Beiyang 1917

Chapter 938 Kazan's time is running out

() Hastings was at a loss for words for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, with all due respect, on the land of Russia, His Excellency Kolchak can negotiate peace with anyone from any force, but he cannot The Soviet Bolsheviks sat down to talk about peace. The White Guards and the Soviet Red Army are in a life-and-death relationship. It is impossible to coexist side by side. We will fight to the end until the Soviet Bolsheviks are wiped out!" "Or you will be wiped out by the Soviet Bolsheviks?! You are now soldiers But more than 100 people, more than 10 million people, an average of less than [-] people have to support a soldier, the land is so large, and the ammunition, ammunition and food are extremely scarce. What do you use to fight to Moscow? You can’t point to our Volga Federation to help you Baggage? That being the case, what qualifications do you have to talk to us about rowing the Volga River? Without our support, it would be difficult for you to survive on the left bank. Wait for us to help you eliminate the Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia. We turned back to the right bank and said we would draw the river to rule? Then what will we get in return for our efforts?" . .

Pepelyayev's words are considered to have revealed the cards of both sides. That is to say, Kolchak's White Guard regime only offered the price of Kazan and Tatar Oblast, which is far from enough to exchange for the one-sided Volga Federation. supported! "Pepe, we will stop the Soviet Bolsheviks for you, and fight all the way to Moscow for you, destroy the Soviet Red Army, and eliminate Ulyanov, a traitor to the Russian people. What about it? When we take Moscow and Petrograd, and hang the Bolsheviks and drive them to the North Sea to feed the fish, then we will give you whatever you want, as long as we have it!" Hastings boasted , I can't believe what I said. "What is there for you? Well, I will leave Petrograd and Moscow for you. With Moscow as the central axis, the west and north belong to you, the east and south belong to the Volga Federation, the western border goes to Latvia and Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus belongs to us, how about it? Can His Excellency Kolchak agree? "Pepelyaev obviously came prepared, although it can't be said that the lion opened his mouth, but it almost scared Hastings down. A somersault! . .

Wang Geng smiled at the corner of his mouth when he heard the words. This condition was said by Pepelyaev himself when he came to report last night. At that time, he almost scared the Prime Minister of the Volga Federation. It is estimated that the highest consul in the country cannot agree to it anyway. This is equivalent to confining the White Guard regime in the northwest corner, and the heartland of Europe to the east and south of Moscow is gone. This is called the successor of the Tsarist Russian regime. How could the Kolchak regime agree to come down? "Pepe, I am talking with absolute sincerity. Kazan and Tatar Oblast are our only base camps and bases. I have given them to you for the Volga Federation to take over. You have the nerve to tell me that only Moscow will be left. To the north and west, it only occupies less than a quarter of the territory on the left bank of the Volga River, and the north is sparsely populated. Can it be compared with the rich and developed vast area south of Moscow? You are too bullying! No, we can only One shot and two parts!"

Hastings slapped the sofa and leaned over the armrest, turned his head away not to see Pepelyaev's complacent face, and scolded his mother repeatedly in his stomach, but the guy's eyes did not dare to meet the king of China He was even afraid that once the King of China confirmed Pepeliayev’s unreasonable request, there would be much less room for negotiation. At this time, he regretted that he didn’t tell Pepeliayev about this situation last night. It was dug out, and now it is extremely passive.

On August 1918, 8, at 1:13, Samara, the General Command of the Allied Forces, the office of the King of China "one shot and two splits? How can it be done, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, you are the one who is crying and even using Nativity Gan held his own head with a revolver, threatening to kill himself if he could not see the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. I thought that everyone was an old friend. In order to save your life, I asked the commander-in-chief to find time to meet you. Now you and the commander-in-chief Did I say that it’s time to shoot and break up? Are my Samara Zheng Fu Building and the Allied Forces General Headquarters a place where I can come and go whenever I want? Come on!” Pepelyaev clapped the armrest angrily, and rushed shouted outside.

Guillaume Nikolaevich Hastings was startled when he heard this, thinking that Pepe was really going to mess around with him, but he found that the door was so quiet that no guards even opened the door to see what happened, Wang Geng Still smiling and silent, while smoking a cigarette, he looked at Hastings and Pepelyaev, both of whom were 36 years old at a good time, and both were once the highest ruling powers in Russia. Officer Kolchak's right-hand man, Hastings is even now the No. 10,000 figure in the White Guards and Kolchak's think tank. It is interesting to watch these two people fighting each other. "Haha...Prime Minister Pepe, this is not your prime minister's office, this is the office of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. You can't fool me like this! I came to see the commander-in-chief with the utmost sincerity. The attitude comes, but if you ask for a price that is impossible for us to accept, then I know that the future is bleak, so I can only give up the negotiation and go back to the front line. The [-]+ loyal and brave White Guards and their families will never Will easily put down their weapons and compromise with the enemy! We will fight to the end!"

Hastings regained some confidence now, because Pepe yelled twice, and it turned out that this was Wang Geng's office, the master didn't speak, and the guards outside didn't even make a gesture of coming in to take a look For no reason, Pepe lost face in front of Hastings. "Guillaom Nikolaevich, His Excellency Kolchak may be an excellent admiral, but he is definitely not a competent leader or military commander. Indecision is his biggest shortcoming. This is why I choose to follow His Excellency Commander-in-Chief. The reason for the Volga Federation, if the Kazan regime could cooperate with the Allied forces on the Eastern Front and agree to a truce with the Soviet Union to negotiate peace after the Battle of Ufa was over, there would be no Volga Federation at this moment, and it would still be the All-Russia Temporary government, the so-called self-independence policy and bloodlines are certainly admirable for your courage and perseverance, but it doesn't help. Without the support of the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers, you can't even support yourself. What are you talking about? Moscow to regain lost ground?"

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