Beiyang 1917

Chapter 666 The Fate of Saransk

Since the reorganization of the 1st Army mainly focused on those prisoners of the original 1st Army who insisted on returning to Soviet Russia repatriated from the Volga Federal Prisoner-of-War Camp. After arriving at Sarask, who hadn't stopped before.

The morale of the army has been fluctuating. The huge contrast and hunger made many prisoners of the 1st Army who vowed to shed the last drop of blood for the Soviet a few days ago had to re-examine it under the eyes of hunger and the hatred of the same hungry people. Was my original decision correct? The Red Army prisoners who chose to stay in the Volga Federation have now put on brand new federal uniforms. I heard that the food is much better than the three meals in the prisoner-of-war camp. Chocolate Food, candy, tea, coffee, and cigarettes are all daily military rations, not to mention military pay.

Those federal soldiers who participated in the Battle of Ufa and originally belonged to the White Guard camp not only received medals and medals for their meritorious deeds, but also awarded fields. The fertile land on both sides of the Volga River has become the home of the federal soldiers. It's over, what do we have when we go back to Soviet Russia?They can’t even eat food, and each person can only receive 400 grams of barley and black beans per day. Those things are fed to horses. After eating them, people will fart all day long, and feel dizzy and dizzy. Is this the path we choose?

So in the past half a month, the reorganization of the 1st Soviet Russian Army has not been as smooth as imagined. There are dozens of hundreds of deserters in the subordinate divisions every day, either running east or south. The Volga Federation is also reorganizing its troops. Where to serve as a soldier is not a soldier, at least you can make a living, right?What's more, at this moment, the Volga Federation and Soviet Russia are friendly neighbors?That's not the relationship between the enemy and us. Going to the Volga Federation can't be counted as surrendering to the enemy, can it?

"Peter Alexievich, don't talk about so many things that are useless after the fact. According to your judgment, where has the main force of Kolchak's Western Group reached?" said the commander of the 1st Army Mikhail. Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky asked his new political commissar and chief of staff as he lowered his head and rolled his cigarette. It was less than 3 days since Xiaotu returned to the army due to the hard work of Xiaotu, so the original group army Acting Commander Kobozev is obviously more familiar with the situation of the troops.

At this time, the Soviet 1st Army reorganized in Saransk consisted of 5 infantry divisions, three of which were composed of personnel who were repatriated and exchanged after the former Soviet 1st Army was captured in the Battle of Ufa, and the remaining 2 The infantry division was composed of workers and peasants recruited near Sarask who supported the Soviet Bolsheviks. The five divisions added up to only over 5 people, equipped with only over 4 rifles and pitifully few bullets. The soldiers only had 3 rounds, and the entire army was far from recovering enough to go into battle.

But Budyonny's 1st Cavalry Army had only two pitiful cavalry divisions that were understaffed. Don't take Tukhachevsky, the commander of the 2st Army who is more responsible for the failure of the Ufa Battle, in his eyes, this guy got a telegram from Voroshilov from Nizhny Novgorod Afterwards, the camp headed east as soon as possible to join Gydis's Tenth Army, preparing to join forces to resist Kolchak's main force heading south.

Of course, it is not known whether it is because the food in the area around Saransk has been taken away, and the 1st Cavalry Army will not be able to collect the logistics supplies of the food support team if it stays longer. Of course, before the Budyonibal Battalion set off, Still notified Tukhachevsky, the words were beautiful, as a cavalry unit, he was the pioneer of the 1st Army, exploring the way forward, and urged Tukhachevsky to lead the 1st Army eastward as soon as possible, Saran Sk is not a place to stay for a long time. If Kolchak's main force rushes over, the 1st Army, which is short of major generals and does not have all weapons and ammunition, will definitely not be able to stop it.

If you want to say that Tukhachevsky didn't know that his 1st Army had gathered tens of thousands of people and set up the shelf of 5 infantry divisions, but there was a shortage of food, ammunition and artillery. Those who can walk, at least have to collect food to eat on the road?So while sending away the rebellious Budyonny's 1st Cavalry Army, Tukhachevsky sent a telegram to Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod's front army headquarters to urge food, while starting in the north of Saransk. Construct field fortifications to prepare for defensive operations.

According to the notification from the Front Army Command last night, Kolchak’s main force going south was divided into two groups. Among them, the Western Group was dominated by cavalry units, and the target went straight to the 1st Soviet Russian Army in Saransk. The Front Army Command asked Tukhachev Ski moved to the east as soon as possible, moving closer to the Tenth Army of Gidis. The southern line must be defended, and concentration of troops is the key. As for Saransk, he can only reluctantly give up.

Saransk, the capital of Mordovia, is the state capital and economic and cultural center of Mordovia, Russia, located on the banks of the Insar River, a tributary of the middle reaches of the Volga River.With a population of only about 15, it was built as a fortress in 1641 and a city in 1780.

Saransk became an important center of the electrical industry after ri, mainly producing lighting equipment, cables, rectifiers, dump trucks, medical equipment, instruments, tools, rubber products, as well as light industry and food industry.At the same time, Saransk is also a railway hub.The city has an electric light source research institute, a Mordovan language, writing, history and economic research institute, two universities, three theaters, as well as a topography museum and a plastic arts museum.

The reason why Tukhachevsky did not tighten his belt and followed Budyonny's 1st Cavalry Army to retreat eastward was because he had to wait for Moscow to transport food, weapons and ammunition by rail to support his 1st Army. There are other deep-seated reasons behind it. The newly established Volga Military Region and the Volga Front Army of the Soviet Union. It is said that the commander of the military region and the Front Army is Sverdlov, but currently in Nizhny Novgorod, he is actually in charge of commanding the operations of the entire Front Army. It turned out to be Voroshilov of the Southern Front.

It doesn’t count that Egorov just surrendered to the enemy. In order to appease the generals of the Southern Front Army, Voroshilov, a Ukrainian, was actually allowed to climb to the position of deputy commander and second political commissar of the newly established Front Army. Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky, who was from the front army, was quite upset.

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