I am guarding the sky prison in Journey to the West

Chapter 274 Willing power?resentment!

Chapter 274 Willing power?resentment!

"It's best to destroy this mysterious world! If not, then at least send those innocent souls back to the underworld!" Nezha said without any hesitation.

Li Anran said: "These wronged souls themselves form the foundation of the Mongolian Realm. Without them, the Mongolian Realm will collapse in an instant."

Nezha was overjoyed, clapped his hands and shouted, "That's great! This saves us a lot of trouble!"

Li Anran reminded: "Tathagata has spent so much effort on the Mongolian Realm. If the Mongolian Realm is destroyed, he will definitely not give up."

Nezha didn't care at all and said: "If you don't give up well, you won't give up well. I'm still afraid of him? The cycle of life and death is the order of the three realms. It should be controlled by the underworld. It's his turn to show false mercy! I..."

Just as he was speaking, Nezha seemed to suddenly think of something. His voice paused and he looked at Li Anran suspiciously: "Li Anran, aren't you afraid?"

Li Anran said: "That's right! That's the Tathagata, the Buddha's World Honored One. To destroy the Mongolian Realm would be to offend him to death. Of course I'm afraid!"

Nezha: "..." No, why don't you play according to the routine?

Nezha snorted coldly, crossed his hands on his chest, and said with disdain: "If you are afraid, then just leave! I will do it myself!"

Li Anran couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

I always feel like your aggressive tactics are insulting my IQ!

Li Anran said angrily: "You do it yourself? Do you have the strength? Do you know how to break the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation? Can you break out of the Vulture Cave? I'm afraid that you have just started, and you will be blocked in the Mongolian Realm by Tathagata! At that time, the innocent soul was not rescued, and he got himself involved!"

Nezha was speechless by the rebuke, and became a little angry: "That's none of your business! Since you don't help me, I will find a way myself!"

Li Anran: "..." What the hell are you doing with such arrogance and a bit of grievance!

Li Anran stopped teasing Nezha and said seriously: "If I didn't want to help you, I wouldn't have come here! Nezha, there is often a thin line between bravery and recklessness! I just want you to see things clearly. The whole picture.”

"If we had just rescued the innocent souls that Li Jing had silenced, as we planned at the beginning, Tathagata would only be angry and resentful of you and me in his heart. Not only would he not say anything on the surface, he would even be impartial and selfless, and take the initiative to ask the Jade Emperor Punish Li Jing severely."

"But if we rescue all the innocent souls and destroy the Mongolian Realm, Tathagata will definitely be furious and what kind of things he will do is hard to say! You have to think clearly!"

"I want to rescue all the innocent souls!"

Nezha still didn't hesitate and said: "It's fine if I don't know about Mengjie. Now that I know all this, I can't just sit back and ignore it! I don't care what happens to Tathagata. I only know that I Must do!”

Li Anran looked at the determined Nezha in front of him and laughed: "Then we will rescue them all."

During the Catastrophe of the Gods, Nezha was not loved by his parents since he was a child, and was regarded by the people of Chentangguan as the disaster star that caused the drought. However, he was unconditionally protected and pampered by Taiyi Tianzun. It can be said that he became an out-and-out A naughty child, and a very destructive naughty child, causing many troubles.

But after experiencing the battle to defeat Zhou, he had completely transformed.

Now Nezha values ​​love and justice, is upright and kind, hates evil as much as he hates it, and cares about the common people...

Although there are still some shortcomings, he is definitely a qualified god, a person who can be entrusted with his life!

This kind of friend is worth making a deep friendship with and worth going through all the trouble for!

Not to mention, offending Tathagata is only a little troublesome, far from being as serious as being stabbed in the back!

"The Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was deduced by Master Tongtian from the Zhoutian Starry Formation. It is essentially not much different from the Zhoutian Starry Formation."

"The core of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation is the two stars of Taiyin and Sun. The Ten Thousand Immortals Formation combines the Taiyin and the Sun into one. The eye of the formation is the tallest pagoda in the middle. As long as the Buddha guarding the formation is killed, the The pagoda is destroyed, and the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is naturally broken."

"However, the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is a formation within a formation, one layer inside another. If you want to destroy the pagoda, you need to first destroy the formation within the formation where it is located."

"In order to make the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation more suitable for the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, Tathagata made some modifications to the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and turned the Three Talents Formation composed of Tai Chi, Liang Yi, Four Symbols and Three Formations that protect the eyes of the formation into a Buddha Formation..."

Li Anran introduced the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation to Nezha.

Nezha listened very carefully and nodded slightly from time to time.

He pretended.

Nezha could still understand the previous content, but when it came to the formation level, his mind was full of confusion.

Li Anran noticed the helplessness emanating from Nezha's heart and stopped.

After three to five seconds, Nezha came back to his senses and nodded fiercely: "That's it! I understand!"

Li Anran: "..." I haven't finished speaking yet!

Li Anran was too lazy to continue talking to Nezha, a reckless man, and jumped directly to the final conclusion: "The Mongolian world cannot use magic power. This is the case for us, and the same is true for the Buddha who guards here. When day and night turn, the pagoda door reopens. When the time comes, I will drive these innocent souls to riot and destroy the formation within the formation. We will take the opportunity to kill that Buddha, and the formation of Ten Thousand Buddhas will be broken."

Mengjie cannot use mana, but he can use Yuanshen, and the power of Yuanshen is even better than normal.

This is also the reason why these innocent souls can chant sutras and chant Buddha's name in the Mongolian world just like living people.

"Okay." Nezha nodded vigorously again, with an expression of approval on his face.

But what Li Anran felt from Nezha's mood swings was rolling his eyes and complaining——

You could have just said no earlier, it's so complicated!
Li Anran took a deep breath to calm down.

My brother was chosen by me, so I can’t beat him to death!
The length of day and night in Mongolia is different from that in the outside world. The pagoda has no windows and is completely dark. You cannot see the movements of the sun, moon and stars. You cannot determine the time, so you can only wait patiently.

Li Anran looked around and soon discovered that the four walls of the pagoda were covered with thumb-sized Sanskrit inscriptions, emitting an imperceptible white light.

"This is the Tripitaka of Mahayana Buddhism?!"

Li Anran was slightly taken aback.

The teachings of Jie Jiao suddenly flashed through my mind——

There is no distinction between education and discrimination, intercepting a glimmer of life for all sentient beings!
Although Taoist Duobao has transformed into a Buddha and became the World-Honored Tathagata of Lingshan, the shadow of Jie Jiao still remains in his bones.

This Tripitaka of Mahayana Buddhist scriptures is the glimmer of hope left by the Tathagata to these innocent souls!
If these innocent souls could calm down and understand the scriptures on the wall, they might be able to become Buddhas immediately.


Tortured by their hostility and resentment, these innocent souls have very little rationality and patience left, and very few of them can notice the Sanskrit writing on the wall!
And there are even fewer people who have noticed it and still know it!
Li Anran thinks it is unlikely that there will be people who can understand things thoroughly!
This glimmer of hope looks like a pretense, not sincere!

Time passed by minute by minute, that is, less than two hours passed.

The prison guard Ming Wang who guarded the pagoda turned into two golden lights and disappeared, and two more reliefs of Ming Wang appeared on the pagoda door.

Then, the tower door slowly opened, and the innocent souls could no longer bear being locked up in such a small place, so they rushed outside in a swarm.

And the moment he stepped out of the pagoda door, his mind was affected by the Buddha's light and Sanskrit sounds. He clasped his hands together, looked pious and respectful, and began to recite Buddhist scriptures.

Li Anran nodded towards Nezha, and used the power of his soul to use the "Ling Ji Sending General".

Ju Ling Qian Jiang was the first magical power that Li Anran learned, but he has never used it for so many years.

At first, it was because he couldn't use it in heaven, and later it was because he was too strong and couldn't use it.

At this time, in this Mongolian world, this general is just right!
For an instant.

The power of the soul swept across the entire Mongolian world.

A faint green light appeared in the eyes of the ghosts.Their devout look with their hands folded has not changed, and they are still queuing up. Depending on the time they arrived in Mongolia, those who came first sat cross-legged near the pagoda, and those who came later sat cross-legged on the outside.

The Buddha who was responsible for guarding the Mongolian Realm did not notice anything unusual.

When the wronged souls walked out of the pagoda, he sat cross-legged on the central pagoda as usual, and projected his figure into the sky and the earth, forming a huge Buddha shadow standing tall on the sky and the earth.

After all the wronged souls sat down, they chanted Buddhist scriptures.

Wisps of wish energy condensed into the pagoda in front of them, and then followed the invisible golden thread in the void towards the central pagoda.

"Namo Amitabha."

The Buddha clasped his hands in front of his chest and used the Buddha's light and Sanskrit sound to inspire the power of these vows to gather on the six-foot-long golden body in the pagoda.

Just then, a mutation arose.

In the pagoda, wisps of black mist suddenly appeared on Zhangliu's golden body, which was shining with golden light and emitting seven colors.

The expression of the six-foot-long golden body also changed accordingly, from majestic and solemn to strange and malicious, just like Buddha transformed into Mara, which made people tremble with fear.

"No! This is not Wishli!"

The Buddha's expression suddenly changed and he cried out, "This is resentment!"

Before he finished speaking, countless wronged souls sitting around the pagoda in the entire Mongolian world suddenly raised their heads and looked at him. Their faces no longer had piety and respect, but with an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile: "Buddha Mercy! Sacrifice yourself to feed the eagle! We are so grateful!"

The Buddha's heart trembled, and he felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart.

Not because these ghosts are so scary!

With his strength, even if there were ten times more of these innocent souls, he could still kill them with his backhand!

But because of his six-foot-long golden body!

The six-foot-long golden body can absorb the power of incense and fire, as well as the energy of hostility and resentment.

Most of the time, incense, desire, power and hostility and resentment are actually entangled with each other.

——When people burn incense and pray for blessings, they will more or less be dissatisfied and resentful towards reality.

Therefore, when the Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Arhat are offering sacrifices to the Zhangliu Golden Body, they need to first peel off the hostility and resentment, and use pure incense and vows to sacrifice the Golden Body. Among weapons, enhance the lethality of weapons.

This kind of separation is difficult to achieve completely, so there will always be a trace of hostility and resentment in Zhangliujin's body. Once it gets out of control, it will go crazy.

This can be said to be one of the biggest flaws of the Zhangliu Golden Body.

The most precious thing about the Mongolian Realm is that under the control of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda, these innocent souls contribute the purest incense and wish power, which not only saves them the process of stripping away their hostility and resentment, but also eliminates any hidden dangers.

This is also the reason why the Buddha dared to directly introduce the power of vows into the Zhangliu Golden Body.

But now, Li Anran used the spirit-restraining generals to control these innocent souls, replacing the power of incense and desire with the resentment and violence in their bodies.

The Buddha was unprepared and poured all his resentment and hostility into his six-foot-long golden body.

Almost instantly.

Zhangliu's golden body was completely eroded by hostility and resentment, and he directly transformed from the Buddha's body into the demon's body.

The Zhangliu golden body was connected to the soul. At the same time as the golden body was transformed into a demon, the Buddha also suffered a backlash in an instant. Wisps of black threads spread from the center of his eyebrows like a spider web, covering his entire body in an instant.

A surge of uncontrollable rage surged into the sky. The Buddha's eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and a violent and murderous intention to destroy everything arose in his heart.

Without any hesitation, the Buddha slapped his chest with his backhand, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out.

Black blood fell on the pagoda, making a hissing sound, and wisps of black mist rose up, turning into ferocious faces in mid-air, and then gradually dissipated under the light of Buddha.

The black lines on the Buddha's body faded a little, and his eyes regained some clarity.

"If you want to obtain the Pure Land, you should purify your mind. If your mind is pure, then the Buddha Land will be pure..."

The Buddha didn't care at all about the reason why all this happened, and immediately clasped his hands together and started chanting.

He can save thousands of wronged souls in an instant, but when the resentment of thousands of wronged souls pours in together, even if he has attained the Buddhahood, he will never be able to resist it!
If you are not careful, not only will you become obsessed, your character will change drastically, but your countless years of hard work will be completely ruined!
Now he can only pray that the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas can protect him, and that the World Honored One can detect the changes in the Mongolian world as soon as possible, come...


Before he could finish his thoughts, loud noises came from around him.

I saw black lines appearing on the surrounding pagodas, and countless black mist filled the air, turning the entire world into a gray mist.

The pagoda lost its luster at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning from golden and green to gray-black. Cracks spread from the bottom of the tower, and countless glazed tiles shattered and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.

not good!

The Buddha was horrified.

Although he is the Buddha who has guarded the Mongolian world for hundreds of years, the word "guarding" is just a word. In fact, it is the reward he has earned for his contribution to Buddhism!

He only knew the efficacy of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda, but did not really understand the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array. He had never thought that someone would actually dare to stroke the tiger's beard and attack the Mongolian world!

However, looking at the scene in front of him, he also knew that something was wrong!

This Thousand Buddha Pagoda may not be able to hold on anymore!
"All living beings come from the beginningless, and are born and die one after another. They all do not know the eternal true mind, the pure nature and the bright body..."

The Buddha chanted sutras faster and faster, trying his best to suppress his resentment and anger. At the same time, he also took out his personal magic weapon and was ready to take action at any time.

But, he didn't wait for a reaction.

There was a sudden pain in his chest.

The Buddha tried his best to lower his head and saw only the tip of a spear and a touch of red tassel.

Is this the end...

The Buddha's eyes went dark, and infinite reluctance surged in his heart, but he was powerless to change everything.


In Daleiyin Temple, Tathagata was giving lectures to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas when he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart and stopped.

next second.

Tathagata realized that the Mongolian Realm had been destroyed!

"Evil! Dare!"

The Tathagata showed a hint of anger, and without even bothering to talk to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, he disappeared directly.

Only a group of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were left looking at each other, at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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