Beiyang 1917

Chapter 939

() Pepeliayev quickly regained his composure, and looked at Hastings Dao again with a confiding look. At this moment, Wang Geng did not show any impatient expression, but Pepe knew that the coalition army The Commander-in-Chief is much busier than himself, the Prime Minister of the Federal Cabinet. Today, half an hour of talking with the secretary office is fleeting, and he dare not waste it with haha. After all, Hastings is his Old friend, and the King of China intends to recruit this talent. If you don't hurry up on this matter now, it will be too late to regret it in a blink of an eye. "For Your Excellency the Supreme Consul, I am sorry that as his subordinate, I can't judge without authorization. We absolutely cannot accept the plan you just mentioned to return the west and north of Moscow to the White Guard regime. In fact, we will cede Kazan and Tatar states in exchange for your support. , is already the best condition I have won, and if you want more, even if His Excellency Kolchak can grit his teeth and agree, the generals below will not agree. If you plan to sit back and watch our sacrifice, then the two sides will not be able to continue. Let's talk!" . .

Hastings showed a deeply disappointed expression at this moment. He didn't expect the Volga Federation and the king of China to have such a big appetite, and he didn't even have any intention of pretending to be a snake with himself, so he directly proposed to call the White Guard An unacceptable condition for one side, in all honesty, this condition is not unacceptable for Hastings. Both Petersburg and Moscow are the heart and core cities of the Tsarist Russian Empire, and they are also places where cultural traditions accumulate, with a long history It will take many, many years to go back. Kazan, Moscow and Petrograd were originally the three major historical and cultural centers of Russia, and now they can keep two. This condition is not the worst!

However, there are only a few White Guard generals with clear political minds. Otherwise, these guys should hang out with the Volga Federation directly and reunify the territory and people left by Tsarist Russia in the name of the Volga Federation. Why bother to follow Kolchak and himself? Thankless?It is nothing more than the blood feud between the White Guards and the Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia. . .

Kolchak is certainly a spiritual leader and a core figure of cohesion, but if Kolchak orders peace with Moscow, Soviet Russia, his image as an iron-blooded spiritual leader who has fought Bolshevism to the end will collapse instantly, and the White Guards will even have internal strife. A rebellion is quite possible. "Mr. Hastings, eliminating the Bolsheviks is not the current choice of the Volga Federation, because the biggest enemy of the Eastern Front Allied Forces of the Allies is the German-Austrian Allies and their servants, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland is now a satellite country supported by Germany and Austria, and the Bolshevik regime in Soviet Russia also accepts funding from the Germans. At this time, the Allied forces are fighting in the southwest and south. For this reason, we launched the Ukraine Campaign and the Southern Campaign. We do not have enough Ability to launch another campaign against Moscow, Soviet Russia!"

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Wang Geng, finally spoke. Pepelyaev breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, his performance just now satisfied the King of China. He knew that Wang Geng was going to have a showdown with Hastings. In fact, the King of China Dealing with China and Taiwan is based on plans and moves, as quiet as a virgin, as if moving away from a rabbit. Once a decision is made, it will never be overturned or changed easily. Pepe can't help but pinch for the White Guard regime of Hastings and Kolchak Khan, I don't know what kind of way out Wang Geng will give them in the end. "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I completely agree and understand what you said, but isn't this the opportunity for our White Guards to fight Soviet Russia in the west? If you can't spare a hand to clean up Soviet Russia, leave this to us. The Soviet Red Army has no room for compromise. Either they perish or we are finished. We only ask you to give up secretly exporting food and military supplies to Soviet Russia. You can even continue to maintain neutrality in name, but fully support our White Guards in private, so that we can do it all at once. Go to Moscow and wipe out the Soviet Bolsheviks! Isn’t this the best of both worlds?”

Hastings looked at the King of China eagerly, with a rare hint of pleading in his tone!

August 1918, 8, 1:13, Samara, Allied Command, King's Office

Hastings looked pitifully at the King of China opposite him. This young man was only 24 years old and had already become the uncrowned king of the whole of Asia. To put it bluntly, the Sino-Japanese Alliance was a tool in his hands, and the Siberia Autonomous Government Fu and the Volga Federation are just followers and vassal puppets of the Sino-Japanese Alliance supported and supported. They all say that they want minzhu and a republic.

"Mr. Hastings, Asia has no territorial claims on Europe west of the Ural Mountains. We will not push the territory of the Sino-Japanese Alliance to the west of the Ural Mountains. This is what I promised Your Excellency Kolchak in Siberia. Now this The principles and policies have not changed. The establishment of the Volga Federation west of the Ural Mountains was a last resort, because the Kazan White Guard regime was blindfolded by blood and hatred, and it was determined to fight the Soviet Bolsheviks to the end. And we, as we said before Yes, the Sino-Japanese Alliance has actually assumed the main combat missions on the Eastern Front of the Allied Powers, and the target is not Moscow but the German-Austrian Allies!"

Wang Geng stood up with a cigar in one hand, waved the other hand and clicked on the map of the Eastern Front that hung on a map stand, and continued to explain to the representative of the White Guards, "I don't want to say anything else, Gore Chak is a stubborn guy. We don't have that much time and energy to talk to him. For the coalition forces, the top priority now is to consolidate the Volga Federation and fight the Ukrainian and Southern campaigns, especially the Ukrainian campaign. Tear up the "Samara Peace Treaty", and support you can only be carried out under the cloak of neutrality, otherwise the Soviet-Russian Bolsheviks should be forced to the side of the German-Austrian Allies!"

"But Commander-in-Chief, the Soviet-Russian Bolsheviks were originally armed by the German-Austrian Allies to deal with the Allies. You can't think that everything will be fine after Moscow signed the "Samara Peace Treaty" with the Volga Federation. I dare say that the German weapons and equipment and Ammunition is being continuously transported to the Soviet Red Army, and there are former Tsarist Russian prisoners of war in the repatriated prisoner-of-war camp. The Soviet Russian Red Army can turn around and attack the Volga Federation and the Allied Forces at any time. You can’t expect these thugs to have normal human thinking ! Only our White Guards are the true allies and friends of the coalition and the Volga Federation!"

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