Beiyang 1917

Chapter 600 The Situation of the Tsar

事实上,沙皇尼古拉二世在1917年的俄国二月革命宣布下台后,1917年3月8ri,在彼得格勒工人和士兵的要求下,资产阶级临时zheng fu不得不将尼古拉二世及其家属逮捕,从1917年3月9ri到8月14ri,尼古拉.亚历山德罗维奇.罗曼诺夫及其家人被软禁在沙皇村的亚历山大皇宫。 . .

At that time, the Kerensky government tried to establish a living environment for the royal family that was in line with the royal status. However, due to the government's lack of real power, the ideal could not be realized.The interim government had planned to send them to the UK for asylum, but was rejected by King George V of the UK and failed.

At this time, the revolutionary activities in Petrograd were in full swing, and the interim parliament worried about the safety of the royal prisoners and decided to move them to the Russian interior.After much debate, it was determined that their city of residence was Tobolsk, and the Romanovs moved there.

They were allowed to take from the palace necessary furniture, personal effects, and attendants who voluntarily accompanied and waited on them.On the eve of departure, interim government prime minister Kerensky and the former tsar's brother Mikhail 6 Aleksandravich visited. The two brothers met and talked for the last time, and they never saw each other again.

Mikhail? 6? 4 Alexandravich was sent to Perm, and was killed by the local Soviet authorities on the night of June 1918-6, 12. Of course, as the Tsar's uncle, he was buried for the Romanov dynasty For the local Soviets, there was no need for accusations at all.

In fact, the Tsar’s family did not stay in Tobolsk for long, and was transferred to Yekaterinaburg. With the advance of Kolchak’s White Guards, in Wang Geng’s previous life, the Tsar’s family died on July 1917, 7. He was killed on the 16th. In fact, in this time and space, Dzerzhinsky's Cheka moved the Tsar's family to the west of the Ural Mountains the day before the White Guards invaded Yekaterinaburg.

At this time, the Tsar's family was housed in a house in the suburb of Kovrov, west of Nizhny Novgorod, under the strict supervision of the Cheka, and it was temporarily regarded as a useful bargaining chip to save their lives.

Kovrov (Russian: koвpo? 0? 7в, English: kovrov), a city in central Europe, Russia.It is the second largest city in Russia's Vladimir Province, 50 kilometers away from Moscow, on the banks of the Klyazma River, a tributary of the Oka River.It has a mild continental climate and is located in the fertile black soil belt where forest and grassland are mixed.

Kovrov was found in historical records in the twelfth century and was established as a city in 1778.river port.The railway is about to stand.Since the eighteenth century, the cotton textile industry has developed.Machinery manufacturing is also important. It is famous for producing excavators, and also manufactures automatic hosiery machines and scales.There is a museum of ancient architecture and art.Located on the Moscow-Nizhny Novosibirsk railway, there is also a railway connection to Murom.

The Vladimir Province first became the Grand Duchy of Vladimir. From the second half of the 12th century to the beginning of the 13th century, the Grand Duchy of Vladimir was the largest economic, political and cultural center of ancient Russia.The transfer of the political center of Rus to Vladimir had an important impact on the formation of the Russian nation and the Russian state. The economic and political influence of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality was destroyed in 1238 by the massive Mongol-Tartar invasion.

The culture of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir left a deep imprint on the entire history of Northeast Rus.Vladimir's school of architecture exerted a major influence on stone architecture in Moscow and other Russian cities.The Vladimir-Suzdal architectural relics built in the 12th and 13th centuries include the Dormition Cathedral, the Dmitriev Church, the Golden Gate, and the Church of Our Lady of the Nerli Estuary.

Vladimir Province was established in 1778, and in the same year it was changed to a governorate, with 14 counties under its jurisdiction.Vladimir is one of the most industrially developed provinces in the European part of Russia.Vladimir Province began to develop the textile industry in the 17th century and opened the first ironworks.From the second half of the 18th century, glassware factories were opened.Most industrial enterprises are located in villages and suburbs.

In the 19th century, Vladimir Province was one of the centers of the textile industry, where 31% of Russia's cotton textiles were produced.Handicrafts, including icon-making (Shuya, Palekh, Mstela), were greatly popularized.The fame of the masons of Vladimir and Suzdal, of the carpenters of Pokrov and Gorokhovets spread throughout Russia.

Dzerzhinsky’s Cheka settled the tsar’s family in Kovrov. The main reason is that it is relatively quiet and has good cultural traditions. The torrent of the October Revolution did not reach here, and it is also a railway hub, coming and going to Moscow. And Nizhny Novgorod are very convenient.

"Nicholas II is a very dangerous enemy of the Soviet Union, Felix Edmundovich, I hope your suggestion is well thought out, may you please tell me your reasons?" the chairman of the Soviet Russian Central Committee Wu Lianov broke the brief silence in the conference room, and stared at Dzerzhinsky, the Cheka chairman, seriously.


"Vladimir Ilyich, members of the Central Committee, just because Tsar Nicholas II is the most dangerous enemy of the Soviet Union, so I think we have been letting the Tsar's family stay with us. It may not be a wise move to keep the tsar's family alive after the upheaval in January, so I suggested to Zhong Yang, whether it is better for us to let the tsar leave our control as soon as possible. It is naturally best to exchange something from the Allies !"

Cheka chairman Dzerzhinsky expressed his thoughts unhurriedly. Although the reason was popular and nothing special, it is clear that since the Tsar’s gold fell into the hands of Kolchak, then these The owner of the gold, the last tsar of the Romanov dynasty, still has a little hope in terms of reason and reason, such as claiming the ownership of the gold.

"Felix Edmondovich, I think you are whimsical. The Cheka should have wiped out Tsar Nicholas II, the executioner of the people, from the body to the spirit, instead of letting them linger until now. , now that the food supply in Russia is so tight, the troops in Nizhny Novgorod will soon be out of food, how about you? You still have good food, drink and hospitality, and the tsar settled in the picturesque Kovmov place to live!"

Bukharin, a member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, the Propaganda People's Commissar of the People's Committee of the Soviet Union, and the editor-in-chief of the official newspaper "Pravda" of the Soviet Union, Bukharin waved his arms and yelled, pointing at Dzerzhinsky's tenderness for the Tsar's family and his idea of ​​appeasement, The guys chattered and started arguing.

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