Chapter 212 Counterattack
Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor sat on the throne, frowning tightly, looking up at the entrance of the hall from time to time.

All the civil and military immortals below were discussing solemnly, even the Taishang Laojun, who was always calm and calm, was no exception.

Li Shan's old mother got the Chaos Clock!

The Chaos Clock triggered the change of the stars in the sky and the leakage of the emperor's fluid!

Early this morning, Yang Jian opened his mouth and popped out two heavy news, which directly confused everyone.

The Jade Emperor waited for a while before he came back to his senses. After confirming the news to Yang Jian again and again, he immediately sent Taibai Jinxing to the prison.

If Jiejiao just got the Chaos Clock, although the Jade Emperor cared about it, he could still tolerate it, but he had to deal with the impact of Jiejiao's surge in power on the Three Realms.

But now, Yang Jian told him that the Chaos Clock can affect the movement of the stars and the emperor, and he couldn't sit still!

Emperor Liuye is the most stable source of Tianting and the largest number of natural treasures, and it is the most important part of Tianting's salary!
Jiejiao's ability to control Zhoutian Xingchen and Diliujiang through the Chaos Clock means that Jiejiao has grasped the lifeline of the Heavenly Court, and can prevent the Heavenly Court from paying any salary at any time!
This is something the Jade Emperor can't accept!
Those members of the Jiejiao sect now like to claim that they are the direct descendants of the orthodox saints of the Taoist sect, and they only recognize the brothers and sisters of the sect, and do not recognize the rules of heaven.

The Holy Mother of Wudang broke into the sky prison at the first disagreement, and fought violently. He even noticed the commotion in the Lingxiao Temple.

If this makes them sacrifice the Chaos Clock, is that okay?
With a decision in his heart, the Jade Emperor looked at the Taishang Laojun: "Taishang Daozu, I don't know how you think about this matter?"

Chanjiao, Renjiao, and Xixijiao joined forces to deal with Jiejiao during the Conferred God catastrophe, and the Supreme Lord was more reluctant than she was to see Jiejiao flourish again.

The Taishang Laojun did not express his position directly, but said: "Your Majesty, Zhou Tian Xingdou and Di Liuye are both things related to the peace of the Three Realms. The Chaos Clock is closely related to them. If it falls into the hands of someone with a heart, I am afraid it will be given to you." The Three Realms brought about a catastrophe."

Old fox!
The Jade Emperor spat in his heart.

The Taishang Laojun obviously didn't want to be the first bird, and all he said was correct nonsense!
However, many civil and military immortals in the hall nodded one after another, and their faces were full of approval, as if they had heard some wise words.

Over the years, Taishang Laojun has been indifferent to fame and fortune on the surface, but in fact he is very ambitious. He has used the refined elixirs and magic weapons to attract many gods, and his prestige and power are not inferior to Yang Jian.

He only said the beginning, and immediately someone came forward and said: "Your Majesty, what the Taishang Daozu said is very true. The Chaos Clock is of great importance, and it must not be left alone. Why don't your majesty make a decree and tell Li Shan's old mother to be powerful?" Let her hand over the Chaos Clock to Heaven for safekeeping, so that no accidents will happen!"

"No!" Someone retorted: "Although Your Majesty is the co-lord of the Three Realms, it is not good to forcefully conscript magic weapons! It is better to summon Li Shan's old mother to the sky as an official, so that the Chaos Clock can be left in the heavenly court."

"Why not?! How can personal interests be placed above the safety of the Three Realms? How can such a treasure be placed in private hands?"


A group of civil and military immortals came and went, each expressing their opinions, making Lingxiao Palace as noisy as a downtown.

The Jade Emperor felt dizzy for a while.

After the catastrophe of conferred gods, the Holy Mother of Wudang acted very low-key.

In addition, Chanjiao has been deliberately eliminating the scandal that the internal strife in the Taoist sect has benefited the western teaching fisherman.

Some of these newly promoted gods don't know about the Three Religions, let alone the Chaos Bell and the Madonna of Wudang. They only regard the Madonna of Wudang as an ordinary earth fairy who got a powerful magic weapon by luck.

The one with a softer attitude thought about summoning the Holy Mother of Wudang to the Heavenly Court as an official, indirectly holding the Chaos Clock in his hands.

Those with a tougher attitude will directly ask the Madonna of Wudang to hand over the Chaos Clock for the safety of the Three Realms.

No one cares at all, what does the Virgin of Wudang think!
The Jade Emperor looked at the Taishang Laojun, but found that the Taishang Laojun's eyes were half-opened and half-closed, as if he was asleep, and he didn't respond to the quarrel outside.

This is obviously to stand by!

In desperation, the Jade Emperor could only look at Yang Jian and asked, "Yang Jian, you were the first to discover this matter. What do you think?"

Yang Jian was more blunt, and directly evaded: "Li Shan's mother is the elder of the little god, and the little god will inevitably have selfishness, so it is inconvenient to participate in this matter."

Jade Emperor: "..." Elder?Selfishness?snort!I am afraid that you would like to die without being a virgin!

The Jade Emperor was a little annoyed.

About the Chaos Clock, Yang Jian must have communicated with Taiyi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun in advance.

In front of all the civil and military immortals, they must have discussed the matter of the Chaos Clock in the morning court!

The attitude of Taishang Laojun and Yang Jian is all to force Heaven to end!
But he still has no choice!

Intercepting teaching is different from interpreting teaching, human teaching, and Western teaching.

It came to court at the beginning of ten thousand immortals, and the vast majority of these ten thousand immortals were monster races, and only a very small number of innate creatures and human races.

The Holy Mother of Wudang may not lead the emperor liquid to the mortal world in order to make the Jiejiao grow rapidly, so that the quantity and quality of the monster race will be greatly improved!
At this moment, Taibai Jinxing walked in, bowed upwards and said: "I have received the imperial decree, and the old mother of Lishan has arrived."

The Jade Emperor calmed down and summoned Li Shan's old mother.

After a salute.

The Jade Emperor asked: "Mother Lishan, the God of Judiciary said that the changes in the sky and stars were caused by the Chaos Clock you got. Is there such a thing?"

The Holy Mother of Wudang glanced at Yang Jian, and said lightly, "Your Majesty, I don't know about this."

Just when everyone thought that the Holy Mother of Wudang was going to quibble, they heard the Holy Mother of Wudang say: "However, judging from the time, the time when the stars changed happened to coincide with the time when the poor brothers and sisters brought the Chaos Clock into the Three Realms. .”

All the Wenwu Xianqings were in an uproar. What the Holy Mother of Wudang said basically admitted that the Chaos Clock was in her hands, and the changes in the stars in the sky were also related to the Chaos Clock.

What does she want to do?
A look of surprise flashed in Yang Jian's eyes.

The Jade Emperor was also taken aback, and also did not expect that the Holy Mother of Wudang would admit the matter so readily, without any cover-up, and the words of questioning were choked back into the stomach.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say next.

At this time, the Holy Mother of Wudang took the initiative to speak: "I know Your Majesty is worried. However, the Chaos Clock was specially told to me by the Saint Tongtian before he left the Three Realms. It took me more than ten thousand years to find it. I really can't Give it to Your Majesty."

"However, if His Majesty allows it, I would like to stay in the Heavenly Court. This Chaos Clock is closely related to the stars in the sky. With it, the daily output of the Emperor's Oxygen in the Heavenly Court will increase by more than ten thousand times."


"Then the Jade Emperor agreed?"

In the dungeon, Li Anran saw Yang Jian nodding yes, and couldn't help exclaiming: "This Holy Mother of Wu is really not simple, she can bend and stretch! He thought of a way to deal with it in such a short time!"

"With this level of interest, the Heavenly Court will definitely not sit idly by and stop teaching, and stop teaching, so you don't have to worry about becoming the target of public criticism!"

Whether it was him, Yang Jian, Taiyi Tianzun, or Lingshan, they all thought that Jiejiao would choose between Buddhism and Taoism in the end.

They never expected that Jiejiao would turn around and take refuge in the Heavenly Court that they had previously disliked and tried their best to get rid of.

In today's Three Realms, Buddha, Taoism, and Heaven stand on top of each other, and because the Jade Emperor is the Supreme Being of the Three Realms appointed by Hongjun Daozu, basically it is Buddhism and Taoism competing, and Heaven is reconciling.

In this way, the status of heaven is naturally slightly higher than that of Buddhism.

But after Jiejiao defected to the Heavenly Court, the strength of the Heavenly Court has been greatly improved, not weaker than any of the Buddhist and Taoist schools.

In addition, it has the righteousness to rule the Three Realms and win people's hearts with the inexhaustible emperor liquid. It can be said that it has surpassed Xuanmen and Lingshan in every aspect!
With such a great benefit, Heavenly Court will definitely attach great importance to it and win over the shelter to stop the teaching, and the crisis of stopping the teaching will be lifted in an instant!

On the contrary, the status of Buddhism and Taoism is somewhat precarious!
The Wudang Virgin's hand is really brilliant and powerful!

Yang Jian also saw this layer, but he was happy instead of worried.

If the Heavenly Court can completely overwhelm the Buddhist and Taoist schools, then the Heavenly Rule will become the real rule governing the Three Realms, unlike the current situation where it can only restrain small fish and shrimp, and the Lingshan Taoist sect does not take it to heart!

In addition, this matter is also a good thing for Li Anran!
The Madonna of Wudang easily resolved the crisis of cutting off teaching, and kept the Chaos Clock in her hand justifiably.

Taiyi Tianzun will also have a sense of crisis, and pass the Four Swords of Jade Immortal to Li Anran in advance, so that Li Anran can practice the Jade Immortal Formation and prepare for fighting the Chaos Clock.

After talking about the story of the Holy Mother of Wu, Yang Jian talked about the Dragon King of Jinghe again.

Yang Jian investigated and found out that Zhou Tianxing's abnormal movement was a crime and meritorious service.

The Jade Emperor also reinstated other officials in accordance with the previous will, and changed from the power of the temporary judicial god to the real judicial god.

The first thing Yang Jian did was to help Jinghe Dragon King rehabilitate.

This matter was originally considered a major event, but with or without the Holy Mother and the Chaos Clock in front, it seemed a bit insignificant.

Coupled with the fact that Yang Jian had just returned to his post, the Jade Emperor did not shield Wu De Xingjun and Shui De Xingjun for the sake of Tianting's face, and refuted Yang Jian's face.

He didn't even summon the little white dragon, so he directly sent people to put Wu De Xingjun and Shui De Xingjun into the prison, and asked to beheaded soon.

All Wenwu Xianqing marveled at the Jade Emperor's trust in Yang Jian.

Yang Jian was not at all happy, but rather depressed.

What he wants is to use evidence to avenge Jinghe Dragon King Pingfan, and deal with Wu De Xingjun and his son and Shui De Xingjun according to the rules of heaven, instead of relying on privileges!
Even if he is exercising this privilege, he is no exception!
However, he also knew that these things could not be changed in a few words, so he didn't say much.

At the same time, he sent someone down to tell Xiao Bailong the whole story.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to escort Wu De Xingjun and his son and Shui De Xing Jun, he told Li Anran what happened in Lingxiao Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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