a memo

Chapter 76 Rescue

Chapter 76 Rescue
I remember a sentence my junior high school history teacher said: "As long as you think about it, as long as it is not the day before the high school entrance examination, you will be saved."

In the last semester of my third year of high school, I still could only score more than [-] points in mathematics. I actually gave up on myself at that time.

Especially when I changed seats later, there was the commander-in-chief in the front, the emperor in the back, and Xiao Lu next to me. Every time the test papers were handed out, I was always the lowest one.

Until a small math test, I got 72 points.

Although this score is still rubbish, it is still below the average score, and it is still the bottom, but it is amazing, Father Sheng thinks I have improved.

A math evening self-study was over, and it was our turn to be on duty in the dormitory that day. I washed the rag and went to the podium to wipe the blackboard.

Father Sheng was still clearing the papers on the podium, saw me cleaning the blackboard, and asked, "Are you on duty today?"

"Hmm." I feel that the conversation should not be so simple.

Sure enough, Father Sheng said next: "You made a lot of progress in the test the day before yesterday. You got 72 points, right?"

"Yeah." Father Sheng led two classes, with a total of more than 100 people. The test was several days ago, and he still remembered it so clearly.

"Can you try harder next time and get 80 points in the exam?" Father Sheng sorted out the papers and was about to leave.

"I'll do my best." I turned to let Father Sheng pass by, "Goodbye, teacher."

"Okay, come on, goodbye." Father Sheng nodded.

If no one cares about it, it’s fine with how many points I get in the test. The main reason is that the teacher hasn’t given up on me after being so bad, and even encourages me from time to time.

You must know that Father Sheng is not the kind of teacher who always encourages students. Even if they are handsome and they often fail the exams, he will seldom praise him, and even say: "Do you think you have done well in the exam?"

So after that conversation, I suddenly felt that I should do something to strive for 80 points. I have 72 points, how far can 80 go?
I took out the real math questions that I bought during the summer vacation and started to plan the amount of daily questions. If there are any questions I can’t understand, I will ask the commander. Occasionally, if the commander does not understand something, I will ask Sheng Daddy.

That period of time should be the most active time for me to study mathematics throughout high school.

However, not all the efforts are immediate. In the latest math model test, I got back [-] points.

After seeing the math results, I didn't bother to pay attention to the total score and ranking, and I began to doubt myself again. Maybe that 72 was just a coincidence. Duomon got a few multiple-choice questions right, and my real level is still the same.

I lay on my seat for three evening self-study sessions, and I felt that I was really dying.

I was bored, I threw a note to the handsome man, and asked him if there were only more than 200 days left, and whether mathematics could be saved like this.

The commander took my note and thought about it, maybe thinking about how to reply without hitting my fragile self-esteem.

Then I got the note.

"I think you can save it, talk less and practice more, usually do more questions that you don't know, and skip them if you don't know how to write them in the exam."

I got excited, and threw another note: "Okay, I may have to ask a lot of math questions later, and I will trouble you. If you get [-] at the end of the semester, I will treat you to a barbecue!"

The emotions in the third year of high school were really like this. For a while, I felt abandoned by the whole world, and for a while, I felt that I could shine and stand upright.

At the end of the third year of high school, I relied on "on the spur of the moment" to rescue me and successfully passed the [-]% test. The teacher in charge posted the score in the group. Come out to eat barbecue and ask the emperor to join us!"

"This is the result of your own hard work." The commander typed, "Next time, try to get two-thirds of the exam."

It's amazing, after passing the [-]th test, it seems that some kind of enchantment has been broken, and the math has been in the [-]s, which is very stable.

I didn't dare to slack off, for fear that I would "go back to before liberation overnight" if I became discouraged.

Throughout the second semester of the third year of high school, I kept writing questions and practicing at my own pace. I kept myself very busy every day. I was so busy that I didn’t have time to think about what to do if I didn’t get into college. I was so busy that I didn’t have time to worry about the college entrance examination. What should I do if I don't perform well when I don't finish the paper.

How could there be so many accidents that happened to me, and then again, what if I performed exceptionally well in mathematics in the college entrance examination and scored two-thirds of the total score?

No, it really exceeded two-thirds in the end.

A few days ago during the "school season", I always received private messages about "I am in the third year of junior high school, what should I do if I am anxious about the start of school", "I am in the third year of high school, what should I do if I can't continue in mathematics and physics", I don't know why they It is so safe to ask a person who has just taken an ordinary second-level exam about his own future and development. After all the questions have been asked, I want to use my actual experience to answer: reconcile with yourself, and go at your own pace. Study and keep yourself busy. We are still young, so we don’t have to worry too much about the unknown results, and we can move forward first.

(End of this chapter)

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