Beiyang 1917

Chapter 79 A Sudden Choice

In fact, Wang Geng also knew in his heart that half of the people who jumped out to express his determination and position to himself at this moment were the rough old Feng's confidantes like Song Zheyuan, and the other half were masters like Jiang Hongyu and Qiu Bin who were already suspected and excluded.

Of course, there are the most people in the middle with a wait-and-see attitude. Among these people, there is no lack of old Feng's loyalists. They are not worried that Lao Feng will suspect themselves, so they don't need to rush to confess at all.

Thinking of this, Wang Geng cleared his throat and said seriously,

"The 16th Mixed Brigade of the Central Army is the country's regular army, not a person's family or private army. The duty of the soldiers is to protect the family and the country. Of course, since ancient times, the emperor has not been hungry and sent soldiers. Don't forget that behind every piece of ocean's salary It is the sweat of countless ordinary people!"

"I respect Mr. Feng because he has brought out an army with a strong style and strict discipline. If this team is loyal to only one person, such a team is a warlord army! What the country needs is not a warlord. And their private soldiers, I believe Boss Feng never wants to be a warlord!"

Wang Geng glanced at everyone with sharp eyes, but he actually didn’t believe what he said. Damn, I’m just talking nonsense with my eyes open. Which of you dare to jump out and say that you are a subordinate of a warlord, and Feng Yuxiang is a warlord whose ambition exceeds his ability?

The words of the new brigade commander were obviously insincere. The generals in the conference room murmured, what warlords? Big hat, this Wang Geng seems to be either a scholar or a bastard!

"Twisted melons are not sweet. China lacks everything, but there is no shortage of food and soldiers. Let me talk about my plan first. After finishing talking, you have to make a decision today. You are determined to leave. I am the brigade commander. Make up all your arrears, give you severance pay, and you will be removed from the 16th mixed brigade from now on, and will never be hired again!"

"If you are willing to stay, let's work hard together, and sooner or later we can wait until the day when Boss Feng comes back! Of course, if Boss Feng is the kind of warlord who regards the national army as a private armed force, then I believe that I will not be the one who opposes his return at that time." , but the professional soldiers of your countries!"

Wang Geng’s words exploded over the heads of the generals like a spring thunder. Seven or eight generals raised their hands to report and asked to speak. Obviously, no one was willing to accompany Song Zheyuan to clean the toilet, especially when his own gun was handed over before entering the conference room. After going out, the soldiers found that their confidence was not as strong as they thought in front of Wang Geng, a high-achieving West Point student like Wang Geng.

"Don't be impatient, I'm not here to cleanse dissidents. Although not all the officers here meet my requirements, since you all meet Mr. Feng's selection criteria, I am willing to give everyone a chance to choose whether to leave or stay. Among yourselves, but until I have finished my plans for the future, no one else can chime in!"

Wang Geng's voice suddenly increased by an order of magnitude, and the buzzing in the conference room became quieter. The generals thought, let's see what medicine is sold in the new brigade commander's gourd!Anyway, the initiative to go and stay is in our own hands!

"The duty of a soldier is to defend the country. Now China is divided into fragments and warlords. To end this situation, we need to unify as soon as possible. Every member of the Communist Party should take national reunification as their goal. Of course, this is only the first One step, after reunification, we still need to make the country rich and strong, and end the situation of the country being bullied, plundered and invaded by foreign powers as soon as possible!"

"Of course, every warlord will advertise that he is wholeheartedly serving the country and not seeking personal gain. Every warlord will advertise that he is in a place that protects the environment, the people and the people. What is right and what is wrong? Everyone needs to keep learning and improving themselves. Only by seeing a lot can you have a wide range of knowledge, not everyone can make correct judgments and choices, but you can't just follow the trend and give up your efforts!"

"Europe is in full swing, and the great powers are fighting fiercely. This is a rare opportunity for us in China. China will soon follow the United States in declaring war on Germany. I have been appointed by the Ministry of War to supervise the preparations for the war. The purpose is to prepare and train a first-class team. Let’s take advantage of the opportunity of participating in the war to build a powerful national army. Unifying the country is the first goal of this team! The best equipment, the best treatment, and the best training!”

"My requirement for this team is that every soldier in the team must be loyal to you and the country!! You are loyal to the sacred title of Chinese Communist, and you have to be loyal to your own soldiers as soldiers. Conscience! What you need to pledge allegiance to is the country, not me, Wang Geng, or Premier Duan!"

"Beiyang rose because of President Yuan. Premier Duan was once President Yuan's most loyal follower, but when President Yuan deviated from democracy and republic and went towards monarchy, Premier Duan was the first to stand up and oppose! Today, I, Wang Geng, want to build An army that is only loyal to the country, how can one day I deviate from my ideals, each of you can stand up and defeat me!"

"Similarly, Prime Minister Duan is now trying to unify China with a rich country and a strong army. If one day I find that his words and deeds are inconsistent with what he says and what he does, I will be the first to stand up and defeat him!"

"Of course, my ability is still limited. I am only the brigade commander of the 16th mixed brigade. I am only involved in the preparation and supervision of the war. Now I can only take care of my own three-acre land. The goal given to me by the Prime Minister is to organize Training three divisions and six brigades with one hundred thousand troops, all new equipment, first-class logistics support, and first-class food and pay!"

"The 16th Mixed Brigade is under my command. First, there will never be arrears of payment. If the Ministry of the Army dares to owe me the salary, I will dare to lead you to the Ministry of the Army to eat big players. Second, the 16th Mixed Brigade is a combat-capable force. The team, I plan to use it as the seed for training the three divisions and six brigades, everyone here will be of great use!"

"I don't plan to make a wish and wave carrots and sticks. I don't care whether you are Luanzhou comrades from the Martial Arts Research Association or from the former battalion. The pistol battalion is a special class graduate from the Army University!"

"In Wang Geng's eyes, a mere brigade commander is by no means my pursuit. China's unity and prosperity is my ideal. Every hardworking and simple common people can live a better life than before. My ideal is my ideal. Before I find a more suitable agent than myself, I will take on this burden myself!"

"In my eyes, from today onwards, all officers and soldiers of the 16th Mixed Brigade have the same qualifications and origins. I don't care how long you have been here, or whether you are a colonel or a private first class. If you choose to stay Come down and fight for your ideals, then I will treat you all equally!"

"I don't need you to be loyal to others. I only ask you to be loyal to yourself and to the country! Everyone who stays, you must bear in mind the responsibility on your shoulders, the responsibility of being a Communist Party member. Those who are here today may be in the future. It doesn’t matter if you will part ways, I just hope that your guns will never be aimed at your own robes, and never at your unarmed and suffering compatriots!”

"We strive not to fire the first shot, but as long as someone dares to fire the first shot at us, we will fire the second shot, and we will fire the third and fourth shots! As Chinese Communists, we must become the national The backbone, the confidence of the country, and the role model of the society!"

"We must always keep in mind our mission, establish the honor of Chinese Communists, and cherish the people who support us. Our bloodshed and sacrifice today are to enable our parents and relatives to live a good life! In order to let tens of millions Wan compatriots can live a good life!"

"Before victory comes, we will continue to bleed and sacrifice. Many people can't see the day when our ideals will be realized, but I believe that as long as we are worthy of our hearts, no matter when we die or sacrifice, our heroic souls will last forever. !"

"It is undeniable that many soldiers enlist in the army to make a living, to make a living, the so-called food to serve as a soldier, and many officers are to get promoted and make a fortune, to honor their ancestors, and to keep their wives and children!"

"What are we? We are soldiers. If we are not respected and understood by the society as soldiers, it is our failure. To make Chinese people a proud synonym, starting from the 16th mixed brigade, every One should be proud of the honor in one's own body!"

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