The Tathagata's escape technique is extremely fast, and the distance from Lingshan Mountain to Daxue Mountain, which is hundreds of thousands of miles away, can be reached in an instant.

"Disciples pay homage to me, the Buddha Tathagata." The cave guarding Arhat was startled when he saw the Tathagata suddenly appear, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Tathagata glanced at the Demon Eye Mirror and the Six-Character Mantra on the east gate. Seeing that they were intact and showed no signs of triggering, a flash of doubt flashed in his eyes and he asked: "Have you noticed anything unusual in the past few days in Lingjiu Cave?"

The two Arhats looked at each other. They didn't know why Tathagata would ask this question, but they still shook their heads and said, "No, everything is as usual."

Tathagata said nothing more and walked directly to the inner cave of Lingjiu Cave.

The two Arhats were already surprised to see Tathagata coming alone. At this time, they realized that something was wrong and hurriedly followed them in.

As soon as they entered the inner cave of Lingjiu Cave, they noticed that the picture of the universe hanging on the wall of the inner cave had lost its luster, and all the innocent souls of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda in the picture had disappeared, turning into a blank scroll.

"What's going on?" The two Arhats were shocked and hurriedly went to check. They found that the Qiankun Diagram had been destroyed and the Mongolian Realm no longer existed.

Knowing the importance of the Mongolian Realm, the two Arhats suddenly broke out in cold sweat. They kowtowed and apologized: "My disciple failed to fulfill his duty of protection, causing the demon to break into the Vulture Cave and destroy the Mongolian Realm. Please punish the Buddha."

"Get up. It's not your fault."

Tathagata did not offend them.

These two Arhats are just Taiyi Golden Immortals!
The thieves who sneaked into the Vulture Cave were able to avoid the Demon Mirror and the Six-Character Mantra, and were able to break the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation and destroy the Mongolian Realm. Their strength was far beyond their comparison!
Tathagata gently turned his right hand, and a palm-sized bronze mirror appeared in his palm, with the word "Heaven and Earth" squarely engraved on it.

But it is a treasure mirror of heaven and earth forged by Tathagata!
It is also because of this copycat version of the Book of the Earth that the Mongolian Realm can have the effect of collecting the souls of the unjustly killed people in the three realms like the underworld.

Tathagata threw the imitation version of the Treasure Mirror of Heaven and Earth into the air, chanted a mantra in his mouth, and shouted: "Open!"

I saw the fake version of the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror shining brightly. The mirror cover with the words "Heaven and Earth" engraved on it slowly opened, and the golden light flowed on the mirror, revealing the scene in the Lingjiu Cave.

The two Arhats immediately understood that Tathagata was projecting the scene of the Spiritual Vulture Cave, and their eyes widened, wanting to see who dared to be so bold and disturb Tai Sui.

Then, as the Buddha's light circulated, most of the scenes inside the Lingjiu Cave were revealed.

But in the center, there is always a large blurry picture.

If there are people from later generations, they will definitely recognize that this blurry thing is a mosaic!
And it’s a huge mosaic!
With it blocked, not to mention the appearance and attire of Li Anran and Nezha, but even their tall, short, fat and thin figures could not be seen clearly.

Both Arhats looked disappointed, but Tathagata said lightly: "You are indeed quite capable!"

He was praising him, but his eyes showed a chill.

Tathagata waved his sleeves, and shot out several golden lights one after another, which fell on the fake version of the Treasure Book of Heaven and Earth. .

This golden light is not magic power, but merit and luck!

If Zhen Yuanzi wants to exert the full effect of the treasure mirror of heaven and earth, he needs to offer ginseng fruit.

If Tathagata, a copycat version of the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror, wants to exert greater power, it will need to consume a lot of merit and luck!

In terms of price, it is larger than the real treasure mirror of heaven and earth, but the effectiveness is even worse!
However, this is enough!
The mosaic in the mirror seemed to have been erased, fading a lot in an instant.

Although the facial features of Li Anran and Nezha cannot be clearly seen, one can roughly see how tall, short, fat and thin they are.

"That short man is Nezha!" The two Arhats recognized him at a glance and shouted.

Li Anran was in the prison on weekdays and rarely went out. Therefore, his reputation had spread throughout the three realms, but very few people had seen him in person.

Nezha is different.

Fame and reputation, special attire.

Not to mention the Arhats who have seen him in the Buddhist world, even ordinary people will guess Nezha when they see this blurry portrait!
"Buddha..." Just as the two Arhats were about to ask for help, they found that the Tathagata had disappeared before their eyes.

But just a moment ago, Nezha took advantage of the opportunity when the Buddha who was guarding the Mongolian Realm went crazy and stabbed him to death with one shot.

Without the host, the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation only relied on instinct to operate, and its power was instantly weakened by more than ten times.

Li Anran drove a group of innocent souls to directly destroy the core pagodas, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array was subsequently broken.

This sounds very simple, but it is not easy to do.

The combination of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array and the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm forms the foundation of the Mongolian Realm. Even if it is weakened ten times, it is still very powerful and cannot be cracked by ordinary people.

However, Li Anran is not only good at the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, but also familiar with the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. He is also proficient in the magical power of the Buddhist Kingdom in his palm.

When you know yourself and the enemy, it will be much easier to break the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array!
He first continued to infuse the violence and resentment into the Buddha's Zhangliu Golden Body, causing the Zhangliu Golden Body to transform into a demonic riot, breaking through the core of the formation that was the core and most defensive from the inside.

Later, he micro-manipulated a group of innocent souls to destroy the remaining seventeen key pagodas guarding the formation, cutting off the connection between the pagodas.

This is the destruction of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array.

Li Anran knew that the Mongolian Realm was created by Tathagata and was connected to his mind. Once the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array was broken and the Mongolian Realm was destroyed, Tathagata would be able to detect it instantly.

Therefore, while Li Anran broke the formation, he had already begun to gather all the enemies in one place and temporarily put them into the treasure bag.

Li Anran had done this before in his fake Tongtian lair, and now he was even more familiar with it.

After collecting all the wronged souls, Li Anran immediately took Nezha out of the Vulture Cave using the earth escape technique.

He did not return to heaven, but flew to the Golden Light Cave in Qianyuan Mountain!

Among the three realms, the only one with the same status and strength as Tathagata is their master Taiyi Tianzun!

Moreover, the good corpse of Taiyi Tianzun, Dongji Qinghua Emperor, has the duty of extraditing the souls of the suffering souls to die, which coincides with this matter.

Qianyuan Mountain Jinguang Cave is located in Dongsheng Shenzhou, while Daxue Mountain Lingjiu Cave is located in the extreme west of Xiniu Hezhou.

The two were thousands of miles apart. Li Anran was worried about the long nights and many dreams, so he didn't release Nezha from his palms. He used the art of turning the rainbow all the way without any delay.

"Li Anran, haven't we come out yet?" Nezha couldn't help but ask after waiting in Li Anran's hand for a long time.

"It's already out. We are now on the way to Qianyuan Mountain." Li Anran said.

"Go to Qianyuan Mountain?!" Nezha was startled and panicked: "If we don't go back to Heaven, what are we going to do in Qianyuan Mountain?"

Li Anran asked: "What are you going to heaven for? Has Tathagata violated any heavenly law?"

Before Nezha could speak, Li Anran gave the answer himself: "No! What Tathagata did in the Mongolian Realm was very excessive, but it did not violate the laws of heaven, at least on the surface!"

"The reason why he created the Mongolian Realm was to pity all living beings and to give a place to the souls of those who were wrongfully killed. He was upright, compassionate, and no one could find any fault with it."

"The power of Buddhism, Sanskrit music, incense, fire, and vows can be interpreted as to save the souls of grievances and resolve their resentment and hostility. We... no, even if the entire three realms know that he is lying, who has the evidence? Who dares to stand up and confront him? "

Nezha was stunned and a little unwilling: "But..." Li Anran interrupted him directly: "There is no but! Nezha, you should know that since ancient times, in these three realms, the strong have always been respected. The weak prey on the strong. Fairness, justice, heaven's rules, heaven's rules... in the eyes of many people are just a glossy coat, important but not that important."

"It's impossible for Heaven to stand up and uphold justice. In the eyes of gods like the Jade Emperor, those wronged souls are probably not even ants, and they don't care. We want...not good!"

Li Anran's expression suddenly changed, he turned around and wanted to leave in another direction, but it was still a step too late.

"Prison God, please stay!"

Accompanied by a sound like a bell, ripples appeared in the void in front of him. First, a golden lotus of merit appeared, shining brightly, and then a figure appeared on the lotus platform.

The headdress is snail hair, with a bun showing on the top, a round face, delicate eyebrows, a monk's branch inside, an open chest, a cassock, hands in Dharma seals, and a divine ring of merit behind the head.

It is the Buddha Great Sun Tathagata, the Buddha!
"Amitabha." The Tathagata clasped his hands together and said, "I have heard about the power of the prison god for a long time. When I saw him today, he was really an extraordinary talent in the three realms."

Why did you catch up so quickly!

Li Anran screamed secretly in his heart, but with a calm expression on his face, he saluted and said, "Buddha is wrong about praising you. Who dares to use the word "prestige" in front of Buddha?"

The Tathagata was noncommittal and asked, "Where is the Great God of the Three Altar Seas?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Anran was [-]% sure that Tathagata had found out about Mengjie and it was him and Nezha who did it.

However, Li Anran would not admit it and deliberately delayed the time: "Buddha asked the wrong person. I was ordered by the God of Justice to go down to inspect the three realms. How do I know the whereabouts of the three altars of Haihui?" The right hand in his sleeve quietly Pinch the magic formula.

This place is already beyond the scope of Xiniu Hezhou, and it is not far from Dongsheng Shenzhou. As long as he makes some noise, Taiyi Tianzun will have a big...

Li Anran had not yet finished his thoughts and had just completed the magic formula, when he suddenly felt something was wrong and looked up suddenly.

Above the head, the scorching sun disappeared without knowing when, and was replaced by a bright golden light, which reflected the entire sky in gold.

In the golden light, wisps of bright red were faintly visible.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the golden light was composed of strips and lumps, with red as the deeper background.


The Tathagata covered the entire sky with his cassock!

Li Anran immediately realized what was going on.

While he was stalling for time, Tathagata was also stalling for time, secretly covering the entire sky with his cassock, isolating the space where he was from the Three Realms.

This Tathagata is indeed more powerful than Lao Yin!
Li Anran couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Most of the monks from the three realms he has met over the years, whether they are demons, monsters, gods, or Buddhas, have a very high moral bottom line and do things simply and directly.

This gave him, a time traveler with a flexible moral bottom line, a lot of advantage!

It is really rare for an old Yinbi like Tathagata to praise in person while taking action in secret!

This is probably one of the reasons why Tathagata can lead Lingshan all the way to catch up with Xuanmen!
Li Anran no longer kept any secrets, and directly used the diamond file to stab the cassock above his head.

I want to use some Arrancar to block the space blocked by the cassock!

He also turned into a golden light, followed closely behind, and wanted to escape as soon as the Vajra file broke open the cassock!
"Amitabha. Did the prison god do something wrong in being so eager to leave?"

The Tathagata clasped his hands together, and the Buddha's light was rising all around him. The cassock above his head was rustling, and the endless Buddha's light was as vast and rolling as the ocean waves.

"Bah! Old Tathagata! You must have done something wrong!" Nezha couldn't help it and yelled in Li Anran's palm.

Li Anran didn't care about this.

The Buddha's light above his head became thicker and thicker, more and more dazzling, falling from the sky like a sharp blade.

This power is thousands of times stronger than the golden light of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord!
Even though Li Anran was physically strong, his eyes stung slightly.

Dimly, he saw a huge Buddha's Dharma image stretching across the sky, in the shape of a vajra's glaring eyes, and its power was terrifying.

"Om! Mah! Ni! Ba! Mi! Hum!"

The Buddha's Dharma image uttered six-character mantras, looked down from a high position, held the demon subduing seal with his hand, and patted it down heavily.

The golden Buddha palm fell like a continent, and the palm lines on it were as huge as a canyon.

The Buddha's palm struck the diamond file, as if turning the earth upside down and hitting a needle, but a burst of dazzling golden light erupted.

The Buddha's light is like a whirlpool of mud, constantly resolving the sharp forward momentum of the diamond file. The Buddha's Dharma is more powerful than a copper wall and is indestructible.

The Vajra File, which has always been invincible, finally met its opponent this time and barely broke through the Buddha's light defense. When it finally hit the golden Buddha's palm, it was already at the end of its strength.

There was only a crisp sound of "dang", but it did not hurt the Buddha's palm at all. Instead, it was knocked back by the huge force of the Buddha's palm.

The Buddha's palm only paused for a moment before slapping Li Anran on the head again.

Palm of Tathagata?
Li Anran's mind suddenly flashed back to the movie scenes he had watched in his previous life, and he suddenly gathered his thoughts.

What is supreme supernatural power to ordinary monks is just a slap in the face to Tathagata!

Li Anran was never one to suffer losses. He roared angrily and his whole body lit up with golden flames.

He swayed his body and directly used the magical power of the Dharma, Heaven and Earth, and instantly became upright, on par with the Buddha's Dharma in the sky.

The palm as white as jade met the golden Buddha palm.

It looks like heaven and earth come together.

next second.

A loud bang came.

The void trembled and burst instantly.

Countless black cracks spread out like thunder and lightning, covering a million miles in an instant.

However, this million-mile radius is not the real million-mile radius, but a small thousand worlds shrouded in cassocks, the Buddha's Kingdom in the palm of your hand!
Li Anran found that Tathagata seemed to really like the magical power of holding the Buddha's kingdom in his palm. The same was true for the Mongolian realm in the picture of the universe, and the same was true for the cassock above his head.

A sudden guess flashed through Li Anran's mind. Before he could think about it, a golden ring suddenly appeared and hit Tathagata head-on.

But Nezha couldn't hold it any longer, so he looked out from between Li Anran's fingers and threw him out of the circle of heaven and earth. (End of chapter)

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