Beiyang 1917

Chapter 743 The key is to get support

() In fact, Zinoviev and Bukharin are at odds, so they will not agree with and support Bukharin's views in person, so I let my partner in Moscow at the moment, the commander of the Moscow Garrison Bubo, who is also from Ukraine, Nove expressed a similar point of view, that is, the ugly words are up front, and now in order to deal with Kolchak, if he has to lure wolves into the house and recruit the Volga Federation troops, then the Russian central government must be mentally prepared for this, now It is still a narrow strip of the demilitarized zone, and it is likely to become part of the Volga Federation in the future.

"It is necessary to pay a price. Although the Volga River has always been a natural danger, the border between us and the Volga Federation is not just the Volga River. There are road borders on the Kursk, Voronezh, and Saratov lines, so Those who think that the middle section of the Volga River is the border river between us and the Volga Federation, using the natural dangers of the river to block the invaders are completely self-deceiving. To put it bluntly, the Soviets do not have the strength to regard the Volga Federation and the Allied Forces as enemies! We must admit this Sad truth!"

Trotsky exchanged opinions with Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, and finally stood up to support Sverdlov's suggestion. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are not Trotsky's style. Time is waiting for no one. He asked Chicherin, and the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs replied that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Volga Federation requested a reply from Moscow before 22:30. The domineering King of China has little time left for Moscow to consider.

"So the opinions are unified? I agree with the Supreme Military Council and the two chairman comrades. Mother-in-law is not our Bolshevik style. Isn't it possible that the [-]-kilometer-long non-military buffer zone may be lost in the future? It is better than the Southern Front of the Volga Front. It's better to defeat the enemy, and besides, we don't need to cut the land out, we don't want to let the children catch wolves!

Chicherin, Comrade People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, that's it. Please formally call back the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Volga Federation and declare that those who entered the demilitarized buffer zone from our defense zone were Red Army cavalry pretended to be Kolchak bandits. We demand that the Volga Federation Abide by the promise and the tacit understanding reached by the two parties, and disarm the Kolchak gang who entered the demilitarized buffer zone without authorization... "" He Kang! "

As the chairman of the Soviet Russian People's Committee and the chairman of the Soviet Russian Central Committee, Ulyanov finally made a decision.

The People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly drew up a draft of the telegram. After reading it, Ulyanov, Trotsky, and Sverdlov all nodded without raising any questions. After the manuscript was signed and issued, Chicherin was worried, and followed his confidential secretary to the telegraph center to call back the Volga Federation.

Unexpectedly, just after Chicherin left, Zinoviev slapped his head in a strange way and came up with another idea.

"Comrades, I think our response is too passive and passive. It is not an option to continue like this. The enemy on the southern front now has an advantage in strength, and more than half of the opponent is a Cossack cavalry division. Just now I suddenly thought, since Kolchak's troops can use the demilitarized buffer zone to make a fuss, why don't we also use the demilitarized buffer zone to make a fuss? How about our 10th and 8th groups simply withdraw to the demilitarized buffer zone?"

"Chapter 1917 of Beiyang 740 (10) The key is to get support" "We have also entered the non-military buffer zone? Grigory Yevseyevich, are you planning to send the 8th and [-]th armies to the Volga Federation and the Allied Powers?" The allied forces surrendered their guns and surrendered? Are you kidding me!" Bukharin was the first to jump up. Although one of the two is the editor-in-chief and the other is the deputy editor-in-chief of Pravda, Bukharin has always looked down on the self-taught Ji who did not go to college. Noviev, in the center of Soviet Russia, Bukharin's left leaning and Zinoviev's right leaning are simply natural enemies.

Trotsky and Sverdlov were taken aback when they heard the words, while Ulyanov waved his hands impatiently and said, "Central Committee Member Zinoviev, what do you want to say this time? Call us The two armies on the southern front hid in the non-military buffer zone to avoid Kolchak's edge? Is that what it means? Or is it like Bukharin said, you are playing a moth that others can't understand?"

"Vladimir Ilyich, comrades, since everyone just now accepted the plan to allow the Volga Federation to deal with the Kolchak gang in the demilitarized buffer zone, to put it bluntly, this is what we have to do The policy of appeasement is similar to "Beiyang 1917" if the Volga Federation troops are stationed in the non-military buffer zone, then they will definitely not easily spit out this treasure land on the left bank of the Volga River, since we may pay such a huge amount The price, why don’t we get back a little more money? Can’t we just cheapen the Allied Forces and the Volga Federation?”

Zinoviev's theory of doctrine is very good. Although he was self-taught, he was a well-known writer in the early Bolshevik party like Kamenev. and Socialism", and this guy is also an expert on Asian issues, so after confirming that the demilitarized buffer zone on the left bank of the Volga River was likely to be handed over to the Volga Federation by Soviet Russia, Zinoviev felt that We should find a way to get back some benefits.

"Get back a little more capital? What does this have to do with letting the troops of the 10th and 8th Army enter the demilitarized buffer zone? Is it because we acquiesced that the Volga Federation troops entered the demilitarized buffer zone to maintain the local "demilitarization", So the Volga Federation should also acquiesce that we can freely enter and exit and use this long and narrow non-military buffer zone to make a fuss?" Sverdlov, who cares about the "entertainment show", couldn't help asking.

"Grigory Yevseyevich, Comrade Pravda deputy editor-in-chief, I think you are confused in the study of Asian issues. Since the left bank of the Volga River is used as a non-military buffer zone, it is forbidden for armed personnel to enter. Is it difficult for you? If we are sure, we can make the Volga Federation submit obediently, and our 10th Army and Eighth Army can withdraw more than 8 troops without disarming them? Then how can there be any non-military buffer zone?" Bukharin sneered at the side.

"I don't think it will be impossible, Vladimir Ilyich, Comrade Sverdlov, if we can get the support of the Volga Federation, then it will be no problem to defeat Kolchak!"

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