Beiyang 1917

Chapter 742 requires a 32 majority

() As soon as Sverdlov said this, a pot exploded in the conference room, and Bukharin was the first to jump out and shout,

"The strongest protest must be made to the Volga Federation as soon as possible. We ceded the entire lower reaches of the Volga, including Tsaritsin, to them. It is not for them to unite with Kolchak to deal with us. We must want that China The king understands that if the Volga Federation does not strictly abide by neutrality, we will no longer recognize the existing borders and the "Samara Peace Treaty," and we will organize millions of Soviet Russian Red Army as soldiers to regain the lost territory and destroy the Volga Federation!"

Don't tell me, although Bukharin yelled so sternly and sternly, Zinoviev and Bubnov's hearts really jumped like this, and Chicherin heard it. With a wry smile on his face, he scolded in his heart that the editor-in-chief of Pravda wrote articles and editorials all day long to fool people, and when there was a famine in Russia and the whole world was hostile, what would he use to arm millions of troops?Know how long it takes to produce millions of rifles?Do you know how much food is needed to feed millions of troops?

"Ji"" Noviev was just taken aback for a moment, then frowned obviously, and couldn't help complaining, "Nikolai Ivanovich, I'm afraid you wrote a propaganda editorial in Pravda. That’s right, who would dare to provoke the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers and the King of China at this moment? Don’t underestimate the Volga Federation. Even if the Volga Federation is just a puppet, they now occupy the fertile land and granary in the middle and lower reaches of the Volga River. Heavy industry in Tsaritsyn!"

"The oil in the North Caucasus, the coal in the Donbass, the copper and iron mines in Kursk, and the support of the Sino-Japanese Alliance and the Allied Powers are behind them, and the other side has formed 8 armies of the Federal Defense Forces with at least 30 people. Never mind Have you ever been a prisoner, but now you are all veterans. Before we can collect rifles and food and ammunition to feed millions of new troops, the other party may directly take Moscow! You are not afraid of flashing slogans like that tongue?!"

Zinoviev's words are harsh, but they are also true. These days, people who dare to threaten the king of China, the world is so big, and there are many countries stronger than China, but obviously, the Soviet Russian government and the Soviet Russian Red Army Now I absolutely don't have the confidence and strength,... "" If you are brave but don't have the confidence and strength, talking big and provoking powerful enemies is often just asking for humiliation.

Of course, it is unknown whether it is because Zinoviev ranks higher in the party than Bukharin, but is the deputy editor-in-chief of Pravda.

To say that Zinoviev is not a simple boss, this guy and Kamenev were ranked in the top five in the Central Committee before, and now Kamenev went to the front line to serve as the Volga Front Army due to a momentary mistake The political commissar, although he held the title of Zhong Yang member, was not re-elected as a member of the Politburo. On the contrary, Zinoviev re-entered the new Zhong yorievseevich as a Zhong Yang member and chairman of the Moscow Soviet. The first chairman, an early leader of Soviet Russia, and one of the main representatives of the new opposition in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks). Born in Ukraine on September 1883, 9, Jewish.He has not received systematic school education since he was a child.

19”北洋1917 第740二章(一) 需要三分之二多数”世纪90年代末开始在南俄投身工人运动。1901年加入俄国社会min zhu工党。1902年出国,在柏林、巴黎、伯尔尼从事国际工人运动。1903年7月俄国社会min zhu工党第二次代表大会上,站在布尔什维克一边。1905年回国,在彼得堡从事革命宣传工作,到喀琅施塔得组织水兵起义。

In 1906, he became a member of the Petersburg Party Committee. In 1907, he attended the Fifth Congress of the Party held in London and was elected as a member of the Central Committee. After the failure of the Russian Revolution from 1905 to 1907, he went underground and participated in the editorial work of the Communist Party's official newspaper "Socialist Ministries". In 1908, he was arrested by the Tsarist police.In the summer of the same year, he went abroad again to participate in the editorial work of the Bolshevik newspaper "Proletary" led by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.

During the First World War, he went to Switzerland to participate in the work of the "Socialist Party", and co-authored the book "War and Socialism" with Ulyanov. He returned to China in April 1917 and worked in the Petrograd Soviet as the deputy editor-in-chief of Pravda, the central government organ of the Communist Party of China. In October, he was elected as a member of the "Beiyang 4" Committee of the Central Political Bureau.During the preparations for the October Revolution, he opposed holding an armed uprising. Together with LV Kamenev, he published an article in the non-party newspaper "New Life", leaking the uprising plan, and was severely criticized by Ulyanov and the Central Committee of the Soviet Russian Party. .

After the October Revolution, Zinoviev was once again criticized by the party for advocating the establishment of a joint government with the participation of Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries. In December, he was elected chairman of the Petrograd Soviet.Support Ulyanov on the signing of the Brest Peace Treaty.

Of course, at this moment, Zinoviev is still such a wise and confused guy, that is to say, he can see clearly in small things, but when it comes to critical moments, he often makes some self-righteous actions and judgments. The October Revolution is a clear example, but Zinoviev and Kamenev were elected members of the Politburo at the same time before the October Revolution last year, and Joseph was quite low in the party rankings at the time, but he was in Ulyano. When Joseph got angry and wanted to fire the two "traitors" Zinoviev and Kamenev, it was Joseph and Sverdlov who were determined not to be united.

The reason Joseph used to oppose the "entertainment show" to Ulyanov's expulsion of two people turned out to be that the Politburo is the executive body of the central yang committee and has no right to expel the central yang members elected by the congress!Even the chairman of the central yang committee will not work. Of course, the far-fetched reason that Comrade Joseph found at the beginning actually planted hidden dangers for himself. Ulyanov did not forget to make the following amendments to the party constitution:

The members of the zhong yang committee are elected by the National Congress, but when the congress is not in session, as long as more than half of the members of the zhong yang committee agree, the members of the zhong yang committee can be removed from their positions. To remove the chairman of the zhong yang committee, a pass is required a two-thirds majority.

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