Beiyang 1917

Chapter 730 Calculating and Small 99

() Utsunomiya Taro and Hata Junliu symbolically stayed at the former enemy headquarters of the Ukrainian campaign on this side of the Ukrainian border, while the headquarters and real base camp of the Southwest Front Army was actually on the other side of the border at Bel in the Volga Federation. Gorod, and the headquarters of Lieutenant General Stepin, the deputy chief of staff and logistics commander of the Southwest Front Army, is still stranded in the last base camp, Voronjeri City, together with the Voronjeri Army Command.

Of course, as early as noon today, the 14th Federal Infantry Division under Stepin's command had been mobilized to Belgorod, and the two divisional artillery regiments of the 14th and 15th Federal Infantry Divisions, except for the 37mm high sheath The artillery and anti-tank artillery companies are still staying in Belgorod and Voronieri to undertake air defense missions. The remaining four federal infantry 4mm field artillery battalions have been urgently transported to the base camp on the Ukrainian border by flat-bed trains. , a temporary railway station has begun to take shape under the repairs of the coalition engineers.

According to the plan of Utsunomiya Taro and Hata Junliu, following the Du Li Field Heavy Artillery Wing and Field Artillery Wing of the 3rd Division, which will arrive at the city of Kharkov tonight, the four artillery battalions of the Federal Infantry Division Tomorrow "" will also be transported to the front line by train. At that time, the siege coalition forces will have 4 12mm heavy howitzers of the Du Li Field Heavy Artillery Wing, 150 48mm mountain field guns of the Field Artillery Wing, and 75 federal artillery battalions. There are as many as 4 72mm 75-type field guns.

The purpose of gathering so many artillery units is to suppress the heavy artillery of the Kharkov defenders even if the coalition air force cannot provide air support, thereby opening the door to victory. General Taro Utsunomiya never gave up on taking The ambition of going down to Kharkov, in fact, he also convinced the Chief of Staff Hata Shunroku, who insisted on besieging the city and fighting for aid, that is to win Kharkov and attract the enemy to attack when his own forces are not dominant. It is safer and easier than waiting around Kharkov for the enemy to process inside and out. After all, it is impossible for the coalition air force to provide escort 24 hours a day!

Hata Toshiroku said so in the telegram received from the 23rd Infantry Brigade, General Utsunomiya understood the reason for Oba Jiro's beard and stare, and the division commander was holding back his strength and wanted to personally command the troops to win the battle The so-called defeating the Germans and Ukrainians on the battlefield upright, even if the enemy's heavy artillery units are hidden in the city of Kharkov, it is not a problem... "Under the circumstances, the defense line in the north of the city was frustrated. The infantry division suffered from the sudden heavy artillery bombardment of the German army.

In fact, Oba's calculations and Xiao Jiujiu, Utsunomiya Taro and Hata Shunroku are not uncommon, that is, we can't just rely on the advantages of the coalition air force to win the battle. This is unacceptable for the Japanese Army. You must know The entire Japanese domestic air force adds up to more than 100 aircraft of all kinds. The air force is still in the stage where babbling is not favored and valued in Japan. The Imperial Japanese Army has its own honor to defend, so it cannot be said After leaving the shelter of the coalition air force, they are in a mess and don't know how to fight!

At this moment, isn't the so-called Allied Air Force on the Eastern Front of the Allies the Air Force of the Chinese Army participating in the war?Both Utsunomiya and Hata Junliu can understand the anxiety of Lieutenant General Daba, the head of the 3rd Division. Although China and Japan are in an alliance, and everyone is a member of the Eastern Front Allied Forces of the Allied Powers regardless of each other, but, Ri The Army cannot rely solely on the support of the Chinese Air Force to win battles!We can win battles without air support, relying on traditional cannons and machine guns and the hard work of Imperial warriors.

"Beiyang 1917 Chapter 730 (3) Planning and Xiaojiujiu" "Oba-kun, you know the temper of Major General Muto, this guy never says anything, he can say whatever he thinks, Oba-kun, don't worry too much!" Utsunomiya Taro, the commander of the [-]rd Army and the Southwest Front Army of the Allied Forces, and the commander in chief of the Ukrainian campaign, smiled and comforted Lieutenant General Ohba who was panting heavily.

"Your Excellency, Commander, how can I not be angry, concentrate the main force of the first line on the northern line, blockade the area between the tributary of the North Donets River and the Kharkov River, and use the ground attack to defeat the Ukrainians Defensive line, take Kharkov, this is the decision made by the former enemy headquarters after carefully evaluating the current battlefield situation. How dare he, a small brigade commander, dare to disobey his orders? Your Excellency, Commander, I don’t know the heights of the world for such an arrogant Muto Guy, it’s time to beat and beat! Otherwise, not only will he be the home of me, the head of the division, but he will be your home next time!”

Lieutenant General Ting Erlang, the head of the 3rd Division, was walking around in the headquarters, panting and yelling. At this moment, it is obvious that His Excellency, the head of the division, can't even take care of the half-eaten dinner on the table. The combat staff officers of several headquarters wisely retreated with their own waist-shaped lunch boxes. Obviously, no one from "Beiyang 1917" wanted to become a fish in the pond when the division commander was furious. Only Utsunomiya Taro, Hata Shunroku and Oba Jiro remained in the headquarters.

"Chief of Staff, what do you think? Is there any merit in Major General Muto's suggestion?" Utsunomiya Taro smiled and signaled the Admiral to be calm, but then changed the subject and asked the Chief of Staff who had already sat back in his seat for dinner. Toshiro Hata.

Oba Jiro looked at his immediate superior in surprise, wondering if Muto's telegram could have moved Utsunomiya Taro so easily?

Here Hata Toshiroku swallowed the piece of dried fish in his mouth slowly and methodically, wiped his mouth with a napkin and said, "Of course Muto-kun's suggestion has its merits, we have always had such worries before, That is, only 2 volunteer infantry divisions and a German reserve infantry regiment are defending the city of Kharkov now, so where did the main force of the Germans and Ukrainians go? Before the start of the battle, the enemy had at least 4 main Ukrainian divisions and A German reserve infantry division is stationed in Kharkov!"

"Hasn't this been analyzed a long time ago?" According to the reconnaissance feedback of the coalition air force, it is now judged that the German reserve infantry division has withdrawn along the railway to the direction of Dnepropetrovsk. Of course, it may also get off the train. Hidden in the forest near Krasnorad halfway, there is a railway station there, and it is also the location of a newly repaired field airfield for the Germans. Moreover, it is surrounded by a dense forest, which helps the Germans hide their troops! "

The general yelled anxiously in the big court, and this fellow was even less in the mood to eat. In a blink of an eye, he saw that the old hen was about to turn into a duck. If a random brigade head could despise the authority of the division head and the former enemy headquarters, it would not only challenge Japan This army has a tradition of seniority ranking, this team can't bring it along!

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