a memo

Chapter 77 Rereading

Chapter 77 Rereading
Before the third year of high school, I didn’t have much idea about repeating. It was just that when we did poorly in the exam, the class teacher would say earnestly: “You really need to study hard, don’t think about repeating, it will be very painful for another year. .”

In the third year of high school, three repeat students were transferred to the class, one girl and two boys.

The girl and I sat too far away. In the last year, the words I said to both of them probably didn't have a hundred words, so I won't talk about her.

The two boys are Brother Tao and Shao Luo.

Brother Tao is really in line with the "repeater" I imagined. He has his own clear goals, and he is serious about studying every day, and he is rarely even seen taking a lunch break.

Brother Tao sat behind me for a while, and every time I turned around and handed him the homework, he was either writing mathematics or memorizing geography, and sometimes he wrote too seriously, so he didn’t notice what I handed over. I need to remind Only one sentence raised his head.

Brother Tao is also very good at mathematics (suddenly I feel that the people around me seem to be not bad at mathematics?). Sometimes when the boss is busy, I will ask Brother Tao to ask math or geography questions. Brother Tao is not very good at giving lectures. He always writes the process on my draft paper, and asks me to ask him about the part that I don't understand, and he will explain it to me in detail.

It was about a month before the countdown to the college entrance examination. I seldom wrote those math simulation questions that I could not complete independently according to my level, but I had to hand them in again the next day. After Brother Tao knew my thoughts, he often put The finished paper was handed to me directly: "Hey, I'll take it for your reference."

Brother Tao is also very responsible. If he is not sure about the question, he will discuss it with the commander. After the discussion, he will come back with the correct answer and let me know: "Correct the first question of the fill-in-the-blank question, mine is wrong."

I'm not too embarrassed about the frequently asked questions. I usually put one or two on Tao's table when I buy snacks in the supermarket to express my sincere gratitude.

Luo Shao is completely different from Brother Tao. He has a more lively personality and is especially good at speaking. He has a wide range of hobbies. He has watched many literary works and movies, and he also pays attention to entertainment circles and animations.

Luo Shao was very enthusiastic.He rides a battery car to go to school by himself. Sometimes our dormitory is on duty and we don’t have time to go to the cafeteria to buy breakfast. The day before, we will ask Mr. Luo to help us bring small steamed buns or pancakes. Come in through the back door of the class with a bunch of packed breakfast.

During my commuting time, I often went out of school with Luo Shao. Luo Shao would ride me to the gate of the community on his small red battery car. When I said thank you, he would wave his hand casually: "It's okay, I'm burning candles, I love to give."

The three repeat students in our class were all admitted to good universities in the end, and the ending was quite satisfactory.

After the college entrance examination ended this year, some people in the class chose to repeat the exam, some did not complete the exam, and some got the exam but were dissatisfied.

In any case, whether to repeat or not is a choice, and it depends on the individual.

There is actually a lot of pressure to repeat the exam. For example, at the beginning of the fourth year of senior high school, you have to do your college entrance examination papers again, listen to the teacher to repeat your unforgettable wrong questions, and go to a new class or even a new school. To adapt to the new environment and deal with more or less new relationships.

People will also become sensitive when they hear the topic of re-reading, and one more year of study means one more year of expenses, repeating the high-intensity exercises and life-study rhythm of the third year of high school.

Everyone has different views on re-reading. I want to say at the end that the choice is your right. Once you have made a decision, just move forward. Don't look back, don't hesitate, and don't care about what others say.

(End of this chapter)

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