a memo

Chapter 96 Extra Story 6

Chapter 96
The first time I had an impression of Zuzu was because of No. [-], who was at the same table with No. [-]. She told me one day that Zuzu said it was cute to watch me eat.

(Author: It's really cute!)
Because I am a low self-esteem and introverted person, no one in my impression has praised me, so my first impression of Zuzu is quite good.

Later, I inexplicably got to play with Zuzu. She shared some of her own stories with me. It may be very plain, but she told me so vividly that people were attracted unconsciously.

I feel that her life is like a fairy tale. There are mothers who get along like friends, and friends who play hard. It is super comfortable to talk to her. She is a gentle person, no, no, no more praise Yes, anyway, I really like renting!

(Author: Hahahahahaha I like you too!)
I feel that Zuzu’s copywriting is really good. I remember that when the language group was named, she thought of several times. The most competitive ones were "Yangon" and "Benchu", but in the end I argued hard and chose "Yangon". ", in fact, because the name is a bit like the name of Pepsi.

(Author: I just thought about the name of Pepsi Cola seriously, and the homophony is indeed very similar. So you agreed because of this?)
Speaking of "A Memorandum", I actually regret that I didn't insist on keeping a diary at that time (although I secretly wrote a diary about Pepsi at that time, but I didn't write it again later), so now I look very emotional. In the book, I discovered the cute side of Father Sheng, Sister Qin, and many teachers. Because I was too introverted at the time, I didn’t communicate with the teachers much. The most important thing was that my math grades were too bad. I was afraid of the math teacher since I was a child. Now I secretly regret that I didn't say goodbye to my teacher when I graduated.

(Author: Why do you have the nerve to say that you are poor in mathematics? Are you worse than me?)
I went through high school really fast. I didn’t expect to be a college student in the blink of an eye. I should never see Pepsi again without any accidents. So I still hope that everyone will meet someone you like, just like what I said in Zuzu’s article, Dare to express, don't leave regrets for yourself, but be careful not to affect your grades, hahaha.

(Author: I firmly believe that there will be someone who will come for you in the future, just wait!)
This is really a book review that has been delayed for a long time, because I am in the late stage of procrastination, I did not expect to be the last (dog head) after procrastination, forgive my primary school student writing, it is messy, just read it, but Finally finally finished writing, hahaha.

(Author: I started telling you about writing extra stories in early September, and now it’s early October, thank God, I’ve written something.)
I really like a sentence that Mrs. Chen (Sister Guozi) said, "know the world but not the world". I hope everyone can do this. Finally, I wish you all happy every day and become a better version of yourself!
(Author: We all have to become better people! See you in the future!)
(End of this chapter)

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