Beiyang 1917

Chapter 731 Sudden Battle

() Taguchi concentrated the mortar teams of the three squadrons and the reinforced machine gun squadrons of the brigade to the core position of the squadron headquarters in the middle to provide rear fire support for the positions of the three squadrons. If the enemy attacked at night, his squadron As long as it resists for 5 to 7 minutes, it can play the role of warning for the main position of the wing 1 km behind. At that time, the 81mm mortar team and the machine gun squadron of the brigade will quickly provide fire support, and the artillery brigade of the wing Long-range artillery support will also be provided within 10 minutes. The wired telephones of the three squad positions have been connected to the squadron headquarters, and the wired telephones between the squadron, the brigade, and the wing have also been connected.

Kojima Kamezo's No. 1 squadron is positioned 50 meters in front of the squadron's position. This fellow deployed two Browning squads of the machine gun group with machine guns on the core position of the squad, one left and one right, and the No. 2 squadron was placed in the position. On the left side of the camp, the second team is arranged on the right side of the position, and the third team is used as a mobile security team, changing guards every two hours.

250 meters in front of the team's position, there are double hills, one bright and one dark, lined up on the left and right at an interval of about 100 meters. In addition, a five-person patrol post is patrolling in circles under the leadership of "" Sergeant Cao. If you can't answer the command in the dark, the sentry will open fire immediately!The requirement for both light and dark posts was the latest emphasis on the requirement from the infantry tactical manual of the Allied Forces Command after the formation of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front.

As far as the ground troops are concerned, whether they are marching, camping or guarding positions, the sentries are the eyes, ears and lifeline of the troops. In fact, almost one-third of Taguchi’s infantry squadrons are in a state of standing guard and patrolling with their eyes wide open. The wave changes every 2 hours, and the same is true for subdividing each squad and unit. Of course, eye-catching tents and fire lights are strictly prohibited. It is quite good for two-thirds of the soldiers to take a nap in the shelter of the trench with their guns in their clothes.

The sudden battle started at 9:00 in the evening. The German-Ukrainian coalition forces dispatched the ace troops guarding the city of Kharkov, the 47th Infantry Regiment of the 139th Division of the German Reserve Infantry, and went out of the city overnight to attack. Major General Sven von Neuhaus, commander of the 47th Division of the Reserve Infantry, personally directed the night counterattack.

1918 . . . "" On the night of July 7th in the Chinese lunar calendar, it was June 30rd in the Wuwu year. The solar terms of the Great Heat had just passed 23 days. The night sky in Kharkiv, Ukraine was pitch black, only the stars in the sky Blinking eyes, on the 6nd and 22rd of June in the lunar calendar, the last quarter moon will not appear in the eastern sky until before dawn, so although it is already a clear night sky after the rainy season, the night without the moon is actually quite dark and peaceful. dark.

Sven von Neuhaus, commander of the 47th Division of the Reserve Infantry, commanded the main regiment under his command, the 139th German Infantry Regiment, to attack in person, demonstrating the courage and determination of the outstanding German soldiers possessed by the Major General. The 4th Japanese Cavalry Regiment active in the west of Kharkov City should have been the best target for his troops to attack and counterattack, but the west of Kharkov City is the Lopan River rushing from the west and rushing from the northwest. The place where the tributaries of the North Donets River criss-cross.

The geographical environment of criss-crossing rivers in the west of the city made von Neuhaus give up his plan to eat the 4th Japanese Cavalry Regiment hanging alone on the other side of the river. "Beiyang 2 Chapter 1917 (730) Sudden battle" Tiaohe sneak attack on the enemy is too difficult, and it is difficult not to alarm the enemy.

The target of the counterattack night attack can only be chosen in the north of the city, which is the area where the main force of the enemy is concentrated. It is also the area that poses the greatest threat to the Kharkov defenders. House did not choose to attack the 1th Volga Federal Infantry Division in the middle because the enemies in the middle were close to the railways and roads. It is easy to encounter reinforcements from three sides of the enemy, and the side cannot get out of the battle smoothly.

If you are chased by the opponent when you retreat, it is easy to collide with the northern circular defense line of Kharkov City. If the counterattack in the middle is not the best choice, then only the left in the northwest and the right in the northeast are left. For the road, Neuhaus chose the northwest direction, which is the brigade headquarters of the 5th Japanese Infantry Brigade, but the brigade leader Shinyuki Kikuchi's assistant only has half the strength of the brigade.

Although the strength of the 4000th Japanese Infantry Regiment with more than 6 people in the northwest is much larger than the main force of the Chinese armored "Beiyang 1917" regiment in the northeast, the Chinese armored forces fought all the way from the forest on the banks of the Kharkov River. Over time, both the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian Infantry Divisions failed to stop the Chinese. Although Neuhaus was confident in the combat effectiveness of his 139th Infantry Regiment, he was unwilling to choose such a powerful opponent to fight in the first battle.

The unlucky one can only be Major General Kikuchi's Japanese 5th Infantry Brigade, a mere infantry regiment, and only a pitiful artillery brigade with 8 75mm field guns. Of course, von Neuhaus was full of them afterwards. Unfortunately, the German scouts did not find the troops of the 5nd Chinese Armored Battalion dragged behind the 2th Infantry Brigade. Von Neuhaus judged that the strength of the Chinese Armored Battalion assigned to the Western Front had already been reorganized. Back to the Chinese armored regiment in the northeast direction.

In fact, although the 2nd Armored Battalion under the command of Colonel Ren Dao, the chief of staff of the Chinese Armored Corps, refused to cooperate with the 5th Infantry Brigade to continue to attack Kharkov during the day, the 2nd Armored Battalion did not return to construction. It was retreated to the north of the 5th Infantry Brigade to camp and wait for replenishment, so this paved the way for the changes that occurred after the 5th Infantry Brigade encountered the "Entertainment Show" night attack that night.

In 1918, under normal circumstances, the German infantry division was organized as an infantry division with three infantry regiments, a motorized anti-aircraft artillery company, an artillery regiment, a reconnaissance battalion, a communication battalion, a supply column and a supplementary battalion. An infantry regiment governs 1 battalions, a battalion governs 3 infantry companies, a motorized platoon and a heavy machine gun company.

An infantry company has 3 platoons, of which the first platoon has 2 infantry squads, 2 light machine gun squads, and a grenade mortar squad, with a total of 45 people. The second row has no mortar squad, which is 2 people. The establishment of the third row is the same as that of the first row, which is also 36 people.

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