Beiyang 1917

Chapter 599


"Lev Davidovich, fellow committee members, if you want to say that Vasily Nikolayevich Pepelyaev is quite a character, he has good looks, temperament, knowledge, and manners in dealing with people. It is not necessarily true that he can be the home of the Volga Federation. As for the non-governmental transaction mentioned in his telegram, I am a little confused, but at least one thing is certain, the Volga Federation does not intend to tear up the "Samara Peace Treaty." "!"

Chicherin stuffed a piece of black bread crumbs from the corner of his mouth into his mouth with his hand, and answered Trotsky's question thoughtfully while chewing. . .

"Georgy Vasilievich, when will the aid promised by the Germans, the remaining 20 anti-aircraft artillery battalions, and the Russian artillery of 50 artillery companies arrive? "Ulyanov, chairman of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, asked abruptly.

"Hey, Vladimir Ilyich, you know that we haven't paid off the last payment for 10 Russian rifles and [-] anti-aircraft artillery battalions. The next wave of German fire It's really hard to say when we will come. We are short of everything except coal. The gold and jewelry copied by the tsar and capitalist nobles have been spent for a long time, and the Germans don't recognize the Russian ruble. The Germans said that we can pay in Chinese yuan or US dollars!" Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, spread his hands and cried out.

"I said Georgy Vasilievich, are you making fun of us? Where do you tell us to get US dollars and Chinese yuan? The opposite Kolchak circulates the gold coupons and food stamps, Chinese yuan There are quite a few, can others give us? Can Americans and Chinese give us US dollars or Zhongyuan for no reason?

Now you can see how much Soviet territory is left. The south is occupied by the German-Austrian Allies, and the east is even better. The Volga Federation has stretched its hands across the Volga River. There is no export trade. Where can there be foreign exchange? "

It was Bubnov who was yelling. Although this fellow took over Kamenev's position as Chairman of the Moscow Soviet and Commander-in-Chief of the Garrison after returning from Tsaritsyn, he lost Ukraine and Tsaritsyn, making this Ukrainian-born Soviet Russian central Committee member Yang has always been brooding about it!

"What about export trade? In the past, the Tsarist Russian government could only export minerals, grain, fur, oil, heavy machinery and steel, but now this mess lacks everything except coal, but the Germans There is no shortage of coal. Oil is in the Caucasus. Denikin handed over the Don River and the North Caucasus to the Volga Federation. I don’t think it will be long. The oil fields must completely fall into the hands of the Volga Federation!" Zinoviev said from the side.

"Not only that, Gregory Yevseyevich, don't forget that the Baku oil field in Azerbaijan in the south is the highlight. I don't believe that Georgia and Azerbaijan can stop the momentum of the Allied forces going south.

Although the terrain in the North Caucasus is complex and the local ethnic forces are in turmoil, according to the development momentum of the Allied Forces, since they can handle the Ufa Plain and the lower reaches of the Volga River in one month, no matter how complicated the situation in the North Caucasus is, they will not be able to stop the momentum of the coalition forces. What's more, there is Denikin, a dog leg, who is on the sidelines as a lackey of the coalition forces! "Dzerzhinsky, who has been silent all the time, said abruptly.

"Felix Edmundovich, have your Chekas collected relevant information? Are the German and Austrian Allies indifferent to the progress of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front? Oil is the nectar of war. If it doesn’t work, can Germany and Austria just sit back and watch Russia’s oil-producing areas be taken by the Allied forces of the king of China?” Sverdlov frowned and asked Dzerzhinsky.

Dzerzhinsky smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "Yakov Mikhailovich, you also know that Cheka's current main activity area is still limited to the whole of Russia, and overseas intelligence work mainly relies on the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, since the Soviet Union's government is not recognized by most countries, even on the intelligence front in the diplomatic field, we are limited to a limited number of countries within the scope of the allies.

According to the limited information sent back by the envoys stationed abroad, the Germans seem to be a little bit out of reach for the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers. In other words, instead of going thousands of miles to compete for the Baku oil field in Azerbaijan, it is better to restore the production capacity of the Romanian oil field as soon as possible! "

"This is true. Comrade Adolf Abramovich Yuefei, Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, has been following up and pushing the German government to come up with a strategy for dealing with the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front as soon as possible. What is disappointing is that Germany The High Command has yet to have a clear strategic countermeasure. Both the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Turkey hope that Germany will consider the threat of the Allied Powers opening up the Eastern Front, but Ludendorff is focused on launching an offensive on the Western Front and making a decision on the Western Front. Xing's victory!" Chicherin interjected from the side.

"Ludendorff's calculations are not wrong. If the Allied Powers are completely defeated on the Western Front, the Eastern Front that the King of China has painstakingly opened up will be insignificant. Don't look at the fact that the Allied Forces of the Allied Forces and the Volga Federation have more than 50 servants. In any case, the 50 coalition forces will not be able to stop the main German and Austrian forces that will come back from the west. In my impression, the number of German and Austrian troops on the eastern front was never less than 120 million in the few years before the European War!" Lotsky turned around twice with his hands behind his back, then stopped and said.

"Lev Davidovich is right. The Allied forces on the Eastern Front of the Allied Powers seem to be flourishing under the auspices of the King of China and the Sino-Japanese Alliance, but in fact their foundation is not solid. For such a period of time, they have taken advantage of the convenience of the railway line." With so many places, it won’t take ten days and a half months to consolidate, at least half a year and a year to basically stabilize it. At this moment, I dare say that as long as the Allied forces suffer a big defeat on the front line, the rear may be messed up!” There was no objection to what Harlem said.

"Can Germany and Austria completely defeat the Allies on the Western Front? If only British and French troops participated in the war, I would really dare to vote for Hindenburg and Ludendorff. The problem is that the Yankees are also here. With the unique geographical conditions of the American continent, it has become the world's largest industrial power. Although the American soldiers lack combat experience, the industrial and military potential of the United States is definitely far beyond the German-Austrian Allies. Victory in the First World War on the Western Front?"

Who said that Ulyanov is not a military strategist? The above remarks alone are worthy of the honorable title of the helm of the Soviets and Bolsheviks. Of course, for the Soviet Russian government, the German-Austrian Allies are the Soviet Russian regime. His neighbor and old enemy, but the Allied Powers are more like a bandit who is passionate but cannot hide his ambition and desire.

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