Beiyang 1917

Chapter 964

() At 1918:8 on August 10, 22, Volga Federation, Samara Zheng Fu Building, General Headquarters of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front, Huaxia Wang Small Conference Room

Wang Geng took the seal from the blond and blue-eyed female guard, and it sank in his hand. Looking around, he saw that the jade seal was as green as blue, moist and lustrous, and it looked like it was polished and carved from a whole piece of jade. It is about four inches in size, and its size can be described as huge. It is made of five dragons in Shangyu, its whole body is clear, and its bearing is supreme. One corner seems to be damaged, and what is left is a trace of gold repair.

The king of Huaxia was surprised when he saw this, so he grabbed the dragon-shaped seal and turned it over to look, only to feel that countless insects and birds rushed towards his face, with a simple and graceful bearing, Wang Geng was a high-achieving student in Tsinghua Academy before studying in the United States In Wang Geng's eyes, the incomprehensible seal script of flowers, birds, fish and insects mentioned by Peipei is like the seal script of flowers, birds, fish and insects written by Li Si, the Prime Minister of Qin Dynasty.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, Chicherin said that he found this thing from a corner of a warehouse shelf in the Kremlin. The quality is not bad, the first one is warm and sticky, but the flowers and plants can’t understand what is printed... It is estimated that it is not worth 100 Chinese yuan, or it can be left as a paperweight on the desk... ". .

Pepelyaev was sweating, and he was worried when he said this. When Chicherin gave him the seal solemnly, he said with certainty that it was the jade seal handed down from the Qin Dynasty in China. Of course, no matter whether Russia or the Volga Federation, it is impossible to compete with the Chinese imperial jade seal, not to mention that China is now the Republic of China, and the imperial jade seal is almost used as an antique. What, it's a little dangerous.

"Well... it's normal that you don't know this thing. In the past 2000 years since the Qin Dynasty, there have been many stories of this thing haunting the court and the people in the past dynasties of China. It is impossible for the real ministers to engrave a few fake ways to fool themselves. The emperor did not once or twice. Speaking of which, after Zhu Yuanzhang drove the Mongols to Mobei, this seal disappeared, but he did not expect to be transferred to the Russian court and become a collection..."

Wang Geng looked at the Qin Chuanguo jade seal carved with Heshibi in his hand and was a little emotional. Although he was not an archaeologist, he was [-]% sure that the seal in his hand was the genuine Chuanguo jade seal. Lin is a smart guy, it is fake to send this heavy gift to Pepe, but it is true to test and make friends with himself, the uncrowned king...

"Could it be the legendary Jade Seal of Passing the Nation? Congratulations to Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, and congratulations to Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief. With this jade seal, the Commander-in-Chief will be... so what if he returns to China to become the throne and proclaim himself emperor. What President Yuan couldn't do at the beginning, it turns out But it fell on the commander-in-chief!" Pepelyaev smiled and put on a flattering posture, but his heart was much more stable than before, the commander-in-chief didn't blame himself for accepting the imperial jade seal without authorization, and he didn't take the initiative immediately Reported, this matter is a negligence in the small area, but it is a conspiracy with ulterior motives in the large area.

Thinking of this, Pepe scolded Chicherin bloody in her heart, thinking that you want to give gifts to the commander-in-chief to make friendship, why bother to kill two birds with one stone and bring this divisive plan?If I didn't take the initiative to explain the jade seal to the King of Huaxia today, Baobuqi Qiqielin took the initiative to mention this in front of Wang Geng and sold himself... Let alone whether the Federal Prime Minister can continue to be the Prime Minister, maybe he will It's time to go to jail!

"Vassily Nikolaevich, don't care if it's true or not, you're right, it's pretty cool to use as a paperweight on your desk, if you want to talk about the value of an antique, I think it's not as good as a The 150mm caliber grenade is effective on the battlefield. Does Moscow want to persuade me to become emperor? This is no longer the era of one country and one family, this is trying to put me on the fire!"

Wang Geng casually put the jade seal on the desk, and it looked like a very suitable paperweight. Pepelyaev didn't dare to say more, at least Pepe didn't think too much about persuading Wang Geng to become emperor, although At this moment, the Volga Federation is literally a military government under the banner of min zhu elections, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Volga Federation's armed forces is an out-and-out king without a crown. With a population of more than 100, the territory and population of the new Asian overlord China and the Sino-Japanese Alliance have increased by dozens of times. Aren't they also prostrate at the feet of this uncrowned king at this moment? !

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief... How should we reply to the German envoy and the Soviet side...Now the logistics supply line of the Volga Federation has reached a very dangerous moment due to heavy rain and road damage. At this time, Ludendorff wants to negotiate peace with us, even if it is The strategy of delaying the troops, I think... we can try it, anyway, the Southwest Front Army needs time to recover and replenish, the reorganization of the Central Yang Front Army has not yet been completed, and the food problem of General Wu Peifu's Southern Front Army needs to be slowed down so that it can be supplemented..."

"Prime Minister Pepe, things are not that simple. I believe that even if Ludendorff and Hindenburg did intend to exchange the large coal fields of Eastern Ukraine and the Donbass for a peace agreement between the Volga Federation and the German-Austrian Allies, the agreement is nothing more than a A piece of paper will be torn up by power at any time. From a small point of view, Ludendorff wants to use the peace agreement to tie our hands and feet on the Eastern Front, and use the main force to launch the summer offensive on the Western Front..."

As Wang Geng spoke, he struck the match in his hand and lit the cigar. The conference room was filled with the aroma of Havana cigars. After following Wang Geng for so long, Pepe knew that when no outsiders were present, the commander-in-chief Your Excellency does not need his subordinates rushing to light cigarettes for him. On the contrary, when outsiders are present, Wang Geng will leave these opportunities to his confidants around him, which can be regarded as expressing his trust and closeness to them.

Not everyone has the opportunity to light a cigarette for the uncrowned king of this land at any time.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief... With all due respect, no matter how hard we fight on the Eastern Front, no matter how well we perform, we will not be able to obtain spoils from the Western Front... Rather than this, we don't have to bear such a heavy burden for the American, British and French coalition forces on the Western Front Well, the Germans must have seen this, so they hope to maintain peace with us...Since Eastern Ukraine is at your fingertips, I what if you agree to Ludendorff? At worst, we will wait until the Western Front is decided, and then we will choose another opportunity And move!"

As the Prime Minister of the Volga Federation, Pepe has gradually become accustomed to observing and analyzing problems from the perspective of egoism under Wang Geng's subtle influence. I have also reminded many times that the Volga Federation is a sovereign emerging country, and there is no need to be restricted and constrained by the rules and regulations of the Allied Forces.

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