Beiyang 1917

Chapter 573 Kolchak wins again!

"What about the north side? There are no enemies in the north side?" Hasanyev turned his binoculars to the north side. From the north side to the river bank, there were also white guard Cossack rangers, but the number of them was much smaller than that in the south side. At most, there were only one cavalry battalion. Look, at least one cavalry brigade to the south!

"Damn, I was careless. I knew that I should have waited for the 38th Division to come up and meet before heading north together. That bastard Vopaskov is you. Why didn't you get hacked to death by the White Guards? I told you to send a reconnaissance company to pay attention to search and keep Jing Vigilance, look at how your second brigade is fighting?" Hasanyev, the division commander, turned his head and saw the smoky second brigade commander with a welt on his face, he was not angry where to come.

Nima, "It's only a face-to-face effort. The second brigade was defeated by the White Guards. How did you lead the soldiers?!" Hasanyev couldn't help but kicked Vopaskov again and yelled at him road.

"Master, how can you blame me for this? None of the reconnaissance company of the brigade headquarters ran back, and they were made dumplings early in the morning. Who knew that they would encounter White Guard cavalry in this place. Didn't the division headquarters say that the battlefield should at least go further?" Advance 10 kilometers to the north, these bastards of the White Guard ride really well, and their legs are so fast, but Commander, when I rushed back just now, I made up for it and killed two Cossack cavalrymen in one breath, and I will return it to you and the political commissar Each got a saber from the Don River!"

Vopaskov, the brigade commander of the second brigade, complained aggrievedly, but handed over two sabers with gorgeous and beautiful scabbards. Political commissar Hasnov stepped forward to take the sabers, and took a look at each of them. With two good knives on her side, she smiled and smoothed things over,

"Master, I think the second brigade is doing its best. We encountered cavalry counterattacks in the infantry plains. It would be nice to be able to run back a regiment while fighting and retreating! This knife is not bad. It must be at least a Cossack major's saber , keep it!" As he spoke, the political commissar handed the finished saber to the orderly next to Hasanyev to put it away, and handed the other knife to his guard.

"Hmph, don't you know how to be vigilant when there's no news from the reconnaissance company? Where's your brigade political commissar?" Hasanyev said to Vospakov angrily.

"The political commissar leads the third regiment. At this moment... it is estimated that the whole regiment has fallen into it... Listen to the commander, except for the guns that are still ringing, the gunfire has stopped. The third regiment probably wiped out the entire army. How should we fight next? Commander, don’t worry, the second brigade has no cowards, I’ll be the commander of the remaining regiment, and I’ll be the battalion commander of the remaining battalion!” Vopaskov resumed his original hero at this moment The appearance of a hero, at least the scars on his face caused by Hasanyev's whip, probably won't heal in half a month.

"Hey! It's a bad start. I'm still careless. The cavalry reconnaissance battalion we sent to Kazan early in the morning must have been made dumplings. Otherwise, there should have been information sent back half an hour ago!" Hasanyev was annoyed. A slap on the thigh said.

It turned out that for the Tenth Army, although the 37th Infantry Division and the 38th Infantry Division on the northernmost line of defense were deployed in Tetyushi and Buinsk respectively, Gidis asked Hasanyev's 37th Division to send a battalion of cavalry to lead The radio station went to the rear of the Third Army's defense line on the south bank of Kazan to monitor and watch, and reported the enemy's movements at any time.

According to the last telegram report received by the division headquarters from the reconnaissance battalion, Hasanyev concluded that the enemy cavalry would take an hour to reach the position 10 kilometers to the north at the fastest, so he focused on urging the troops to hurry instead of It is expected that when the enemy left the south bank of Kazan, the cavalry would advance at a slow trot in three columns. It would be very ghostly to think that the White Guards, the 1st Division of the Don River Cossack Cavalry, would fight.

After they left the ferry on the south bank of Kazan for 5 kilometers, they suddenly accelerated their speed, and caught up with the Soviet Red Army cavalry reconnaissance company that was retreating. A 1th Infantry Division was heading north, so while sending a report to inform Kolchak's former enemy headquarters, it straddled south under the command of the division commander Andrei.

You want to say that Andrei, the commander of the Cossack cavalry division, is very happy and wants to take the credit for himself, or that he looks down on the infantry division of the Soviet Russian Red Army. Anyway, Andrei’s White Guards First Cossack Cavalry Division of the Don River, who is speeding south, is behind Tetyushi. Fifteen kilometers north, the initial battle was successful, annihilating one regiment and two battalions of the 37th Infantry Division of the Soviet Red Army, and encircling the remaining troops of the 37th Division in a circular position on the banks of the Volga River.

At this time, the 2nd Division of the Kolchak White Guards Don Cossack Cavalry, which was also performing the task of sweeping south, was still 38 kilometers north of them, while the 7th Infantry Division of the Soviet Red Army was about 39 kilometers south of them. Of course, what Andre didn't know was that the Soviet Russian Red Army Volga River Fleet and the fleet carrying the 1th Infantry Division were less than an hour away from here.


"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, Eagle Eye No. [-] received a call. About five divisions of the main Kolchak East Route Army are chasing the retreating Soviet Red Army Third Army westward. At the same time, the five divisions of the Central Route Army seem to have given up. Crossing the river to the south, but moving westward along the north bank of the Volga to Cheboksary, the five divisions of the White Guard West Route Army are still standing still on the opposite bank of Maria Alexandrovna, and there is no sign of launching a river crossing operation yet!"

Qian Tianfu, the army lieutenant colonel with a serious face and the new head of staff of the headquarters' war room, came in and reported.

Major General Hata Toshiro, Chief of Staff of the War Room, followed Utsunomiya Taro to the Southwest Front Army to command the Ukrainian campaign. Ishihara and Itagaki, the pair of living treasures who had just been promoted to the rank of chief officer, also followed. The three of them served as the brigades of the three divisions respectively. long job.

On the other hand, Wu Peifu took the former staff officers of the Third Army Command to Tsaritsyn on the transport plane of the coalition air force early this morning, which made Wang Geng's war room of the coalition headquarters lose almost two-thirds of its personnel. And Qian Tianfu, a little-known guy, the young staff officer of the Japanese army who graduated from the No. 13 infantry department of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy in less than three years, stood out and became Wang Geng's main combat staff at this time.

Qian Tianfu's ability to stand out in Wang Geng's coalition headquarters, in addition to Jiang Hongyu and Hata Junliu's strong recommendation, is inseparable from his own military talent. Qian Tianfu is different from Hata Junliu, Ishihara Waner and Itagaki. This guy is born to be a good at talking on paper, and he is keen on doing homework on the map, but he doesn't like to go to the front line to lead the grassroots troops to fight.

Qian Tianfu is actually a very arrogant and proud guy. Of course, the reason why his talent can be discovered instead of being drowned in the crowd is first of all attributed to his senior, who once served as the chief of staff of Wang Geng Nanyuan's army. , Recommended by Jiang Fangzhen, head of the teaching group.

Jiang Fangzhen also graduated from the third phase of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School. Back then, Jiang Fangzhen was able to study in Japan to study in the Army Non-commissioned Officer School. He could not do without the sponsorship of three noble people. Before going to Japan, Jiang Fangzhen enrolled in the predecessor of Zhejiang University Qiushi student, Qian Junfu, a classmate who has a very good relationship with Jiang Fangzhen in the academy, is Qian Tianfu's cousin. Of course, Qian Tianfu is much younger than this cousin. Jiang Baili and Qian Junfu are classmates in Qiushi Academy At that time, the lieutenant colonel staff officer was only a seven-year-old urchin. < fu is the director of the Ministry of Education, and his senior, Comrade Jiang Baili, who was ten years earlier than him, is already the Shanxi governor and commander of the reorganization division of the participating army, and Qian Tianfu, who joined the participating army, was promoted from a lieutenant to a lieutenant colonel every year. Recommended by Jiang Fangzhen to Jiang Hongyu, he brought them to the coalition headquarters.

If it is said that Junliu Hata, Ishihara, and Itagaki, the three high-achieving students who graduated from the Japanese Continental University, previously occupied the positions of the top three combat staff officers in the war room of the Allied Command, then only the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School No. Lieutenant Colonel Qian Tianfu can be regarded as the fourth best staff officer!

This is why even Shunroku Hata, who is so arrogant and arrogant, recommended him to Wang Geng. Although the 25-year-old Qian Tianfu is only a lieutenant colonel of the Chinese Army, in fact, Wang Geng has the title of commander-in-chief. In fact, he is the guy who even grabs the authority of the chief of staff, especially after Jiang Hongyu, the chief of staff, also served as the logistics commander. The duty of the chief of staff of the central yang front army.

"Hmm... Kolchak seems to have changed. What about the Soviet Red Army? Has the Tenth Army on the left bank of the Volga moved north?" Wang Geng asked, turning around in front of the map.

"Just received the aerial reconnaissance report from Eagle Eye 2. The two infantry divisions of the Tenth Army of the Soviet Union have gone north. Among them, the 37th Infantry Division, which was originally deployed in Tetyushi, is on the river bank about [-] kilometers north of Tetyushi. Nearby, they encountered Kolchak’s [-]st Division of the Don Cossack Cavalry, and the two sides fought very lively. The Soviet Russian infantry division suffered a lot, and it is estimated that they lost at least one regiment of troops!” Qian Tianfu said with a smile .

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