Beiyang 1917

Chapter 957

() Sverdlov, who presided over the enlarged meeting of the Central Politburo of Soviet Russia, knocked on the table, and set out the topic of tonight's emergency meeting in a solemn tone. The German envoy has already lived in a house attached to the Kremlin. Rest and prepare to go secretly to Samara tomorrow morning accompanied by personnel sent by the Soviet Union. In other words, there is only one night left for the Soviet Russian Central Committee to make a decision.

"I thought that the German congressman came to question Ludendorff on behalf of the army. I heard that the German army who attacked Kursk didn't get much benefit. An infantry division from the Volga Federation rushed back from the front line to defend Kursk. Germany You have lost at least one battalion of troops!" Bukharin tapped his fingers restlessly on the table, his tone clearly revealing nervousness and uneasiness. ..

"More than one battalion. When the German army attacked Kursk, at least two battalions were killed or injured, but the infantry division of the Volga Federation lost almost one brigade. That's thousands of people. If that’s the case, I’m afraid we should worry more about the Volga Federation to ask for an explanation...We are the ones who borrowed it from the German army!”

The speaker was Zinoviev, member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the Moscow Soviet. In fact, Zinoviev was the most resolute among those who opposed agreeing to allow the German army to sneak attack on Kursk. People, the Soviet Red Army was only armed with workers' pickets on the southern front, and it was impossible to really block the Germans' excuse or invasion. Moscow was forced by the Germans to be a villain who betrayed its allies.

"What's the use of saying this?! Is this the time to discuss whether we should borrow the way? The Red Army soldiers in Nizhny Novgorod are still bleeding and dying under the fire of the White Guards. The Germans here are going to throw away Ukraine and Volga The Commonwealth seeks peace, and the signing of the "Samara Peace Treaty" is not yet cold, what should Moscow do? Comrades, hurry up and discuss this!"..

Trotsky's face was ugly, and he knocked on the conference table to interrupt the irrelevant bickering between Zinoviev and Bukharin, the old enemies, and the conflict between the editor-in-chief of "Pravda" and the former deputy editor-in-chief It’s not a day or two. Bukharin, who claims to be a pen and thinker orator in the party, is a top student of the journalism department of Moscow University. It is normal to look down on Zinoviev, who is self-taught.

"What does Ludendorff think? Is he really trying to find a compromise with the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers? Then the Germans have to pay enough bargaining chips and benefits. Otherwise, how can the King of China, who is already the uncrowned king of Asia, be willing to fight with Germany?" People's truce? One hair will affect the whole body, China and Japan are now extremely dependent on American capital, technology and resources, and it is impossible to easily betray the Allies?!"

Although the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin was not a member of the Politburo, his speech was quite insightful. The Germans did not have much leverage on the Eastern Front. Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine were obviously far more important to the German-Austrian Allies than Soviet Russia. The puppet government of this circle of satellite countries is far more docile and obedient than Moscow...

"I think the Germans are delusional. They all know that the King of China and the Chinese army who participated in the war grew up with the support of American capital. The economic, military and trade relations between the two countries are inseparable. China supported by the United States and Japan supported by the United Kingdom The Sino-Japanese Alliance concluded can be regarded as a new generation of hegemony in Asia. At this time, the German-Austrian Allies want to divide and disintegrate the camp of the Allied Powers and pull the Sino-Japanese Alliance over from the opposite side. Is this possible?!"

Bubnov, a member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union and who succeeded Joseph as the People's Commissar of Nationalities, shook his head aside, saying "impossible" in his mouth, let alone, Bubnov's words represent the majority of the people who participated in the meeting The views of the members of the Zhong Yang Committee all felt that the Germans were seeking peace with the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers, which was a bit whimsical and unbelievable!

"Is it really impossible? The king of Huaxia is not a guy who plays cards according to the rules. If you say that there is no blood feud between the Chinese and Germany, the German colonies in Qingdao and Jiaozhou Bay have long been occupied by Ri himself." Have you gone?!" People's Commissar of Workers and Peasants, Lomov, obviously couldn't keep up with the situation, and Bukharin on the side said mockingly,

"Pull down Comrade Workers and Peasants People's Committee, you are the old calendar of that life. After the rise of the Chinese king and his army, the British even returned Hong Kong to others, and Japan has already occupied all the territories since the Treaty of Shimonoseki. All the land has been handed over, and the Jiaozhou Bay and Qingdao occupied by Japan are now completely Chinese territory. Even in my opinion, the Japanese archipelago will sooner or later be swallowed by the King of Huaxia! Now I heard that when Japanese people light kerosene lamps at night, they have to say thank you for the cheap and high-quality kerosene imported from China!"

Since Bukharin is the editor-in-chief of Pravda and the mouthpiece of the party, he is not familiar with the Sino-Japanese alliance and the situation in Asia. In fact, the reporters and correspondents sent by Pravda to various countries are also part of the Soviet Russian intelligence network. It's just that among the Allied countries, only the Volga Federation officially recognized the Soviet Russian regime, so most of the journalists sent by Pravda abroad still wear the titles of journalists from other Western countries as a cover.

Bukharin intentionally or unintentionally ignored that under the leadership of the King of Huaxia, China took back all the more than 150 million Chinese territories occupied by Tsarist Russia since the signing of the "Treaty of Nerchinsk" between Tsarist Russia and the Qing Dynasty. Occupying the Great Plains of West Siberia, supporting a puppet autonomous government of West Siberia, and finally, after entering the west of the Ural Mountains in the name of the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allies, a Volga Federation with a vast territory and a large population was also born out of thin air and full of domineering power!

"Bukharin, Romov, what time is this? Don't go so far. There are two problems before us. First, Germany is trying to conclude peace with the Volga Federation. Soviet Russia will become a victim and a deal. A bargaining chip? Second, what should we do if the Germans really want to give up their support for us in exchange for a peace treaty with the Volga Federation?!"

The words of Trotsky, chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Soviet Russia, were to the point, allowing the members of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia present to finally focus their attention on the theme of this meeting.


The emergency meeting of the Central Politburo of Soviet Russia had lasted for an hour. The opinions of the three giants of Soviet Russia had huge differences. Trotsky believed that the German-Austrian Allies would abandon the Soviet regime in exchange for peace in the Volga Federation and stop the Eastern Allies of the Entente. Ludendorff's idea was to attack Ukraine and keep Belarus, and it is not an exaggeration to explain it with the introduction of disasters. The Soviets must not ask the Germans to sell them out.

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