What kind of situation
There are countless creatures in the world, and a large number of souls who died in vain appear every moment.

Most of the souls of these people who died in vain floated directly to the netherworld. Some went to Fengdu City under the control of the Yinsi of Mount Tai, and some entered the city of vain death built by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Only the souls of a very small number of those who were wrongly killed will come to the Mongolian Realm.

Nezha said that the Mongolian Realm was a place built by the Tathagata to hide dirt and evil for the sake of the reputation of Buddhism. He was not completely wrong, but it was not entirely correct.

In the Mongolian world, there are not only the souls of people who were killed unjustly by Buddhism, but also the souls of people who were killed unjustly by Taoism or demons.

Because they were killed, these wronged souls were more violent, resentful, and more obsessed than those souls who died in vain in Fengdu City.

The deeper the obsession, the stronger the power of belief.

The more violent and resentful they are, the more merit they will gain from saving them.

To a certain extent, this Mongolian realm is a gold mine for Buddhism that produces merit and belief.

Only those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who have made meritorious deeds in Lingshan and are respected by the Tathagata are qualified to sit in the Mongolian Realm Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda.

Li Anran and Nezha only waited for a moment, and then they saw golden whirlpools appearing on the Universe Map, and hundreds of innocent souls with blank faces appeared out of thin air on the Universe Map.

"What a powerful trick Tathagata has!" Nezha was shocked.

The Mongolian Realm is in the Qiankun Diagram, and the Qiankun Diagram is in the Lingjiu Cave. Nezha originally thought that the innocent souls had to enter the Mongolian Realm through the Lingjiu Cave.

But, in fact this is not the case!

When the Tathagata was refining the Mongolian Realm, he used some great means and magical powers. Once the souls of people who were wrongfully killed in the Three Realms appeared, they would automatically appear in the Mongolian Realm.

Like the soul to the underworld.

No matter when and where a creature dies, as long as it dies, it will automatically cross the boundary between yin and yang and appear in the underworld.

The underworld has this effect because Empress Pingxin transformed into the reincarnation tunnel and borrowed the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror from Zhen Yuanzi, and used the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror to investigate the three realms.

The Tathagata, relying only on himself, was able to build a realm similar to the underworld. This method is indeed very clever!
"There won't be a copycat version of the Treasure Book of Heaven and Earth in this Mongolian Realm, right?"

Li Anran suddenly remembered that Tathagata's predecessor was Taoist Duobao, a powerful man who was no worse than Taishang Laojun in refining weapons and was extremely good at making various knock-off versions of magic weapons.

From this point of view, Guanyin developed a copycat version of ginseng fruit made from boys and girls combined with the incense of blood relatives, which is somewhat true to the Tathagata.

On the Qiankun Map, golden ripples appear constantly on the lake surface like a rainy day. The larger the ripples, the more innocent souls appear in the Mongolian Realm. Sometimes there are only one or two, and sometimes there are thousands of them appearing together.

After entering the Mongolian Realm, they will be instantly soothed by the Sanskrit sounds...

Or it would be more appropriate to say forced brainwashing!
All the confusion, hatred, unwillingness and other emotions on their faces disappeared, leaving only piety and calmness. Then they would walk around the nearest pagoda, sit down cross-legged, recite sutras and chant the name of the Buddha.

Li Anran observed for a while and figured out the general situation of the Mengjie.

Li Anran asked: "Nezha, how did the innocent souls you are looking for die? How many are there in total?"

After death, most souls will remain in the state they were in before death.

As long as you know how Li Jing was silenced, you can find those wronged souls through his injuries.

And judging from the situation just now, the same group of innocent souls who entered the Mongolian Realm will stay together.

Quantity is also a key piece of information in finding them.

Nezha also understood Li Anran's thoughts in an instant. He stared at the Qiankun Map and said, "I'm not sure about the specific number, but there are at least two to three thousand people in a mortal town. Li Jing used the exquisite pagoda to trap them. Then burn them to death with the true fire of Samadhi!"

When Nezha talked about this, he gritted his teeth and became murderous.

It’s not all about a sense of justice or anything like that, it’s more about empathy!

Every time Li Jing dealt with him, he would first use the Linglong Tower to take him in, and then torture him with the Samadhi True Fire.

Nezha has the body of a lotus, and the five elements belong to wood. What he fears most is fire spells such as Samadhi True Fire.

In addition, his soul and body have become one, and burning his body is also burning his soul.

Even though Nezha's bones were extremely hard and he could cut off his flesh to return his mother's bones and return his father's bones, he could not withstand the torture of Samadhi True Fire and had to bow his head to Li Jing and beg for mercy.

"Found them, they're here."

Li Anran quickly found the wronged soul that met the conditions mentioned by Nezha, located in the northwest direction of the Mongolian border near the middle.

"It should be them."

Nezha was very clear about the burn marks left by the Samadhi True Fire. He took a closer look and confirmed Li Anran's judgment.

Li Anran drew a rough range around the innocent souls with his fingers, and said: "Nezha, when a vortex larger than three inches appears at this location on the Qiankun Diagram, we will go in and blend in with the newly appeared innocent souls."

"Okay." Nezha nodded.

He had just been paying attention to the golden vortex on the Qiankun Diagram. There were at least dozens of innocent souls in the three-inch vortex, and it was difficult to find them among them.

But then, Li Anran said again: "After we go in, let's not rush into it, wait until dawn."

Nezha was stunned: "Dawn?"

Li Anran said "hmm" and explained: "The Mongolian Realm refined by Tathagata is quite complete, and there are also changes in the sun, moon and stars day and night. The innocent soul is afraid of the sun, and it will not change in the Mongolian Realm."

"These innocent souls will definitely enter the pagoda during the day to avoid the sun. We can take this opportunity to find out what is going on inside the pagoda."

Nezha frowned slightly, with a look of doubt on his face: "Why are we making so much trouble? After we get in, I will hold the Buddha while you collect all the wronged souls. Then we will rush out and return to heaven immediately. That’s it!”

Li Anran said: "It's not as easy as you said! These pagodas are arranged with reference to the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation of Jiejiao. There are [-] in total. It is easy for us to enter, but it is not that easy to figure out!"

After the Immortal Killing Formation was broken by the Four Saints, the Tongtian Cult Leader summoned all the disciples of the Jie Cult to set up the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation that he created based on the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

It can be seen that in the eyes of the Tongtian Cult Leader, the power of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is even more powerful than the Immortal Killing Formation!

Although the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array arranged by Tathagata in the Mongolian Realm is not as good as the original Ten Thousand Immortals Array, it is not that easy to deal with.

In the sequel to Journey to the West, there is a saying that magic power cannot be used in the Mongolian realm, which should be the role of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array!
Li Anran also upgraded the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to the full level, and also learned the incomplete Ten Thousand Immortals Formation in Fake Tongtian Life.Otherwise, as soon as he discovered the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array, he would pull Nezha and turn around and leave without saying a word.

Leader Tongtian's Ten Thousand Immortals Formation failed to deal with the other four saints. Tathagata's Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation could deal with the two of them, so I'm afraid there would be no problem!
"Ten Thousand Immortals Formation?!"

Nezha was suddenly startled and did not dare to say anything. He and Li Anran transformed into ghosts, but he felt a little emotional in his heart.

At the beginning, Taiyi Tianzun and the others were afraid that he and Yang Jian would fall into the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, so they didn't dare to let them in. They only let them hold the formation outside!
Unexpectedly, after ten thousand years, he would go to the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation!

However, the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation of this Jie Sect has become the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation of Buddhism!

The two waited for about 10 minutes, and finally a golden vortex appeared within the area drawn by Li Anran on the Universe Map.

"Let's go!" Li Anran pulled Nezha and jumped into the whirlpool.

Along with the sky and the earth spinning, time and space intertwined, and countless seven-colored rays of light shrouded the surroundings.

When the glow dissipated, they were already in the Mongolian Realm. In front of them stood a nine-story pagoda, surrounded by the souls of the unjustly killed.

Although the sun, moon and stars alternate between day and night in the Mongolian Realm, the Buddha's light inside is too much and too dazzling.

Inside, you can't see the stars above your head at all. Wherever you look, there is a golden Buddha light, with countless dark golden Sanskrit words shining inside.

As soon as they came in, these Buddha's light and Sanskrit words were like all-pervasive air, instantly seeping into their bodies.

But for those truly wronged souls, it has penetrated into their souls!

All the wronged souls fell completely in an instant, and all their emotions turned into piety. They clasped their hands in front of their chests, chanted Buddhist scriptures, and moved closer to the pagoda in front of them.

Fortunately, I prepared in advance!
Li Anran turned his head and nodded slightly towards Nezha.

Nezha's anxious heart relaxed slightly and allowed the Buddha's light to continuously penetrate into his body.

In the palm of his hand, a swastika Buddha seal shone faintly.

The Buddha's light that entered Nezha's body only made one turn on the surface of Nezha's skin, and then converged into the Buddha's seal, making Nezha look like those innocent souls, infected and eroded by the Buddha's light, and completely controlled by the Buddha's teachings.

Li Anran and Nezha followed the example of those innocent souls, clasped their hands together, chanted Buddhist sutras, followed them, and finally sat together around the pagoda.

The two of them waited quietly for daylight to arrive while secretly observing the surrounding situation.

Nezha focused more on the innocent souls around him and the pagoda in front of him, while Li Anran observed the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation, becoming more and more frightened as he watched.

He had learned the incomplete Ten Thousand Immortals Formation in the life of Fake Tongtian, and had seen the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation arranged by the leader of Tongtian in the lives of Guanyin and Golden Spirit Mother.

Tathagata's Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation is very different from Tongtian Cult Leader's Ten Thousand Immortals Formation!
The Tathagata combines the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation with the magical power of the Buddhist Kingdom in the palm of Buddhism!

These more than 1 pagodas not only concentrate the power of faith on the central pagoda, which is used for the Buddha who guards the Mongolian realm to worship the six-foot-long golden body.

They, these innocent souls sitting around the tower and the power of faith are the basis for maintaining the existence of the Mongolian world!

It is not that magic power cannot be used in the Mongolian Realm, but that the Tathagata directly erases the concept of magic power and turns the power of Buddha's light belief into an existence similar to light in the air.

He previously thought it was the Buddha's light that blocked the light of the sun, moon and stars.

In fact, the sun, moon and stars emit the light of Buddha itself!

Taking this kind of great supernatural power and magic power a step further, it is what the leader of Tongtian said in the catastrophe of the Conferring Gods: "Re-establishing the earth, water, fire and wind"!
Tathagata's strength is stronger than he expected!
Li Anran was a little worried.

Although Nezha is still sitting there honestly, he can clearly feel that Nezha is filled with righteous indignation deep in his heart and wants to destroy the pagodas in front of him and save all the wronged souls.

No matter which one it is, it will destroy the entire Mongolian world!

The Tathagata must have put in a lot of effort to arrange ten thousand Buddha pagodas into an array of ten thousand immortals and build a kingdom of Buddha in the palm of his hand.

If they do this, they will no longer offend Tathagata, but they will offend Death Tathagata!

This is just like when the monkey broke into the Tushita Palace and wiped out the golden elixir of the Supreme Lord.

Taishang Laojun was so angry that he didn't care about his own image. He first threw a diamond to sneak attack the monkey, and when the monkey failed to be killed at the Immortal Killing Platform, he volunteered to put the monkey into the alchemy furnace for refining.

It is really unpredictable what Tathagata will do for the Mongolian Realm.

The days and nights in the Mongolian Realm are much shorter than those in the Journey to the West world. In less than half an hour, the moon in the sky gradually disappears and the rising sun slowly rises.

The alternation of day and night had no obvious impact on the Mongolian world filled with Buddha's light, but those innocent souls seemed to have set an alarm clock. They got up one after another and walked into the pagoda one after another.

That is to say, in the time it took to drink tea, the Mengjie that had just returned to the ghost world became empty without a single ghost.

And the moment they walked into the pagoda, those innocent souls regained their consciousness as if they were awakening from a dream. Their faces were filled with ferocious resentment, hatred or unwillingness, or they were wailing in pain.

Resentment and hostility intertwined together, making the interior of the pagoda, with its bright golden light rising outside, feel like an endless hell.

Many evil spirits wanted to rush out and seek revenge on their enemies.

At this moment, a prison-suppressing king suddenly appeared at the door, his eyes wide with anger, and he waved the demon-subduing pestle in his hand to beat them out.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Li Anran looked at the King of Purgatory and breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried that these [-] pagodas contained six-foot-long golden bodies of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!
In that case, even if he found a way to crack the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array, he would have no choice but to drag Nezha out first!
In the face of absolute power, no amount of skills are of any use!

Nezha asked: "Li Anran, what's going on? Why did they all return to normal as soon as they entered the pagoda? Does Buddhism want to wait until dark before using Buddha's light and Sanskrit sounds to control them again?"

Li Anran said: "If they are controlled by Buddhism for too long, they will completely lose themselves, and a puppet without a mind will not have the power of faith. The pagoda is used to isolate the Buddha's light and Sanskrit sounds from the outside. The alternation of day and night in the Mongolian world is different from this The Nine-Layered Pagoda controls that speed."

"The longer the innocent souls stay, the higher the level they have to go to. In this way, they have relatively more time to be influenced by the Buddhist dharma and Sanskrit sounds, and they will not lose themselves so quickly."


Nezha was stunned and immediately became furious: "These damn bald donkeys say that all living beings are equal, but they regard all living beings as ants in the grass and trees! This ghost place is simply more sinister and vicious than the eighteenth level of hell! What should we do now?" Do?"

Li Anran did not answer, but asked: "Nezha, what step do you want to achieve?"

(End of this chapter)

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