Beiyang 1917

Chapter 744 Take a few steps and see

() In other words, after the signing of the Brest Peace Treaty, after Soviet Russia lost Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan, Soviet Russia paid such a heavy price but failed to change The ending of peace has always been questioned, and the calls for the abolition of the Brest Peace Treaty and re-examination and consideration of Soviet Russia's foreign policy have never stopped!

而苏俄zhong yang委员会的第3号人物雅可夫·米哈伊洛奇·斯维尔德洛夫的观点则未必如此,这位年轻的布尔什维克老革命于1885出生1901年16岁时加入俄国社会min zhu工党。1905-07年在乌拉尔从事党的领导工作。曾多次被监禁和流放,长达12年。1912年27岁开始当选任苏俄zhong yang委员。1917年起领导zhong yang书记处,1917年11月8ri当选为全俄中执委会主席。

After the October Revolution, Sverdlov was appointed as the vice chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Soviet Russia. As a close comrade-in-arms of Comrade Ulyanov, he was trained as Trotsky's military successor. All the treasures of the Winter Palace were handed over by Comrade Ulyanov to this guy for preservation, in case they are needed from time to time, which shows Ulyanov’s trust in him. Of course, before the October Revolution, Ulyanov lived in seclusion At the time, Trotsky and Sverdlov were the de facto military leaders of the uprising and leaders of the Party Central Committee.

Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov was one of the leaders of the October Revolution in Russia in 1917. After the victory of the revolution, the 32-year-old Sverdlov was elected as the chairman of the All-Russian Central Yang Executive Committee , the position in the party is second only to Ulyanov, who is 15 years older than him.Since the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was the highest authority in the country at that time, Sverdlov actually became the first "head of state" in Soviet Russia.

In Wang Geng’s previous life, Sverdlov has always been regarded as Ulyanov’s close assistant in almost all traditional Soviet Russian history textbooks, but what is the actual situation?Russia's "News World" website once disclosed that the young and energetic Sverdlov had intended to replace Lenin after the victory of the revolution. One day in 1935, a very unusual report appeared on Joseph's desk, which said,

"Cheka" (that is, the All-Russian Cheka, the predecessor of the KGB. "") personnel were ordered to open the private safe of the former chairman of the All-Russian Central Yang Executive Committee Sverdlov, and made a surprising discovery: the dusty 16-year-old The old safe was filled with gold bars, precious stones, important documents and foreign currency, as well as foreign passports with various false names.

Previously, Soviet Russian propaganda had always portrayed Sverdlov as a revolutionary ascetic, but the new discovery in the safe was completely incompatible with this.Shocked, Joseph immediately ordered that the content of the above report be kept strictly confidential.In this way, more than half a century passed, and it was not until many years after the disintegration of the Soviet Union that the relevant secrets were made public.

In fact, there are many theories surrounding this safe. The most popular one is that during the most dangerous and difficult period of the Russian Civil War, the Bolshevik leaders lacked confidence in its stability and future victory, so they were ready to go underground at any time. To make various preparations to continue the struggle, it is necessary to set up a "small treasury" and create fake passports.

However, some historians pointed out that Ulyanov, Joseph and other Bolshevik leaders were in a similar situation to Sverdlov’s during the revolution, even more dangerous, but none of them were similar.” Beiyang 1917 Chapter 740 IV ([-]) Take a few steps and see" safe.There is no doubt that this is Sverdlov's "private possession", and he did it for personal purposes.

In fact, it is not surprising that there are fake passports in Sverdlov’s safe. This guy’s father is an expert in forging passports. He forged passports for revolutionaries during the Tsarist era. The son inherited his father's business. As for the gold, silver and jewelry in the safe, it was part of the Krem Palace financial report that Ulyanov handed over to him for safekeeping. It was a party secret kept by the secretary of the party secretariat. funding.

"Comrade Trotsky, what do you think? When you signed the Brest Peace Treaty with Germany and Austria, you have always opposed it. Now, do you think we have the ability to say no to Germany and Austria? The only ones in the world who are willing to provide us with weapons and food are the German-Austrian Allies. Of course, the price is expensive, even high, but can the Volga Federation sell us arms like the Germans? Do they dare? We and them The bourgeois system in China is completely different, can the Volga Federation really treat us as neighbors rather than enemies?"

Sverdlov did not directly answer Ulyanov's question directly, but asked his immediate superior a series of questions. In fact, these questions raised by Sverdlov happened to be the Ulyanov present The same haunting doubts haunted Ryanov, Zinoviev, Bukharin, and Bubnov.

Trotsky, as the founder of the Soviet Russian Red Army and the No. 2 member of the Soviet Russian Central Committee, how could these questions be difficult for him? Although he did not make a decision in his heart, he frowned and answered Sveld Love's question comes,

"I said, comrades, Yakov Mikhailovich's doubts, I believe everyone has, in fact, I also asked myself just now, if we have the ability to say no to Germany and Austria, in fact, we After the Battle of Ufa, we signed the "Samara Peace Treaty" with the Volga Federation supported by the Allied Forces. It’s good to strangle to the end, but what about us? When we saw that the situation was not right, the central yang committee made a decisive decision to cease fighting and demarcate the border for peace! Stop fighting!”

Before Trotsky finished speaking, Zinoviev, the "entertainment show", couldn't help clenching his fists and interjected, "Trotsky was right! At the beginning we ignored the threats and opposition from Germany and Austria, and insisted on peace with the Allied Powers." The Allied Forces ceased fighting and signed the "Samara Peace Treaty" with the Volga Federation, which of course can be regarded as Soviet Russia saying no to Germany and Austria!"

"No, no, Gregory Yevseyevich's words are not accurate. I think it's us saying no to Germany and Austria. You must know that although we were forced to sign the "Brest Peace Treaty" with the Germans, But we only sought a truce with the German-Austrian Allies, and the Volga Federation did not formally join the Allies and declare war on Germany and Austria, so Ludendorff and Hindenburg had no choice but to acquiesce in the truce between us and the Volga Federation. The Samara Peace Treaty!"

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