Beiyang 1917

Chapter 956 No time to delay

() The Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Representative of Soviet Russia to Germany, Yue Fei, who accompanied the German envoy to Moscow from Berlin, said quietly, "There is a big map on the wall, I said, dear Congressman Stresemann, Isn't it more intuitive for you to go to the map and say it on the field battlefield?"

Unexpectedly, Stresemann didn't appreciate it, and grinned, "Don't see what is wronged, and don't see what is wronged. Although the situation in Russia and the fronts of both sides are clearly marked on the large map of Ludendorff's headquarters, I can see it clearly." I don't want you to think that I, the special envoy, took a look at it in the future, so I just like to put it on the table?" . .

"Shut up, Comrade Yuefei, just stay there, don't make a sound if you have nothing to do!" Ulyanov stretched out his arms, and pulled the Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs who looked exactly like him but was a bit bookish to the side, and said Sverdlov made a wink, and upon seeing this, Sverdlov walked to the big map on the wall, closed the curtain in front of the map, clapped his hands and returned to the end of the long table, as if nothing else was there. the way of things,

"Each family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. It is a good thing for Mr. Congressman to avoid suspicion. Otherwise, our Cheka will be busy for a long time and increase the workload of counter-revolutionaries." Although the words are simple, they are murderous.

"This teacup, let's count it as the Allied Powers headed by Germany, and the lid of this teacup, even if you are the Soviet Russian Moscow regime, and this ashtray, is the main force of the Western Front of the Allied Powers, the United States, Britain and France... These two boxes of matches are from Kolchak The White Guards and the Volga Federation... the situation is roughly the same, and the positions have to be moved!"

The German envoy continued to fiddle with the pots and pans on the table under the watchful eyes of everyone, while Ulyanov shouted impatiently, "This is wrong, where is the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers? The Volga Federation now has a population of more than 1000 million , and the area is far larger than Kolchak's White Guards, how can we use two boxes of matches instead?" . .

"What's the difference? They're all puppets of the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers. One is just a red face and the other is a bad face. The cabinet prime minister of the Volga Federation didn't even dare to breathe in front of the King of Huaxia, and according to what we know, Kolcha Ke has already exchanged Kazan and Tatar provinces as bargaining chips to the Volga Federation in exchange for the support of the other side's weapons, ammunition and food!" Stresemann said disapprovingly.

"That's not right. The schematic diagram you put up does not have the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers...the other party has hundreds of thousands of finished troops occupying the Volga and the River Basin. At the same time, they opened up the Ukrainian battlefield and the North Caucasus battlefield. Their strength must not be underestimated!" Trotsky frowned, wondering what Ludendorff wanted to get from Moscow when he sent this special envoy.

"Now I understand why the Soviet regime is struggling and has become a bottomless pit. You haven't even figured out how powerful the enemy is in front of you! Comrade Chairman, your two deputies are the Chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Soviet Russia, Sveld Love also became the commander of the Volga Military Region and the Front Army, but you only have more than [-] Kolchak White Guards in your eyes? Do you know how powerful the Eastern Front Allied Forces of the Allied Forces are?"

The special envoy of Ludendorff's close friend is obviously not ignorant of the military. What's more, he is prepared to shoulder the mission this time. Talk, the strong intelligence gathering ability of the Germans and the rigor of handling affairs enable this congressman of non-military background to be able to talk freely in front of the three giants of the Soviet Union and Russia.

"Who said that our eyes are dark? In the Battle of Ufa, the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allies invested more than 20 troops, and there were also a large number of machine guns, artillery planes and armored vehicles. We lost because of the lack of sufficient weapons and equipment. This You, Germany, have an unshirkable responsibility. The Soviet Russian Red Army’s equipment is even worse than that of the Ukrainian puppet army. If we had the equipment and firepower of the Simon Petliura National Army in the Ukrainian campaign, the situation would definitely not be like it is now!”

Sverdlov is a young old revolutionary, not to mention that the Volga Front has nearly 30 main forces in his hands. This guy can't bear the anger of being ridiculed face-to-face by a German MP in a suit. He can't help but clenched his fists and beat The table roared.

"Yakov Mikhailovich, if you want to say that the Soviet Union lost the Ufa Battle, in our German view, it is you who are most responsible. You are the two Bolshevik generals Tukhachevsky and Maxin. You have been promoted to a position beyond their ability, and you are very happy to want to take Ufa and cut off the back of Kazan in one breath. Your goal is beyond your ability. We are all very puzzled. Hundreds of thousands of Allied forces on the eastern front crossed the Ural Pass and entered Uzbekistan. Fa Pingyuan, you didn’t know anything before the war?”

Stresemann's words made Sverdlov jump up and nearly run away. Fortunately, Joffe hugged the third person in the party. Ludendorff's emissary represents the German Empire. The target that Russia can easily offend, Moscow can't even deal with the small and almost negligible Kolchak White Guards. How dare it turn against the German Empire?The current Soviet Russia is not the same as when Brest was negotiating, it had a lot of land and resources, and it didn’t feel bad. The current Soviet Russia only has less than one-third of the territory west of the Ural Mountains. Except for bullying Kolchak, everyone else is offended. Sorry!

"I might as well tell you the truth. The Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers invested the main force of the 20 Japanese army designated as the Southwest Front Army in the Ukrainian Campaign, and the 20 main force of the Volga Federation designated as the Southern Front Army in the North Caucasus. Do you know how many troops the opponent's central yang army has assembled?!"

Stresemann's expression was extremely serious, even the corners of his mouth twisted slightly, and he almost gritted his teeth, "The reserve team assembled by the King of Huaxia on the Great Plains of Ufa has exceeded 60 people, and all of them are the main force. Germany must seek peace on the Eastern Front, which is also the only hope of keeping your Soviet Russian regime!"

At 1918:8 on August 9, 20, Moscow, Kremlin Grand Conference Room,

"The situation is very clear. The Germans can't hold back in Ukraine. They want to seek a partial peace with the Sino-Japanese alliance. Ludendorff's move is far beyond our imagination. Where does the Soviet go? Everyone express their opinions, although not The plenary meeting of the zhong yang committee, but all members of the Politburo are here, this matter is related to the life and death of the Soviet, there is no time to delay!"

The situation is clearly dire...

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