a memo

Chapter 27

Chapter 27
As I said before, Lao Hong is the Chinese teacher who came to take our third year of high school after Sister Guozi resigned.

Lao Hong used to be the principal of a certain university, and he mainly taught Chinese in the fourth year of senior high school, that is, repeat students.

I am still deeply impressed by Lao Hong's first class.

He wrote his name and WeChat ID on the blackboard, and then asked us to put down what we were doing and listen to him.

Old teachers are like this, doing everything in an orderly manner.

"First of all, I want to talk about the teacher-student relationship. I think the teacher-student relationship is not hierarchical, but seven words."

Old teachers are like this, and sometimes they say, "Take your notes!"

We quickly took out our notebooks and waited for him to speak.

"A teacher, a friend, and a family."

"Secondly, let me mention the specific requirements for you." Lao Hong crossed his arms.

Old teachers are like this, and they have their own inertial actions.

"I hope you, be a quiet and serious person."

We watched Lao Hong quietly and continued to say the following words.

"Why are you looking at me, remember, I have words on my face?"

Old teachers are like this, and they can't guess his thoughts and ideas.

"Let me tell you, when you are in class, keep your eyes on the teacher. It's hard not to be good. If you do a good job in many things, the result will naturally not be bad."

Old teachers are like this, a bunch of big truths.

Lao Hong is a member of the Calligraphy Association, and his handwriting is particularly beautiful.Many teachers asked Lao Hong for words, saying that they should be displayed at home to add some cultural charm.

On the New Year's Day when Lao Hong came to the school, there was a couplet written by Lao Hong on the gate of the school. Although I didn't recognize a few traditional characters, it seemed that the grade of the school was different.

Old teachers are like this, with two brushes.

Lao Hong likes teaching in groups. Each group has seven or eight students. He chooses a group leader and gives his group a name. In the future, the results of the exam and the answers to questions in class will be scored according to the group.

Needless to say, this method is quite novel.

Old teachers are like this, different.

At the instigation of the class representative, I became the leader of the Chinese team. Although my Chinese performance is not outstanding, I often make mistakes in dictation.

The name of our group is "Rangoon".

When I was on stage to share the name of the group, I said this: "'Yang' is a verb, meaning to look up, Yangon is to see the light, to face difficulties, and to be full of confidence; 'Yang' can also be used as a noun , which means faith, as young people, we should have faith, have goals, and have motivation to move forward, and never forget our original aspirations, and move forward in Yangon."

Sounds inspiring doesn't it?To be honest, this name is the name of a city I randomly saw when I was flipping through a map of Southeast Asia during a class break in my first year of high school.

Sure enough, the meaning of many things can be given, which is probably the charm of words.

It's a pity that because I often ask for leave, our language team has no fixed team leader. Later, the members of our team took turns to be the team leader. This is also a feature of the "Yangon Team".

Lao Hong paid special attention to dictation and composition.

The score of dictation can be secured, the score of composition accounts for a large proportion, the composition is outstanding, and if the multiple-choice questions are good, the overall score of Chinese will not be too bad.

Lao Hong pays attention to writing the composition on the ground and combining it with himself. Don't always talk about too many fake things, let alone be too political, and write political theory into Chinese composition every day.

I remember that once the title of my composition was "holding high the banner of liberal arts and rushing forward", Lao Hong gave me the word "vulgar" and made me shut myself up for a recess.

In short, throughout the third year of senior high school, with the company of Lao Hong, our class's Chinese performance has steadily improved, and often even surpassed that of the experimental class.

Old teachers are like this and have their own way.

The composition of the college entrance examination, Lao Hong said a lot of similarities before the exam, so when I saw the exam questions in the college entrance examination, I breathed a sigh of relief, and played back many moments of Lao Hong's class in my mind.

5 minutes later, I write the title of my last essay in high school.

"Our young people should strive for self-improvement."

(End of this chapter)

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