Beiyang 1917

Chapter 574

"Hehe, you are not helping each other, ah, no, now the Cossack cavalry division is encircling the Soviet Russian infantry division, and you are afraid that the other two cavalry divisions will converge before the reinforcements of the Soviet Russian Tenth Army arrive. Eat that 37th Infantry Division? So, you want to help the Soviet Red Army and Moscow? Tell me your reasons! It must be sufficient!"

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces narrowed his eyes and looked at the young lieutenant colonel in front of him, with a look of scrutiny in his eyes. Qian Tianfu was not timid here, he stepped forward and pointed to the road on the map.

"Commander-in-Chief, according to the reconnaissance intelligence, based on the layout of the Soviet Red Army's Volga Front Army, they should have given up the river defense on the south bank of Kazan and directly shrunk back to Cheboksary or simply withdrew to Nizhny Novgorod. It was a decisive battle with the main force of Kolchak's White Guards, but for some unknown reason, they still put the Third Army in a long snake formation along the river to guard the north bank of the Volga River!"

"According to the performance of the Soviet Red Army after the main force of Kolchak's Eastern Route Army broke through the bridgehead of the Kazan Volga River Bridge this morning, they were well prepared for their retreat, but they didn't know why they were still defending since they were going to retreat. A few hours, and the casualties were not small. At that time, according to the aerial observation of Hawkeye 1, at least one regiment of the Soviet Russian defenders at the bridgehead was wiped out. ==Uploaded by netizens==Welcome to read"

"The point is, Staff Officer Qian, time is running out. The 37th Soviet Russian Infantry Division you want to save might be wiped out if it's too late," Wang Geng said with a smile.

"To make a long story short, I judge that the Soviet Russian Tenth Army's northward advance was actually made this morning or even at noon. The Soviet Red Army temporarily revised the original battle plan for the decisive battle on the northern front. Chak's main force was led from the north to the south, which allowed the 37th and 38th divisions to rush northward, and also used the Volga River Fleet to cover a transport convoy from Simbirsk to transport an infantry division northward!"

"Well, there is such a possibility, but maybe the reorganized Fifth Army in the north is not ready yet, and the anti-aircraft guns and cannons that were urgently purchased are not yet fully in place, in order to buy time, or to hold back Kolcha How can the main force pursue the Third Army?" Wang Geng said to himself.

"Commander-in-Chief, I think it is better to let the Soviet Red Army and Kolchak fight on the southern front, for example, from Syzran to Kuznevsk, than to fight in Nizhny Novgorod on the northern front, so That's why I suggested helping the 37th Infantry Division of the Soviet Red Army!" Qian Tianfu said, looking at his commander-in-chief seriously.

"Let Soviet Russia and Kolchak fight on the southern front? Right in front of us? Are you planning to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and then sit on the fisherman's profit, and finally help one side catch the other side?" Wang said Geng's heart moved, so he asked Mrs. Qian Tian the way.

"Well, anyway, the northern line is too far away from us. Now the north bank of the Volga River is still controlled by Kolchak's All-Russian Provisional Government, and we don't need the railway. If we cross the river from Bolgar and rush to Nizhny Nuo The Fugorod line will have to travel at least 350 kilometers, and if the two sides go to the Syzran line for a decisive battle, we can cross the river with just our tui, and it will be easy and happy no matter which side we help!"

Qian Tianfu, the Chief Staff Officer of the Allied Forces War Room, who had only been in office for a day, spoke very seriously, his heart was pounding, obviously hoping that the Commander-in-Chief would accept his suggestion.

In all fairness, when the coalition forces and the Volga Federation are far stronger than Kolchak or the Soviet Red Army, of course there is no need to worry about them fighting and the city gates catching fire and causing pond fish, but Qian Tianfu obviously did not consider that the focus of the coalition forces' operations at the moment is the Ukrainian campaign and the Southern Campaign.

If a third battlefield is opened at the same time, since Russia's land is so vast, once the "Samara Peace Treaty" just signed with the Soviet Russian regime is torn apart, the political and diplomatic risks and costs will be too great .

Otherwise, as Qian Tianfu said, he had to help the Soviet Red Army beat Kolchak. For the Russian generals and troops of the Volga Federation who were born on Kolchak's side, it was emotionally difficult for a while. Accept that the so-called teacher who is famous can occupy the moral high ground and righteousness. Now the Volga Federation declares neutrality to both the Kolchak regime and the Soviet Russian regime. It is untenable to take the initiative to cross the river to attack either party.

Moreover, once it is reversed and helps Kolchak eat the main force of the Soviet Russian Red Army again, it will obviously completely anger Moscow and push it into the arms of Germany and Austria.

At that time, the entire land of Russia may become the base camp of opposing the coalition forces and the Volga Federation. The smooth implementation of the strategic plan for the Ukrainian campaign produced huge conflicts, and it was not worth it!

"Consultant Qian, our top priority is to maintain the relative stability and tranquility in the area north of the line from Saratov-Vorone to Kursk. It is our established policy to use Kolchak to hold Moscow, Soviet Russia, so let them go north A decisive battle on the front line is more suitable than running to the southern front right under our noses.

Of course, I understand what you think, but it’s just not ready yet, we don’t have time to go to the muddy waters of Russia, I might as well tell you, next time we fight Russia again, I will fight all the way to Peter Fort drove the Bolsheviks into the sea! "Wang Geng looked meaningfully at the chief staff officer of the war room who was one year older than himself.

"I understand, Commander-in-Chief, shall we just stand by and watch?" Qian Tianfu asked for instructions without letting the disappointed expression stay on his face for too long.

"I judge that the reason why Kolchak only sent two cavalry divisions south is just to maintain pressure on the Tenth Army and dispel the threat that threatens the rear of Kazan and the main flank, so unless the two cavalry divisions suffer heavy losses and the Soviet Red Army The main force of the Tenth Army will continue to advance northward, otherwise Kolchak's main force will never turn around and go south."

"Of course, the method you just mentioned is also good. In fact, if you demarcate the [-] kilometers along the Volga River as a demilitarized zone, you are not helping the Soviet Red Army, but the two Cossack cavalry divisions of the White Guards. The naval artillery firepower of the Volga River Fleet of the Red Army will no longer be able to provide fire support to the infantry divisions on its shore along the river bank. Well, this method is good, Staff Officer Qian, pass on my order, in the name of the Volga Federal Government, Send reports to Kolchak and Moscow at the same time!" Wang Geng murmured,

"It is said that the Volga River is the mother river of the Volga Federation. It is closely related to the national defense security of the Volga Federation and the living and working of the people along the river. The federal government officially announced:

Although the middle section of the Volga River is the border river between the Soviet Russian government and the Volga Federation, within [-] kilometers of the left bank, it must be used as a demilitarized zone, and standing troops are not allowed to be stationed there, and any form of fighting must not break out there!Otherwise, it will easily cause misunderstandings by the Volga Federal Defense Force on the Right Bank, and all the adverse consequences caused by this will be borne by the other party! "

"Uh...Understood, Commander-in-Chief, I'll send it right away. Do you want to inform Your Excellency Pepe in advance? He seems to be still meeting with diplomatic representatives sent from various places!" Qian Tianfu asked cautiously.

"Let's start first, otherwise I'm afraid that the Cossack Cavalry Division of the White Guards has been beaten up and swollen by the artillery fire from the Volga River Fleet that came from the reinforcements. Besides, it is a time of war, and I am still the head of the Volga Federation Armed Forces." Commander, send it quickly! Then notify the Federal Prime Minister!" Wang Geng urged.

When Qian Tianfu hurriedly pushed the door out, Wang Geng slapped his head and shouted, "Come on!"

The door on this side was pushed away, and a young major combat staff officer stood at the door and said, "What orders does the commander-in-chief have? Director Qian has personally gone to the telecommunications room!"

Wang Geng looked up and saw that it was Jiang Xiaokui, the major combat staff officer of his coalition headquarters, and ordered, "Pass my order and notify the air force headquarters to ask the dh4 reconnaissance bombers of the two squadrons stationed at Samara Airport to take off and go to the airport. Tetyushi hovered above the ground to intimidate the Soviet Red Army and Kolchak White Guards on the ground, but they must not attack the ground without orders!"

Jiang Xiaokui was taken aback, and couldn't help asking, "What if you are attacked by ground fire?"

"Encountering a ground fire attack? Of course, it is an immediate counterattack until the opponent lies on the ground and dare not move! Whoever dares to fire the first shot, we will fire back the second shot, and the third and fourth shots. Until his mother can't recognize his original appearance!"

"Obey!" The major's combat staff officer Jiang Xiaokui stood at attention, trying to hold back his laughter.

"By the way, ask the Air Force to bring a flyer, stating that the [-] kilometers from the left bank of the Volga River is a demilitarized zone, and they are asked to stop all military operations and withdraw, or they will bear the consequences! Spread it to the positions of both sides! Hurry up! Go!" Wang Geng couldn't help laughing while adding orders.


"Just received a telegram from the 37th Army of Gydis. The 38th Infantry Division, which was the first to go north, had a bad initial battle. Fifteen kilometers north of Tetyushi, it was attacked by the [-]st Division of the Don Cossack Cavalry of the Kazan White Guards. After losing more than one regiment, they have retreated to the river bank, and the [-]th Infantry Division in the south has rushed to reinforce, and it is estimated that they will arrive at the battlefield in half an hour!" The commander of the front army, Chernavin, hurried into the war room with a telegram.

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