Chapter 213 White Peony

Yang Jian didn't stay in the dungeon for a long time, after talking with Li Anran about the Dragon King of Jinghe, he hurried to the Miaoyan Palace of the East Extreme, and reported the events of the early court to the Taiyi Tianzun.

Li Anran didn't want to delay for a second, and immediately opened the life of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and listened to the preaching of the Master Tongtian.

He knew that such opportunities were running out!

Sure enough, less than half a quarter of an hour later, Taibai Jinxing came to the prison together with the Madonna of Wudang.

"The Prison God stepped forward to accept the order." Taibai Jinxing read out the Jade Emperor's will.

The general content is to ask Li Anran to hand over the Holy Mother of Jinling to the Holy Mother of Wudang, and she will be in charge of managing Zhou Tianxing and Di Liuye.

If the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit does this well, she will pay off the credit; if she does not do well, she will be punished for both crimes.

With or without the Holy Mother watching, Li Anran decisively chose Congxin without saying a word, and released the Holy Mother of Jinling.

"Wu... Wu to be a senior sister?"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit woke up from her daze, stayed for a while, and then recalled what happened before, she immediately gritted her teeth angrily and roared fiercely: "Taiyi! Li Anran! I will kill you all!"

Li Anran behind the Holy Mother of Wudang: "..."

Li Anran stepped back silently.

Although he was sure that the Virgin of Wudang would not attack him at this time, he was also afraid of that.

His movement made the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit notice him!

"Nie Zhan, you are here!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was about to sacrifice the Dragon and Tiger Jade Ruyi with her hands, but found that the sea of ​​consciousness was empty, and the Dragon and Tiger Jade Ruyi, the Four Elephant Pagoda and the flying golden sword with her had all disappeared.

At this point, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was unwilling to stop, rolled up her long sleeves, and was about to throw it at Li Anran.

"Stop!" The Holy Mother of Wudang stopped the Holy Mother of Jinling, and asked in a deep voice: "Junior Sister, what is going on?"

The Holy Mother of Jinling did not dare to disobey the words of the Holy Mother of Wudang, so she had to stop temporarily, glared at Li Anran viciously, and told the story.

"Senior Sister, that Jiuling Yuansheng didn't know what ecstasy potion was poured into him by the real Taiyi. He wanted to stay with him and refused to go to Lishan with me. I thought about taking him back by force, but...unexpectedly... well!"

The Holy Mother of Jinling sighed, feeling ashamed that she failed to do what the Holy Mother of Wudang asked her to do.

A look of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Holy Mother of Wudang, she didn't understand why Jiuling Yuansheng did this, but she still comforted her face: "Junior Sister, there is no need to be like this. The real Taiyi is just lucky, and he walked a little farther than you. Now that the tribulation has passed, it is time to catch up, so there is no need to be so depressed."

"As for the Nine Spirits Primordial Sage, everyone has their own ambitions. Since he doesn't want to come back, let him go. I have always worked together, and I don't need such people."

"But..." The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit hesitated to speak.

The Holy Mother of Wudang said: "I will solve the matter of the Chaos Clock myself. It doesn't matter whether there is this Jiuling Yuansheng or not."

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit didn't know that the story of the Chaos Clock had already spread throughout the Three Realms. She was shocked when she heard the news, and was about to ask, but was stopped by the Holy Mother of Wudang.

"I'll tell you about these things later, you will follow me out of this prison first."

The Holy Mother of Wudang helped the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, patted her on the shoulder to show her peace of mind, and said to Li Anran, "Prisoner God, where is my junior sister's magic weapon? It should be returned to her."

Li Anran didn't make trouble for himself in this kind of matter, with a wave of his right hand, a golden light swept across, and returned all the magic weapons of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit to her.

The atmosphere on both sides suddenly eased up a bit.

Only the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was not reconciled to having suffered a disadvantage in front of Li Anran, and wanted to get back her position.

However, with the Virgin Mary on the sidelines, she could only suppress her anger in her heart.

Taibai Jinxing said: "Mother Li Shan, Lord Doumu Yuan, Your Majesty is still waiting for us in the Lingxiao Palace, let's go back quickly and return to our orders."

"Trouble Xingjun." The Holy Mother of Wudang was very polite to Taibai Jinxing, and respectfully responded.

The Holy Mother of Jinling was full of doubts, but seeing that the Holy Mother of Wudang shook her head at her, she could only suppress the doubts in her heart, followed the two of them, left the prison, and flew to the Lingxiao Palace.

Li Anran watched the three of them leave, and with some anticipation, drew extra rewards.

【Congratulations on getting the face value of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit! 】

Li Anran: "..."


Without the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and Chi Jingzi, Li Anran couldn't continue to listen to the sage's preaching, so he could only settle for the next best thing and listen to the Tathagata in the life of the Macaque King.

In the past, when he heard the Tathagata preaching the Dharma, he still thought that the stones from other mountains could be used to make jade, and he benefited a lot from analogy.

But with the Sanqing pearls and jades in front, the Tathagata will be completely lost!
Li Anran was a little uninterested in hearing this, and just waited for Lingshan to take the macaque king away, so that he could gamble his luck and see if he could get the macaque king's gifted six-eared supernatural power.

But after waiting for several days, there was no movement from Lingshan.

Instead, he waited for Taiyi Tianzun to summon him.

Li Anran naturally understood why Taiyi Tianzun called him at this time, and his heart burst into ecstasy, but on the surface, he still maintained his usual calm and respectful, just pretending that he didn't know anything, and came to the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain with Jinxia Boy.

After a salute.

Taiyi Tianzun said: "Li Anran, do you know why my teacher asked you to come here today?"

Li Anran said: "I don't know."

Taiyi Tianzun didn't speak, and looked at Li Anran quietly with a pair of magic eyes, as deep as the sea of ​​stars, with a hidden light surging, as if he wanted to see through everything about Li Anran.

— This is obviously impossible!
Li Anran has already raised Acacia to the full level, and his acting skills and emotional control are no worse than those of the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

Taiyi Tianzun was on him, and he only saw the respect and sincerity that he wanted Taiyi Tianzun to see.

Taiyi Tianzun didn't play charades anymore, he waved his right hand, a golden light flashed, and the four immortal swords of Zhuxian, Killing Xian, Juexian, and Trapping Xian suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

In an instant, red, gold, purple, and white rays of light circulated, and the sword energy staggered and rushed straight into the sky.

Zhu Xian's four swords trembled slightly, the sharpness of the blades cut through the void directly, leaving black cracks one after another.

Li Anran's breathing was stagnant.

He just watched from the sidelines, and he felt a sense of danger that his scalp was numb and his hair was standing on end, as if he would be hurt by the sharpness at will.

The fear that came from his life instinct made his body tense up, subconsciously wanting to back away.

"Master, are these the Four Swords of Zhu Xian?"

Li Anran knew very well that as a monk who was good at killing immortals, if he pretended to be calm or ignorant at this time, it would only make people feel hypocritical and contrived, on the contrary, it would make people disgusted.

He no longer concealed the excitement deep in his heart, his eyes were fixed on the four swords in front of him, his voice trembled a little, as if he was afraid of disturbing the four swords in front of him.

Taiyi Tianzun was very satisfied with Li Anran's reaction, nodded his head slightly and said: "At the time of the conferred god catastrophe, the sages of the Shangqing used these four immortal swords to set up an immortal formation outside the Jiepai Pass in an attempt to reverse the situation with the first killing formation in the three realms. number of days."

"Sage Yuqing joined hands with the four sages of Taiqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti to destroy it. I also ordered you, Uncle Guangchengzi, Uncle Chijingzi, Uncle Yuding, and Uncle Daoxing to separate Go to the four gates of east, west, north, south, and take off the four precious swords."

"Since then, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian have fallen into the hands of my teacher until today."

Speaking of this, Taiyi Tianzun suddenly raised his voice and called: "Li Anran."

"The disciple is here!" Li Anran responded loudly.

Master Taiyi said: "Although you have not been in my sect for a short time, in my eyes, you are more important than Nezha."

"Nezha has a violent temper, acts impulsively, and doesn't know how to forbear and give in. He can help our Taoist sect protect the law and slay demons and strengthen the momentum of my Taoist sect, but it can't guarantee the longevity of my Taoist sect."

"You and Yang Jian are different. Not only are you gifted and savvy, but your mind and resourcefulness are also far superior to ordinary people. The future of my Taoism lies in you and Yang Jian."

Seeing Li Anran's expression of shock and trepidation and wanting to speak, Taiyi Tianzun waved his hand, signaling Li Anran not to speak yet, and listen to him.

"Li Anran, you are extremely thoughtful and intelligent, you should have guessed why I called you here today."

Taiyi Tianzun gently pushed his hand forward, and the Four Swords of Jade Immortals flew in front of Li Anran, and continued: "I begged for these Four Swords of Jade Immortals from your four uncles, and they are also your uncles. Your trust and respect."

"Today, I will hand them over to you. I hope you will not disappoint their expectations, and become the Immortal Execution Formation as soon as possible, so as to clear the obstacles for my Taoist sect to suppress luck. What can you do?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Anran said solemnly: "Yes. Even if this disciple risked his life, he would never let down the expectations of his master and his uncles."

Taiyi Tianzun nodded slightly, and said: "Over there, I have already told the Jade Emperor. You will stay in the Golden Cave for this period of time to sacrifice to the Immortal Killing Formation. When the sacrifice is successful, you can go back. If you meet If you have any questions, you can come to me anytime.”

"I obey." Li Anran respectfully replied.

The weight of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals in the Three Realms may not be much lighter than that of the Chaos Clock.

Taiyi Tianzun was worried about letting him take away the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, but he himself did not dare.

Kunpeng dared to directly and secretly attack Patriarch Hongyun, who was also a guest of the ancient Zixiao Palace, for the sake of the primordial Ziqi.

If the news that he, a Taiyi Golden Immortal, holds the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and understands the formation of Zhu Xian, spreads!
There will only be ten times and a hundred times more people plotting against him than those plotting against Patriarch Hongyun.

Only when he succeeds in cultivating the Immortal Execution Formation and with the Immortal Execution Formation protection, even if he is not an opponent who has already beheaded the Zhunzhun Saint, he will have no problem protecting himself for a period of time.

In this way, Taiyi Tianzun and the others had time to rush over and rescue him.

Taiyi Tianzun didn't say anything more, and ordered Jinxia boy to take Li Anran to the quiet room in the back cave, while he stretched out his hand, picked a lotus flower from the lotus pond, and threw it into the air.

The lotus flower emitted a radiant light, and transformed into a white crane in mid-air, flapping its wings and flying towards the southeast.

All the way over the mountains and ridges, across half of Dongsheng Shenzhou, finally stopped above a mortal city, and flew towards the restaurant in the center of the city.

On the second floor of the restaurant, a boy who looked seven or eight years old, pink and jade-carved, with a red face and drunken eyes, was having a drink with a handsome man in a white robe with a folding fan stuck behind his neck.

At their feet, more than 20 wine jars weighing ten catties have been piled up, much higher than the table.

"Which bowl is this? Hasn't the winner been decided yet?"

"The little wine god drank three bowls of 170, and the scholar drank seven bowls of 190!"

"Is that much? Little Dionysus has met his opponent this time! His gold bricks are about to be exported!"

"Bah! This scholar's skinny appearance can be compared with the little Dionysus? Hurry up, little Dionysus! I pressed you for five taels of silver, you must not lose!"


The onlookers circled seven or eight circles outside, chattering and yelling louder and louder.

On a big table outside, there are two piles of gold, silver and money, which is a bet on who will fall first.

The boy known as the "Little Dionysus" is naturally Nezha!
Nezha didn't want to bow his head to Li Jing to admit his mistake, so he left Guanjiangkou and wandered around Dongsheng Shenzhou before the heavenly court summoned him back to heaven.

At the beginning, everything was normal. Nezha traveled around the mountains and rivers every day, and occasionally went hunting or picked some spiritual fruits to eat.

Until one day, Nezha was invited by a local wealthy businessman to a mortal restaurant because he saw injustice on the road to slay demons.

Then, the door to a new world opened.

Nezha found that although the ingredients in the mortal world were far inferior to those in the Heavenly Court, and there was no such thing as dragon liver and phoenix gall, they did not lose much to the Heavenly Court in terms of taste, and far surpassed the rigid banquet in the Heavenly Court in terms of style.

Therefore, Nezha's aimless wandering has a new goal——

Eat all the delicacies of Dongsheng Shenzhou!
But soon, Nezha encountered a big problem.

He has no money!

Nezha knows how to turn stones into gold, but blindness is blindness after all, no matter how long it lasts, it will eventually turn into a prototype.

Doing this kind of thing not only violates the rules of heaven, but also taints a lot of karma.

Nezha naturally wouldn't make such a mistake for the sake of talking.

After thinking about it, he thought of a way!
That is gambling!
Nezha doesn't drink very well, and when drinking with Yang Jian and Li Anran, he often drinks unconsciously.

However, what they drank were all immortal brews!

The mortal wine is far from being able to compare with the fairy wine in the sky in terms of alcohol strength!
Nezha can't drink fairy wine, but drinking ordinary wine is the God of Dionysus!
So, Nezha took out his magic weapon, the gold brick, as a bet, and gambled with others on wine.

If anyone can drink him, he will give him the gold brick!
If he can't drink enough, the other party will have to pay for his meals and drinks!

In this way, Nezha cheated on food and drink all the way, and even won the title of a little Dionysus, which is unmatched so far.

He likes this title very much, and also enjoys the lively scene of being surrounded and applauded.

Until, in Pingyang City, he met this white-clothed man in front of him.

This game has been drunk for a day and two nights, and there is no winner!
"Come again!"

Nezha is not convinced, it's fine for him to lose to the god of justice, the god of justice, the third prince of Nezha, how can he lose to others?
Holding back his drunkenness, he picked up a jar of wine and drank it down.

The man on the opposite side did not show weakness. With the same movement, the drinking speed was indeed a bit faster than Nezha.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of beating gongs and drums outside.

Someone was shouting: "Come and see! Bai Mudan! The oiran Bai Mudan is patrolling the streets!"

(End of this chapter)

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