Beiyang 1917

Chapter 962 A Frank Conversation

()1918:8, August 10, 21, Volga Federation, Samara Zheng Fu Building, Small Conference Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

"Comrade People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, the Germans can't bear to seek peace with us on the Eastern Front. What is Moscow's plan? I just accepted the so-called tripartite talks in order to allow you and Comrade Yuefei to explain to Moscow. Now It seems that there is still a possibility of a breakthrough through secret bilateral consultations, and the Soviet Union organized this delegation, isn't it just to help Ludendorff connect?"

While sending the German envoy and Yue Fei back to the guest house for a rest, the Volga Federal Prime Minister Pepe and the Soviet Russian People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin, the old opponents who concluded the "Samara Peace Treaty", turned around and entered A small meeting room, said to be chatting casually, but we all know that time is running out, any bargaining chips in Moscow have to be taken out at this moment, and the Germans will throw them out as chips later, but there is less room for maneuver.

"Vassily Nikolaevich, how can you say that the Germans are the enemies of Russia? This cannot be doubted or denied. Comrades in the Russian Central Committee of the Soviet Union in Moscow, ask me to say hello to you, the Prime Minister, And convey the sincere greetings from Moscow to your Excellency Wang Geng, Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Armed Forces, on the issue of the demilitarized buffer zone on the Volga River, how can we say that we all owe some favors?" . .

Chicherin affectionately held the hand of Pepelyaev, who was ten years younger than himself, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe this diplomat with a goatee with a wide smile. The Volga Federation and Soviet Russia are both Russian People's regime, and since Pepe became the Prime Minister of the Federal Cabinet, under the influence of the King of Huaxia, he has moved from the second generation of a playboy aristocrat to the role of a young and promising prime minister of a big country. The relationship between them is really harmonious.

"Don't worry about this. In fact, the Volga Federation never wants the Soviet Red Army to fight Kolchak's people to the end. But what should I say? We can't accept your land policy and Bolshevism. We can't accept it. We can't accept it. If you are the same nation, how can you incite the common people to rebel all day long? If the landlord’s land, grain and livestock are distributed to the peasants, are they still proletarians? If the landlord’s house is divided by you, then they will also become proletarians. How can class be eradicated from society?"

Pepe narrowed her eyes and looked at Chicherin, who was ten years older than herself. If Pepe was born in a low-class noble family like a Russian court guard, then Chicherin was a child of a bureaucratic family in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In a sense, Chicherin can only be a good servant and housekeeper, while Pepe can play a good role as a master, able to survive the Cheka's suppression of counter-revolutionaries. It's not easy.

"Aha... Your Excellency, we will not discuss this tonight... I remember you said that after opening Pandora's box, many things got out of control. I can't help but hope you can understand. You are right. This time the Soviet Russian delegation came to Samara, not to wave the flag for the Germans, and to build a bridge is just a matter of convenience. Moscow hopes to conclude a permanent peace with Samara. I hope you can persuade Kolchak to give up the attack on the Soviets and turn the war stop!"

Chicherin chuckled and brought the topic back to his own purpose. At this time, arguing with the Prime Minister of the Volga Federation about class struggle is absolutely self-defeating. Let alone whether the Volga Federation is on the wrong path, anyway, the Volga Federation 1000 The life of tens of thousands of people is much more stable than that of the Soviet Union. If they want peace, it means that the land of the Volga Federation is thriving and peaceful.

"I'm a little confused about this, Georgi Vasilyevich, the Volga Federation has strictly abided by the "Samara Peace Treaty". We and Soviet Russia are already at the stage of mutual recognition of peaceful and friendly coexistence. As for the non-military buffer zone on the left bank of the Volga River, it is because the war between the Soviet Red Army and the White Guards in this area has affected the safety of the border of the Volga Federation and the lives of ordinary people. If not, you think we are willing to support hundreds of thousands of mouths for you ?”

Pepelyaev took out the cigarette case, flicked a cigarette and gave it to his opponent. The serious American Camel brand cigarettes may not be available to generals at the division commander level in the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers. Pepe I am not used to smoking Mohe cigarettes, but I fell in love with American Camel brand cigarettes at a glance. Although the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces smoked Havana cigars, after all, that stuff was too luxurious for the Volga Federation in 1918, wasn't it?

"Ming people don't talk dark words, Prime Minister Pepe, before I came this time, the Moscow Kremlin held an emergency meeting overnight. The topic was war or peace? The conclusion is obvious. The current situation is so complicated and complicated. Seriously, the Soviet Red Army has the courage and confidence to defeat Kolchak's gang, but we really don't want to be enemies with the Volga Federation. Therefore, we hope that the two sides will cease fighting completely. World Peace Talks! Conclude a Peace Agreement!"

Chicherin took a deep puff of the cigarette, let the rich aroma of Camel cigarettes brush his lungs well, and then reluctantly exhaled the smoke, blinking his eyes and expressing to Pepe seriously intention.

"Comrade Chicherin, do you think it was the Volga Federation who instigated Kolchak to attack you? It's ridiculous. If the Volga Federation intervenes in the war between you, we can take Moscow within a week, and within ten days. Petrograd, do we need Kolchak's outdated armed and demoralized White Guards to take the lead?"

Pepe grinned disapprovingly and laughed loudly. The People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union turned green and pale, and scolded a hundred mothers in his heart. It was obvious that you supported Kolchak's White Guards to make trouble with Soviet Russia. It's shameless to push [-] without admitting anything!

Even though he was cursing in his heart, he still had to put on a wry smile on his face. Chicherin spread his hands and said helplessly, "Well, I can't argue with you about this matter. The winner is the winner. To be blamed, the Volga Federation was the most successful one on this land this summer, if Germany concludes a peace treaty with the Volga Federation, we have no reason to continue fighting Kolchak..."

The implication of Chicherin's words is very clear. The Soviet Union has 100% confidence in beating Kolchak, but if you support Kolchak behind the Volga Federation, then I will never win this battle for the rest of my life. Well, before the Germans have sold out Moscow's interests, let's get a good price for the truce and peace talks.

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