Beiyang 1917

Chapter 601

Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, said abruptly. His words seemed to have poured cold water on everyone. The meeting room suddenly fell silent, and everyone was chewing on Chicherin's words.

Bukharin murmured and whispered, "I said, we're just wishful thinking about this matter. Kerensky's temporary government wanted to send the Tsar out of exile, but no country was willing to accept it. King George V of England They all refused, at this moment, it’s no wonder that the Volga Federation dared to agree!”

"Nikolai Ivanovich, speak louder, what are you talking about?" Sverdlov couldn't hear what Bukharin was muttering for a moment, and couldn't help shouting.

"I mean, since even monarchical countries are unwilling to accept the tsar at this time, how can the Volga Federation and the Entente behind them accept it? It is a constitutional monarchy that plays a pivotal role in the Entente, and King George dare not stay The tsar’s family, it’s no wonder that the government of another min zhu country can accept it!” Bukharin said boldly, puffing out his chest.

"I don't think so, comrades, although the Volga Federation government is probably unwilling to accept the hot potato of the Tsar's family, but now the Volga Federation is in charge of the Allied Forces, and the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front is headed by Wang Geng of China.

Although this person seems to be an agent of imperialism cultivated by the hypocritical min zhu system in the United States, judging from his behavior since his debut, this guy is obviously engaged in military du cai under the banner of min zhu, such a person is not afraid The earth is not afraid of those who do not follow the rules, maybe they can really agree to us? "

Ulyanov, the chairman of the Central Yang Committee of Soviet Russia, obviously grasped the essence of things. It doesn’t matter whether the Volga Federation is willing or not. This puppet government inserted nails in the middle, planted the seeds of division, and caused their internal conflicts. The seeds will germinate sooner or later. The more chaotic the enemy or potential enemies, the more opportunities there will be for the Soviet Russian regime!

Trotsky and Sverdlov looked at each other, apparently both accepted Comrade Ulyanov's opinion, they both nodded in unison, Ulyanov slapped his forehead and said, "It seems that the opinions are unified, and according to Comrade Dzerzhinsky's suggestion, throw the hot potato of the Tsar's family to the Volga Federation, and then find a way to exchange for some arms, food and oil!"

"However, Vladimir Ilyich, how should we mention it to the other party? We can't just ask the other party to redeem the Tsar's family with arms, food and oil? Then the Volga Federation is not the successor of the Romanov dynasty. The other party may not be able to accept this!" Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, spread his hands in a bit of embarrassment. [.

"What's so difficult about it? Let me tell you Georgi Vasilievich, you are a veteran diplomat. Can this matter still trouble you? I think you should first think about what you want from the other party. Things come back? I guess oil is out of the question, only munitions and food have a chance!" Zinoviev flicked the cigarette ash and said unhurriedly.

"Well, oil probably won't work. The other party must be afraid that we will use oil to exchange arms with Germany. For food, we can only try it. The power and territory of the Volga Federation are expanding so fast. A month ago, they only needed to feed less than 100 million people. People, they have to worry about the life and death of 900 million people at this moment, and they themselves are very nervous about food, I think... no, we have to exchange arms with the other party, at least they won't worry about us getting the arms and then switching to Germany .” Bubnov came up with an idea from the side.

"Andrei Sergeyevich, according to what you said, we can only exchange back Russian-style weapons? I would rather exchange some Chinese-style weapons from the Allied Forces, so that the deterrence on the battlefield will be greater. In order to increase the relationship between Kolchak and the Volga Federation!" Sverdlov narrowed his eyes and looked at Bubnov.

"Yakov Mikhailovich, change back to Chinese-style weapons, then what about repairs and ammunition replenishment? Aren't we going to be controlled by others in the future?" Bukharin jumped out without losing the opportunity. He felt that this question I have caught Sverdlov's little problem, so I am willing to stand up and show that I am not ignorant of military affairs.

Sverdlov couldn't help shouting, "Bukharin! Don't jump up and down like a clown. I didn't say it just now. It is mainly used to increase deterrence and drive a wedge between Kolchak and the Volga Federation. The relationship between you, are you deliberately trying to get along with me or something?! I can’t understand people’s language!”

Ulyanov and Trotsky looked at each other and nodded slightly, obviously approving of Sverdlov's spear move. On the battlefield against Kolchak, if the Soviet Russian Red Army had The weapons of the Allied forces of the Allied Powers appeared, and the power and quantity of the weapons were second, and the blow to the morale of Kolchak's troops was the most important.

And it is very likely that this will cause a gap between Kolchak and the Volga Federation, or even really tear their faces apart. Obtaining arms and weapons through nonsense private channels is a huge gain for the Soviet regime and the Soviet Red Army!It's worth a try!

"Okay! Don't argue anymore. Yakov Mikhailovich's words are right. It is worthwhile to separate the private transaction between Kolchak and the Volga Federation. This matter is settled like this. Georgy Vasilyevich, Yakov Mikhailovich, and Felix Edmundovich, you three are in charge of this matter, and you must achieve the goal, the Tsar is hot There is no harm in throwing away the sweet potato early, as for how much ammunition can be exchanged, but there is one thing, the battlefield information must continue to be provided to us!"

Ulyanov made the final decision, and the plan of exchanging arms with the Tsar's family and the Volga Federation was settled.


"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, I just received a telegram from Moscow from the Soviet Russian government. The other party asked us to treat them equally. The Volga Federation also provided the Soviet Russian government with private trade channels, and they hoped to purchase arms, food and oil from us. !” Qian Tianfu, chief of staff of the coalition war room, stood in front of the large desk of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, looking at the telegram report just received.

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