Beiyang 1917

Chapter 80 The Desired Decision

"There will be bread, and women in the house will have tickets. If we can't live a better life than the troops of other warlords, it will be a shame for the country. Our failure. Soldiers have to endure and sacrifice, and that is only temporary. We His goal is to make his compatriots live a better life!"

"And my goal is that for every soldier under my command, when he dedicates and pays for the country, his reward will at least guarantee his family to live a decent life, and his income should at least support his parents. , can support a wife and more than two children! He and his glory will enable his family to stand tall in this society! This is my Wang Geng's promise and my Wang Geng's goal! "

"If you enlist in the army just to get promoted and get rich, I advise you to choose to leave, because my army does not need speculators without ideals and beliefs. Money and local conditions can't really unite us. Tomorrow our enemy will give you a teacher The location and hundreds of thousands of oceans, will you choose to surrender and betray your comrades?"

"The more we get, the more we pay. This is the reason why I promise that we will get a decent income. There is no reason in the world to only ask but not give. My troops will never allow empty pay to drink soldiers' blood. Corporal punishment and beating and scolding of soldiers are absolutely not allowed, let alone shooting unarmed captives or women and children!"

"My words are over. I'm going out to smoke a cigarette now. After I come back, I will listen to each of you's choices. I advise everyone to follow your own inner calling! Don't disappoint and waste Boss Feng's training, training and promotion of you These years of hard work, let alone live up to the expectations of your fathers and villagers when they sent you to join the army! I believe that Mr. Feng will return to you one day, provided that you choose the right path first!"

After Wang Geng finished speaking, he got up and left the conference room, leaving a room full of generals from the 16th mixed brigade to discuss whether to stay or not!

Nima, I don't believe it anymore, you would rather disperse and go to Tiantai Mountain with Feng Yuxiang to farm, if you agreed, can Feng Yuxiang agree?What I promise is first-class equipment, first-class logistics support, and first-class food and salary. Just for this, Lao Feng has to force you to follow me first. If this army really breaks up, Lao Feng still has a chance to make a comeback ?

Wang Geng was thinking as he walked to the gate of the brigade and lit a cigar.

As soon as this guy left the big meeting room, the whole meeting place exploded, shouting and everything, and there was a lot of noise.

Wang Geng's experience made most of the generals who were not from majors afraid to talk about their professional ability indiscriminately. The more guys who have no learning opportunities, the more they have awe and desire for knowledge deep in their hearts. It can be said that there is no one here who can pass the exam in just one Tsinghua University Studying in the United States!

What the new brigade commander puts in front of everyone is a table of rich dishes. The [-] troops of the three divisions and six brigades will form an army in half a year. What kind of temptation is that?Li Mingzhong, Zhang Zhijiang, and Zhang Shusheng, the three regiment leaders, went straight to the position of division commander because they got along well. How many divisions are there in the whole country?

"***! I don't know if what the brigade commander said is true or not. If we really want to use our 16th mixed brigade as the team to expand the army and organize three divisions and six brigades, then there must be at least three division commanders and twelve brigade commanders! You can’t say no to that?!” Zhang Zhijiang, the leader of the 2nd Regiment, spoke.

This guy loves martial arts so much that he is half a martial artist, so he can't hold back anymore at this time!Based on what he knew about Feng Yuxiang, if Prime Minister Duan paid him enough, he would give it to a teacher. Old Feng would definitely cry out and pledge his allegiance. Of course, whether he will rebel in the future is another matter!

"If what Wang Geng said is true, some of our brothers here have changed from regiment commander to battalion commander to division commander and brigade commander within half a year. This release is at least the work of a provincial governor. Premier Duan can really promise Wang Brigade Such a generous condition?” When Zhang Shusheng, the leader of the 3rd regiment, thought that he would have the opportunity to be a division commander and an army supervisor, he felt worried like a mouse scratching his heart.

Jiang Hongyu and Liu Yufen looked at each other and smiled meaningfully. Although the two old brothers did not speak, they had already made up their minds. Boss Feng was so suspicious that he would be punished by kneeling and slapping every now and then. What, for these two cadets who graduated from the Army Crash School, it has long been unbearable.

The appearance of Wang Geng made the old brothers make up their minds, no matter what others think, anyway, I want to stay and have a look with Brigadier Wang!

Battalion-level cadres like Song Zheyuan and Han Fuqu are much more utilitarian and self-motivated than several regiment leaders. When I think that I may become a brigade commander in half a year from a battalion commander who doesn't shit, I can't believe my ears. Oh, this Wang Geng is so good at talking, I'm afraid of being fooled, if I give a letter of appointment or something now, this pair of stunned young people will definitely try to see if they can become brigade commanders!

After chattering for a long time, no one said that they wanted to leave. Most of them were proving whether what Wang Geng said was true or not. There are no people inside and outside, if the team really breaks up, what will it be like to see Boss Feng in the future!

Of course, more than one person is also thinking, if Lao Tzu got [-] to [-] guns under the command of a powerful teacher, would he still need to kneel down and slap his mouth in a low voice in front of Boss Feng, the former brigade commander who went to the field? ?

In the end, it was Li Mingzhong who made the decision, and the fellow blushed and said to Qiu Bin,

"Chief of Staff, you have seen the promise made by Brigadier Wang. Boss Feng is not here, so you, the Chief of Staff, have to decide for the big guy! What do you think should be done?!"

"That's right! Boss Feng is not here, Chief of Staff Qiu is in charge! Brothers, listen to you!"

Qiu Bin scolded his mother in his stomach, when did you group of arrogant soldiers treat me as the chief of staff? When Lao Feng was here, he was the only one who talked about it. Once Lao Feng left, which of the three regiment leaders was the most fuel-efficient? Even Jiang Hongyu couldn't listen to me, seeing Wang Geng's offer he couldn't refuse, did you think of pulling me out to give you a back?

At that time, Boss Feng will blame me, and you will push me?The co-author was me, the chief of staff, who forced you to follow Wang Geng?

Under the urging of everyone, Qiu Bin refused with a bitter face,

"Brigade Commander Wang said that the big guy has to make up his own mind on this matter. Who doesn't know that I, the chief of staff, has a reputation as a mixed brigade at 16. How can I make decisions for the big guy at this moment!"

"Chief of Staff Qiu! Don't you have to decide this matter for everyone? Our 16th Mixed Brigade has always been united with the same enemy. Since you are in this position today, whoever decides if you don't decide?" The artilleryman who spoke Lu Zhonglin, commander of the 2nd Battalion of the Regiment.

"Although I'm the chief of staff, everyone knows that the regimental commanders who lead the troops are the backbone of our 16th mixed brigade. I think everyone has to vote with a show of hands, or the four regiment commanders can make up their minds!" Qiu Bin I made up my mind that I can't take the blame alone!

However, this guy said that it is obviously a last resort to vote on this matter with a show of hands. At least until now, no one is willing to stand up and say that he is quitting and leaving. Wanting the officer to decide for himself, in fact, no one in his heart can give up the olive branch extended by Wang Geng!

Several regiment leaders looked at each other and discussed it, and finally came to the conclusion that Li Mingzhong, Zhang Zhijiang, Zhang Shusheng, and Jiang Hongyu, four regiment leaders, plus Qiu Bin, the brigade chief of staff, participated in the vote, and the result was the 16th Mixed Brigade The decision of all the officers here!

In this way, in the future, Boss Feng will blame him. None of the generals have to run away. Everyone is responsible. These five people actually held a secret ballot. In hindsight, it was completely unnecessary. All five people voted to stay and follow Wang Geng, the new brigade commander, can do it!

This result made all the officers in the conference room happy and everyone expected it. Although Wang Geng had fooled a lot about his ideals, country, and glory, but when it came to reality, it was obvious that eating food to serve as a soldier and getting promoted and making a fortune were still unshakable pursuits and truths. Of course, if There is Wang Geng's lofty ideals and beliefs as packaging, why not do it?

If you want to fool people, no one can fool you better than your old officer, Boss Feng. Except for loving soldiers like sons and not disturbing the people, Boss Feng is notoriously a traitorous general. People can memorize everything back and forth, but they are also well aware of Boss Feng's small group style towards Qin Muchu.

Everyone thought, since Wang Geng put such a shocking big cake in front of the big guys with full payment and full salary plus three divisions and six brigades, he was so stupid that he refused to eat it. I'm afraid it's Boss Feng instead!

Let's do it first and wait and see. If everyone can really work as a division commander and brigade commander, and the 16th mixed brigade will grow so strong by then, are you afraid of who will blame it?It would be reckless to miss such an opportunity!Everyone thought.

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