a memo

Chapter 35

Chapter 35
In high school, I not only rubbed against the cars of classmates, but also rubbed against the cars of teachers.

The first is the head teacher.At the beginning of the third year of high school, there were a lot of commuters, and they basically rented houses in the same community.

In my building, there were only three classmates living there.

The head teacher was afraid that it would be unsafe for us to go to school, so he wanted to see the surrounding environment of our rental house.

One day when school was over, he asked me to leave later, called a few other day students, and drove us back to the rental house, and then took the elevator to take a look at each student’s residence, and asked about the situation of the parents of the day students accompanying them, and way to and from school.

In the third year of high school, I had a viral infection, my body became hot and cold, and my scalp felt numb.

Throughout the evening self-study, I didn't write any questions.

I couldn't take it anymore after class, and told the head teacher to go to the hospital.

At that time, there was no bus back to the city, and it was still raining outside. My mother said she would take a taxi to pick me up later.

Teacher Ang heard the conversation between me and the class teacher in the office, and turned to me and asked me: "Where do you live in the urban area? I will pick you up at the train station later, and I can take you to the urban area."

"In the city center, just drop me off at any station in the city." I filled out the leave form and handed the leave application to the head teacher.

"Okay, go back and pack your schoolbag. I'll wait for you at the school gate. Speed ​​up." Teacher Ang stood up and walked out with the car keys.

I went back and quickly put away my schoolbag, and walked towards the school gate, the car was already parked at the gate.

My body was still numb, looking at the car in front of me, my nose felt sore for no reason.

Because I was uncomfortable, I didn't talk much after getting in the car, and I almost fell asleep a few times because of dizziness.

Teacher Ang handed over the mobile phone and asked me to call my mother to explain the situation and discuss which station to pick me up.

Then he drove quietly, and when he arrived at the station, he said: "You should have my contact information."

"Well, I added it before." I picked up the umbrella at my feet and opened the car door.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to the train station, or I'll send it to your home directly. When I see my mother, send me a message on my mother's mobile phone."

"Okay, thank you teacher, I'm sorry to trouble you." I gently closed the car door and watched Teacher Ang's car slowly disappear at the end of the road.

Many times, I hate myself as a teenager. I don’t have much ability and ability, and I have to trouble others for many things. At the same time, I can’t do anything substantive except for thanking others for their kindness and kindness. to return.

There was only one sentence written in the diary that day: In the future, I must listen carefully to the political class.

The last time he rubbed against Sheng's father's car.

On the [-]rd, a school entrance banquet was held, and many teachers, relatives and friends were invited.

We sit at a table with the teacher.

When we were about to finish eating, the class teacher asked us how to go back.

Mother No. [-] is here to pick her up, and No. [-]'s house is nearby.

"I can ask my mother to take you with me and drop you off at the downtown station." Number Five said to me.

"Come with me, I'll go back to the city." Father Sheng said suddenly.

I froze for a moment.

"Does your family still live in that xxx community?" Father Sheng pushed his glasses and recalled.

The address of my home was written on it when I was filling out the poor student form in the second year of high school. I didn't expect Father Sheng to still remember it.

"Yes." I put a piece of broccoli in my mouth and chewed slowly.

"Then I'll take you back. It's too late to take the bus and it's not safe." Father Sheng also continued to eat.

In fact, it was only seven or eight o'clock at that time, which was a normal activity time for us young people.

On the way back to the city, I sat in the back and chatted with Father Sheng without saying a word.

Most of the time, Father Sheng asked and I answered.We chatted a lot, about my parents' situation, the professional courses in the university and so on.

Occasionally, during the silence, I looked at the warm yellow night lights outside the car window, and the poor student’s watch and the stairwell, Sheng Dae, who gave me a lecture before finishing his meal, came to my mind.

The school is about to start, I hope that among the new students of Sheng Dae, there is no one like me who asks for leave every day and does not study, otherwise he will have a headache for another three years.

(End of this chapter)

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