Beiyang 1917

Chapter 572 A blow to the head!


At 37 o'clock in the afternoon, the 37th Infantry Division of the Tenth Army of the Soviet Union, which was ordered to go up Hebei, encountered the [-]st Don Cossack Cavalry Division [-] kilometers north of Tetyushi and Kolchak, and the two sides fought immediately. At the beginning of this encounter, it was a melee for both sides. Because the White Guards, the [-]st Division of the Don River Cavalry, was advancing southward very quickly, the [-]th Division of the Soviet Red Army Infantry Division, which was heading north, was caught off guard and had no time to build Fortifications, after the encounter, they can only retreat to the high ground on the east bank of the river to defend.

At this time, the 38th Infantry Division, which was going north at the same time, was originally deployed in Buinsk. According to the order of the group army, it turned to the left bank of the Volga River in the east and wasted time. At this moment, it was still about 37 kilometers south of the 7th Infantry Division.

Andrei, the commander of the 37st Division of the Don Cossack Cavalry, is a hot-tempered cavalry general who was born in the Russian Cossacks. This cavalry division charged forward fearlessly, and defeated the westernmost front of the 300th Infantry Division in one blow. An infantry regiment suddenly captured nearly [-] people. After interrogating the prisoners, he commanded his division to rush towards the east.

The predecessor of the 37th Division of the Infantry of the Tenth Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army was the 1st Division of the Don River Infantry. Speaking of it, it is still a fellow of the White Guards cavalry who charged in the black cloak of the Cossack cavalry on the opposite side, but once they fight, they will become popular.

"Master, Commander, the second brigade has collapsed, the third regiment has been made dumplings, and the fourth regiment can't stop it. Opposite is the most stalwart White Guards 37st Division of the Don River Cavalry. The opponent is too powerful. Our artillery I haven’t caught up yet, so I think we should retreat quickly!” The one who broke through the siege was Vopaskov, commander of the [-]nd Brigade of the [-]th Infantry Division, who was sweating, followed by a group of panic-stricken Red Army soldiers.

At this time, there was loud gunshots on the west side of the small hill on the riverbank highlands, and the roar of artillery not far away. The artillery company of the Cossack cavalry division was 3 kilometers northwest, pouring shells here, and the place less than one kilometer to the west was full of darkness. The Cossack cavalry drove the infantry of the [-]nd Brigade of the Soviet Red Army in gray uniforms to run around in a panic!

"Vopaskov, where is your unit? You won't organize machine gun fire and use the fourth regiment to cover the third regiment to withdraw? You trash, embarrass our Don River Infantry Division! Pass my order, the first brigade Seize the river banks and woods on both sides, and drag the machine guns to the commanding heights! Don't take a step back, and the infantry organizes a volley of guns to shoot!"

Hasanyev, the commander of the 37th Division of the Tenth Army Infantry, waved his pistol and directed the first brigade around him to seize powerful terrain and positions, organize the front and machine gun fire, and shouted, "Order, go, hurry up and ride to the ground!" Find the 38th Infantry Division in the south and ask them to get closer to us as soon as possible!"

At the same time, he shouted at the political commissar beside him, "Political Commissar Hasnov, you take the first brigade to defend here, don't take a step back, the Volga River is behind, I will take the division's guard battalion to rescue the fourth regiment!" Speaking of which, Hasanyev swung the horsewhip in his hand, and slapped the face of the second brigade commander who was in a panic and panting heavily, and shouted sharply, "Jingwei Cavalry Battalion, all of them are there, come with me!" , Go forward! Vopaskov, if you don’t want to be shot, rush back with your men and me!”

Speaking of this brave commander of the infantry division, he led the Jingwei Cavalry Battalion of the division headquarters and the remaining cavalry company of the second brigade headquarters. About 400 cavalrymen rolled up a hurricane, jumped down from the heights of the river bank, and rushed towards the opposite side. The Cossack cavalry rushed over.

The [-]th Regiment of the [-]nd Brigade was running in a battalion that had managed to break out of the encirclement. Seeing that the division commander had brought the division headquarters' Jingwei battalion to the rescue, their morale was boosted for a while, and they all stopped, turned around, squatted down or lay down, and held up the guns in their hands. The rifle shoots at the enemy chasing from behind.

At this time, the only two Maxim heavy machine guns in the Jingwei Battalion of the 37th Division of the Infantry also seized the terrain on the high ground on both sides of the Soviet Red Army cavalry charging in this small group. The Cossack cavalry of the White Guards in the distance swept up. The dull thunderous roar of the heavy machine gun, accompanied by the soldiers of the cavalry battalion who called Ulla and charged westward in an arc, stunned to encircle them hundreds of meters away. The column of white guard cavalry broke through a hole.

More than 37 people from the 4th Regiment of the 1800nd Brigade of the 400th Infantry Division of the Soviet Red Army who had been surrounded by the enemy's cavalry were rescued by more than [-] cavalry led by the division commander Hasanyev, but the White Guard Cossack cavalry They soon regained their composure, and with the support of their own artillery and heavy machine gun fire from behind, about a brigade of White Guard cavalry followed closely behind Hasanov's cavalry battalion like a tide.

The sound of killing on the battlefield was loud, and the Cossack White Guard cavalry chased closer and closer, while the cavalry around the division commander Hasanyev were constantly shot and fell off their horses by the pursuers, and then were trampled into flesh by the white guard cavalry of the brigade. Bullets flew and howled, and the casualties of the broken cavalry of the Soviet Red Army continued to increase. Fortunately, they soon approached the position of the first brigade guarding the river bank heights.

At this time, the only artillery company of the 37th Division of the Soviet Russian Infantry finally rushed to the river bank out of breath and set up an artillery position. The White Guard Cossack cavalry fell off their horses one after another, and it was so difficult to block the opponent's charge.

Seeing that the firepower on the Soviet Red Army's position was too fierce, I was prepared, especially the cannons of the artillery company of the infantry division of the Soviet Russian Red Army behind the position also roared. Brigadier Gregory let out a roar, and the White Guard Cossack cavalry turned their horses' heads to draw an arc, and finally retreated like a tide.

Hasanyev, who was still panting, returned to his division headquarters and looked west from the river bank position, while the Cossack cavalry had retreated a kilometer away, and the middle field was full of dead people, dead horses, broken limbs and blood It flowed like a river, and the cavalry battalion that came back with the division commander Hasanyev had less than half of the knights left. The third regiment of the second brigade was completely wiped out, and the rescued fourth regiment also suffered 600 casualties and escaped alive There were less than 1500 people left behind the position of the first brigade.

The loss of the White Guard Cossack cavalry on the opposite side is about 800 people, most of whom were knocked down by the firepower of the first brigade on the river bank position just now, and the dozens of unowned mounts in the battlefield are at a loss Looking around, he whimpered.

"What are you still doing in a daze? The first brigade's machine guns and artillery cover, call the medical soldiers to go up and evacuate our wounded, and bring two Cossack wounded back for interrogation. The radio station is not broken? Send a report to the group army headquarters. Our department encountered the Cossack Cavalry Division and lost about 3000 people, and is now building a defense line. Please ask the 38th Infantry Division and the Volga River Fleet to get closer to us as soon as possible!" Division Commander Hasanyev roared with a livid face.

"Master, the enemy has surrounded us!" Commissar Hasanov pointed to the south and said, Hasanyev turned his binoculars to see, no wonder the enemy cavalry chasing him just now was only one brigade in size. It turned out that the remaining brigade had already detoured Go south and cut off your own back road!

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