Beiyang 1917

Chapter 562 3th Road Army


The Allied Forces turned the entire Volga Federation into a large barracks under the wartime management system. Due to the shortage of logistics materials and food, and because the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces did not like luxury and extravagance on the front line, the Allied Military Conference in the afternoon went up and down. The first stage of reorganization and combat missions is fixed. Once the structure of the Southwest Front Army, the Southern Front Army, and the Central Yang Front Army is established, the wheels of the entire coalition army and the Volga Federation will roll forward at a faster speed.

Utsunomiya Taro, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces and Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Army, was finally able to command the Japanese Imperial Army on his own. While sending a telegram to the domestic Army Staff Headquarters and the Cabinet, he gathered all the generals of the Southwest Front Army In a small conference room of the coalition forces, discussions on the specific reorganization and transport assembly plan began overnight.

Wu Peifu of the Southern Army was no exception. After a quick meal in the small restaurant of the Allied Forces Command, he invited all the generals of the Southern Army to his war room for secret talks. Wu Peifu’s task for the Southern Army was the most complicated, and unlike Utsunomiya Taro, In his southern front army, the main force of the Chinese participating army is only the first mixed armored brigade, and the others are Russian infantry divisions and cavalry corps. That is to say, the reorganization task of the southern front army is much heavier than that of the southwestern front army.

Moreover, the situation in the combat area of ​​​​the Southern Front Army is complicated. Although the White Guards entrenched in the three states are weak, they can still gather tens of thousands of horsemen. How can we fight once and for all to stabilize the south of Tsaritsyn? Azerbaijan, these two new du li countries, Wu Peifu didn't pay attention to. Most of the Islamic cavalry still stayed in the cold weapon era, and they couldn't even have a rifle in their hands. How could they be the opponent of their own armored troops.

Not to mention Utsunomiya Taro and Wu Peifu, the commanders of the front armies of the two countries, rubbing their fists and rolling up their sleeves to prepare for a big fight after taking office, Wang Geng was not idle here either. After dinner, he took a short rest. A group of generals led into their own dedicated small conference room, which is the conference room in the coat room of this guy's office, to discuss the next move.

Of course, at this moment, the central yang front army of the coalition army is just a front army formed by temporarily gathering troops that did not join the southwestern front army and the southern front army. The commander-in-chief of the front army can only be concurrently served by Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. The headquarters of the central yang army is actually the headquarters of the coalition forces. **

As of July 1918, 7, the latest establishment of the coalition forces is as follows:

1. The Southwest Front Army of the Allied Forces: Taro Utsunomiya is the commander of the front army. The main force is the third, seventh and No.12 divisions of the Japanese Third Army, plus Kursk, Voronieri, and Tsari The three Volga Federal Armies in Tianjin, plus the three divisional armored regiments strengthened from the Allied Chinese Third Army, have a total combat force of 18 troops, 2 auxiliary supplies and civilian husbands, totaling 20 people.

The task of the Southwest Front Army is to carry out the Ukrainian campaign independently. The first stage is to occupy Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and Kiev, and clear the enemies north and east of the Dnieper River. The second stage is to hold Kiev.

2. The Southern Front of the Allied Forces: Wu Peifu is the commander of the Front Army. The main force is the First Combined Armored Brigade of the First Chinese Armored Division of the Allied Army, plus the three Volga Federal Armies of Saratov, Uralsk and Orenburg, plus the Don cavalry The third army and the fourth Voronieri cavalry army have a total combat force of 14 troops, 2 auxiliary supplies and civilian husbands, totaling 16 people.

Wu Peifu's Southern Army was responsible for the execution of the Southern Campaign south of Tsaritsyn. It wanted to pacify the North Caucasus White Guards south of Tsaritsyn, take down the Baku oil-producing area in Azerbaijan, and then Georgia.

3. Central Yang Front Army of the Allied Forces: Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces Wang Geng concurrently served as the commander of the Front Army. The main forces were the Second Mixed Armored Brigade and the Third Mixed Cavalry Brigade of the First Chinese Armored Division of the Allied Army, the Ufa Army and the Samara Army of the Volga Federation, and the West The Siberian First and Second Group Armies, the First Ural Cavalry Army and the Second Volga Cavalry Army of the Siberian Autonomous Government have a total combat force of 18 troops and 2 auxiliary supplies and civilian husbands.

4. Frontline Air Force of the Allied Forces: Major General Huang Jingbo, commander of the frontline air force. Nine major airports in Orenburg and Tsaritsyn, as well as at Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Belgorod and Relsk, where the Ukrainian campaign was assembled and started, repaired and established front-line field airports,


The coalition frontline air force has about 5000 airport and ground mechanics, about 2000 combat pilots, about 5000 airport security forces, and a total strength of 12000.

5、联军后勤司令部:辖6个汽车运输团共2400辆道奇一吨半军用卡车、总数约300列奔驰在西伯利亚大铁路和伏尔加左岸铁路线上的火车、所有从海参崴、满洲里、新西伯利亚、车里雅宾斯克一直到乌法的火车车站和铁道护路部队、铁路工人、筑路部队、兵站,以及联军du li工兵铁道兵第1、2、3、4团、联军du li防空高she机枪第1、2、3、4、5、6营。后勤司令部管辖的总人数超过10万人。

In the small meeting room of Wang Geng, commander-in-chief of the coalition forces,

"Commander-in-Chief, the Southwest Front Army and the Southern Front Army have each undertaken such important missions. Why is the main force of our Third Army sitting idle in the Central Yang Front Army? My First Armored Division should go to the south to seize the Baku oil field! "It was Sun Liangcheng who spoke, the young veteran of the armored forces among the Chinese generals of the coalition forces, and also the first division-level general in the coalition forces to take charge of his own affairs.

In the Battle of Ufa, Sun Liangcheng led more than 3 detour troops on the southern road to detour for thousands of miles, sneaked into the south of Orenburg along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountain Pass, and took Uralsk with the support of the cavalry brigade of the Kazakh Alash Autonomous Republic. , and then went north to cut off the Samara Ferry, he was regarded as the army general who fought the farthest and achieved brilliant results.

"I can't hold back when I see the neighboring troops attacking? Sun Liangcheng, listen to me. It is absolutely wishful thinking to rely on one person and one army to conquer the world. I can understand your eagerness to fight. It is not a big deal for the troops to be proud, but it is too much It’s dangerous, before going to bed tonight, all of you will sing to me three times three times—nine points for discipline!” Wang Geng said with a straight face.

"It's absolutely fine to sing military songs. Someday our troops don't sing three times in the morning, noon and evening. I can sing both the Japanese and Russian versions very well, but my commander-in-chief, our First Armored Division in the coalition army, has always It is the main force. Use me in the first battle, and use me to win. Now we see that the Southwest Front Army and the South Front Army are about to show their talents, but we are sitting on the sidelines watching the show. I can’t convince my subordinates when I go back! Otherwise, you let me lead The troops rush west, I cross the river from Syzran, I go straight to Moscow!"

Sun Liangcheng conceded to his commander-in-chief, but at the same time, his unwilling eyes rolled and he came up with a bad idea, saying that he would lead troops across the Volga River to deal with this dead tiger of Soviet Russia!

"Hey, Lieutenant General Sun, this is no joke. We just signed a peace treaty with Soviet Russia, and the captives are still handing over. If you want to fight like this, wouldn't my Volga Federation become a treacherous person? How will we deal with others in the future? ?” Pepelyaev, the Prime Minister of the Volga Federation and the commander of the Samara Army Group, couldn’t help shouting.

"Nonsense! Sun Liangcheng, sit down for me!" Wang Geng was really angry this time. The troops and generals he led had never asked them to use their brains when fighting, but also wanted them to keep the big picture in mind at all times. Wang Geng's training is Wang Geng's consistent requirement for senior generals. The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces looked at Sun Liangcheng who was sitting back in his seat with a cold face, and hated iron for being weak.

"Sun Liangcheng, I held a meeting this afternoon and said that so many co-authors are useless? Do you still have a sense of the big picture?" Normally, Wang Geng would not criticize Chinese generals too harshly in front of Russian generals, but obviously at this moment, the coalition forces If the arrogance of the Chinese generals continues to develop, it may become arrogant and arrogant in the eyes of friendly generals. What's more, the foreign relations of the coalition forces and the Volga Federation can be questioned randomly by a few generals at the division commander level?

"Lieutenant General Sun, I think you have forgotten the big picture that the commander-in-chief said. Your armored brigade and armored division have been fighting well since they marched westward, so the tail is up to the sky? Where did the big picture go? ? I think you really need to cleanse your cold face and sober up!" Jiang Hongyu, chief of staff of the coalition army, turned around and said to Wang Geng with a smile,

"Commander-in-Chief, you can understand the mood of the generals below. Why don't you tell them about the next phase of the Central Yang Army's mission in advance! So that these guys can't sleep at night!" Jiang Hongyu was obviously trying to smooth things over.

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