Beiyang 1917

Chapter 563 Armament Expansion and Preparation for War


"I told you, you need to be more thoughtful. When you talk about the Ukrainian campaign and the southern campaign, you will be so excited that you will forget about the west and the north? If the Volga Federation is to be impenetrable, it must rely on the central yang front army. It is the strategic reserve front army of the coalition army, and it has to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations at any time. Moreover, it must use the time gained by the Southwest Front Army and the Southern Front Army to reorganize and expand as soon as possible, and prepare to meet the challenge of the main German and Austrian forces!"

Wang Geng frowned and spoke in a dignified tone, scanning the faces of the Chinese and Russian generals of the Central Yang Front Army of the Allied Forces sitting in a circle in the meeting room, beside him was Jiang Hongyu, chief of staff and logistics commander of the Allied Forces, and on the left were Sun Liangcheng, Zhang Weixi, Li Mingzhong and Xiong Shihui

On the right are Pepeliayev, Barayanov, Chabayev and Sergey, and in the middle are the commander of the Siberian First Army Nikolai Nikolai Navich Semyonov, the Andrei Ivanovich Pavlov, Commander of the Second Army. \\\\

The two army commanders, Semyonov and Pavlov, were both Siberian generals trained by the coalition forces in the Battle of Ufa. They had previously served as the commanders of the Russian infantry divisions.

Semyonov was born in Saradov in March 1886. He received a good education in his youth. He had a strong interest in physics and chemistry as early as in elementary and middle school. He studied hard and got excellent grades. He entered the military academy from the military entrance examination and was a top student who graduated from the St. Petersburg Military Academy.

At the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, this guy was only a trainee second lieutenant, and later became the colonel and head of the Russian Royal Rifle Infantry Regiment for more than 10 years. Ke spent a while in the White Guards.

Later, because Semyonov's younger brother became famous in Soviet Russia and was appreciated by Soviet leader Ulyanov, this guy was a bit suspicious and confused in Kolchak's White Guards. Unsatisfactory, this guy left the White Guards in Kazan in a fit of anger, and wandered to West Siberia.

Later, Semyonov joined the newly recruited Siberian Russian Infantry Division of the Allied Forces in Chelyabinsk, and quickly gained a firm foothold in the Russian Allied Forces by virtue of his own ability. He successively served as regiment commander, brigade commander, division commander, and Became the first guy in the West Siberian Russian army to become an army commander.

The Russian infantry divisions in West Siberia are different from the troops of the Volga Federation. The troops of the Volga Federation are either from the White Guards, or from the current Soviet Russian prisoners of war, and the others are Ufa volunteers. For the troops recruited by the people, the commanders at all levels were from the Chinese and Japanese troops in the coalition army. It was not until the victory of the Ufa Battle that the former deputy Russian generals at all levels became the chief officers of the army.

Pavlov, like Semyonov, also came from the Military Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia, but Pavlov, who was born in Ryazan, a small town in central Russia in 1887, was one level lower than Semyonov. Love was originally a leftist Socialist Revolutionary, and was once a subordinate of the short-lived former Soviet Russian Eastern Front Commander Muraviev. **

After the failure of Muraviyov's rebellion, this guy faced the suppression and purge of Soviet Cheka, but he was unwilling to be captured without a fight, and he was unwilling to join Kolchak's White Guards. Instead, he wandered and went to Chelyabin Sk, when the coalition army recruited recruits in the name of the West Siberia Autonomous Government, this guy joined in, and like Semyonov, he quickly rose from regiment commander to the Second Division of the First Siberian Army by virtue of his qualifications and skills After the battle of Ufa, this guy was appointed commander of the reorganized Siberian Second Army.

At this time, the first and second Siberian armies were reorganized and mixed with the three new recruit divisions trained in West Siberia on the basis of the three infantry divisions of the first army that participated in the Battle of Ufa. Each Siberian Army has three infantry divisions under its control, a soldier's Japanese-style [-] rifle, and Chinese-made Browning squad machine guns, air-cooled heavy machine guns and mortars, and Japanese-style mountain artillery.

The youngest brother of Nikolai Nikolaevich Semyonov, Nicholas, was much more famous in Wang Geng's previous life than this brother in front of him. This guy has the same name as his brother and was born in 1895. , two years younger than Nicholas the Great, later became an outstanding Soviet Russian chemist, one of the academic leaders of Soviet Russian chemistry, and the first scholar to win the Nobel Prize after the founding of Soviet Russia.

At this moment, little Nicholas stayed in Petersburg. In 1917, Semyonov, who was only 21 years old, graduated with honors from the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of Petrograd University and became a famous Soviet Russian physicist. Yue Fei's student and assistant.

University life laid a good foundation in mathematics and physics for him, and also created conditions for his in-depth research in theoretical chemistry in the future, making his knowledge structure better than that of ordinary chemists.Of course, at this moment, because Yue Fei is one of the famous scientists representatives of the red intellectuals in the Soviet Russian government, little Nicholas has also begun to emerge in Soviet Russia. [shouda8]

Pavlov, the commander of the Second Siberian Army, was not easy. He was admitted to the St. Petersburg Military Academy at the age of 16. He graduated with the No.20 grade in the whole grade at the age of 1. After that, he participated in the battle on the Eastern Front of the European War as a major officer in Tsarist Russia. Before the February Revolution, this guy was also promoted to the rank of colonel in the army in less than three years.

Pavlov had an uncle. In Wang Geng’s previous life, he was also a well-known master, Ivan Petrovich. Pavlov, the most famous physiologist, psychologist, physician, and senior neurologist in Tsarist Russia. The founder of the theory, the founder of advanced nervous activity physiology, and the constructor of conditioned reflex theory, is also one of the figures who have the greatest influence on the development of psychology outside the field of traditional psychology, and has also won the Nobel Prize.

But at this moment in this time and space, at this moment in 1918, the 32-year-old Semyonov and the 31-year-old Pavlov seem to have become the commanders of the Russian troops trained by the coalition forces themselves. Of course, in the strict sense In fact, they are loyal to another puppet regime of the Allied Forces - the West Siberian Autonomous Government.

The small conference room was full of people, and a group of Chinese and Russian generals finally stopped talking nonsense in front of the commander-in-chief of their own coalition forces and wanted to cross the Volga River and go straight to Moscow. The "Strategic Reserve" made everyone aware of their responsibilities, which may be more important than the Southwest Front Army that launched the Ukrainian Campaign and the Southern Front Army that launched the Southern Campaign.

Who says it's not? To the north is the main force of Kolchak's White Guards, who are 20 like wolves and tigers. They will rush to the left bank of the Volga River in a couple of days. The war between the two sides is about to hit the earth. The Soviet Russian Red Army and the White Guards have more than 20 troops and they are about to fight in the north. There are only 40 soldiers in the central and yang front of the Volga Federation. Regardless of whether a conflict broke out with Soviet Russia or Kolchak, the military strength was not dominant.

"Commander-in-Chief, Soviet Russia and Kolchak are about to fight in the north. Are we just sitting on the sidelines and watching? Our central and yang front army of the coalition has 18 main forces anyway. No matter who we help, the other side is very No luck! I think we should still look for opportunities to fight! Let’s talk about reorganizing and expanding the troops. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to replace training with combat? Isn’t Lieutenant General Semyonov’s infantry division tempered in the Battle of Ufa!”

Li Mingzhong didn't dare to fight directly to Moscow anymore. In his opinion, since Wu Peifu's southern army was going to launch a southern campaign, most of them had to meet Krasnov and Denikin's White Guards. As soon as it starts, we will go straight to the back road of Kazan along the Siberian Railway from the north, and Kolchak's temporary all-Russian government will be over, which would be great!

Here Semyonov blushed when he heard the words, and thought that our three infantry divisions were all engaged in the armed parade in the Battle of Ufa. We traveled all the way in the wind and rain, and finally surrounded Ye Ge without firing a single shot. The main force of Rove's Ninth Army, although the result of this battle is good, but I always feel that it is not good enough. Next time, I have to fight with real swords and guns, and see if these soldiers under my command are stronger than the troops of the Volga Federation Still weak!

"Kolchak and his all-Russian temporary government are still important helpers for us to contain Soviet Russia for the time being, so as long as they don't tear themselves apart and go south, we will not go north for the time being. As for the three states south of Tsaritsyn and the North Caucasus region For the White Guards, the first choice we gave them was to go north to join the Kazan camp, anyway, the separatist regime in the North Caucasus as a bandit is over for Krasnov and Denikin!"

How could Wang Geng fail to guess Li Mingzhong's meaning, seeing that the south may have to salute first and then attack the White Guards, and then Kolchak in the north will be wiped out?It's a good idea, but it's easy to destroy Kolchak. Who will continue to contain Soviet Russia's power in the north?

"Commander-in-Chief, I know you want to keep Kolchak and his White Guards to contain Soviet Russia, but I didn't brag about it, we just turned against Kolchak, give me ten days, and I'll take Kazan for you, Afterwards, we went west to Moscow in one go, and the fighting power of the Soviet Red Army is definitely not as good as ours. In my opinion, if we invest 20 main forces, we can defeat him with at least [-]!" Xiong Shihui said eagerly beside him.

"Lieutenant General Xiong, I don't think this is necessarily the case. The Soviet Russian People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin said that they had obtained a large number of weapons from Germany, including rifles, artillery, machine guns, and even guns." Cannons, if the Volga Front Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army is armed, I am afraid that its combat effectiveness will not be the same as that in the Battle of Ufa!" Pepelyaev reminded from the side.

"Your Excellency Pepe, you haven't seen this yet. The German-Austrian Allies and the Soviet Russian government are not in the same pot. Germany and Austria's perception of the Soviets and Bolsheviks may not be better than our perception of them. They are more concerned about supporting Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan than supporting the Soviet Russian regime, that is, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs brought back some dilapidated seized weapons from Germany and Austria, Soviet Russia Even the Red Army can't make a difference!"

It was Zhang Weixi who was talking, and this guy’s army was really fighting big. Zhang Weixi was the first to say that he felt depressed. Although the other main forces Li Mingzhong and Xiong Shihui did not participate in the Ufa Battle, at least these two generals stood alone and led the coalition forces Participated in the battle and achieved good results. Only Zhang Weixi became the Chelyabinsk left-behind man!

"There will be a big battle between the Kolchak White Guards and the Soviet Red Army. For the Volga Federation, there is a lot of waste to be done. Time is running out. It is necessary to resume construction and ensure logistics transportation and road repairs. It cannot be stopped, and the political power in cities, towns and villages in various places must be quickly established.

Your Excellency Pepe, you can’t be the only commander of the new federal government. The cabinet list must be drawn up as soon as possible. , but the government agencies and lists of each state should be determined as soon as possible!Once the civil organizations of the state governments are determined, the burden on Commander Jiang's logistics support will be much lighter! "Wang Geng turned to the Prime Minister of the Federal Cabinet.

"Uh...we are drafting, we are drafting, and we can submit it for your review tomorrow morning!"

Pepelyaev took out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat. At this moment, because Kolchak's regime is called the All-Russian Temporary Government, Pepe is only called the Volga Federation, especially because the Volga Federation is actually in harmony with the Soviet Russian regime. The peace was negotiated, which made many nobles and intellectuals of the Tsarist Russian era despise this puppet regime that dared to compromise with the Red Soviets and Bolsheviks. More people would rather choose to follow Kolchak, the highest consul in Russia. regime.

In a short while, apart from a large number of family members named Pepe, Pepe's subordinates can be promoted, that is, the regimental commanders, brigade commanders and division commanders in the White Guard army, the gang of soldiers, the internal affairs, civil affairs, and economic affairs of the federal government. Talents in all aspects of diplomacy and diplomacy are really rare at the moment and will be hard to find.

"It's not too early. I'm calling a meeting tonight. The main purpose is to arrange the next stage of the coalition's military expansion. In the next half a month, we will transfer three reorganized divisions from China and three first-class divisions from Japan. Regiment, come to join the battle order of the coalition forces, these troops have set off from Vladivostok and Manzhouli in batches, and will arrive in Ufa by the end of July at the latest." Wang Geng said surprisingly.

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