and the Browning heavy machine gun bullets must be replenished as soon as possible!" One point, how about giving me a priority of 100 million hairs?!"

When Jiang Hongyu heard the words, he said angrily, "Weapons, ammunition, and military supplies are all given priority to meet the needs of the Southwest Front Army and the South Front Army. Commander Xiong's troops should first tighten their belts for a few days of hardship. By the way, Sa There is still a shortage of manpower for the rest of the road from Mala to Saratov. Tomorrow, I will arrange for your division to transfer a mixed brigade to help repair the road and move stones! There are a few of you, it is you, Li Mingzhong, where are you hiding? Why hasn’t the engineering regiment of the Ninth Division arrived in Saratov yet? If it’s not in place tomorrow, I’ll ask the Commander-in-Chief to take care of me!”

When Jiang Hongyu yelled, some of the Chinese generals stuck out their tongues and lowered their heads obediently, not daring to do anything else. Jiang Hongyu laughed inwardly, thinking, I am in charge of logistics, who dares to be mischievous? , put on a little shoe for you, and you still have to cry and beg me not to tell the commander-in-chief!

The coalition military meeting in the afternoon of July 1918, 7, lasted until the evening. All participating generals were warned to strictly abide by the discipline of secrecy. It was leaked out in advance.

By the time a group of generals walked out of the coalition conference room full of confidence, chatting and laughing, the sky had gradually darkened. What awaited Wang Geng and the coalition led by him was a new wave of challenges, and the Volga Federation was finally like a toddler. Like my child, I took a step forward!

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