a memo

Chapter 97 Extra Story 7 1 Artists in Life Together

Chapter 97
Hello, when you see this, it means that the extra part of this book is over, and this book is really over.

What does it feel like?
Feel amazing.

I, what a bad idea, actually finished a book with more than [-] words in [-] days.

Well, maybe this is the charming part of life, full of possibilities and surprises at any time.

Thinking about it carefully, I have never done a serious introduction.

I am Zuzu, and my pen name was originally intended to be called Zuzu, but it was taken by someone, so I just typed "Zhuxiaoxiao" casually, hey, I passed it unexpectedly, so the pen name doesn't mean much, and it doesn't mean much. Don't need to understand too much.

Why is it called "Zuzu"? In fact, there is nothing special about it. In junior high school, there was a sister who played very well in junior high school. Every time she called me, she deliberately made no distinction. My surname is "Zhu", and she always called "Zhu Zhu" "Zuzu", and I thought it was pretty good. Few people would use this word as a screen name, so I used it.

Why did I write this book? As I said on my social platform, I wrote a lot of diaries in the three years of high school, and I want to organize them into a book. I am a nostalgic and forgetful person, and I hope that no matter what happens in the future Whenever I read this book, I can empathize with my 18-year-old self.

Anyone who has read this book knows that I am actually not a "good student". I often "paste my homework", often ask for leave when I am in a bad mood, and even "confront" the teacher when I become rebellious.

When I write this book, I don’t want to say that all the things I have done are correct, and I don’t want to make everyone think that it’s good to be a bad guy. I’m just expressing my real high school life in words Come out, if someone happens to read this book, and someone can find resonance in a certain sentence or a certain paragraph of text, I feel that I am successful and lucky.

I don't know how to describe my writing style. I haven't taken any serious writing classes, and I haven't paid attention to writing articles on official accounts with titles like "how to write good characters". Some things don't necessarily need to be too much. Standardized practice and training can easily form a popular and templated style.

How I speak at ordinary times may be how I write when I write. It is enough that the words can express my emotions and thoughts.

The creation process of this book was really not easy. Maybe I was too poor, so many things became a little difficult.

For example, for the cover of a book, I don’t have the money to hire a professional artist to design it for me. Professional fees are relatively high. It is very difficult for me to hire an artist due to my current economic situation.

In fact, if you really want a professional cover design, you can also have it. Discuss it with your parents, and they will definitely support it, but I am already an adult, and I can’t always rely on my parents to do what I want. It's something, it's a little ignorant.

So I am very grateful to my roommate No. [-], who is willing to help me draw the book cover.

This is also very good, and we should be fully responsible for the matter.

After the mother’s [-]-day blessing video for the college entrance examination was posted on social platforms, I heard a lot of different voices.

At the beginning, it was the student party of the same age who saw the video and felt that the mother was very democratic, respected the children, and had a lot of ideas.

Later, many such comments came.

"The child must be very good for the mother to say that."

"I'm also a parent of a child, and I really can't do that."

"Are you talking about freedom in such a family environment? It's just fantasy. I don't know the cruelty of reality."

"Her family must have a good background, and her parents who don't study have paved the way."

Someone else found the video of me sharing the two acceptance letters and commented: "You really let your mother down."

Here I want to say that I have never been a very good person, and my family is a well-off family.

The reason why my mother said such things is not because she doesn’t know the cruelty of social reality. After all, my mother is a person in her forties. When she was young, she went out to work for others. There is no place for her in a city as big as Shanghai. The reality of the place forced her to deal with all kinds of people. She has seen all kinds of social conditions and felt the warmth and coldness of the society. Of course, she knows how difficult life is.

But not all mothers eagerly hope that their children will be successful, get a good university entrance examination, find a good job, and then live a smooth life.

My mother would rather have a happy child than a good one.

Although it is rare, there are real mothers who only want their children to be happy and healthy. It is of course better to have some achievements, and it doesn't matter if they don't.

Because my mother's pursuit of life is different from most people, so she would say that, which is normal.

How did my mother react when she found out that I went to a second university?
She was very happy. She called her relatives and friends and sent messages, "My child has been admitted to college."

She doesn't care what kind of university it is, what major it is, or whether it will be a good job in the future. Life doesn't have to be too realistic. She thinks that I have finally got rid of the high-pressure state of high school and can start a new life. , this is something to be happy about.

Of course, most people are affected by the general environment and so on. They don't understand mother's ideas and practices, and even find it ridiculous, but it doesn't matter. Our life doesn't disturb others and we are satisfied. That's enough.

Many people saw my video and saw that I majored in journalism and said, "This major is very suitable for you."

Many media professionals from the same profession came to tell me what the reality is like. Sometimes when we want to do something, the result will deviate from our expectations because of poor platform or poor resources.

I haven't really touched the profession of journalism. I don't know if I can explain the facts objectively and speak out for the truth without being influenced by my subjective emotions forever. I don't know if I will be disappointed by many things. , As a result, the enthusiasm dissipated, and the unsharp edges and corners were smoothed by life.

I hope that I can shine in the field I love, and I hope that I can become a media person with an attitude and a position, who knows the world but not the world.

This sentence is my expectation for my future self.

Finally, I want to write some words of thanks.

Although I am not a very good person, I grew up in an environment full of love. This environment makes me always full of enthusiasm for life and many things.

My grandma has no culture, but she taught me how to behave well. Although my grandpa didn’t understand why I was so bad at math, he still let me take it easy and study as much as I could. My elder brother with higher education, Brother, I often give me some so-called "experienced" advice, let me avoid some detours as much as possible, and grow up well; the teachers and classmates I met knew that I was a bad guy, but they still didn't give up on me, and always respected me thoughts and feelings; of course, there are many netizens and readers who often send me private messages, encouraging me to write and record my life; my parents don’t make that much money, but they make me live happily and are willing to Sit down to communicate, discuss, and most of the time give me support, whether it is financial or spiritual...

I really feel honored to grow up in such an environment, without any one person or some love, I would not be where I am now.

What will my future look like?

not sure.

Maybe it will become very realistic, and I feel that the current self is extremely ridiculous, I can't tell.

However, the history teacher said that we should use dialectical thinking to look at the merits and demerits of a person and the impact of an event. Now we look at historical events. The product of the times also has the limitations of the times.

In the same way, at the age of 18, I am also limited by my age and environment. My thinking is not yet mature, and my experience is not rich. Under such circumstances, this book is the product of my 18 years old. To read this book with a dialectical thought, to get to know the 18-year-old me.

In the end, I want to say that some people are experiencing pain, and some people are enjoying happiness. No matter what happens, don’t treat it with a bad attitude. Please live a good life and live the life you choose in the way you like. Let's be artists of life together!

PS. This extra episode was written in early September, but because I was waiting for other people’s extra episode, I just met you today.

Regarding the publication of the physical book, I will learn about the relevant procedures and do my best to make this book available to everyone as soon as possible.

Thank you for meeting and thank you for your love.

 Welcome to leave your name here, see you at "Emotional Collectors"! !

(End of this chapter)

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