Beiyang 1917

Chapter 575

Voroshilov and Chernavin came back to their senses at the same time as the so-called one word awakened the dreamer. Said on the map, "Lev Borisovich, what you said makes sense, it makes sense, it must be the case!"

Chief of Staff Chernavin also nodded his head to show his approval, then looked at the map carefully, slapped his head and said,

"Kliment Yefremovich, if what the political commissar said is correct, I estimate that the opponent's Western Route Army and Central Route Army may continue to advance westward along the north bank of the Volga River. The next place they cross the river , either in Cheboksary, or...Could it be the Kozmodemyansk ferry? This is a bit far away!"

"Not far, that's right. This Kozmodemyansk ferry is the first big ferry west of Cheboksary. Although they have to spare more than 60 kilometers, if they want to cut off our defense of Cheboksary If Ray's main force retreats, this ferry is the best place to outflank!" Voroshilov pointed to a position about 50 kilometers west of Cheboksary with his finger.

"Then what should we do? Clement Efremovich, do you want to guard Cheboksary?" Chernavin was obviously a little nervous.

"Of course Cheboksary has to defend. The reorganization of the Fifth Army will take time. We can't just let Kolchak come over like this. Hey, now it seems that it will attract the main force of his Eastern Route Army to the south for a decisive battle. hope is lost...

Unless we can disable the two cavalry divisions that went south from Kazan, but according to my judgment, Kolchak put these two cavalry divisions on the flank and south, just to implement mobile defense, as long as these two cavalry divisions Blocking the Tenth Army Group in the south, his rear and flanks will be safe, and he can continue westward with the main force! " Voroshilov frowned tightly, obviously the development of the situation made him a little disappointed.

"Kliment Yefremovich, I think it's better to let the main force of the Tenth Army go north and attack Kazan with seven divisions? Kolchak has only two cavalry divisions north of Tetyushi. We can push back the opponent with at most 4 infantry divisions! Then we continue to advance north. If we are lucky, taking advantage of the emptiness of Kazan, the Tenth Army may be able to conquer Kazan?! This will definitely disrupt Kolcha K's position!"

Kamenev, the military commissar of the front army, suddenly came up with another idea. This guy always felt that every time Kolchak's main force got closer to Moscow, the eyes of the Soviet Central Committee of Russia behind him would become colder.

Voroshilov was taken aback for a moment, thinking quickly about Kamenev's suggestion to let his main group army go north and make a feint attack the main attack?Cut off the logistical support line of Kolchak's westward main force from behind?Maybe cuddling grass and beating rabbits really captured Kazan?

"I think the method of the political commissar can be tried. Only 3 infantry divisions are not enough to defeat the opponent's 2 cavalry divisions, but at least they can hold the opponent back. If all the seven divisions of the Tenth Army go north, then these two Cossack cavalry divisions must If we want to flee, if Kolchak's main force retreats at that time, we will let the Tenth Army retreat southward! If Kolchak continues to advance westward with all his eggs in one basket, we will attack Kazan!"

The more Chief of Staff Chernavin said, the more excited he became. Apparently, the idea of ​​Military Commissar Kamenev encouraged the new chief of staff. Although Minev lacked battlefield experience, he was still quite flexible and witty, and his ideas were really not outrageous!

"Report! An emergency call from Moscow!" A confidential staff officer of the command reported outside the door.

"A call from Moscow?" The three top commanders of the Volga River present thumped in their hearts. The Chief of Staff Chernavin took a few steps forward and received the telegram at the door. He hurried back to open it and read it. Shilov and Kamenev also hurried up to watch.

To the Volga Military Region and Front Army Command

Deputy Commander Voroshilov, Military Commissar Kamenev and Chief of Staff Chernavin,


Moscow has just received an urgent notice from the Volga Federation Zheng Fu:

The middle part of the Volga River borders the Volga Federation. The Volga River in this area and the left bank within [-] kilometers are the demilitarized zone. In order to protect the border of the Volga Federation from intrusion and protect the normal life of the residents of the Volga Federation along the river, the above non-military No Soviet Russian or Kolchak regime military troops are allowed to station, mobilize and fight in the zone.

The armies of both sides that have entered this area must immediately stop any further hostile military actions, and limit all troops to withdraw from the demilitarized zone before 16:00, otherwise all consequences will be borne by us!

After discussion, the Central Committee of Soviet Russia and the Supreme Military Council in Moscow have decided to accept the request made by the Volga Federation and inform you of the decision. I hope that you will notify our troops along the river as soon as possible to stop military operations and evacuate to this place. To the west of the demilitarized zone, the Volga fleet must also evacuate!

In order to avoid the peace treaty with the Volga Federation being torn up, the above orders must be fully implemented!Otherwise, you will be responsible for all adverse consequences caused!

Moscow Central Committee and Supreme Military Council of Soviet Russia

Ulyanov, Trotsky and Sverdlov

in Moscow



"Moscow must be crazy. What is this? The Volga Federation clearly colluded with Kolchak to deal with us. How could Moscow agree to such a shameless request from the enemy? The border river between Soviet Russia and the Volga Federation is the Volga River, isn't it? Fifty kilometers on the left bank of what bullshit, whoever agrees will be a traitor to the Soviets and Bolsheviks! We should send a report to Moscow and resolutely disagree to accept such an order!"

Kamenev, a member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and the military member of the Front Army, brandished both sides, and shouted in a somewhat bewildered manner. In his opinion, the Allied Forces and the Volga Federation were simply too shameful to make such an unreasonable request. What is surprising is that Moscow didn't even ask the commander of the Volga Front Army for their opinions, so they agreed to it all?

"The political commissar is right, Kliment Yefremovich, how can Moscow let the coalition forces and the Volga Federation lead by the nose? The left bank of the Volga River is our territory. We can garrison troops as we like, and fight however we want. Just how to fight, how can you run [-] kilometers away after being scared by the other party's telegram? How do you explain this to the commanders of the frontline troops?" Chernavin, the chief of staff, also shouted emotionally!

Voroshilov's face was ashen, and he took the telegram from Chernavin's hand and read it again, confirming that it was written in the telegram. Since Ulyanov, Trotsky and Sveld signed Love, it is clear that Moscow agrees, or at least Moscow judges that it must not provoke the coalition forces on the right bank of the Volga River and the Volga Federation forces while fighting Kolchak.

"Calm down, you must calm down, this is the decision of the Moscow Central Committee and the Supreme Military Council, as well as the decision of Comrade Sverdlov, Commander of the Front, Comrade Lev Borisovich, and you, Vladimir Nikolaevich, you are all senior commanders of the Volga Military District and the Front Army, hold your breath! Such rants will shake the morale of the army!" Voroshilov himself was also upset, but he did not forget the first Let Kamenev and Chernavin quiet down.

"Calm down? How to calm down? Then what do you say? Clement Yefremovich, don't we, the Soviet Red Army, have the right to guard our own borders? It is the coalition forces and the Volga Federation who have nakedly dealt with our internal affairs No, it's diplomatic blackmail and military aggression! Of course it can't be allowed, absolutely not!" Kamenev said angrily.

"You dragged down my Comrade Military Commissioner, the reconnaissance planes of the coalition air force are almost flying over the head of Moscow, and the reconnaissance planes of the other party are within 300 kilometers deep of our side of the border. The strength is not as good as others, is it useful to just shout slogans?

To put it bluntly, although anti-aircraft artillery battalions have been deployed around the city of Nizhny Novgorod, if the coalition planes come over, would we dare to open fire?Does anyone dare to bear the consequences after the fire? ! Voroshilov yelled at Kamenev angrily.

"Kliment Yefremovich, what do you think we should do? Now not only the Tenth Army cannot fight along Hebei, but the Eighth Army has to withdraw to the west, as well as the Volga River Fleet What should I do? This ship can't be used as a tank vehicle inland?" Chief of Staff Chernavin obviously lost his composure.

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