Beiyang 1917

Chapter 899 The biggest threat



These two infantry brigades are both veterans of the Japanese army and have strong combat effectiveness, but the Okamoto brigade is obviously the infantry brigade with the most losses and the heaviest casualties in the day of the Muto Brigade of the Central Route Army. The team fell into a desperate situation in the middle of two large swamps, and was surrounded by the 4th Ukrainian Infantry Division with superior forces. If it hadn’t been for receiving a telegram from the Okamoto Battalion requesting emergency tactical guidance, the brigade head, Major General Muto Nobuyoshi, decisively organized 11 75mm If the rescue team of the field artillery went north to rescue, Okamoto, the top student of the 21st saber team in the Japanese mainland, would have to burn the military flag and jade together with his brigade of more than 1100 officers and soldiers...

Jianchuan Meiji led his own brigade to reinforce from the north, but it was just a matter of talking about personnel. The 3rd Ukrainian Infantry Division in front of him withdrew quickly, obviously not interested in fighting, but even so, it finally relied on long-range artillery to relieve Okamoto's brigade. After the encirclement, when the two brigades of the Japanese Army meet in the forest and swamp area, there are only more than 400 people left in the Okamoto Brigade, and only more than 800 people left in the Jianchuan Brigade. Only half of the two brigades are left. About a third of it........

When Xue Juru, the reconnaissance company commander of the Duli Armored Regiment, commanded the reconnaissance company to go out along the road to the east in the forest and join forces with the Jianchuan and Okamoto brigades, they were all surprised that Jianchuan and Okamoto's troops were neither human nor ghost. The tragic situation of ghosts, normally speaking, in this era, a team with more than 10% casualties will be shaken, more than 20% casualties will not be able to continue to attack, and more than 30% casualties will probably collapse...

Jian Chuan and Okamoto are classmates in the 21st class of the Japanese Continental University, and they are both ranked in the top six of the saber group. Okamoto is old when he entered school, so he is the fastest promoted after graduation. Now he is the Army Lieutenant Commander, and Jianchuan Meiji is only Major Commander, but at the moment the two captains are careful not to neglect Xue Juru, the captain and company commander of the armored reconnaissance company. After the First World War in the forest area on the upper reaches of the river, he has become the famous God of War of the entire Central Route Army...

Commanded a Chinese armored company's vehicle-mounted infantry to swim across the Kharkov River, and with the air support of the coalition air force, defeated the artillery regiment of the 105st Ukrainian Infantry Division, and even captured a complete Krupp 800mm light field The cannons of the Howitzer Battalion captured more than 1 people. It can be said that the reason why the Japanese Army Chief Saki Masahiro won a tragic victory in the confrontation with the main force of the [-]st Ukrainian Infantry Division was that apart from the air superiority of the coalition forces, the biggest The help is that Xue Juru crossed the river and lost the artillery position that the Ukrainians moved to the other side...

The regiment reconnaissance company commanded by Xue Juru has 10 fd17ii wheeled armored combat vehicles, three fj18 Humvee combat reconnaissance command vehicles, and has strengthened two Dodge one and a half ton baggage transport vehicles. An m191837aa single-barrel anti-aircraft gun of the artillery company is installed on a special chassis that can rotate 360 ​​degrees, and is towed by a Dodge one and a half ton truck...

Casualties were heavy, and the remaining units of the Japanese infantry brigades Jianchuan and Okamoto, which consumed a huge amount of ammunition, joined forces with the reconnaissance company of the Chinese armored regiment. Tears filled their eyes and cheered happily. It is a symbol of invincibility, not to mention that Xue Sang's name has become a legend of the entire Central Army...

Xue Juru provided supplies and ammunition for Jianchuan and Okamoto brigades while arranging security guards. However, there were no bullets for 18-type rifles in the logistical sequence of the Chinese participating army, so they could only use part of the machine guns and mortars. G[-] melon-style grenade to the opponent, while vacating the three Dodge trucks of the armored company at the same time, arranging for the evacuation of the seriously wounded of the Japanese army. As for the lightly wounded, they will stay in the temporary field rescue station to rest...

"Xue Sang...the Ukrainian 4th Division must have retreated southward...and most of the 3rd Division ran eastward...Is it too risky for you to send only one armored platoon and two Chinese Humvee reconnaissance vehicles to advance eastward? Already... If you bump into the brigade of the Ukrainian 3rd Division, you will suffer a lot..." Major Jianchuan Miji just ate a heated canned meat served by Xue Juru's orderly, and while he was full, he burped. A reminder of the legendary Captain of the Armored Reconnaissance Company of the Allied Forces...

The captain of the 56th Battalion of the Infantry, Okamoto Renichiro, looked ashamed, holding canned meat in his hand but couldn't eat. His brigade had less than 400 people left, and the squadron leader suffered several casualties. In front of Shao Zuo Jianchuan, who still has 800 troops, he feels that he can't hold his head up. Although he escaped from a desperate situation and escaped the crisis of annihilation, but if he is going to go back to battle tonight without replenishment, the remaining fire of Okamoto's brigade is only I'm afraid I'll have to finish the fight... It doesn't matter if you say it's low morale or worried, anyway, Lieutenant Commander Okamoto's mood is very low...

"The Ukrainians are already frightened. It is impossible for the opponent to lay traps and roadblocks all the way to hinder our progress. When the first armored row advances along the road, the headlights are bright. Although we are singing an empty city plan, the Ukrainians don't know it. , the enemy must think that the armored platoon is just a vanguard, followed by the brigade, maybe we just swaggered all the way in the night and chased the 3rd Ukrainian Infantry Division!" Xue Juru had already received the second detachment of the East Road before. The telegram from the headquarters... I'm actually feeling bored right now...

The reason is simple. Tao Dayong, the battalion commander of the First Armored Battalion, and his First Armored Battalion will become the main force of the East Road Unit. Obviously, the reconnaissance company commander himself has little chance to command the armored troops alone. Tao Dayong and his First Battalion will inevitably To play the leading role, maybe Tao Dayong led an armored company to encircle and wipe out the divisional cavalry reconnaissance battalion of the 1st Ukrainian Infantry Division yesterday, and once again came from behind and became the biggest threat to Xue Juru's meritorious service...

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