Beiyang 1917

Chapter 741

()1918年7月30ri23:05莫斯科克里姆林宫苏俄zhong yang委员会大会议室

As early as the Seventh Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) held in March 1918, after the min zhu election, the Soviet Russian Central Committee produced a total of 3 official central members, namely Ulyanov, Tom Lotsky, Bukharin, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Sokolnikov, Joseph, Chicherin, Stasova, Sverdlov, Bubnov, Lomo Krestinsky, Dzerzhinsky, Uritsky.

At the emergency meeting of the Soviet Russian Central Committee held on July 1918, 7, the small iron giant who originally controlled Tsaritsyn and the Southern Front of the Soviet Russian Red Army, the Soviet Russian Central Committee member, the North Caucasus Military Region and the Southern Front Army Military Commissioner Joseph Comrade Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili tried to challenge the authority of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union because of the local power in the hands of his subordinates, and committed "freedom, hilltopism and Mistakes of local distraction".

Based on the mistakes made by Comrade Joseph, the Soviet Russian Central Committee dismissed Joseph Vissarionovich "Zhuga" Shvili as Military Commissar of the North Caucasus Military District and the Southern Front, and also dismissed the Soviet People's Committee Ethnic people's commissar, Joseph was removed from the position of the member of the Central Yang Committee of the Soviet Union, and the mistakes made by him were reviewed by the organizational department. During the period when the review made new conclusions, the relevant policy treatment of the Central Yang Committee of the Soviet Union was retained.

The position of the Soviet Russian Central Committee member left by Joseph was replaced by Yuefei, the Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Russian People's Committee and the alternate member of the Soviet Russian Central Yang Committee, and Bubnov was appointed to replace the position of the National People's Committee left by Joseph.

In fact, the Soviet Russian People's Committee is the official name of the Soviet Russian government, and the Soviet Russian Central Committee is the central committee of the Bolshevik Party. One is a political position, the other is an internal party position, nothing more.

Therefore, starting from July 1918, 7, the list and division of labor of the fifteen central yang members of the new Soviet Russian Central Committee are roughly as follows:

Chairman of the People's Committee of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov

People of Soviet Russia.. ""Committee Army and Navy People's Commissar, Chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Soviet Russia: Lev Davidovich Trotsky

Commissar of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union, Vice-Chairman of the Supreme Military Council, Commander of the Volga Front: Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov

In addition,

People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin,

People's Commissar of Information Bukharin,

People's Commissar for Finance and Economics Sokolnikov,

People's Commissar for Party Affairs Stasova,

NKVD Dzerzhinsky,

National People's Commissar Bubnov,

Commissar of Workers and Peasants Lomov,

Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Joffe

Chairman of the Moscow Soviet Zinoviev,

"Chapter 1917 of Beiyang 740 ([-]) Gidis was hit hard" Krestinsky, Chairman of the Petersburg Soviet,

Petersburg Garrison Commander and Chairman of the Cheka Uritsky,

Kamenev, military commissar of the Volga Military District and Front Army.

After July 1918, 7, among the fifteen members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, Ulyanov, Trotsky, Sverdlov, Zinoviev and Dzerzhinsky were elected A member of the five-member Politburo of the Soviet Union, with Sverdlov as the secretary of the Central Secretariat of the Soviet Union.

Basically, the five central members of the Politburo are the main members of the Kremlin who meet in the big conference room every day to discuss and deal with urgent matters, while People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin and People's Commissar of Information Bukharin , and Sokolnikov, People's Commissar of Finance and Economics, and others, as long as they have time to attend, of course, they returned to Moscow from Tsaritsyn, and escaped Bubno, who was implicated by Joseph and also served as the commander of the Moscow Garrison. The husband is also present every time.

Looking back on this incident tonight, when Trotsky said that the two White "Beiyang 8" Guards Cossack cavalry divisions that attacked the 2th Army of Rashevich at night swept and defeated the 1917th Army Command After the 8th Infantry Division, instead of retreating to the west or northwest, they unexpectedly continued eastward and disappeared in the night behind the demilitarized buffer zone on the left bank of the Volga River designated by the Volga Federation and the Allied Forces. The committee members of Zhong Yang were all stunned!

"This is a bastard! Kolchak's Cossack cavalry is a group of robbers and bandits. Why didn't Lashevich and Gidis chase after them! Just let them run away like this?!" The chairman of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union waved his hands. A growl!

There was no sound in the room, except for Ulyanov's panting and running back and forth, the other central committee members were silent, obviously still digesting the astonishing news and the results of the battle.

"In the second half of Voroshilov's telegram, it was mentioned that Gidis' 10th Army had mobilized two divisions, namely the 2th and 39th Infantry Divisions, which rushed southward to seal the gap in the front line, but they rushed Empty, Kolchak is too cunning. After his two cavalry divisions made a lot of money in our hinterland, instead of going west, they ran in the opposite direction and headed east toward the Volga River. Going out... can't blame the 40th Army!"

After picking it up again and being crumpled into a ball by Ulyanov on the ground, after reading the telegram, it was still Sverdlov, a close comrade of Ulyanov, who uttered his voice to explain to everyone, even though he was only ranked third in the party. , but Trotsky, the chairman of the Supreme Military Council, did not concurrently serve as the commander of the front army, and the organizational power was also in the hands of Sverdlov, who was also the only one who dared to speak out when Ulyanov was roaring. , even Trotsky would not easily contradict the comrade chairman who is in a state of rampage now.

"Don't you know how to pursue? Why not pursue? The 8th and 10th armies add up to eleven divisions. Just like this, two cavalry divisions rushed in to take out the army headquarters and eat the infantry of Lataisky's infantry. The 2th Division, and swaggered away to the east?!" Panting heavily, Ulyanov pinched his waist with one hand and pointed at Sverdlov with the other.

Here Trotsky has put down the baton in his hand, walked to his seat, lit the pipe in his hand, and took a few puffs. Zhong Yang committee member Joseph was dismissed and placed under house arrest, but in the Soviet Russia Zhong Yang Committee, more and more people have recently begun to smoke pipes and smoke Mohe cigarettes. The workers have all gone to the front line, and the cigarettes that can be imported have been cut off because of the trade embargo and blockade of the Allies.

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