Beiyang 1917

Chapter 963

() At 1918:8 on August 10, 22, Volga Federation, Samara Zheng Fu Building, General Headquarters of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front, Huaxia Wang Small Conference Room

"Well, the guests from Moscow and Berlin are a little impatient? Can't wait until tomorrow?" Wang Geng took a hot towel from the tray in the guard's hand and wiped his face casually. The variables that appeared on the Internet, the military meeting of the headquarters that lasted for a day had just dissipated half an hour ago, and at this moment Pepe Baba broke into the door again to report.

"Commander-in-Chief, both Berlin and Moscow are really in a hurry. I think now that we have suffered a temporary setback in the Ukrainian campaign, if we can take advantage of the opportunity offered by the other side, we can buy a few days for Utsunomiya Taro and the Southwest Front Army of the coalition to rest and recover. That's okay..." Pepe still can't let go of Wang Geng like Utsunomiya Taro and Tanaka Yoshiichi, although as the Prime Minister of the Federal Cabinet, she looks more like the servants and housekeepers of King Huaxia, and speaks with humility It has become natural.

"Well, what you said is not bad, but it's a pity that Ludendorff sent a special envoy this time to hide it from the eyes and ears at home and abroad. At best, people knew that the German government sent people to Moscow for secret inspections, but no one thought of that. Gustav Stresemann will secretly visit Samara in the Soviet Russian delegation, let me talk about the intentions of the Germans first, if they want to stop the war on the Eastern Front, what valuable chips can the other side come up with?". .

What Wang Geng said was that the German 10th Army on the Ukrainian battlefield did not know that Ludendorff had sent a special envoy to Samara. It is a bit surprising that the main force retreated after repelling the Kharkov cluster of the coalition forces and did not start the battle to recapture Kharkov.

"Commander-in-Chief, the German guy said that as long as a peace agreement can be concluded with the Volga Federation, they are willing to use the Dnieper River as the boundary. The left bank of the Dnieper River includes Kiev to Ukraine, and the right bank of the Dnieper River includes Yekaterinoslav. The Mining Areas of Erkov and Donbass can all be allocated to the Volga Federation, of course, it may be more acceptable to join the Volga Federation in the name of an autonomous government of Eastern Ukraine..."

In all fairness, Pepe, the prime minister, knows how big a lot of things are to an ascendant regime and zheng fu, such as the production of food, materials, industry and agriculture, the economy, the restoration of social order, the production of weapons, equipment and ammunition, etc. It is obvious that the Volga Federation's population of more than 1000 million people has already started to experience food shortages, not to mention the shortage of supplies. At this time, if the entire Ukraine is eaten up, the Volga Federation will really have to worry about how to feed Ukraine's population of more than 1500 million. ... If we can draw the river and rule it, maybe the situation will be much better!

"Ukraine is actually a burden for the Germans in the short term. It seems that Ludendorff has sniffed out the purpose of our launching the Ukrainian campaign. He also knows that if we want to take the whole Ukraine, we will suffer from indigestion. At this moment, Yekater In the battle of Linoslav Krasnorad, we had a chance to lose a little, so we simply threw the burden of Eastern Ukraine to us!"

As Wang Geng said, he wondered whether Ludendorff was trying to slow down the troops, or was he really planning to seek peace with the Volga Federation. To launch the long-planned summer offensive on the Western Front?

"Commander-in-Chief, I think Moscow is in a hurry when the Germans come like this. They are afraid of being betrayed by the Germans. Chicherin said that Moscow is also seeking peace after fierce arguments. Soviet Russia can negotiate a ceasefire with Kolchak peacefully." , the two sides each recognize that the border does not interfere with each other's internal affairs. This is a major opportunity. Unless we... want to wipe out Soviet Russia in one go, it will not do us any harm to stop now. Food and supplies are too tight. If we go all the way Going to Moscow, without enough food, it is absolutely impossible to calm down the mess in Soviet Russia..."

"All demand peace? This is evil. Hastings' attack in Reskovo has just been repulsed by the main force of the Volga Front of the Soviet Red Army. Taro Utsunomiya also had a bad nose in Ukraine. What happened to Moscow and What kind of show is this? Pepe, what do you think? Shall we take over the olive branch from each other?" Wang Geng asked, narrowing his eyes, looking at his prime minister.

"I am only the commander-in-chief. What do you mean, I and the Volga Federal Defense Force are fighting. If you say a truce and peace, then we will have a truce and peace. If you say you want to regain all the lost ground, we will fight to the end..." Pepelia Yev raised his chest, and a row of medals and medals swayed on the new military uniform of the Federal Defense Force. Although it was not the era of the Tsarist Russian court, the Volga Federal military uniform, which borrowed from the luxurious military uniforms of Tsarist Russia, was one of the top leaders of this emerging regime. The most popular and stylish clothing.

Anyway, Cabinet Prime Minister Pepe and Deputy Prime Minister Denikin are both in the military. Speaking of which, the Volga Federation is a military regime, and it bears the signboard of Min Zhu. In fact, it is the King of Huaxia, the head of the armed forces. The commander has the final say, from the federal government to local officials, almost half of them are from the military, and many of them directly hold positions in the local government, the National Defense Forces, and the National Guard.

"Hey, Vasily Nikolaevich, loyalty is important, but now is not the time for you to show loyalty. Loyalty is sometimes harsh, and the three cobblers will be the best of Zhuge Liang. At this moment, you are the federal government." Prime Minister fu, if I ask you, you should speak your opinion directly, and don’t need to play so much nonsense for me... Chicherin came here this time, didn’t he bring some souvenirs for you, the prime minister?”

When Wang Geng asked, the sweat on Pepelyaev's forehead suddenly came down, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said, "I mean... Chicherin didn't feel at ease, what did he say from the corner of the Kremlin?" I don’t know anything I picked up here, and it’s probably not worth much, so I gave it to me as a meeting gift. Even you know the old rules, and all gifts worth more than 100 yuan are handed over to the treasury... But I don't know what it seems to be an ancient seal with flowers, birds and birds, I don't know what it is..."

Speaking of which, Pepelyaev blushed, took out a small black velvet box from his pocket, and handed it to the female guard beside him. The number of female officers in Wang Geng's coalition headquarters has increased during this period. Quite a few, the guard in front of me is not so much a guard as a female orderly. The blond, blue-eyed, tall female lieutenant took the box handed over by the Prime Minister, weighed it, and made sure it was not an explosive, but it was still He turned around and walked to the back of the sofa, turned his back and opened the box to check it. After confirming that there was no danger, he turned back and handed the box and the contents to Wang Geng.

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