Beiyang 1917

Chapter 900 The competition is fierce

() Lu Huanyan's Du Li Armored Regiment was formerly the divisional armored regiment of the 9th Division reorganized by Li Mingzhong, the Chinese participating army. Except for the leader Lu Huanyan's detached status, the three main battalions of the armored regiment are almost three factions. The first battalion Battalion Commander Tao Dayong is the chief favorite of the regiment commander, while Liu Yifei and his second battalion are closer to the regiment chief of staff Ren Dao. As for Xue Juru, the commander of the reconnaissance company of the regiment, he became the biggest competitor of the battalion attached to the three armored battalions and the commanders of other companies...

As far as Xue Juru is concerned, he is only a captain now, but with his outstanding ability, as the commander of the regiment's reconnaissance company, he is the most popular candidate to be promoted to battalion commander next. Maybe he has already been promoted, but this guy would rather be the head of the chicken than the queen, so unless the armored du li regiment forms a fourth battalion, or there is a vacancy for the battalion commander of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd battalions, Xue Juru still has to Suffering in the position of commander of the reconnaissance company of the regiment... .

"Reporting to the company commander... Battalion Commander Tao came up with the main force of the First Armored Battalion..." Xiao Liu, the correspondent at the door of the tent, reported loudly... At this time, the engines of the vehicles on the road roared, and Xue Juru would have heard it if he hadn't reported it. ... I just pretended not to hear it, because in addition to receiving the telegram from the regiment headquarters, I also received a telegram from the battalion headquarters, asking the regiment reconnaissance company to stick to the existing position and not act rashly in the night Attack without authorization, and make a decision after reuniting with the main force of the First Armored Battalion!

Xue Juru shredded the telegram sent by the first battalion at that time. The radio station of Lu Huanyan Duli Armored Regiment had been equipped to the company level on the Ukrainian battlefield. Although Tao Dayong was the battalion commander, he was the first battalion commander. The immediate superior of Lao Tzu’s regiment reconnaissance company is not the battalion headquarters but the regiment headquarters. Although the commander Lu Huanyan’s previous telegram said that the East Road Division had the first battalion commander Tao Dayong as the commander of the front enemy, it was followed by a sentence of “what’s the matter with Xue Ju?” You discussed what to do, but Tao Dayong ignored the second half of the sentence at all. He was afraid that Xue Juru's regiment reconnaissance company would underestimate the enemy and be damaged by the attack of the main force of Ukraine in the forest under the night. Before catching up, I sent a telegram to remind Xue Juru not to act rashly.....

Of course, the two Japanese infantry captains didn't know the twists and turns. Both Jianchuan and Okamoto spoke Chinese well. It was a heartfelt joy to hear that the main force of the Chinese Armored 1st Battalion had caught up. Although the troops are elite, after a hard day's fighting and huge losses, the desire to fight is much weaker than in the morning. At this moment, although we can't cry and ask the headquarters to withdraw our two brigades to rest, But the main force of the Chinese armored force can catch up to the front... Jianchuan and Okamoto can feel at ease.

"Captain Xue, what's going on, where did your first platoon go? Didn't you say you'd stick to the current position and make a decision after the main force of my first battalion came up? Why did I just see the second platoon of the reconnaissance company when I came all the way? And three rows of chariots... Also, why didn't you send troops to protect the trucks when they were transporting the wounded? What if you are attacked by Ukrainians along the way?" Tao Dayong jumped out of the regiment headquarters in a hurry The wheeled armored command vehicle yelled at Xue Juru as soon as it came in...

"Tao Sang, you have worked hard!" Both Jianchuan and Okamoto put down the tin cans in their hands, stood up and saluted the commander of the Chinese Armored Battalion who was at the same level as them. Tao Dayong casually returned the military salute, and went up Qian shook hands with Jian Chuan and Okamoto, and murmured in his heart, Nima, I knew that the two captains of the Muto Brigade were in Xue Juru's tent, so it would be better to embarrass him in front of Ri himself...

"Commander Tao... Don't say that the generals are not affected by the king's orders. My reconnaissance company is the vanguard of the second detachment on the east road. It is a good place to rush to the front. You don't know the enemy's situation in the rear and command chaos. Delaying the unity is a small matter, but it is not good to delay the fighter... The first platoon of the reconnaissance company is the vanguard and outpost of the whole army. Do I need your approval to order them to go three kilometers ahead?!" The answer made the atmosphere in the tent of the reconnaissance company quite awkward...

"Hey... Captain Xue, don't get me wrong... All of the regiment's reconnaissance companies are good. Isn't our battalion commander afraid that you will run into a Ukrainian brigade to ambush and suffer losses... This person is not familiar with the place, and the Japanese infantry suffered casualties again Being miserable and exhausted can't be of much help. Our East Road Team has a heavy mission. If the reconnaissance company suffers unnecessary losses, how can you ask Battalion Commander Tao to explain to the head of the regiment? You all know that the reconnaissance company is the head of the regiment. Your baby bump, isn't it?"

The one who came in to smooth things over was Major Mo Liyu of the First Armored Battalion. The commander of the battalion is either Major Mo of the First Battalion, or Xue Juru... In fact, the relationship between the three of them is very delicate. According to the news from the regiment headquarters, if the chief of staff of the regiment, Colonel Ren Daoist, is transferred to leave, Tao Dayong, the battalion commander of the first battalion, is the most likely candidate to take over as the chief of staff of the regiment... In this way, the position of the first battalion commander will be vacant...

Of course, Mo Liyuan hoped that Tao Dayong could make progress, so that he could improve himself. The pair of partners cooperated very well in singing and peace. Now, seeing that the atmosphere between his battalion commander and Xue Juru was a bit awkward, he naturally stood up. Come out and play a round...

Of course, Xue Juru didn't want to challenge Tao Dayong head-on. After all, the other party was the battalion commander of the major and he was the company commander of the captain. If he wanted to say who was more important in the mind of the regiment commander, Xue Juru really didn't dare to say that he was better than Tao Dayong. Strong, besides, the second company of Fu Erzhu of the 1st Armored Battalion followed him across the Kharkov River and made a huge mess in the stomachs of the Ukrainians. Even if he made a great contribution, he cannot do without the 1st Armor The help and dedication of the brothers of the 2nd Battalion...

"Commander Tao... The reconnaissance company of the regiment and the Jianchuan and Okamoto brigades have assembled, and a police alert has been placed within one kilometer around. The first armored platoon has not encountered the enemy three kilometers ahead along the road to the east. Its current position is about The location about five kilometers away from here is on alert, please instruct the East Road Team to take the next step!" Xue Juruka stood at attention, saluted the two majors, Tao Dayong and Mo Liyuan, and reported the troops' situation The situation can be regarded as a step for both parties...

"Jian Chuan Shao Zuo, Okamoto Lieutenant Zuo, your remaining troops, is there any difficulty in dispatching overnight?" Tao Dayong returned the military salute, but turned his attention to the two Japanese army captains next to Xue Juru, but Xue Juru retreated. Taking a step forward, the field map behind him was revealed. Under the light of the horse lantern, the layout of the current position and the position of the police cordon were clearly marked, and on the east and south sides, it was also marked that the predicted Ukrainians might appear at last s position……

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